Archived Pacifist Alteration

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped, from a nice evening of pvp I notice that I can't use my good blades without my god armour or I loose them.... It's very depressing to have a nice number of kills to a blade and then loose it and never see it again :(

I'm not saying this should be a premium only feature either, why should the non prems not be allowed this, this is something everyone should enjoy!? I think it would just encourage people to build a reputable weapon, a blade feared throughout the lands of aloria.

I'm not suggesting the entire hot bar cause that would make pvp pointless. cause no one would ever let there inventory fill, but it makes sense to hold something tight in one hand and not let go, I personally think this could play to many people's benefit and make more people want to pvp, It can get frustrating when a non prem refuses to fight cause they will loose all there things... And with this I think they will be more willing
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I highly agree with this idea, for both prems and non. I would love to be able to run into a battle with equipment that can take down a good pvp god-armored prem, without fear of losing it if I die. I don't have an unlimited number of materials for swords, and it is very irritating when I lose them, whatever the reason. I don't see why it matters if other people can't take someone else's god sword, half the people that could have god swords to begin with anyway. Also, I don't agree that people would start more wars, there are many other reasons why they won't. Power levels, other things in one's inventory for nonprems, xp levels, etc. Granted there might be problems with prems, but they don't have any problems with raiding and starting wars anyway. So everything works out fine, except for people like Borna, who make their living on the swords of their weak enemies.
My thoughts exactly.
Okay so I've read everyone's opinions about this idea, and I think the advantages out way the negatives.
The negatives would be that more people would be influenced to be involved in PVP as they wouldn't have a fear of losing their weapon, as well as the fact that non-premium's would have a bit more advantage to try and take on a premium player.
The advantages would be that non-premiums would more then quit their complaining about how unfair decisions to make Premiums have the upper hand by miles, and Non-premiums will get a taste of what it feels like to be able to keep a item while enjoying one of the many features part of massive-craft, then influencing them to buy "premium", as it doesn't exactly count as "donating", as you "wouldn't buy the shoe without trying it on first".

Wars would also be a lot more intense, and I don't feel that this would have as large impact on creating more people PVPing then present time. For one, majority of the people understand that this server is Role-play based, and if there's more of a fear of more raiders, then the Rules should be made clear that you cannot raid without purpose (The "For silver" excuse has become common as a raid reason, when realistically they are doing it for "LOL's" btw).
I made a god sword but I gave it to my friend, but I made her swear to never strike another (Diamond Armor/Premium) player with it so she won't lose it
I agree and disagree with this,disagree as if its implemented people will just start making god swords and starting wars and raid with no fear,and if you use alot of effort and help from other people to kill a guy with a god sword and he still keeps it its kind of demoralizing,like all that work for nothing[DOUBLEPOST=1371625494,1371625384][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe make it a every 2 days thing? so people who die and respawn near the fight cant just go in and attack the person who killed him? Like if you die once you keep your item but for the next 2 days if you die you lose it?

Not get rewarded for hard work? non-premium comes at you with god sword he is either
A: Not wearing armor
B: Wearing god armor
If A then he is an easy kill with your own god sword or really any diamond sword.
If B then he is hard to kill but will drop his armor that made him hard to kill when he dies
If he's premium then you're screwed mostly... unless it's made as a trade off make it so a premium has to choose if he always keeps his armor or his sword.
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