- Reduce how much money you get from dark rooming
- Nerf mcmmo excavating so it's not possible to get diamonds out of thin air and sell them
Both things have been nerfed already by a superfluous amount. You get maybe 6 diamonds at a decent level of excavation, and not much more at a copious level; you get 1 regal from most mobs that you kill- and the rate of that is low to begin with. Nerfing it AGAIN would be even more incredulously unnecessary, as the previous systems weren't all that beneficial to being with.
Making people pay for a protection designed to stop thievery will not work out in stopping it
Actually, It will. Because if you care about your valuables and arent being an absolute hoarder and also incredibly stingy, then you're not going to have a problem.
Economy growth is actually good you know, the more money people own the more they can do on the server such as buying a regelia house or creating a faction.
Constant never stopping economic growth is bad though- And Massive has had enough of that. With all the exploits to gain the muns and all the other more constant positive economic change, there needs to be a good, sustainable negative change as well.
If Massivecraft always had a fee for locking would it of gotten to this stage of popularity?
Yes, and no one would complain. Because you know what? It would have never been another way. There would be no change to complain about. MassiveCraft is a great server. The best out there. I've tried time and time again to find one I can consider good now that I've played on Massive, but I've never been able to find another.
If people actually DID make a sock puppet account then there would of been a lot more votes because you don't just make one sock puppet account. It is the fault of the person voting not on the opinion itself. Even if you tallied up their active time the majority will win because, guess what they're numbers are bigger. It's unlikely someone will quit because of their ditch the fee vote opinion not going through, but they may end up not playing as much because of dissatisfaction with the server in general.
All the options you have presented would of been included in the keep the fee opinion.
This, and,
I didn't want the poll to have 5 different choices because there will only be 2 main ones. Because of this I just had only 2 options meaning that there will be a clear majority rather than a 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th. With the poll the ditch the fee includes people wanting the fee gone and only that but with keep the fee it includes people who like the fee or want it to be modified. Heck if you use your logic on everything a yes or no answer could become "invalidated".
exemplify why the poll IS fixed. There's one for either side option. Thats the point completely. You didn't want there to be more than two choices, so people would have to chose a yes or no answer to a question that isnt even half as simple as a yes or no answer. This was so that, as you'd known, people were complaining about it already. You could round up the people who have been, and then get other people that just want it nerfed or whatever, but still vote for it to go away; this way there is a clear cut majority that you can brag about. People side with the popular opinion, make ghost accounts when they want to support something and show it has lots of support one way or the other, and not everybody who just wants it changed votes no. Lots of people vote yes, even though they want it gone. Because they aren't sure what to chose for their particular feeling.
The reason I want this fee gone because it prevent lwc from doing it's duty, protecting blocks.
Factions itself can be used as a more effective protection plugin then lwc at the current time
My plan for lwc locks is to have 5 and keep it that way forever and use my friends faction where I can store my store my 20 or so chests. This will save me a TONNE of regals and will mean there will be no problem with moving chests.
If people are making entire new factions to protect their stuff then it seems that people like using factions to protect their stuff as opposed to lwc.
Its not preventing LWC from doing its job at all. Just limiting greedy, silly, hoarding people from locking 100 chests every base they make to hoard resources and goods. If you're too opposed to LWC's fee and too damn greedy to pay the 200r fee, a small fee, to lock all 20ish of your chests, then use Factions. No one is stopping you. And who cares? People have been not using deadbolt since it was implemented too, using factions instead. Like, I've never liked using deadbolt. It was ugly and made a mess and I got so tired of cleaning that mess up. So, I just used ./f access to lock my stuff away, safe as can be. No one is stopping you from using factions built in protection to protect your chests and be a greedy little thing. By all means, go ahead. At the end of the day, does it really matter which plugin you use? no. LWC is still effective. Especially for in faction, or out of faction roaming locks to chests that you just need there.
When it comes to locking blocks I have a very simple objective, lock all of my chests.
This fee obstructs what was a straight line when it came to locking chests. Now instead of locking chests you just grind money then lock them or spend all that money you work quite hard for on a chest that you could just place in a vault faction.
And you say you arent greedy! You're simple objectives of locking all your chests and hoarding them so you dont lose any precious items, and keeping your 200r which apparently is "A TONNE of money." If you werent greedy, you wouldnt be worried about your "straight line." Because, if the chests get locked, who cares? You can trade around, its not hard to make money if you sell goods. From a small sale you could take home enough to lock all 20ish of your chests!
This fee renders locking objects pointless. Take for example a door, a button can save you a whole 10 regals.
Well, no. No it doesnt. Doors are still useful to lock. It makes it harder for people to door glitch, and generate lag with factions enough to enderpearl through the door. Locked objects are much harder to glitch through, which is why I put a protection on all my doors. As well as an autoclose, which is nice. And it doesnt require a large design change to a 2 wide hallway to incorporate a button, which barely allots you enough time to get through anyway, autoclose is so much nicer. Again, 10 regals. Not a lot of money. Even for a door. And yes, I realize the price can begin to stack a tad. I've already spent 150-200ish regals, and even then, thats still not a large amount of money.
When it comes to having a protection plugin the only thing I want is to protect my stuff, that is all people want in a protection plugin. I do not want to grind for locking a few chests.
What is the point of a protection plugin when you have to grind to protect?
This isnt a matter of the plugin not doing its job or rendering itself pointless. Its a matter of how much you care about having your objects locked and being convienently placed in your own faction. Theres also something to consider, what if your friend disbands? Then your unlocked objects are raided. Because you were greedy.
The point of the plugin is to protect. Which it does. Protection isnt free, XoN. A small amount of grinding now for protection later, that sounds pretty good.