
♫ ♫
"How strange the heart was, capable of making you lose your head over a monster."
Character Information
𐙚 Alias: Satine
𐙚 Nicknames: Mini/Minnie, Ettie
Heritage: Ailor𐙚 Nicknames: Mini/Minnie, Ettie
𐙚 Culture: Haute Ithanian
Age: 26 𐙚 Birthday: March 28th, 286 AC
𐙚 Star Sign: Aries
Pronouns: She/Her𐙚 Star Sign: Aries
Religion: Evolism
𐙚 Devotee of Int, Enjoyer of Armas
Occult Status: Greater Vampire {Active} 𐙚 Bloodline: Vintgast
Magic Alignment: VoidCharacter Occupation: Personal Assistant and Maid
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Sage Green────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Appearance Information
Skin Color: Pale White
Hair: Raven Black
Height: 5'6
Body Type: A bit chubby, with light muscle build up.
Standing at 5'6, Minette is a pale woman with long, dark hair that lands at her waist. She has pale green eyes that often appear sleepy or unamused, though the rosy roundness to her cheeks helps to combat total rbf accusations. Appearing somewhat matronly in her figure, one would likely be surprised to see she is a bit stronger than she appears (Though, not by much.) She prides herself on staying neat and well kept, keeping her hair styled and decorated, her makeup finely done, and all outfits or uniforms well ironed and smooth. While an enjoyer of fine jewelry, she tends to lean to the more simple pieces as to not overcrowd an outfit. Still, she would be sad to forget a matching pair of colored lenses any time she goes out on the town.
While in her vampire shift, she goes by the name Satine. Satine stands at roughly six foot, and has a bit more muscle build up, but not much. Her skin is much paler and her hair is stark white, with her eyes burning red. She is more unkept while in this form, her hair often having loose tendrils and curls flying away even when she takes the time to put it into an updo. Most significantly in this form, Satine gains extra eyes, as well as three sets of aesthetic wings. She has two of the additional eyes on her cheek bones, four across her collar, and several dotting around her back where the wings attach.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Skill Information
𐙚 Alchemy (Specifically for cleaning solutions.)
𐙚 Proficient: Common, d'Ithanie
𐙚 Conversational: Letz,
𐙚 Barely Speakable: Altalar, Canta
𐙚 Conversational: Letz,
𐙚 Barely Speakable: Altalar, Canta
Constitution: 1
𐙚 Iron Will (Ailor Free Training)
Dexterity: 7
Deadeye Point Buy
𐙚 Overwatch
𐙚 Crit
𐙚 Quickshot
𐙚 Pinshot
𐙚 Luckshot
Roguery Point Buy
𐙚 Fate's Wheel
𐙚 Nimble Bola
Magic: 8
𐙚 Magic Resist
𐙚 Magic Shove
𐙚 Magic Snare
𐙚 Magic Isolate
𐙚 Magic Cleanse
𐙚 Magic Revenge (Ailor Free)
Adapt Point Buy
𐙚 Shapeshift
𐙚 Wardrobe
Dex Attack 7 | Magic Defence 5

Overview | Personality | Motives |
On the surface, Minette is a highly trained, personal maid hailing from Ithania. She is well versed in the intricate details needed to impress those standing among the highest of societies, and tends to her duties with a sickly sweet smile. | Mild mannered and soft spoken, Minnie tends to mutter her thoughts and play coy when questioned. She is a person who hides her true emotions, often defaulting to aloof ambiguity or that classic, customer service nice. Rarely does she stray from her preset responses. | To a stranger, it would appear as though Minette simply lives to serve. She devotes herself to her work, and seems to take great pride in a job well done. Behind that front desk smile lies a bed of secrets however, and a literal bloodlust that continues to drive her hand. |
Plot Hooks
Characters seeking hired help may wish to take a gander at Minette's business page, Vasseur Maids & Services
Characters familiar with the Malkaveau family might try to gather information about their wares or social standings through this maid.
Born to a humble merchant and her husband, Minette came into the world as part of a trio, all three girls being given the names of fine fabrics. From birth she was known as Satine, her sisters as Soie and Cachemire. While deeply loved, their parents often struggled to keep food on the table. By their 10th birthday, it had been decided the girls would be enrolled in Madame Kaplan's Academy, a preparatory school where children were taught the ways of high society, and how to be of service to those within it.
Satine excelled in her classes, proving over the years that her skills as a handmaid would likely be highly sought after. She learned languages spoken by the higher classes, how to cook, clean, sew, and tend to a household. She learned of event planning, hosting, and how to be of proper aid to the head of an estate. When graduation finally rolled around, she had earned top marks and many believed she would be quick to find a contract.
The thoughts were right, as she was soon approached by the steward of a foreign Lord with a contract to serve at his estate. With no reason to turn down the offer, Satine signed the contract, packed her meager belongings, and set off to her new home.
When she arrived, she found a tense, grey village full of scared faces and closed shutters. Those on the streets leered at her passing carriage, though murmurs of "gonner" met her ears. The estate itself was cold and foreboding, a stone brick mass at the foot of a mountain. Upon entering, she found very few other staff members to greet her. Finally she met the man himself, Lord Fereoux. He was a giant man, his presence turning her blood to ice. His stance was enough to strike fear into her, though as she allowed her gaze to lift even higher, she was taken in total shock. The man made no attempts to high the red haze of his eyes, the tell tale sign of a vampire.
Each and every waking moment, Satine did her best to remain quiet and out of sight. She lived in fear of upsetting the monster she worked for, the other staff sharing hushed stories of others being turned into a meal had they not done their jobs well. She worked hard, and said not a word. To her absolute horror however… Her willingness to shut up and work even when afraid for her life was the very thing that drew the attention of the vampire Lord. Fereoux began to call upon her for personal tasks, having her at his side to assist now daily. She still did as she was told, getting the job done as well as she could manage.
As time passed, her nerves surrounding the monster and his nature began to dwindle. There had been nights where screams filled the halls, but never had he lifted a hand towards her. Satine had decided long ago to make herself invaluable to his staff, so even cleaning the red stained stones became common, easy work for her. As she became more and more desensitized to the horrific happenings around her, the Lord's curiosity grew. In time, an offer was made.
The Greater Vampire called her before his seat in the main hall, and explained in no sweet terms the exact nature of his being. The harsh reality of a vampire, but also the strength and power that came along with it. He left the choice in her own hands, to become a beast or not was up to her. She took several days to weigh her options but by the end of it, her own curiosity was the deciding factor. Satine allowed herself to be bitten and turned, imbuing her body with the blood curse. From then on she no longer served the household as a maid, but was taken under the wing of the Lord Fereoux.
She was a slow learner at first. The abilities and strengths of her sanguine gift did not come easily. She worked hard though, taking every word of advice in stride. Over the next three years, she trained and worked to build herself up. Every passing moon left more words of praise flooding from the Lord himself. With her mind clouded with the boosted ego of a vampire though, she eventually began to see her own strengths surpassing that of her Lord's. There came the day that she challenged him, the very question sending Fereoux into a fiery mood. He asked why she dared challenge her maker, questioning why the gift he so benevolently gave was not enough. She charged on though, and a bloody battle ensued.
Satine excelled in her classes, proving over the years that her skills as a handmaid would likely be highly sought after. She learned languages spoken by the higher classes, how to cook, clean, sew, and tend to a household. She learned of event planning, hosting, and how to be of proper aid to the head of an estate. When graduation finally rolled around, she had earned top marks and many believed she would be quick to find a contract.
The thoughts were right, as she was soon approached by the steward of a foreign Lord with a contract to serve at his estate. With no reason to turn down the offer, Satine signed the contract, packed her meager belongings, and set off to her new home.
When she arrived, she found a tense, grey village full of scared faces and closed shutters. Those on the streets leered at her passing carriage, though murmurs of "gonner" met her ears. The estate itself was cold and foreboding, a stone brick mass at the foot of a mountain. Upon entering, she found very few other staff members to greet her. Finally she met the man himself, Lord Fereoux. He was a giant man, his presence turning her blood to ice. His stance was enough to strike fear into her, though as she allowed her gaze to lift even higher, she was taken in total shock. The man made no attempts to high the red haze of his eyes, the tell tale sign of a vampire.
Each and every waking moment, Satine did her best to remain quiet and out of sight. She lived in fear of upsetting the monster she worked for, the other staff sharing hushed stories of others being turned into a meal had they not done their jobs well. She worked hard, and said not a word. To her absolute horror however… Her willingness to shut up and work even when afraid for her life was the very thing that drew the attention of the vampire Lord. Fereoux began to call upon her for personal tasks, having her at his side to assist now daily. She still did as she was told, getting the job done as well as she could manage.
As time passed, her nerves surrounding the monster and his nature began to dwindle. There had been nights where screams filled the halls, but never had he lifted a hand towards her. Satine had decided long ago to make herself invaluable to his staff, so even cleaning the red stained stones became common, easy work for her. As she became more and more desensitized to the horrific happenings around her, the Lord's curiosity grew. In time, an offer was made.
The Greater Vampire called her before his seat in the main hall, and explained in no sweet terms the exact nature of his being. The harsh reality of a vampire, but also the strength and power that came along with it. He left the choice in her own hands, to become a beast or not was up to her. She took several days to weigh her options but by the end of it, her own curiosity was the deciding factor. Satine allowed herself to be bitten and turned, imbuing her body with the blood curse. From then on she no longer served the household as a maid, but was taken under the wing of the Lord Fereoux.
She was a slow learner at first. The abilities and strengths of her sanguine gift did not come easily. She worked hard though, taking every word of advice in stride. Over the next three years, she trained and worked to build herself up. Every passing moon left more words of praise flooding from the Lord himself. With her mind clouded with the boosted ego of a vampire though, she eventually began to see her own strengths surpassing that of her Lord's. There came the day that she challenged him, the very question sending Fereoux into a fiery mood. He asked why she dared challenge her maker, questioning why the gift he so benevolently gave was not enough. She charged on though, and a bloody battle ensued.
They fought for hours, every hit and blow that landed breaking down their bodies even more. Satin fought like a wild animal, the feral nature of her gift taking over as if she hadn't spent any time honing her skills at all. In the end.. Her age and energy was enough to beat out the Lord, and she drank from his blood. From Fledgling to Greater Vampire with the power of her own hands, Satine knew she couldn't remain in the castle, and that Fereoux wouldn't allow another of his level to survive so close. She fled the grounds that same night, setting off on the adventure of a lifetime.
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