The elf, hands clasped behind his back, grinned and waggled his eyebrows at the Senator's whisper. He held his dented staff, in which he'd used to imitate mages for ages, in hand and would use it to tap the seat of
BrunchingPadre to garner his attention. "Aha. Ask away, as you will. Magic isn't too difficult once you get a feel for it, hmm? You'll be a
wiz in no time." He'd smirk at his own pun, thinking it much more clever than it actually had been.
With the approach of the other man,
Oxoman, he turned, keeping an ear on the previous for his question, and cocked his head while considering the question. "Aha. Well, as you can see
here, the Regalian law on magic is somewhat widespread, meaning any mage 'cult' on a continent that adheres to its law will have to hide itself. However, not every continent is under Regalian control. As it says in the new magic lore, we elves are much more accepting and tolerant of mages and their like, so any free mages, or groups or 'cults' will most-like be in Daendroc. So, in short, and to answer your question, a small 'cult' would be appropriate if their location was within elven territory where their persecution would be little to none."