Role-play School: The Lessons Begin!

((Ok scenario 1: big battle on a opan feald with a small forast to the east. Scenario 2: sending spys/assasins on missions in enemy citys. Scenario 3: a full scail city siege with battering rams,siege laders and towers,catapolts,wall saping and so on. Scenario 4: planing battles from a comand poste,macking strategys...))
Natalee stays tense for a while waiting for an answer to her question. She gets uncomfortable and starts feeling a bit embarrassed as her words are left hanging. She starts glancing around and hears Cassie's answer about roleplaying. Natalee takes the opportunity to jump in and repeat her question.
"Miss, what if our character is antisocial? Like, not shy, but actually avoiding other people for whatever reason. What would be a good way to engage in roleplay?"
Shifts her attention over to the girl with the newly asked questions, pondering on it for a moment. "Well, that seems a bit contradictory, yes? I usually try to stay away from characters like that myself, as in roleplaying them. If your character doesn't like interactment, I'd just guess they wouldn't do it much. Unless they had some specific people they liked to interact with, such as family or good friends. If he/she doesn't like to be around people, antisocial, then when around people they'd probably get irritated, annoying, etc. Starting off the role-play for someone who wouldn't want to be around people, I'd say would probably start off as an accident. Maybe bumping into somebody, etc. Does that help?" Warmly smiled, tilting her head down at the girl. Sven Tu
"Yeah. Thanks, miss." Natalee beams a smile before slouching back to think on the answer.
Laach's eyes shift around the room, his ears take in every word dripping from the teachers' mouth. Already has the amount of information been enough for him to know what he wanted yet he still has the urge to ask on more question. In a negligent effort he conveys his question loud enough to be overheard by his educator of choice without raising his hand "Miss Ryciera, would you please share with us your opinion on how a good villain should act for a roleplay? I have attempted malicious roleplay a decent amount of times before but still have some room for improvement."
He swiftly raises his hand, with a bit of hesitation at that. And who was he directing his question to? No other, than Miss Cassie.
He looks down, pondering on how to word his question. Would it be stupid? No, surely it wouldn't- no, it is a stupid question. You never know, besides, you need the help. He looks up at Cassie. "H-how do you make friends?"
Kept her hands on her knees, a smile forming as he asked the question. "Oh, perfect question! Always depends on the person you're trying to befriend. I'd say, being friendly. Don't immediately go up to someone and ask for their name, That would be quite.. upfront, no? Show them you're a good person before they even meet you, you could do that by just overall following the rules and not being rude to others, and others with most likely not mind being your friend. A lot of the time, your friends will also who have friends, whom they can introduce you to. Does that help?" Smiled, her hands propped on her knees to hear him better. BrunchingPadre
A 14 year old boy suddenly throws his banana skin onto the floor and shouts out loud " Oi teachers, what are magic, I'm still confused about it" he rudely asked.
He nods, with a bit of a smile at Cassie 's answer. Unfortunatly, all learning must come to and end. He grabs his books, stands up with a bit of a wobble. Looking about the classroom, he begins to walk out of the door.
A petite girl, looking about nine years of age, raises her hand mid-way. "Eheh... Excuse me... I don't know if anyone asked this -" She looks to the left and right, "I wanted to know more about Seraphs... Just - what they are..." Sibyl wipes her nose...
Posidem Green_Hood
The elf turned away from the last he'd helped and perused the crowd of students, carefully waiting for any question he could answer be directed his way. What he'd found, however, was hardly what he'd sought, and gave the rude child, TitanCookie, a flat, annoyed look and huffed, straightening his attire before striding over to the boy. He looked him him up and down, arching a brow at him, and gave a rather unimpressed look. "What is magic. What IS magic. Aha, and to answer your question, poorly worded as it was, child, magic is the use of the Void through the Conduit. The Conduit connects our world to the Void, and mages use that connection to channel and cast their spells. That, in a sense is magic. For further reading, I suggest this." After digging around in a pocket, he proffered a pamphlet titled, "Magic and You."

Flynn turned to look as another hand shot up, again a child, puffy60987, and made his way over. He cocked his head and leaned his hip against a desk. "Aha. Seraphs are an ancient race that existed long ago. Many of the races we know today, including, but not limited to, humans and elves. Very little is known about the Seraphs, but their ruins are still found throughout Aloria. Much of the lore about them, however, are not for public knowledge." With that, he turned towards the mage, Posidem, and gave him a quick nod.

"Anything I miss?"
Watching the obviously nervous girl, Posidem allowed the other man to answer her. He finished quickly and Posidem nodded when has asked if he missed anything, and not wanting to confused the girl, just restated what the other had said previously. "The Seraph, young girl, were an ancient race who brought magic into the world. They sacrificed themselves They were in the first war against the minions of the Void. Only ruins and some of the races, Elves/Dwarves/Humans, remain of their once great civilization." he answered.
She blows out a sigh through thin lips, "So they still exist..? Are they good? Or bads..? Are they in people - like Demons..?" The girls taps her fingers a few times a faint blush coming across her face, Probably shouldn't ask so many questions...
Green_Hood Posidem
Taking a quick glance around, clearly uncomfortable with the setting, Anthony leans over, politely beckoning Cassie over. As she nears he quietly voices his question, "How do I get people to /talk/ to me. Anyone actually speaking coherently is already engaged or seems unwilling to talk. How do I introduce myself?" Blushing slightly still, Anthony sits up slightly straighter, anticipating the reply.
~vVv~ Announcement ~vVv~
A loud sound begins to rumble in the sky as you listen further you notice it to be a barely audible voice saying a few notices that had come around to the school... "Marie Beauveret has returned from a small vacation, and school will remain as planned. As for Posidem , he has been deemed a false teacher, and will be removed from the thread, any future posts by this man will be disregarded." as the words begin to end, it begins to fade as you hear the rumble slowly dismiss itself from what it had just said, you look to your classmates still in awe, and turn down to you notes once more.
Vincent, realizing that his brother Anthony @Oxoman had told him to come to the lessons of the day, panicked. Grabbing his things from his oak nightstand at home, he rushes out the door in the direction of the school. Upon arrival he scans the area, noticing the teachers all staring at him for his rather loud interruption of the classroom setting. He slowly, so as not to make anymore noise, sits down next to his brother Anthony. Looking toward Mrs.Rose @Lady Rose, whose name he heard when he was walking in, and asked her "Excuse me mam but how does a family obtain noble statues, not through applying on the forums, but through recognition on the server"?
A young lady walks into the lesson, completely unaware of what is happening and takes a seat and tries to focus on whatever is being taught. She notices that many people are asking questions about their roleplay. Not thinking at all, she asks "How do you end a roleplay with someone? I mean, how do you end a conversation". The girl suddenly realizes that she asked something without being spoken to first, and without raising her hand and turns a shade a deep red, embarrassed at the fact she used no manners to ask her question and sinks down into her seat.
Seransic, still in his dim corner, looks up to the vampire, Ryciera, and begins to ponder at perhaps what she specialized in.
Ah, it was evil acts... Perhaps Seransic could use some information, it was always nice being very exciting and rude to others.
It was a weird combination, but nonetheless, a fun one for Seransic.
"Lady. Can ya' hear me?"
She appears busy helping others, but what does it matter? Seransic was more important than those other blind commoners.
"Hey, I need your help. Not only because I am slowly starving to dust in this corner, but I need something to make me a bit more presentable when I am being myself."
Seransic's eyes are a quite visible silver, and his Skull mask nearly enhancing the look of insanity.
"I find myself making other commoners laugh, and I sometimes feel I am missing something to the way I act to others, it's fun making them turn the other way, making their 'walks' turn into their quickest ways to their homes..."
Seransic chuckles a bit, reminiscing upon the moment he did it to someone, to a woman who looks quite a bit like that ghostly white woman... (Reply when you get a chance please :))
I'm going to ask Lady Rose if this could be moved to the in-game tutorials and guides section of the forums, since it would, in my eyes, make more sense to be there than in general. :)
Also, I have removed Posidem's posts upon request. Any further posting on this thread that is god-RPing as a teacher will be removed, and you will be warned.
"What if your were to - encounter one who sits down in front of you, saying your name and acting if they knew you?" a student says, waiting for an answer.
Rose had only walked in a few moments before and caught the drifting words of those asking and answering the questions given back and forth. Rosealyn sat with her legs crossed over one another and her back straight, her eyes scanned those who were near and those who were far. To her it wasn't an interesting sight but she was willing to participate in this minor event.

Her quivering voice spoke, was she meant to be afraid these people or was it just nerve?

"I don't k-know who this goes to b-but what about role-play techniques? Other ways I-I could role-play but using a different technique to it other than signs and wordplay..? Or has this been a-answered already?"

From head to toe Rosealyn was nervous and shaking. After finishing her sentence she begun to breathe again and slumped back in her chair as she awaited an answer from the 'teacher(s)'.

Alison shrinked. Umon stepped forward, glancing to Laach and Toxiclord,

"Villainy, my friends, is not something anyone can be particularly good or bad at." He gestured broadly to the group, "However, some villains, obviously, do much better than others. Take my master, Freya Lo (BandoftheHawk), for example. Freya Lo has managed to become quite the villain. In her case, she is taken seriously because she is powerful." The man smirked, glancing to Lady Rose, "In fact, if I may step out a moment, may I bring my lady Freya in for a moment to give a small speech of her own?" He didn't wait for a response, going on with his own spiel, "If you are not being taken seriously, then you are certainly doing something wrong. What that is, I cannot tell you." His pacing stopped, and his gaze focused ahead, "So let me give you all a brief lecture on fear, instead. Because fear leads to the root of much villainy. People deem others villains when they grow afraid of them in some way -- when they become a threat. Fear, therefore, stems from allowing the other to fill in the blanks themselves." One finger shot up, "For example: Do not be outright about your actions at first. 'I will push you down the stairs' is hardly a threat. However, 'One would hate to see you fall' allows the person to ask the question how. How will they fall? What on Aloria are you going to do to them?" His smirk turned into a grin, now, and from behind the curtain he withdrew a chair and a loop of ropes, "Now... on that note, may I have a volunteer?" His eyes flashed dangerously.

Meanwhile, Alison inched around him, turning her gaze to celticwitch, "Uhm... i-if you want to enhance roleplay for yourself o-or those around you..." She took a deep breath, summoning her strength, and stood a touch taller, "Er... I-I suppose I should ask you to clarify. What exactly do you mean by 'roleplay techniques'. Do you, uh, do you mean writing styles? Forum versus in-game? I-I'm a bit confused."
Elena walked around, for she had a question. The woman looked around the crowd and greeted some familiar faces. Her gaze stopped when she noticed Alison and she walked towards her. "Alison, love, I had a question." Elena started, "How would one RP as a demon? I mean, I suppose you would have a goal to fullfil as a demon, but would you do everything to succeeded at this goal and would a demon give his life for it's goal?"

Oh Rose never makes sense. Sadly it happens a lot for her.

"I do mean writing style.. Such as to e-enhance the view or interest o-of it.."

Rosealyn let out a sigh and murmured some curses under her breath. How was she ever going to get her point across if she continued to make everything she said unclear? Rosealyn closed her eyes and breathed out slowly, then expelled the air and continued her words.

"I've s-seen people do different writing styles, use articulate wording and etcetera.. I'd just like to know how I could make m-my writing just as interesting. To say it up in a f-few words- I'd like to know different writing styles I could u-use in my role-play."

Rosealyn paused and awaited an answer. Shrinking further back into her seat as she watched and waited for the answer to be said.

Alison first glanced to celticwitch to finish answering her question, fighting back her fear, "...Uh... that's a difficult one." She paused to think, pursing her lips, "...I believe learning to write with different writing styles can be picked up simply by observing. The more well-read a person is, the more they pick up from other places. Why, the person who plays me picks up dialect from Steinbeck, imagery from Lovecraft, and ideas from Orwell, all of which tend to be incorporated into characters with which she writes." Another moment of thought, "That said, watch other people's writing styles. Find something you like. A-And incorporate it into your own writing."

Then, eyes flicked to Darknesscrusher, "Simple." She frowned, "Demons rarely complete their goals. The lowest kind of demons want all life on Aloria gone. As they grow in tiers, so do their sophistication. The powerful ones may complete goals. However, likely, once one is completed, they'll move on to another.
Ekrz, realizing that no-one heard him at all, sits and sulks for a while.
"Sometimes I act more politely than I should, I just find it hard to be an antisocial jerk. Any advice?" He says, after deciding that talking very loudly will get him noticed sooner. Lady Rose
"Thank you, dear." Elena said. Content with the answer, she sat down at Alison's feet. Without even awaiting the woman's answer, she said: "I'll just take a seat near you, I'm tired."
A man walks in with a stern look on his face then asks "What's a good way to start a conversation?" He then crosses his arms hoping for a good answer.

Floihem would pause, allowing for his attention to draw at different creative conclusions.
"I assume by this, ye' mean in a general public settin'? Well.... Buy them a drink of course! Or ye' could introduce yourself. I find, the trick to a easy conversation and enforcing a good relationship is to focus the conversation on them. I mean, who doesn't enjoy talkin' about 'emselves, aye?"
I have trouble making detailed posts with good spelling and punctuation can somebody please help me?