Role-play School: The Lessons Begin!

Drawing a deep breath, Yvette gazed up toward Marie before speaking. Sheepishly smiling "I..Erm..." Yvette took a quick glance around the room nervously, choking on her words as she stared up at the teacher. "W-What would you do if someone were to attempt to kill your character with god role-play in a public area, and happened to decapitated you already?" Lady Rose
Thanks Lady Rose as she walks away. Tabitha then brushes off the spot where Lady Rose patted her, as Tabitha doesn't like being touched. A small puff of dirt comes off of her ragged, dirty clothes as she touches them.
Yes, thank you. Now, my question was how to properly use magic. Considering I am looking into mage characters? I suppose Green_Hood would know more about it. I am just curious.
~vVv~ Announcement ~vVv~​
A small voice seems to come from the sky, "If you wish to ask a question, please tag the teacher in which you believe could answer your question best." It slowly fades at the end, as the teachers mind nothing of it, a few students are fairly puzzled by it. "We'll just be using this little 'voice in the sky' for announcements, so teachers just randomly walk away and start screaming at everyone!"
Nods to the man, walking away, whispering to Green_Hood , "This one has a mage question, I suggest you address it to him, then to the class." She walks away, still griping her parasol as she stands with the small group of teachers, appearing to go slightly dormant as her eyes fade to white, and Cassie takes the stage to address the casual questions of everyone.
Was looking over the crowd, observing them, looking for anyone who had questions. Brushed her hair out of her hair, her weight shifting back and forth from her left foot to her right a bit nervously. "Any questions, anyone? I'm free, if needed!" She gave off a warm smile to the crowd, nodding at the civilians. She moved off the stage into the crowd, wandering around the seats, asking several people here and there if they needed anything. Her nervous hands twined themselves together behind her as she slowly walked around.
Raises her hand. "That was amazing, Cassie! Can you tell me more ways to show that I'm nervous, please?"
A small note falls in front of Yvette { katiesc }, appearing from nowhere, it reads "Ask Robbie for that question."
takes out a paper and writing utensil and begins writing something in his book, trying to record most, if not some of the questions being asked to address for future appreciation.
Awkwardly picks up the note, carefully folding it, stuffing it into her back pocket. Yvette's eyes narrow on robbiey3, quietly muttering under her breath, "What would you do if someone were to attempt to kill your character with god role-play in a public area, and happened to decapitated you already?"
Smiled as her first question was asked, a sigh of relief flowing through her. "Oh, e-er yes! I, uh, I can! Just like that is one way, when you are unsure of what to say. Add in some stuttering, maybe your hands get sweaty, wipe them on your clothes. Perhaps you have little habits when you get nervous. Such as, blinking too much, perhaps you ramble on about things." Smiled, almost proud of herself, once again brushing the hair out of her face and shoving it behind her ear. Arched her back to get closer to the girl, propping her hands on her knees for support. Duskembyr
Smiles widely, glad that she got a roleplaying tip and that Cassie got to put her nervousness to good use. "Thanks! You're really good at that." She exclaims.
Straightened up her back, looking to where she was called, her head darting around a bit before seeing who had wanted her. Warmly smiled again, running a hand through her hair before walking over to BrunchingPadre after giving a nod to Duskembyr . "Yes, dear, of course! How can I help you?" nods, waiting for a response.
-A young man in the crowd raises his hand- how do you have a good roleplay fight as a vampire?
He is surprised she noticed him. He scratches the back of his head with the eraser of his pencil, then lays it on his notebook. "Yes, um what kinds of words would you use to describe smiling? Like I know a few people who say things like 'a smile dances across his/her lips' but what are some other ways? Thank you."
A small note falls in front of Lord_BloodBorn, "Please direct that question to Robbie3, also enhance your actions, go into more detail, how did you raise your hand, etc.."
-the young man raises his hand again- how I'm I supposed to enhance my movements?
Natalee fidgets in her seat for a while, waiting for the others to finish with their questions. Suddenly she hears a voice from the sky and sees notes appearing from nowhere. Mystified, yet silently accepting the strange events, she calmly raises her hand and asks another question.
She clears her throat to enhance her voice.Lady Rose
"I just realized that my character is supposed to be really shy- well not shy, but not really as active and talkative or social as I have been making her. If your character is shy or asocial or generally doesn't like being around others people, what's the best way to engage in roleplaying with others?"
Raised her eyebrows a bit, not having expected the question. Brings a finger up to her lips, tapping it there for a second thinking. Looking back down at the boy, she smiled. "Well, there's many ways. You could say that you grinned playfully or smirked, the left side of your lip quirked up in amusement, a bright smile came across your features, etc! Have fun with it, was the smile out of playfulness? Amusement? Was it evil? Malicious? And, you're very welcome." She smiled once more, enjoying what she was doing greatly, never forgetting to glance up at the other students in case she was needed.
Tabitha stares at the ground for a moment, wondering if she's been asking too many questions. She tugs on her necklace a few times, worrying. She then slowly raises her hand, her face a little red from embarrassment.
Raises her hand slightly, motioning toward Cassie. Raising her voice, trying her best to gain the teacher's attention. "How would you describe being sick or such?"
Athena grins, meandering over to said person who asked of fighting, a bemused grin sweeping across her lips as she moved towards Yvette, placing a thin finger, or two on her desk as she began to speak, almost laughing lightly to this. katiesc

"Well, friend. A god-roleplay problem, eh? Hah! Silly, silly. The best thing to do when you come in contact with someone who literally comes up, and attempts to cut your head off in a god-modding way, is usually to cut that little roleplay period from them, y'see?"

She pauses again, grinning politely with a shake of her head afterwords before folding her arms over her chest before speaking once more. "Usually, god-roleplay is when someone does not understand the basis of a fight, in which you could also kindly ask them to learn the rules of roleplay before attempting to engage in a fight again, aha."
Turning her head again, she smiles towards the man who spoke of vampirism fighting, however she known very little, well, not too much on said topic, but certainly would understand the basics. Her arms rested to her side as she inclined her head to him, smiling friendly in due fact someone was actually going to attempt to roleplay nicely as a vampire, who knew what they were doing.

"Ah, a vampiric fighting type, eh? Well, you see.. In basics of a vampiristic character, they obviously can't engage in combat in the sun, more or less near fire, or a hotter place for it would certainly affect them. Saying, for example; "/whoever/ swiftly moved his head towards the neck of /whoever/ fangs out, and almost ready as he attempted to draw them into her skin", or something of that nature, y'know? What Cassie said, in notation to expression is quite wise as well, aha."
Moved her attention to the voice, eyes locking on the girl, smiling. "Sick? Well, you've got to start somewhere. Maybe start first with a little cold, coughing, your head aches, you're too cold, you're too hot, etc. Then, once it settles in, you could get bedridden, etc. How would you look? Definately not your best, eh? Maybe your hair was bad because it hadn't been washed in a long while, you're pale, etc. Your attitude probally wouldn't be best either. Maybe you'd be cranky, irritated, annoying with nothing particular, but everything annoying you somehow. Anything else?"
Reginald has been sitting in the the rows furthur back from the stage, in a loud, almost yelling, gruff dwarvern voice. "If you don't mind me buttin' in 'ere teachers!! But could I ask the one that teaches fightin'. What do ya do when the bastard that yer battlin uses a form of magic that make's 'em go invisible? And how do you decide who's tha strongest?? Sits back into his seat as he waits for a reply. (( robbiey3 ))
Once again, Athena was amused to little questions, almost as if she liked to help people learn certain ways of the roleplay art of combat. Turning her head slightly to the man who had began to question, she moved closer to him to hear him better, nodding briefly before speaking again. Reginald

"Aha, we've all been in those situations, have we not? Well, there is not magic that can turn one invisible, so I would say that is god-modding. So, if the person is doing that, you may want to just step away from that roleplay, if they are not using magics correctly. Perhaps read a bit on magic Lore? To decide who's character is the strongest, usually it would recall thinking upon your own life story, noting what your character's weaknesses, and strengths are. My character, Athena, as you might know, is a very skilled fighter, although being quite small, the enemy is literally able to just pick her up, and hurt her y'know? That is a weakness, see?"
People ask me if I'm a vampire sometimes and I don't no what to say and stuff what do I do?
I have only one question, what's the chat command that slants the letters and is used to show an expression or action?))
Looked up at the sky, looking for the position of the sun. Bit her bottom lip as she though, her eyes wandering around. She stepped up onto the stage, brushing her hair away once more before clearing her throat. "I will be taking a break, and will be back later on!" Nodded once, swiftly turning away off away behind the stage.
-raises his hand swiftly- how do I stay in the shadows and just stay unoticed? I say questioningly
Seransic, undoubtedly in the corner, isolated by everyone, speaks up, with a slight crack in his voice, it doesn't sound like he's been talking for a while.
"Eh*Kaff*m, Lady, you, ((robbiey3)) I've been stuck in only but about two fights, each time a fighter of only a decent skill, and seems drunk, or very "Generous" in sizing to their tall-ness. If such a moron were to attack me, and you know-"
Seransic cuts his sentence off, trying to think of what he was going to say, giving motions as though someone who was slashing about with a tool in his hand. As he finds his words, he continues his sentence.
"Attack me and not give up, would it be sooner or later I would get hit and immediately get defeated, or is there a certain amount of times I can jump around, and fight back, blah-dedah, and is it possible for both to live with only a few wounds? I find that the other side continues to dodge and jump about, as I only get a few decent moves, and get knacked here and there..."
Seransic positions himself, looking at Athena in the eyes, as he keeps his focus and he perks up a bit, some knuckles and bends of his limbs giving a semi-disgusting *pop* sound, as for once, he is perhaps going to listen to what someone like her would say.
((Hey all! I'll be helping answer questions about vampires, evil characters, and ways to better spice up and immersify your roleplay! Feel free to tag me if you have questions. I won't be able to get on for a couple of hours (on my phone now), but when I do I'd be happy to help!))
Laach extends his hand high into the air hoping that it will attract the attention of a teacher. "Um, Miss Ryciera! I have a question regarding how a vampire should act in a roleplay." After grabbing her attention he lowers his raised arm. "I remember a vampire from another roleplay that was driven crazy into bloodlust due to the mere scent of the red liquid. Would this happen for all vampires or is this just a choice reaction?"