Archived Premium Overpowered In Pvp - Complains!

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Aug 18, 2013
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Dear community,

As many of you probably know, there have been complains about premium diamond armor being too overpowered looking at nonpremiums in iron armor. Nonpremiums fight for the fact they're underpowered, premiums fight for the fact they can enchant their armor, groupfight or whatever.
Myself, as premium, I think nonpremiums should not be able to wear diamond armor, it's unique to the server and has probably been around for longer than I've been playing. What I do agree with is the fact that nonpremiums are very underpowered, even though most players are peaceful. I have been nonpremium for 5 months, I got premium 2 days ago, I must say, it was worth it. But still, nonpremiums haven't got any chance in battling a premium raid.
I think something must change, everyone wonders what could be changed other than changing the armor abilities.
With the recent voting being added, a lot of people scream out the voting is pretty overpowered and would ruin the unique economy Massivecraft has. On this I do agree, it could ruin the economy, it could help it running, I'm not sure, it's worth a tryout. I think it should be added in a slower and more testing phase, voting obtained items should be marked in logs so they could easly be removed if necessary.
Yet, even though there are PVP complains, we're boosting the premium players even more with protection V armor, if that wasn't enough, it should run for a week aswell, so it hardly ever breaks.
We end up with the PVP balance being totally out of the game, it has just been implented, action should be taken if it ever is meant to.
As it now is, it cannot go on, nonpremiums are screaming about it the whole time, which I'd agree with. I came up with the idea in chat to see what happens: What if we changed the voting system a little? What if we changed the Massivearmor (diamond protection V unbreaking V) into Massivearmor (iron protection V unbreaking V)?
Looking at the reactions in chat, it seems positive, nonpremiums as well as premiums (surprisingly) liked the idea.
I know, it changes, and it gives us, the premium side of the community one less advantage, but we must all agree, nonpremiums are underpowered in PVP, you know that, don't deny it.
We may be sad about it, but at the other side, hey, we can wear that armor too?! And think of it you'd be a nonpremium and you cannot donate for whatever reason it is, wouldn't this make you happy? It balances the economy a little bit more, since this is only iron armor, not the expensive diamond ones. It will be more challenging to fight non-donators, they'll have atleast one piece of this armor on them, which gives them a chance of winning, and if you lose, what does it matter? You can still get another diamond armor set!
I think it should be given a try, just as we gave voting a try!

Please share opinions and feedback!
PS: I posted this in General because I'd like to discuss this topic, not to suggest it only.

Synominimus (Thiald Sulormiss)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is a fairly good idea.
I think that the Massive Armor is too easy to obtain considering it's power. The good thing about it though is that it cannot be repaired and thus is only for emergencies (unless you are really lucky). I would rather see it moved to a 6th Tier (1% or less if possible) than seeing it removed. Maybe replacing the Tier 5 armor with a similar enchanted Iron armor for the non-prems is a good way to go? (Unless there already is one)
Seems similar to what I wrote there. Even though Non-premiums aren't underpowered on their own faction territory(due to the 30% damage decrease) they should also get some kind of boost for when they aren't, so an iron Massive Armor would be a good idea in my opinion.
To be truthful, the massive armour is MEANT to be diamond for reason. It's that one extra perk for those like me who keep the server up via our money. I for one think that non premiums should quit bitching, since the premiums are the ones keeping the goddamn server up, and therefore i think we should get a little something in return for our money. Now, the fact that diamond armour is premium only is a subject that brings enough controversy to start the equivalent of WW III, so I won't go into my opinion, but trust me, this won't really get much traction... Cay does shit for a reason, and you know what I say to that? CAY! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! <3 <3 <3

I think that the Massive Armor is too easy to obtain considering it's power. The good thing about it though is that it cannot be repaired and thus is only for emergencies (unless you are really lucky). I would rather see it moved to a 6th Tier (1% or less if possible) than seeing it removed. Maybe replacing the Tier 5 armor with a similar enchanted Iron armor for the non-prems is a good way to go? (Unless there already is one)

I like that idea, a 6th tier of loot would be nice.
This is true and all, I totally agree with this post. Unfortionaly, the same amount people wouldent donate if the premium feature was balanced which means less income for the server.
Another thing to note is that non-premiums lose their armour upon death. In the event of defeating someone wearing Massive Iron Armour you'll be rewarded by it.

I do think in the area of combat it should be more balanced, PvP is now more about equipment than actual skill. That being said premiums need to have advantage over non-premiums otherwise the motivation to donate is removed. Maybe diamond armour can go up to unbreaking V but the protection remain at IV, or even iron armour goes a stage further to protection and unbreaking VI? It's a thought at least.
I understand that the server means money to run, and premiums need an advantage, and that's fine. But you also have to think about votes. The majority of people who play are non-premium, and if they aren't going to get something they can use out of voting, they may as well not vote. If they change the massive armor to iron armor, you can expect a lot more votes.
Well I don't deny that a lot of the other Non-Premiums do b*tch about PvP being unfair do to premiums having diamond armor but nonetheless if they train skills like I do they actually might stand a chance in combat against a premium, even though yes it is slightly OP I don't complain of you wanna have diamond armor get premium. I do like the idea of a Non-Premium iron equivalent of massive armor
I understand that the server means money to run, and premiums need an advantage, and that's fine. But you also have to think about votes. The majority of people who play are non-premium, and if they aren't going to get something they can use out of voting, they may as well not vote. If they change the massive armor to iron armor, you can expect a lot more votes.

How much silver do you think Massive armor sells for? Something a non-premium wouldn't want? I think not.
Unbreaking 5 iron armor would still wear down rather quickly, so it may need a higher unbreaking enchantment to work well enough.
To be truthful, the massive armour is MEANT to be diamond for reason. It's that one extra perk for those like me who keep the server up via our money. I for one think that non premiums should quit bitching, since the premiums are the ones keeping the goddamn server up, and therefore i think we should get a little something in return for our money.
EDIT: We help keep the server up, too ya know. Voting can help promote a server, so more players can join and donate. We can also get our friends onto the server, even if they don't donate, they could also be voting to promote it so some people whom can donate, most likely will. The Donation is the single addition to the list. We promote, show, and play on the server a lot. That's 3 steps. You promote, show, play on the server, and donate. That's 4. All you do is really one other thing and BOOM. Suddenly MVP over here.

You already do. Duh. You have over 15 perks. Us Non-premiums off all things have 15 Disadvantages. You already got your moneys for with Diamond armour, faster silver, less McMMo cooldown time, a green name, keeping of your backpack and inventory pacifist true, keeping your backpack no matter what, keeping your XP no matter what, keeping your armour no matter what, you can craft a lot of things we can't, damn, I'll bet if 3 Premiums were raiding you, they had about 1/4 your current McMMo power if they were combined, they'd be dominating. It's rough to be dominated with someone whom can LITERALLY sit there, and take about 7 seconds of aim every shot. And with the Massivearmour, seriously? I like it and all, it's like a lottery machine, but say a Non-premium gets it, boom, no worth. At all.
It's been said a lot before, but "It's becoming pay to win" it didn't seem that way as much before, but when they added Massivearmour, it really did become that. We get normal iron armour, prot IV, unbreaking III. We lose that easily, because we get attack by a Diamond armour Prot V Unbreaking V.

Of all things, it's rather painful to see Premiums like this.

Say you own a faction of Non-premiums and only them, they all get Massivearmour, whom is the only person who can use it? How cheated will the Non-premiums feel, because only their leader can head raiding and not lose EVERYTHING they have for combat?
Roof, be a non-premium for about 3 months, now combat only Premiums, and try to do everything you did before as a Premium, only in a Non-premium rank. You wouldn't last very long. That describes us. Now fight everyone without armour. That's us now that they added Massivearmour in only diamond format.

You already gained your money's worth before, now you're getting MORE than your money's worth.
Non-premiums are players, too. Every vote they give supports the server, too. Some Non-premiums can even help in events by using their RP skills, for example the Infernal Resistance or the Crimsons.
I have listed every reason in which your statement is false. I feel accomplished. :D
To be truthful, the massive armour is MEANT to be diamond for reason. It's that one extra perk for those like me who keep the server up via our money. I for one think that non premiums should quit bitching, since the premiums are the ones keeping the goddamn server up, and therefore i think we should get a little something in return for our money. Now, the fact that diamond armour is premium only is a subject that brings enough controversy to start the equivalent of WW III, so I won't go into my opinion, but trust me, this won't really get much traction... Cay does shit for a reason, and you know what I say to that? CAY! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! <3 <3 <3

I like that idea, a 6th tier of loot would be nice.

So you want to tell us that donators ONLY keep the server alive? Wrong!
Since voting was implented, there is a huge amount of nonpremiums that vote daily. The server has a basing community, which the server is based on. If there were no nonpremiums, the server wouldn't exist.
It's easy, the amount of players online makes the difference with other servers.

Also, I, myself AM a donator, I am not a bitching nonpremium, I'm bitching in their place, because they would probably get ignored. I'm a donator fighting for evenness, and if that means fighting for others, it be so!
Donators have an unfair advantage, not just an unfair advantage, this became extremely unfair!

How much silver do you think Massive armor sells for? Something a non-premium wouldn't want? I think not.

I bet that the massive armor will be worth almost nothing within a couple of weeks, Daily 600-700 votes per website, which means 1800 in total, 5% gets a massive item, how many will be in existence within a few weeks?
The money it is worth now will not be that in a couple of weeks, that's why I'm trying to stop this ASAP.

Well I don't deny that a lot of the other Non-Premiums do b*tch about PvP being unfair do to premiums having diamond armor but nonetheless if they train skills like I do they actually might stand a chance in combat against a premium, even though yes it is slightly OP I don't complain of you wanna have diamond armor get premium. I do like the idea of a Non-Premium iron equivalent of massive armor

I do agree on this as well, diamond should stay with donations, but the massive armor shouldn't.
What if premium and nonpremium have high skills? You must be extremely good in fighting to win!

You have over 15 perks we don't have. We usually need a premium to do it for us, this idea is amazing, and you should perhaps learn to realize that just because we have not donated to the server, we are still helping it by talking so good about it and STAYING ON THE SERVER.
I dunno I can give fight I almost never win though against people with god armor.
I'm not bragging, because this of all things is a bad thing, but most of the Premiums can't PVP. Their skill is the only thing having them fight. I was fighting someone in an arena, it was a Premium, I lagged, so my screen froze for like a good 5-6 seconds.
He didn't hit me once.
And I was point blank.
And after that, he was still swinging at me. And still missing.
I only died cause I didn't have armour so he one-shot me with a Eden-Axe.
If he didn't have all that fancy armour, money, or inventory, I'd be able to kill him at least twice in the time it took him to lay a single hit on me.
And again, that's not bragging. Cause I am pretty sure even Mecharic would win if he fought me.
No offence, Mech.

There is absolutely no valid statement if your statement is based on luck. As you're now, your bullshit talking, no offense.
This is an invalid statement, because I have said, you base yourself on luck: "Most of the premiums can't fight".
There is absolutely no valid statement if your statement is based on luck. As you're now, your bullshit talking, no offense.
This is an invalid statement, because I have said, you base yourself on luck: "Most of the premiums can't fight".

He means the premiums that he has fought only fight with McMMo, and no actual skill.
Well, I should've been more specific, lol sorry,
what I mean to say is that some of the premiums are based on the McMMo, and some of the Non-premiums really would be able to beat them quite faster if they didn't have diamond armour.
There really are prems out there that aren't exactly accurate, even at melee range.
If you've been raided a lot, eventually one of the premiums from one of the factions raiding you would show signs of lack of PVP skill, either by missing every shot they make with a bow, or they just can't seem to hit you with their sword/axe.

As I have mentioned;

That statement is totally based on opinion; you're still fighting for the fact of luck, see it as: Both, nonpremium and premium have 0 total level on MCMMO and fight each other in whatever armor they want or both, nonpremium and premium have a 1000 total level on every MCMMO skill and fight each other in whatever armor they want.
The premium is extremely stronger, and that is why I want the massive armor to become iron, so non-premiums can wear it, you're discussing about the fact donators can wear diamond armor, you're not even talking about the topic.
Really, I have mentioned it, I am a premium myself, I have been non-premium and I can tell, I was underpowered and with the voting armor, they might stand a chance. Award them that small thing, and you can wear the armor yourself, if you want it!
As I have mentioned;

That statement is totally based on opinion; you're still fighting for the fact of luck, see it as: Both, nonpremium and premium have 0 total level on MCMMO and fight each other in whatever armor they want or both, nonpremium and premium have a 1000 total level on every MCMMO skill and fight each other in whatever armor they want.
The premium is extremely stronger, and that is why I want the massive armor to become iron, so non-premiums can wear it, you're discussing about the fact donators can wear diamond armor, you're not even talking about the topic.
Really, I have mentioned it, I am a premium myself, I have been non-premium and I can tell, I was underpowered and with the voting armor, they might stand a chance. Award them that small thing, and you can wear the armor yourself, if you want it!

I see your points. I'll remove my previous posts, while they are not fact, I am simply stating what came to mind. Skills and armour does have affect on combat, as the non-premium could tear the armour if he's got an axe skill high enough to do it, but I really don't have need to mention McMMo skills on an armour thread.
Not our fault that you don't pay money to keep the server running. I do understand some people can't, but to be fair it does not matter if that can or can't. What matters is if they are or are not. I'm getting sick of all these people moaning and complaining.
I was tagged in this thread as an example of how bad at pvp William Chron is. I could probably kick everyone's ass if I ever bothered to Grind in a darkroom. I just prefer leading 3 factions and founding 7 instead. Oh, and running a bank that has hit the 15000 silver moved mark. And helping new members figure out the ropes of Massivecraft. And doing pretty much everything else possible rather then pvp. Just wanted to make the clear for you guys... don't use me as an example of your own shittyness at pvp, because I don't even try.

On to the topic of the thread:

I will now read the original post...

I agree fully to the OP. If Massive Armor was Iron it would not be solely a premium benefit. As it is a prem with a full suit of Massive Armor can literally walk through a battlefield of non prems and kill them at their leisure. It doesn't enhance roleplay, it doesn't create balance, it doesn't help the server. It just makes premiums even stronger.

On that note, I have no interest in such armor because, lets face it, I only use armor to avoid being killed by creepers, skeles, and spiders. Not in actual combat.
Not our fault that you don't pay money to keep the server running. I do understand some people can't, but to be fair it does not matter if that can or can't. What matters is if they are or are not. I'm getting sick of all these people moaning and complaining.

The thing is, if you don't have access to a credit card, many players can't buy premium. It surprises me how many players don't realize this. I mean no offense by my previous statement.

And yes, I ALSO realize that I could earn the silver and pay for it with ingame money, but I either a) don't trust the people selling it or b) don't have the silver/too lazy to grind for it forever.
I was tagged in this thread as an example of how bad at pvp William Chron is. I could probably kick everyone's ass if I ever bothered to Grind in a darkroom. I just prefer leading 3 factions and founding 7 instead. Oh, and running a bank that has hit the 15000 silver moved mark. And helping new members figure out the ropes of Massivecraft. And doing pretty much everything else possible rather then pvp. Just wanted to make the clear for you guys... don't use me as an example of your own shittyness at pvp, because I don't even try.

On to the topic of the thread:

I will now read the original post...

I agree fully to the OP. If Massive Armor was Iron it would not be solely a premium benefit. As it is a prem with a full suit of Massive Armor can literally walk through a battlefield of non prems and kill them at their leisure. It doesn't enhance roleplay, it doesn't create balance, it doesn't help the server. It just makes premiums even stronger.

On that note, I have no interest in such armor because, lets face it, I only use armor to avoid being killed by creepers, skeles, and spiders. Not in actual combat.

Exactly why I said even you could kick my ass. You don't even try and you'd still do it. .___.
If you tried I'm pretty sure you would be owning any enemy that would get near.
Not our fault that you don't pay money to keep the server running. I do understand some people can't, but to be fair it does not matter if that can or can't. What matters is if they are or are not. I'm getting sick of all these people moaning and complaining.

Read the whole thread before posting, I am premium!
It also saves the economy, if that does change your mind, guys!
I completely support making Massive armor iron instead of diamond, it would probably allow most non-premiums to actually have a chance in a fight. Of course, I would prefer that Massive armor be completely removed, but if that doesn't happen this is the next best thing.
Well, I once went in with me and 2 other friends to fight one premium with about 5000 power level, I had about 1000, my friends had about 700-800 I had high axes and acrobatics, they had high acrobatics with swords too, I had protection III and unbreaking II iron armour or something similar, anyway, we has some good weapons, I had a diamond axe while my friends had a diamond axe, we ran in threw a potion of harming and poison at him, we had insta health potions, we took about 3-4 heart per hit on us, while we dealt near to nothing. I swear we got alot of hits on him, but we dropped like flies, even with our moderately good armour, I believe this is because they keep there EXP LEVEL but lose EXP PROGRESS this means say they have 20 level and it's halfway to 21, they will lose the halfway point, but keep the 20 level? Right?

Plus, the sheer audacity when I lay in my bed and read the person talking about non-premiums "b*tching" They don't bitch, they have healthy arguements and express there views. All a premium can do is drink a swiftness potion evade battle for a short 30 seconds and stand there and lose nothing and run back in. (Sorry if I trail off it's 2am) That happened all the time in my first faction. Also you get plenty for your money, I can't get premium at the moment, 1 my parents don't trust me using online payments, 2 i've already bought like 10 games in the lost month averaging £20-£30. (It was my own money) and I am currently looking for a source of income, maybe to contribute to the server.

A non-premium is as valuble to the server and anything else, they're not anything lesser, just because they haven't payed to the server doesn't mean you can scrutinize them and prejudge they're not nothing but trash and should just pay or leave. I've had my say, and I hope not to see a argument break out.

Thank you for your time - KyleDinny "House of Condella(s)" 2012-
Woah, it took one Roof-placed toilet to suddenly flush all the Non-premiums into the thread to rate offensive and post all against him. o.O
I think we should head on topic now, even what I said might not have been needed lol

There seem to be two threads about this MassiveArmour, guys, but if you want to see an admin see this, you might want to @Tag them, otherwise they might be skimming over it and miss it.
He shouldn't have flamed at the premiums and maybe had a contribution instead of provoking an argument :P

Anyway, yes the topic; as mentioned before in my previous battle MCMMO does make a difference, and premiums probably do have it, since obviously they show loyalty to the server, why else would they donate, it takes time and contentration, eventually that'll pay off, you'll have 500+ axes/swords and maybw 750+ acrobatics to show for it along with high repair, maybe a high archery. If it's outside of territory, then yes. They may have an advantage, but planning and waiting to strike is also an important thing. If you're a non-premium, weak or both, perhaps you should avoid going to there base directly, unless you've got some seriously good armour/weapons, a plan, and some good pvp tactics/skill. Train. That's what'll make you win your battles, it's as simple as that, and hey, in your own personal life, maybe you'll find the time and money to maybe become premium.
Personally, the voting still has alot of great perks, I say they just get rid of the Massive armor entirely, regardless if iron or diamond.
I know nobody is gonna care and this is gonna change no minds and I am gonna be deemed another B*tching non-prem. But did it ever occur to you guys that maybe the reason some of us b*tch all the time is because a lot of you treat us like crap? Saying that you keep the server running and stuff along those lines? I could care less about the fact that I can't wear diamond I am fine with that but honestly the stuff a lot (not all) of the premiums are saying on this page is really offensive due to the fact that they are ACTING like non-premiums are just angry little insignificant peasants, and premiums are this superior group of people who can do whatever, that's simply not the case. From what I see a lot (not all) of premiums have a superiority complex.
Dear community,

As many of you probably know, there have been complains about premium diamond armor being too overpowered looking at nonpremiums in iron armor. Nonpremiums fight for the fact they're underpowered, premiums fight for the fact they can enchant their armor, groupfight or whatever.
Myself, as premium, I think nonpremiums should not be able to wear diamond armor, it's unique to the server and has probably been around for longer than I've been playing. What I do agree with is the fact that nonpremiums are very underpowered, even though most players are peaceful. I have been nonpremium for 5 months, I got premium 2 days ago, I must say, it was worth it. But still, nonpremiums haven't got any chance in battling a premium raid.
I think something must change, everyone wonders what could be changed other than changing the armor abilities.
With the recent voting being added, a lot of people scream out the voting is pretty overpowered and would ruin the unique economy Massivecraft has. On this I do agree, it could ruin the economy, it could help it running, I'm not sure, it's worth a tryout. I think it should be added in a slower and more testing phase, voting obtained items should be marked in logs so they could easly be removed if necessary.
Yet, even though there are PVP complains, we're boosting the premium players even more with protection V armor, if that wasn't enough, it should run for a week aswell, so it hardly ever breaks.
We end up with the PVP balance being totally out of the game, it has just been implented, action should be taken if it ever is meant to.
As it now is, it cannot go on, nonpremiums are screaming about it the whole time, which I'd agree with. I came up with the idea in chat to see what happens: What if we changed the voting system a little? What if we changed the Massivearmor (diamond protection V unbreaking V) into Massivearmor (iron protection V unbreaking V)?
Looking at the reactions in chat, it seems positive, nonpremiums as well as premiums (surprisingly) liked the idea.
I know, it changes, and it gives us, the premium side of the community one less advantage, but we must all agree, nonpremiums are underpowered in PVP, you know that, don't deny it.
We may be sad about it, but at the other side, hey, we can wear that armor too?! And think of it you'd be a nonpremium and you cannot donate for whatever reason it is, wouldn't this make you happy? It balances the economy a little bit more, since this is only iron armor, not the expensive diamond ones. It will be more challenging to fight non-donators, they'll have atleast one piece of this armor on them, which gives them a chance of winning, and if you lose, what does it matter? You can still get another diamond armor set!
I think it should be given a try, just as we gave voting a try!

Please share opinions and feedback!
PS: I posted this in General because I'd like to discuss this topic, not to suggest it only.

Synominimus (Thiald Sulormiss)
To everyone who complains that premiums are overpowered, get premium. I know not everyone can donate to the server for one reason or another but there are a lot of people out there who can donate for you for silver. And trust me, if you work hard you can get 100-150s in a couple days. You also said that voting might ruin the economy but I think the economy is already ruined. 5 Months ago unbreaking 3 books went for around 40-55s, now people sell them for 7 silver. People sell a stack of diamond blocks for 50s. Admins took WAY too long to nerf fishing..
I made a suggestion, I want to share it, I want to discuss about it. You'll not get something done without stating your point, even if I do this in this way. I'm glad everyone shares his opinion, as I had thought, nonpremiums would agree and premiums wouldn't. Of course, it's a hard decision we cannot just all agree on this, one side wins an advantage and the other side loses one. If we cannot get to the end, rather keep it diamond, downgrade it to iron or completely remove it, I'd like moderators+ to look into it, because we, as players cannot.
I do find massive armour to be pretty unfair. Not only is it god enough already, but then a premium can add more enchantments and become completely unbeatable. Someone in iron armour would be killed immediately. I've had myself, just walking around with a premium, obviously with nothing on me except roses, bread, and leather armour and a enchanted diamond sword. Suddenly, the premium asked, and I quote,"How much will you pay me if I don't kill you?" I ran, got to my friend's faction, he ran after me, I hit him with my sword, he took almost no damage. He hits me, I'm dead. Now, if a non-premium says that to a premium, they'll laugh, because they won't lose any items. Or xp. Or armour. Or their backpack. If a premium says that, we have to run, because chances are their basically unbeatable. As for massive iron armour, that's fair. I'm not being hypocritical here, because we have nowhere near the pvp advantages of a premium. Their HORSES are more powerful than us, with horse armour.It really is a pay-to-win, don't-pay-you-die situation in combat. And yeah, a lot of premiums seem to think that because they have a credit card, or even payed someone to use their credit card, they're superior than us.

I think I'll finish up here before this walll of text becomes larger and more of a rant.
Personally; I would say the biggest kick in the teeth in regards to PVP is the fact that Premiums keep their stuff. I don't see it as a good feature for admins to have, let alone regular players that just so happen to have some spare cash. With that, premiums can go into the MG arenas, collect themselves some loot whilst taking literally no damage due to their armour, wait for their pacifist to come back, remove armour, and let someone kill them. This ultimately allows them to cheat the system in a way that is frankly more annoying than anything. There's a plethora of benefits Premiums get that I personally think are ludicrous:

The backpack, I have no issue with. Portals; meh. Hats; couldn't care less. But the fact that they can wear armour (that was once attainable by FISHING of all things...) that makes them practically invulnerable during the course of a fight with a non premium and then keep their belongings even upon death is ridiculous from my stand point.

I would hope that the MassiveCraft staff view all of their members as being of equal importance and equal value; the above outlined features somewhat contradict that...

One of the increasingly few drawbacks of Minecraft Survival is the ability to die and lose your precious items. Although Mojang have been ripping out any sense of challenge with every update, Massivecraft isn't helping the situation. I don't see how combat against mobs or players can be in the least bit interesting or exciting being safe in the knowledge that you won't lose a thing, so long as it's in your backpack. That screams "Excitement? Risk? Pah! Why would you want that?" from where I'm standing.

*EDIT* The game mode is called SURVIVAL for a reason...
To be truthful, the massive armour is MEANT to be diamond for reason. It's that one extra perk for those like me who keep the server up via our money. I for one think that non premiums should quit bitching, since the premiums are the ones keeping the goddamn server up, and therefore i think we should get a little something in return for our money. Now, the fact that diamond armour is premium only is a subject that brings enough controversy to start the equivalent of WW III, so I won't go into my opinion, but trust me, this won't really get much traction... Cay does shit for a reason, and you know what I say to that? CAY! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! <3 <3 <3

I like that idea, a 6th tier of loot would be nice.
Orly? You will see while ALL we non premium quit for 1 day, how many people would be online?
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