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Played Character Rionna Declan - Wolf-mother

This character is actively played.


Phantasmal and Resplendent
Jan 23, 2019
Reaction score
United States


~Art by MonMarty~
Latha Math Little Wolf Home to Me


━━┓ ┏━━


I will climb the rise at daybreak, I will kiss the sky at noon

Raise my yearning voice at midnight to my mother in the moon


Character Information
Full Name: Rionna Caortha Declan - (rune-nah keer-ha deck-lan)​
Rionna is an everyday name for common use, while Caortha is a personal name known only to trusted friends and loved ones.
Race/Culture: Gallovian Ailor - Talahm-Gall region
Age: 28​
Birthday: June 24th, 286
Gender/Pronouns: Feminine-presenting (she/they)​
Orientation: Asexual Biromantic
Gender Identity
Masculine: ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
Feminine: ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
Neutral: ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧

Romantic Orientation
Masculine: ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧
Feminine: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧
Neutral: ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧

Sexual Orientation
Masculine: ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
Feminine: ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
Neutral: ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
Occult: Leif Godborn, Born Marken, Birth Mage (Anima - Born, Divine Training; Eternum - Mentor Training)
Elemental - Anima
Familiar - Anima
Evergrowth - Anima
Script - Eternum
Combat Style: Melee​
Attack: Magic (7)
Defense: Faith (5)

Core Concept
Rionna is a Fornoss priest devoted to her gods and her people. Gentle and fierce, proud and insecure, striking and meek, she is as full of contradictions as the two pantheons of her faith. But still, she weaves them together to find balance and strength in the ever-changing world.
As Sunborn, she is driven by her compassion, love, and loyalty for others, always seeking to bring a little light into the world. However, as a devotee of Halfvel, this love and loyalty also manifests in fierce protection and defense of her community and the natural world. She is widely known as a scholar and guardian of well-meaning Marken, providing them with training, sanctuary, and support so long as they promise not to use their strengths to harm others. Sometimes, this compassion even extends to non-Marken, including Arkenborn, Undead, and other "monsters" who face a cruel world due to their birth.
Raised Eilirik, Rionna's sense of justice and moral compass leans most strongly toward the "lighter" side of the Fornoss pantheon, favoring Leif, Fenra, and Halfvel. However, her conversion to Hvarkirik in the previous years has been fully completed and her honor to Nyxil, Thirun, and Helvard is equally devout. Her passion and loyalty for her people means that her intentions are nearly always good, especially when it comes to the Fornoss. However, these good intentions can easily lead into questionable and even cruel actions, and she is not one to shy away from vengeance or cruelty when it comes to those she considers threats.​

Appearance Information
Rionna is a Leif Godborn, giving her bright yellow-orange eyes with pale blue sclera. Even in darkness, her irises shine like the Sun. Her thick hair falls in auburn waves to her ribs when hanging loose, but is usually braided or wrapped in a half-up style. Often, she likes to adorn it with flowers, leaves, or simple jewelry. Her face is ruddy and freckled, rarely if ever burdened by cosmetics, and bears witness to the life of a commoner in harsh weather. While not strictly pretty, she is undoubtedly regal, her rugged beauty accented by high cheekbones and an intense gaze.
Rionna stands at a modest stature, neither especially tall nor especially short, and has a muscled, athletic build. Ritual naturalistic tattoos twist and weave down her arms and shoulders, channeling divine magic and glowing with their power. These form the shape of vines and leaves weaving across her back, shoulders, and arms and the shape of a wolf's paw on the back of each clawed hand. Though seldom seen, Rionna also has a tattoo of a Moon, Sun, and Star on her clavicle and sprays of heather encircling the surgical scars on her flat chest.
Rionna's clothing is simple and practical, favoring thick and sturdy fabrics in naturally dyed colors. Her everyday clothing style often leans towards the feminine, but is often made in such a way that flowing fabrics and adornments don't get in the way of practical movement. A particular favorite style is to wear a half-skirt or other loose fabric around her hips while wearing masculine trousers or to wear more masculine clothing while keeping her hair long and decorated with flowers and jewelry. She often wears an embroidered bag on her hip to carry her ritual, scholarly, and medical supplies, decorated with sapphires and a purple, stylised thistle. From her woven belt typically hangs a steel dirk with a blackthorn handle on the left hip and a smaller pattara knife with a carved hilt is hidden inside her right boot.
When in Fullmarken form, Rionna appears as a large, midnight-black Howl Marken streaked with silver stars and wrapped in spiked leaves and wildflowers. This Marken, called An Madach-Madainn, or "The Dawn-Wolf," stands at seven and a half feet tall and is recognisable by its Godborn eyes and thick mane of red-gold fur. It has a fox-like face with black and silver stripes, as well as silver-colored claws. While a fearsome and terrifying sight to the unprepared or hostile, the Dawn-Wolf retains its human-like expressions and speech, allowing it to be conversed with without fear if approaching calmly.​

This is an old sketch from when she was Halfvel-born. Little changes except for her eyes and the tattoo on her back.




And as I walk away, I know that I've been through the wars,
But that creaking you hear in my bones is not pain, it's applause


Proficiencies - Cleric
Combat Style: Melee​
Attack: Magic (7)
Defense: Faith (5)

Faith: 7
Sanctity Prayer [x]
Secondwind Prayer
Guided Prayer
Ritualist Slaughter [x]
Ritualist Hunt
Ritualist Gale
Ritualist Surge​
Magic: 8 (Anima + Eternum)
Magical Safeguard [x]
Magical Wardrobe
Arcane Healing [x]
Arcane Counter
Arcane Snare
Arcane Barrier
Arcane Warp
Arcane Revive​

Medical Hobby
Cleric Talent​

Proficiencies - Marken
Rionna has 2 distinct Proficiency sets because of her Markenism. These two distinct Proficiency sets must be declared on her Character Application. By default, she uses her Cleric Proficiency Set, but if she enters Full Marken Form, she swaps to her Marken Proficiency Set. Cooldowns persist in the order of recording on the Sheet.

Combat Style: Melee​
Attack: Strength (5; 0 in Tank Stance)
Defense: Constitution (5; 7 in Tank Stance)

Strength: 5 [x]
Heavy Throw
Steady Body
Constitution: 7
Tank Block [x]
Tank Rush
Tank Sentry
Tank Rally
Tank Sanctuary
Shield Impact (Free) [x]
Shield Cover
Shield Phalanx​
Dexterity: 3 [x]
Sharp Reflexes
Escape Artist

Ailor [x]
Leif Godborn [x]
Marken [x]

Marken-Protector Custom Kit [x]

Mark of the Bonded (Pack Bond)
"<Gal>As the strands of life bind and grow stronger in unity, so too do the bonds of the blessed strengthen one another. For every part of life, small and great, there is another that it relies on. May our love and loyalty defend you against the darkness. So it will be."

A marking of braided vines wrapping around the Marken's shoulders and arms. The mark becomes invisible after application (unless desired), but glows with golden light when activated. This allows Rionna to grant them defensive bonuses when fighting together.
Trissena Aduro (Salerrra)
Nora Waters (MightyElf90)

Mark of the Defended (Pack Calling)
"<Gal>As the thistle has its thorn, so must beauty be matched with power. The jealous and fearful seek to destroy what they don't understand, but with knowledge and control, you may walk without fear. Hold strong and know that, if you falter, there are those to lend their strength. So it will be."

A marking of barbed thistle leaves painted on the backs of the hands, going down to their claws. The mark becomes invisible after application (unless desired), but glows with blue light when activated. This allows Rionna to know when they have lost control, though it doesn't tell her where they are.
Noctis/Ainopotis (tarotocol)
Zeina (lilack45)

Mark of the United (Pack Solidarity)
<Gal>From many cultures, from many faiths, we are yet united by blood. May we run and fight together as one, in body as well as in spirit. So it will be."

A curved marking painted across the character's eyebrows and bridge of their nose. The mark becomes invisible after application (unless desired) but glows with silver light when activated. This allows non-Marken to gain Marken abilities and shifts while with Rionna at Staff-DMd or Sanctuary events. They gain free access to the Sanctuary without needing an escort, but cannot escort others in themselves.
None yet

Native - Gallwech
Fluent - Driksi Skodje (albeit with a Gallwech accent), Common
Moderate - Aontaithe (good understanding/reading, but limited speaking/writing)​


Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild

"Little Wolf"
Art by @Sundayoo

Plot Hooks
Wolf Walker - Rionna is a native of Talahm Gall, a mountainous and wild part of Gallovia rumored to be home to pagan Marken cults and many worshippers of Halfvel. As such, the incorporation of Marken into normal life would come naturally to her even without her Godborn heritage, and, upon seeing their state in Regalia, has worked hard to see them treated as equals. Some of her work is scholarly, such as her talk before the Howling Soiree, while others are more practical - growing and administering Godsooth, encouraging Marken to talk through their struggles, and assisting in learning to control transformations. She is often found at the Stone Circle, a shrine of Halfvel in the Gloomrot Forest.​
Newly-turned or struggling Marken are especially encouraged to seek out Rionna for training or protection within Halfvel's Grove, a secure location where Marken can rest and socialize in peace. Marken allied to her and seeking self-control or camaraderie can receive blessings that allow her to help protect them and unify them in form. She can also be approached to help break free chained Marken or to discuss humane treatment options, bringing her into conflict with Lothar while often being cooperative with Aelriggans.

Love and Loyalty - Rionna is a devoted Fornoss priest, particularly favoring Leif, Halfvel, and Thirun. She can be approached for discussions of the faith or for various religious duties by any coming in good faith, although she is protective of the Temples against those she suspects of having ill-intent. Additionally, she enjoys speaking to priests or faithful to learn of other religions, often seeking commonalities and discussing opposing views.​
Priests and members of religious Knightly Orders are all potential friends or allies of Rionna, although she is not a member of the All-Faith Guild. She does not typically participate in Temple Defenses not involving her own Temple, but has been known to offer healing to the defenders after the battle, while being potentially hostile to those that attack or defile Temples. Look for her at the Eili and Vola Temples in the city or at the altars of Halfvel and Thirun in the Gloomrot Forest.

Call of the Wild - Those familiar with ancient Ailor cultures or the Talahm-Gall region might notice a few cultural and stylistic similarities to the pre-Empire Aber people, worshippers of The Covenant with a strong emphasis on Markenism. Though Rionna is tight-lipped about them, it is said that her great-grandparents were Aber who converted to Fornoss and were pushed out of their tribe to settle in Firnacol, where she was born. This is treated as something of a dark secret, but also one that has a powerful forbidden appeal, as Rionna feels drawn to learn about her pagan ancestors despite her own devotion to the gods they reject. Similarly, those close to her might occasionally notice a strong independent and anti-imperialist streak in her attitudes, advocating for cultural independence and chafing under the rule of lords and emperors, but she is usually self-aware enough to begrudgingly hold her tongue.​
Aber, Covenant Worshippers, and other rural inhabitants of Talahm Gall have an in to speak to her about these topics privately, though she will avoid the topic in public or with strangers. Similarly, those favoring Northern independence or who share her dislike of empire may be able to persuade her to talk or even to work towards these goals, but require a great amount of trust and privacy for her to be willing to speak openly. Other trusted Northfolk are the most likely to gain her true opinions, provided there are no unwanted ears nearby.

Restless Scholar - There seems to be no end to Rionna's curiosity and passion for learning, leading her to throw herself into multiple different interests from natural science to religious folklore to magical theory to culture and languages. If there's a mystery to be unraveled or a story to be told, she is certain to be interested in taking careful notes. She loves to meet people from new places and hear about their homeland, as well as seeking out connections between things she's already seen or heard about.​
Pretty much anybody can interact with this plot hook. Does your character know something neat? Do they like talking about their cultural background? She would love to hear about it. Look for her in libraries or lectures, as well as just wandering around the city.

Songs of the Past - Unsurprisingly, Rionna's path has led her towards the duty of scholar and scribe, specifically learning to undertake the religious duties of the Andlistari - the Spirit Artists that record and recite the names and deeds of the dead so they will not be forgotten. Anyone is welcome to approach her for a story of the past, as well as tell her a new one to add to her memory. Related to this, she is particularly interested in preserving cultural heritage of all sorts, being equally interested in learning of other's heritage as sharing her own.​
Want to tell a story about a fallen Fornoss hero? Share it with Rionna and I'll try to write out a poem commemorating them. I'll occasionally write independent ones as well, to be shared at feasts and the like. Characters with an interest in preserving their cultural history, especially if that history is at risk of being lost, are likely to find a quick friend and ally.


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She said "Ride with your brindled hound at heel, and your good grey hawk in hand
There's none can harm the knight who's lain with the Witch of the Westmorland."



Solareal, meaning "Starlight", is a vixen that has accompanied Rionna since her earliest days. The fox's fur is a striking orange and black, with some of the black patches tipped with white creating a shifting star-like effect that gives her her name. Her eyes also are an unusual bright blue, leading Rionna to believe her to be a divine companion rather than a mere animal. Solareal loves fruits, berries, and fish, and will often run messages, do tricks, or distract an enemy in exchange for treats. While shy and wary of battle, she is known to disappear into autumnal leaves if attacked.
On her person
- A sapphire cormgaltach, hung on a braided silver cord around her neck and shimmering with pale blue light - silver part crafted by Iain Daly
- A plaid shawl, often draped around her hips, shoulders, or hair
- A Rand's Eye amulet - given by Astrid, hung from her belt

- A steel dirk with a blackthorn handle, hung from her belt
- A decorative sgian-dubh with a pattara blade and dark green handle, shaped like a thistle flower and leaf - strapped to her boot
- A braided leather sling and several smooth stones

- An embroidered pouch full of dried herbs and basic first aid/alchemical supplies - smells of lavender
- A few samples of Godsooth treatment
- Ritualism supplies - incense, woad dye, dried fragrant herbs, small bronze bowl
- A cylindrical godsamtro device with several steel darts
- A Gaimun, a metallic black clay coin inscribed with a volcano and Wai-lan script - A gift from Heishan after Rionna treated her injuries, will buy a request from her.

At home
- A well-worn notebook filled with Gallwech entries - on her desk
- A blue leather notebook with a tree and moon design - a gift from Sivrid, on her desk
- Many books about plants, animals, folklore, cooking, history, and astrology, written in both Gallwech and Skodje
- Alchemy and Godsamtro supplies
- Assorted copper, silver, and gold jewelry - on her closet dresser
- A gold necklace with an orange stone - a gift from Orm
- A metal sculpture of Rionna surrounded by animals, etched with Gallovian knotwork - A gift from Ivenn, on her desk
- Dried Friblomsts, Poppies and Ruby Flowers - a gift from Ivenn, hanging on her doorway
Loved Ones
Ivenn (isthatanecho)- A Brix seeking to find himself that Rionna met at the OWLibrary. They share an interest in cultural artifacts and inquisitive minds, and, despite their differing perspectives, have found they had a lot in common, often collaborating on research projects and helping each other out of tricky situations. Over time, they have grown into close platonic partners and regularly assist each other in their differing work.
Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Kaya Sorenvik (AlphaInsomnia) - A distant and pragmatic woman, but nevertheless a reliable ally. Although initally not as personally close to her as to Sivrid, Rionna eventually warmed to Kaya, including her in her sphere of loyalty not only for her relation to others, but for her own sake. After spending more time together, Rionna holds both women in equal regard.
Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Sivrid Sorenvik (MrsCripple) - A priestess that Rionna bonded with over weaving and a shared interest in finding harmony with other beliefs and cultures, eventually confiding to her about her religious turmoil and coming to work with Sivrid in her library. Their relationship hit a bit of a rough patch in more recent history, but the affection is still strong.
Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Ciodaru Dalca (MippyMoo) - An unexpected friend that Rionna has become close to, identifying him as a fellow scholar, and has developed strong protective affection for even beyond her clerical duties. They can often be found studying in the library together or bouncing theories around. After her journey into the Sewers to break him free of a cruel demon and taking him under her wing after his previous housing fell through, she has come to see him like a little brother, but remains very frustrated with his refusal to confront his inner demons.
Affection: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Signe (Okanara) - A Hvarkirik Aelriggan Knight known to Rionna from Fairbanks and her contact with the Order. Although her parentage and intimidating presence initially set Rionna on edge, she did come to cautiously trust her as an ally. When she wanted to learn Nid magic to defend herself and others, and then later to learn about becoming Hvarkirik, it was Signe that she sought out as a mentor.
Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

(Salerra) - A Loyaltyborn that Rionna bonded with during their trip to Amontaar. Although they have occasionally come into conflict, their friendship and respect for each other remain strong. Given their strong instincts towards loyalty and community bonds, they have agreed to work together to build a sanctuary for Marken.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✧✧~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Revna Vikstrom
(Iyyushi) - A brusque Urlan that frequents Fairbanks and the Temples. While Rionna finds her personality a bit difficult to read, she has developed a strong respect for the Knight and lends her aid in more scholarly pursuits, as well as offering combative or medical support when necessary.
Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

Astrid/Asgeir(MantaRey) - The former Mayor of Fairbanks and a friend, despite their relationship initially being a bit distant. She greatly respects his devotion to the gods, but has found it difficult to get to know him and fears the influence of the demon that possessed him after his unfortunate excursion. While initially frustrated and overwhelmed by his sudden departure that left her unexpectedly as Mayor, she has come to forgive him.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

Alfvinda (realfreya) - One of Rionna's many half-siblings, but perhaps the one she's warmed up the quickest to. While quite opposing in personality, the pair have quickly learned to work together and watch each other's backs as they work towards their mutual goal - training and protecting the Marken of the city.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Fenric (SorryNari) - A gruff half-Erondias mercenary that ordinarily would have nothing in common with Rionna, except for their recent Markenism. Although their personalities could hardly be more different, the two have become friends and allies after Rionna's efforts to protect him as a Marken and to rescue him from the clutches of Simoya. He is additionally a friend of Ivenn's and a recent initiate into the Gloomfolk Order, giving them more common interests to bond over.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Sakeena (Zubile) - A kindly Asha woman that Rionna met at a ceilidh one winter. Despite their different cultural backgrounds, the two became friends after discussing their culture and faith with each other and bonded over mutual gentle natures. Through Sakeena, Rionna became acquainted with the Asha beyond the Eiru-Innis conflict and was encouraged to reach out to them in friendship.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth (SneakyLinguine) - An Ordvaan that Rionna met soon after arriving in the city. Although from two very difficult cultural backgrounds, they share a compassionate heart, a love for the natural world, and devotion to their duties. Whenever Rionna stops by Floralcourt to enjoy the greenery, she often takes a bit of time to converse with the fellow priest.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Einar Magnusson (RunicScrawl) - A Thirunson that Rionna became acquainted with while tending to the Temple and later fighting beside. She took well to his Leif-worship and his dedication to protecting the common person, but struggles to connect with him due to his blunt and somewhat harsh outer shell. They are friendly towards each other, if somewhat distant, but she trusts him as an ally and a potential friend-in-the-making.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Subekti ](Ezalb) - A nervous Allar Rionna met at the High Willow. Although their religions and outlooks on life are quite different, she regards him as a friendly acquaintance and an interesting discussion partner. She finds Subetki quite mysterious and, as such, is driven by curiosity to learn more about his past and present.
Affection: ✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Seltyr (Rowet) - A young Aelriggian Rionna met while cleaning the Baskarr Temple after it was attacked by Volarik. She quickly took a shine to the idealistic Feka, especially after discovering his interest in protecting religious sites, and has worked with him on occasion cleaning or defending Temples.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Viggo Sorenvik (SupremeCripple) - Rionna primarily knew Viggo through Sivrid but, though respectful towards him, kept a wary distance from the intimidating man. After going through some battles together, however, and being bound by secrets and circumstances, they have grown closer as friends. After her appointment as Mayor, Rionna asked him for help in political matters but has had little contact with him since.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

Iain Daly (Ampers07) - A young Gallovian craftsman that Rionna met at a festival a few months after her arrival. They quickly took a shine to each other, but any blossoming friendship faltered after his sudden departure from the city.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Orm(SorryNari) - An Urlan Rionna met at a Fornoss festival. Although she paid him little mind at the festival itself, she later found herself deep in conversation with him about life, philosophy, and religion. Further discussions proved pleasant and thought-provoking and she came to greatly appreciate his company, but since his sudden withdrawal, their relationship has become more distant.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Dioni Grivas (tarotocol) - A young Ailor that Fenric brought to her for help and, like Fenric, one she quickly accepted as an ally and friend to care for. They are not particularly close, but they have gone to each other for help protecting those they care about.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Cadwyn Marth (DolittleGuy) - A fellow Gallovian and Fornoss faithful, which counts for something in Rionna's book. She once regarded the knight with distant respect, despite privately disapproving of some of his allegiances and actions, but considered him a potential ally even if not a friend. This association became strained after Rionna confronted him about his summoning Fury, eventually mending slightly but remaining distant.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Dathil (Sam_thing) - An energetic Yanar Rionna met soon after her arrival in the city. While frustrated with her complete lack of survival instinct, she enjoys Dathil's sunny company and occasionally visits to discuss magic with her.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Merowald Risburg (essentialess) - A dwarven Bloodcast that Rionna has mixed feelings about. She finds the knight mildly irritating and disapproves of certain allegiances, but finds it difficult to hold a grudge when Mero is so clearly a fun and good-natured spirit. Ultimately, she regards her with an attitude of "Well, her heart's in the right place even if her head isn't" and occasionally enjoys her company for short periods of time.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Aoife Kialorall (LightSeeker101) - A Fin'ullen bartender and medic Rionna recently became acquainted with after meeting her at the Eili and Vola Temples. She enjoys the woman's bright personality and sense of humor, occasionally going up to chat with her at the Repose.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Wulf Grofsmid (rimacutem) - A dwarven warrior mostly known to Rionna as a campaigner against the Ordial and a devoted to Dauw. While she can respect his dedication to his god and is sympathetic to his goals of dwarven autonomy, she finds Wulf to be a harsh and unpleasant presence to be around, as well as having a distaste for his recent joining of the Lothar. However, despite her personal dislike of him, they are able to have a civil relationship.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Gwenferwi Marth (AtticCat) - A woman first known to Rionna as Cadwyn's sister and then as the right-hand of the Truth Ministry, resulting in mistrust. Since the Ministry's fall and Gwen's arrival in Fairbanks, some of this wariness has faded and been replaced with cautious friendliness, but she hasn't entirely forgotten her previous role.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Heishan (Lizmun) - A Red Hunter with a complex morality. While rejecting Heishan's intense violence, Rionna has found herself on semi-decent terms with the Archon. She generally avoids interacting with Heishan's doings, but has been known to heal her injuries after battles or even occasionally fight beside her when their interests align. Their viewpoints are quite opposed, but Rionna has a level of respect for Heishan's determination and conviction that makes it possible to interact civily, although this respect has been damaged by Heishan's recent occupation of the Eilirik Temple.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

James Waters
(jono_98) - An Aontaithe man that lives in Fairbanks. While civil to one another, Rionna has little respect for the man as weak-willed and lacking personality or passion. Still, he is a fellow faithful and therefore one to be watched over. He's not one she seeks out as an ally, but is willing to fight beside as necessary.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

(bwmwags3) - A Yanar that recently converted to the Old Gods faith. Although initially suspicious of her intentions due to the Yanar flip-flopping between religions before suddenly declaring herself a devoted only a very short time after conversion, Rionna did eventually come to have a cautious friendliness towards her. However, her previous dislike and suspicion has returned after having reason to doubt Caan's loyalty to the gods.
Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Frida (Lizmun) - A Volarik Blodruna cultist that has taken up residence by Isobel's Lake. Her and Rionna's relationship is a very tense one, with both more-or-less agreeing to avoid attacking the other and even occasionally coming to the other's aid. This tentative peace treaty has been strained by Rionna's recent quest to cleanse the lake in the name of Halfvel, but so far she has continued to honor the promise not to attack the Blodrunite unprovoked.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✧✧

Ruzgar (Yigit) - An Archon that Rionna had little personal contact with until he crashed on her doorstep, near-death, and she used her clerical skills to heal him despite knowing him to be a purist. This contact returned, however, when Ruzgar led a group of draconists and sellswords to occupy the Eili Temple, leading Rionna to join in the fight against him. After Kaya negotiated a peace with him, he approached Rionna in the Temple to explain his reasonings and to carry an apology. Despite not quite being willing to forgive, Rionna's anger is at least tempered with respect, laying the groundwork for a potential reconciliation in the future. This hope for reconciliation has been severely damaged by the revelation that he has fallen to the Argentum, although they both refrained from attacking each other enough to have a civil, if tense, conversation.
Affection: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

River Barlowe (Ghostified_) - A Marken that Rionna met through Ciodaru shortly before his trial. While sympathetic to his plight of being hunted by the Lothar, Rionna held him at arm's length as she deemed him too reckless and foolish to risk trying to help. While angered by the Lothar's treatment of him, she fears that it's only a matter of time before he makes one foolish decision too many and doesn't want him to drag others down as well. She currently suspects his return to the city under a new name, but the same foolish nature, but has neither proof nor reason to seek his downfall.
Affection: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

Erwin Braunschweiger (BeetrootSalad) - Being one of the more prominent and notorious of Lothar, it would be easy to guess that Rionna would not look fondly upon Erwin. It is, however, slightly more complicated than that due to the accounts of him given to her by the Sorenviks and his surprising civility during his interactions with her. Despite his reputation, she considers him to be one of the slightly-more tolerable and reasonable of the Lothar, for what little that's worth.
Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✦✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

Lothar Knights - While never particularly fond of the Lothar in general, Rionna's intense dislike was originally confined to Riftan Vaedra in particular. However, her ire has since turned to multiple others in sequence and it is now safe to say that any Lothar is automatically met with dislike and mistrust.
Affection: ✧✦✦✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✦✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✧✧

Simoya (Gwyndo) - A Qadir Necrotechnician most infamous for her creation of killing machines designed to become stronger with every fight. Rionna's first encounter with the technician was in Floralcourt when she intervened to protect Dathil from one of these machines and was briefly cursed with memories of the Farahdeen war, as well as struggling to retrieve Ivenn's freedom when the machine hacked into his tech to make him fight against his allies. Further intrusions in Fairbanks, an attack which cost Rionna her arm, and the kidnapping of Fenric and Ivenn have pushed the technician into a hated foe.
Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✦✧
Eventually I would like to have a whole detailed values and principles section here, but this will do for now. I especially would like to take inspiration from @isthatanEcho and their Ideals tabs with conflicting Allies/Enemies lists. Obviously, this is OOC knowledge, but I welcome prodding and testing of values ICly. Those at the top of the list are the strongest and the hardest to bend or break, while those at the bottom are a bit weaker.
  • Loyalty - "Loyalty is the highest of virtues and disloyalty the gravest of sins. To place yourself first above all others is to invite ruin, for strength is found in the bonds between people and their gods, their kindred, and their allies."
    • The strongest virtue instilled in Rionna from both her culture and religion is to be true to your own. Her first goal is to live honorably according to the Eili gods, especially Halfvel and Leif, followed by the protection of the Fornoss, Gallovian, and Velheim people in general, Marken, and close 'chosen-kindred.'
  • Compassion - "A heart of stone isn't worth living with. Love and compassion bring light to the world, and a world without light is dead."
    • Despite living in an often harsh world, Rionna has quite a soft heart for others, especially those she sees as being wronged or oppressed in some way. While this warmth is most readily seen towards those familiar to her in some way, such as other Northerners or Marken, she believes in offering a chance to people regardless of the circumstances of their birth. She has great respect for those who use their strength mercifully and disdains bullies. What hatred and malice she does occasionally harbor usually stems from love of someone the enemy has wronged.
  • Freedom - "No matter what happens to your body, never allow your spirit to be chained."
    • Being born in the Gallovian mountains and raised under the open sky, Rionna has a powerful appreciation for the personal freedom to travel where one pleases, believe as one pleases, and do as one pleases, provided it doesn't harm others. Her general philosophy on this matter is 'live and let live', preferring to not interfere too much with others' free will. She hates being confined against her will, being trapped in arbitrary role expectations, or having her hand forced in any way, as well as having a strong distaste for authoritarians or any that interfere with the freedom of others. She harbors a quiet distaste for the trappings of empire and entitled noblity, but begrudgingly tolerates it to keep the peace and her head. Her natural instinct is towards peace, citing the law of hospitality that host and guest should never assault each other under a shared roof, but is not completely unwilling to resist if provoked. This makes her a potential ally towards Asha, oppressed people, or Northern regionalists, while bringing her into conflict with Allorn-loyalists, Regalian jingoists, and other authoritarians.
  • Knowledge - "Ignorance of something doesn't make it go away. If you want to make a mark on the world, you need to understand it first."
    • A restless hunger for knowledge is one of the primary motivating forces for the young woman, who seeks to learn about everything from natural history to interpersonal intrigue to religious philosophy. While loyalty and compassion maintain some boundaries to her search for knowledge, there are times when this hunger takes precedence over the needs of strangers. Similarly, "more curiosity than sense" is almost certainly what will one day be on her gravestone.
  • Courage - "Courage isn't about foolish recklessness or having no fear. It's about recognising the danger, acknowledging your fear, and enduring despite it."
    • Though she often projects a confident persona to better fit in with the forceful habits of her kin, the reality is that Rionna often feels quite anxious and full of self-doubt when confronted with challenges or threats. However, she has reframed this into a belief that 'Courage is action despite fear' and strives to keep the fear from paralyzing her despite her personal difficulty doing so. Indeed, she sometimes privately questions the wisdom or effectiveness of the more bold and brash individuals whose fearless courage is so lauded in Northern cultures, despite still privately admiring and envying them. Still, courage is easily seen as one of her weaknesses.
  • Survival - "Last stands are grand and glorious, but memory doesn't protect a family. When all else fails, live to fight another day."
    • The world is a dangerous place and, having seen persecution and violence in her day, Rionna tends to regard the world with a wary suspicion that tempers the wondrous curiosity sparked by her quest for knowledge. Believing that you must always look out for yourself because few others will do it for you, she places great emphasis on the need to survive and endure, using her knowledge and skills to protect herself and her kindred through what means she must. Sometimes this manifests itself in a 'cut and run' instinct, while others it hardens into a need to stubbornly stand and fight.
This is a minor character summoned using the Fornoss Divine Mechanic and therefore only makes occasional appearances for specific tasks before returning to Eilliheim. The Spirit is currently INACTIVE.


Full Name: Ealanon Faolàn Doirmor
Race/Culture: Formerly Gallovian Ailor
Age: 45 (at time of death)
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Occult: Unbound Primal Revenant

Core Concept
Ealanon was once a warrior priestess of Firnacol until her death protecting the village from attack. She now resides with honor in Eiliheim, but occasionally enters the world in defense of the faithful.

Appearance Information
Ealanon was a tall and broad-shouldered woman with thick black hair and Wolfgod eyes. She appears just as she did in death - wearing battered leather and chainmail, quarter-shifted with Marken claws and fur to the elbows, and wielding a greatsword splattered with blood. The Spirit is pale-blue in color and semi-translucent, fading slightly at the edges, but is laced all through with bright-blue divine energy.

Strength: 7

Unyielding Strike
Bruiser Slam
Bruiser Flurry
Bruiser Parry
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Ruin
Bruiser Rampage​
Magic: 0
Sinistral Rage (Primal - Spirit Buff 2)
Sinistral Implode (Primal - Spirit Buff 1)​
Faith: 7
Shaman Defense
Shaman Aura (Spirit Buff 3)
Shaman Darkness
Shaman Earth
Shaman Synergy
Sacred Buff
Sacred Martyr
Sacred Rebuke​


Life Story
Birth - Born the only son of a barren mother who prayed fervently for a child and was visited by Halfvel. Unfortunately, a hard delivery took her life soon after and Ealanon was raised by his aunt and uncle.
Childhood - Learned both to be both a great warrior and a mighty priest. Transitioned to womanhood in her mid-teenage years and grew into a powerful druidess with a particular gift of prophecy.
Adulthood - Was a crucial mentor to Rionna Declan in her youth, teaching her many of the rituals she knows today and how to control her Marken transformations. Although the soft-spoken and shy girl Rionna once was never thrived under Ealanon's combat training, her example continues to inspire her to this day.
Death - Died in the year 301 AC defending Firnacol from purist attack, taking many enemies with her and allowing the village's non-combatants to escape. She was buried with the greatest honor her people could pay a fallen warrior, burying her on her feet with weapons and armor interred with her, and her spirit passed peacefully into Eiliheim.​
Last edited:
- I hadn't really updated my relationships tab since I made this sheet, so trying to keep that up to date. I decided to experiment with greying out relationships that she hasn't had contact with for a while so their information is still present while also marking them as a now-distant relationship. If I decide later that I don't like it, I'll change it.

- Also, I noticed a few pronoun errors here and there, so I've fixed those. Technically both she and they are acceptable, but Rionna usually uses she.

- I have an art piece that I'm working on that I plan to add eventually, and I think I may also add some descriptions of her God Magic once I have them all settled out.
- Updated points to new system
- Added Tech Suit information
- Added plot hook
- Updated Inventory and Relationships
- Minor point adjustments to take Medical Packs
- Adjustments due to the Fornoss update
- Relationship updates
Significant change. Rionna is no longer Slizzar and is now a Halfvel Godborn. I'll go through all the Extras tabs later when I have time - they're currently still old.
Moderate update to Extras section.
- Animal Familar section added, Art updated
- Relationships updated - merged Active and Inactive Relationships together
- Values slightly updated - I still want to do more later, but the bare-bones works for now.

Also I forgot to make a note previously, but I'm leaning more into the cleric vibes with a Holy Spellblade build now.
Added a section for Rionna's Divine Mechanic spirit. The spirit hasn't made an appearance yet, but I wanted to have her information here for future reference. If you'd like to be someone that plays the Spirit when she appears, let me know!
Minor update following the recent Godborn changes.
Added a new plot hook related to Rionna's religious curiosity.
Swapped Defense and Attack stat. Her rolls are the same, but is now Faith/Magic.
Minor update to religiosity
Added new reference art
Updated relationships for the first time in four months (whoops)
Minor religious update. Rionna is now Hvarkirik, but not yet knowledgeable about Vola ritualism or religious practices. As such, she will still only be a priest of the Eili for now, but will eventually incorporate the Vola as she learns more through her personal worship and studies.
Updated with new kit and mechanics! Excited to get into Marken pack shenanigans.
I plan on updating my relationships again soon, but I'm tired tonight.
Fixed some borked formatting, updated color palate, and edited some plot hooks/biographical details.
Updated for Prof Update. Basic combat style remains the same, just more of a berserker vibe with Ritualist rather than the more Cleric vibe of the old Cleric PB. Marken combat remains mostly the same.
Rewrote Core Concept and Appearance. Still similar, just polished and updated.