Archived Premium Overpowered In Pvp - Complains!

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Aug 18, 2013
Reaction score
Dear community,

As many of you probably know, there have been complains about premium diamond armor being too overpowered looking at nonpremiums in iron armor. Nonpremiums fight for the fact they're underpowered, premiums fight for the fact they can enchant their armor, groupfight or whatever.
Myself, as premium, I think nonpremiums should not be able to wear diamond armor, it's unique to the server and has probably been around for longer than I've been playing. What I do agree with is the fact that nonpremiums are very underpowered, even though most players are peaceful. I have been nonpremium for 5 months, I got premium 2 days ago, I must say, it was worth it. But still, nonpremiums haven't got any chance in battling a premium raid.
I think something must change, everyone wonders what could be changed other than changing the armor abilities.
With the recent voting being added, a lot of people scream out the voting is pretty overpowered and would ruin the unique economy Massivecraft has. On this I do agree, it could ruin the economy, it could help it running, I'm not sure, it's worth a tryout. I think it should be added in a slower and more testing phase, voting obtained items should be marked in logs so they could easly be removed if necessary.
Yet, even though there are PVP complains, we're boosting the premium players even more with protection V armor, if that wasn't enough, it should run for a week aswell, so it hardly ever breaks.
We end up with the PVP balance being totally out of the game, it has just been implented, action should be taken if it ever is meant to.
As it now is, it cannot go on, nonpremiums are screaming about it the whole time, which I'd agree with. I came up with the idea in chat to see what happens: What if we changed the voting system a little? What if we changed the Massivearmor (diamond protection V unbreaking V) into Massivearmor (iron protection V unbreaking V)?
Looking at the reactions in chat, it seems positive, nonpremiums as well as premiums (surprisingly) liked the idea.
I know, it changes, and it gives us, the premium side of the community one less advantage, but we must all agree, nonpremiums are underpowered in PVP, you know that, don't deny it.
We may be sad about it, but at the other side, hey, we can wear that armor too?! And think of it you'd be a nonpremium and you cannot donate for whatever reason it is, wouldn't this make you happy? It balances the economy a little bit more, since this is only iron armor, not the expensive diamond ones. It will be more challenging to fight non-donators, they'll have atleast one piece of this armor on them, which gives them a chance of winning, and if you lose, what does it matter? You can still get another diamond armor set!
I think it should be given a try, just as we gave voting a try!

Please share opinions and feedback!
PS: I posted this in General because I'd like to discuss this topic, not to suggest it only.

Synominimus (Thiald Sulormiss)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I know nobody is gonna care and this is gonna change no minds and I am gonna be deemed another B*tching non-prem. But did it ever occur to you guys that maybe the reason some of us b*tch all the time is because a lot of you treat us like crap? Saying that you keep the server running and stuff along those lines? I could care less about the fact that I can't wear diamond I am fine with that but honestly the stuff a lot (not all) of the premiums are saying on this page is really offensive due to the fact that they are ACTING like non-premiums are just angry little insignificant peasants, and premiums are this superior group of people who can do whatever, that's simply not the case. From what I see a lot (not all) of premiums have a superiority complex.

I don't actually think non-prems lower then me but I couldn't resist saying the following...

"You plebs and your pelb problems. Take it to someone who cares!" - Wealthy Snotty Diamond Wearing God Sword Wielding Fishing 10k Premium

yes the old "fix pay to win by paying to win". You realize this only makes the problem worse not better right?

Not really... the number of premiums doesn't make it better or worse (actually, more premiums makes it better for everyone because then Cay gets more money and can grow the server larger). More prems just means that there will be bigger battles between them and that you're more likely to have a premium friend or faction member. So, once again, More is Better. (Essence of 'Murica.)

I do find massive armour to be pretty unfair. Not only is it god enough already, but then a premium can add more enchantments and become completely unbeatable. Someone in iron armour would be killed immediately. I've had myself, just walking around with a premium, obviously with nothing on me except roses, bread, and leather armour and a enchanted diamond sword. Suddenly, the premium asked, and I quote,"How much will you pay me if I don't kill you?" I ran, got to my friend's faction, he ran after me, I hit him with my sword, he took almost no damage. He hits me, I'm dead. Now, if a non-premium says that to a premium, they'll laugh, because they won't lose any items. Or xp. Or armour. Or their backpack. If a premium says that, we have to run, because chances are their basically unbeatable. As for massive iron armour, that's fair. I'm not being hypocritical here, because we have nowhere near the pvp advantages of a premium. Their HORSES are more powerful than us, with horse armour.It really is a pay-to-win, don't-pay-you-die situation in combat. And yeah, a lot of premiums seem to think that because they have a credit card, or even payed someone to use their credit card, they're superior than us.

I think I'll finish up here before this walll of text becomes larger and more of a rant.

Just so you know the sole reason I purchased premium way back in the day when all it had was portals, nodrops, and diamond armor was for the nodrops. I hate falling into lava while mining and losing everything so I started donating in exchange for not losing my stuff to lava (though I sometimes accidentally press q instead of 1 or 2 lol). Now about the "how much would you pay me if I don't kill you" thing. Screw you. Premiums have to deal with this too, especially if we have factions to keep an eye on. I spend more of my silver paying to keep my faction members out of wars then I do on anything else in this game. Just because you lose stuff doesn't mean that you're the only ones who can be threatened by a premium member. On Horses, if you can find a friendly prem like me and provide the resources I'd be happy to set you up with a diamond armored horse of war. Or a portal. Or pretty much anything else only premiums can do.

Orly? You will see while ALL we non premium quit for 1 day, how many people would be online?

Remember that snotty premium from earlier? Here he is... As a premium I can confirm that about 80% of the server is NON PREM. So if all the prems were offline there'd still be about 150-200 people online at any given time. Stop acting like we're the only ones who play Massivecraft, it's stupid, makes you look like an ass, and brings non-premium hate down on all the rest of us prems.

Now, I'd just like to tag every non-prem in this thread and say that lumping all premiums together as a mass of jerks who are pvp gods is rude. I can't win a fight against about 90% of the servers daily showers, premium or not. My stats aren't that good either, since I prefer building over mining, pvping, digging, and fishing (oh hell no).

And a last word about stats and premiums. People who become premium members are those with a great deal put into the server. You can purchase premium from people (If I'm feeling like it I sometimes sell for 150s for 1 month, 400s for 3) at a price a dedicated player can and will work toward paying. If you seriously can't collect 150s then you aren't dedicated to the server enough to need premium. I know folks who can bring in upwards on 500-700 silver a day. If they can do it so can you, being premium doesn't drastically effect how much silver you can make if you use your wits and work hard. That said, premiums almost always have higher stats that normal players because they work their arses off the get them. Hours griding in a darkroom, hours mining out diamonds and iron and other such stuffs to sell on the market, days spent increasing their now useless fishing skill (which is, trust me, the most boring possible way to spend minecraft). They worked to get their stats up and then decided to take it the next step and became premium. Being premium doesn't equal the stats, the stats equals the premium.
To be truthful, the massive armour is MEANT to be diamond for reason. It's that one extra perk for those like me who keep the server up via our money. I for one think that non premiums should quit bitching, since the premiums are the ones keeping the goddamn server up, and therefore i think we should get a little something in return for our money. Now, the fact that diamond armour is premium only is a subject that brings enough controversy to start the equivalent of WW III, so I won't go into my opinion, but trust me, this won't really get much traction... Cay does shit for a reason, and you know what I say to that? CAY! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! <3 <3 <3

I like that idea, a 6th tier of loot would be nice.
we non-premiums help as well by voting,getting friends on,sometimes people upload reviews so dont say we dont help the server too
correct more money for the server wouldn't create problems but i see the problem of premiums gaining so much power for real world money, or in other words pay to win. I cannot personally stand pay to win but am still on massive craft because i don't pvp on server, what bothers me is the fact that with such powerful armor and abilities one premium can invade my faction and i can do nothing to help stop it because i am not premium.
I don't actually think non-prems lower then me but I couldn't resist saying the following...

"You plebs and your pelb problems. Take it to someone who cares!" - Wealthy Snotty Diamond Wearing God Sword Wielding Fishing 10k Premium

Not really... the number of premiums doesn't make it better or worse (actually, more premiums makes it better for everyone because then Cay gets more money and can grow the server larger). More prems just means that there will be bigger battles between them and that you're more likely to have a premium friend or faction member. So, once again, More is Better. (Essence of 'Murica.)

Just so you know the sole reason I purchased premium way back in the day when all it had was portals, nodrops, and diamond armor was for the nodrops. I hate falling into lava while mining and losing everything so I started donating in exchange for not losing my stuff to lava (though I sometimes accidentally press q instead of 1 or 2 lol). Now about the "how much would you pay me if I don't kill you" thing. Screw you. Premiums have to deal with this too, especially if we have factions to keep an eye on. I spend more of my silver paying to keep my faction members out of wars then I do on anything else in this game. Just because you lose stuff doesn't mean that you're the only ones who can be threatened by a premium member. On Horses, if you can find a friendly prem like me and provide the resources I'd be happy to set you up with a diamond armored horse of war. Or a portal. Or pretty much anything else only premiums can do.

Remember that snotty premium from earlier? Here he is... As a premium I can confirm that about 80% of the server is NON PREM. So if all the prems were offline there'd still be about 150-200 people online at any given time. Stop acting like we're the only ones who play Massivecraft, it's stupid, makes you look like an ass, and brings non-premium hate down on all the rest of us prems.

Now, I'd just like to tag every non-prem in this thread and say that lumping all premiums together as a mass of jerks who are pvp gods is rude. I can't win a fight against about 90% of the servers daily showers, premium or not. My stats aren't that good either, since I prefer building over mining, pvping, digging, and fishing (oh hell no).

And a last word about stats and premiums. People who become premium members are those with a great deal put into the server. You can purchase premium from people (If I'm feeling like it I sometimes sell for 150s for 1 month, 400s for 3) at a price a dedicated player can and will work toward paying. If you seriously can't collect 150s then you aren't dedicated to the server enough to need premium. I know folks who can bring in upwards on 500-700 silver a day. If they can do it so can you, being premium doesn't drastically effect how much silver you can make if you use your wits and work hard. That said, premiums almost always have higher stats that normal players because they work their arses off the get them. Hours griding in a darkroom, hours mining out diamonds and iron and other such stuffs to sell on the market, days spent increasing their now useless fishing skill (which is, trust me, the most boring possible way to spend minecraft). They worked to get their stats up and then decided to take it the next step and became premium. Being premium doesn't equal the stats, the stats equals the premium.
I guess you are right, and seriously, it's boring to Mine and Grind in the darkroom, but sometimes I suggest premium to take a break and go and relax themselves in the server twice a week or so, you can do that too actually
correct more money for the server wouldn't create problems but i see the problem of premiums gaining so much power for real world money, or in other words pay to win. I cannot personally stand pay to win but am still on massive craft because i don't pvp on server, what bothers me is the fact that with such powerful armor and abilities one premium can invade my faction and i can do nothing to help stop it because i am not premium.

Buddy, I just paid McMuffin55 off for the 3rd time (first was 300s, second 250, and now a massive chestplate). I'm helpless to defend my faction in pvp, I create safe houses for them to hide in so they don't lose stuff. Being a premium isn't what you have an issue with, it's people with high MCmmo, which has little to do with premium perks (the half time to use thing is it).
If you seriously can't collect 150s then you aren't dedicated to the server enough to need premium.

I am dedicated, I just am not very good with my money, I haven't gone up to 60s without spending it, if I was not as stupid, I'd have at least like a total of 600 by now or something :P
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