Archived Pacifist Alteration

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
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Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped, from a nice evening of pvp I notice that I can't use my good blades without my god armour or I loose them.... It's very depressing to have a nice number of kills to a blade and then loose it and never see it again :(

I'm not saying this should be a premium only feature either, why should the non prems not be allowed this, this is something everyone should enjoy!? I think it would just encourage people to build a reputable weapon, a blade feared throughout the lands of aloria.

I'm not suggesting the entire hot bar cause that would make pvp pointless. cause no one would ever let there inventory fill, but it makes sense to hold something tight in one hand and not let go, I personally think this could play to many people's benefit and make more people want to pvp, It can get frustrating when a non prem refuses to fight cause they will loose all there things... And with this I think they will be more willing
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Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped, from a nice evening of pvp I notice that I can't use my good blades without my god armour or I loose them.... It's very depressing to have a nice number of kills to a blade and then loose it and never see it again :(

I'm not saying this should be a premium only feature either, why should the non prems not be allowed this, this is something everyone should enjoy!? I think it would just encourage people to build a reputable weapon, a blade feared throughout the lands of aloria.

I'm not suggesting the entire hot bar cause that would make pvp pointless. cause no one would ever let there inventory fill, but it makes sense to hold something tight in one hand and not let go, I personally think this could play to many people's benefit and make more people want to pvp, It can get frustrating when a non prem refuses to fight cause they will loose all there things... And with this I think they will be more willing

Hey, I'm glad you agreed non-premiums for it to be within that trait too. I mean, in real life, people whom live by the blade die by it, eh?
Joking aside, people are of course going to die with their armour and with their blade still in hand unless broken. In real life, whatever you are holding when you die will most likely still be held by your hand. That is very interesting, as it can also add to the rp aspect without completely ruing the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1371601986,1371601833][/DOUBLEPOST]
i think this could balance the pvp on the server massively, and would benefit everyone.

Seeing as in many cases, and even in 1.6 it might be that way, Premium is turning into a free win if you can afford it by either silver or real money. Non-premiums are turning into rp and working, and that's really it. Of all things, it'd make so some factions have more soldiers, because some only use Premiums to fight, due to less loss of items.
What about people who don't like pvp? I have a feeling this would effect them negatively..... you know, with the fact that everyone can carry around a godsword now....

This would mean they get to carry around a stack of anything they desire without losing it, your also forgetting the unarmed skill that can be used to steal a god sword, it's not entirely that safe...
I agree entirely with this post. I hate pvp because I know that there is no way I can win without heavily enchanted gear. The problem is, I often will not win with that gear, and I will have nothing left to fight with, so my gear sits in a chest gathering dust. Also, to those who are saying it is unrealistic, when the body dies, it undergoes rigor mortis. During this, people can acquire the "dead man's grip" postmortem. This is where the hand clenches the last object it was gripping at the time of death, sometimes becoming impossible to pry from their cold, dead hands. This effect lasts up to 60 hours, long after a single battle. I agree with you all the way, Jomdorr. This would be a great addition, and it would increase the number of non prem pvpers. It would also, as some said, it would give premiums a bit of hesitance when they find that a guy will come at them with the best weapon he can get his hands on, fearlessly. I would definitely pvp more and enjoy it. I hope the admins find this post and look it over.
I agree and disagree with this,disagree as if its implemented people will just start making god swords and starting wars and raid with no fear,and if you use alot of effort and help from other people to kill a guy with a god sword and he still keeps it its kind of demoralizing,like all that work for nothing[DOUBLEPOST=1371625494,1371625384][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe make it a every 2 days thing? so people who die and respawn near the fight cant just go in and attack the person who killed him? Like if you die once you keep your item but for the next 2 days if you die you lose it?
If this idea is implemented due to the large amount of support from non premium players, and those that don't have excessive mcstats, then you can suck it. I don't have the ridiculous time you have had to get stats that high, this is only hated by the select few that have hugely massive power levels, this will only close the gaping hole between a low stat player and a high stat player, I believe you disapprove cause you know every fight you go into you will win cause your OP, the knowledge that a player can come at you with a non stop sharp VI axe annoys you cause you know there's is a more difficult fight for you. The huge amount of players that are assaulted by undefeatable characters is a bane on the majority, and as much as you don't like it, one day the majority will win.

...This makes no sense.

You're saying you want this so you can use god weapons to defend yourself against people with high mcstats.

People with high mcstats have god weapons too.
I feel like if this happens that people may abuse this. As I personally only go into battle with 1 weapon and some food on some raids. That would I would lose only food when I die. I like your point though that it would allow less sadness upon the loser of the loot, but could also create sadness from a killer's view. As when I pvp I just love that nose of the person dying and a weapon(s) entering my inventory.
I don't like this idea.. For once, stop suggesting stupid ideas...
...This makes no sense.

You're saying you want this so you can use god weapons to defend yourself against people with high mcstats.

People with high mcstats have god weapons too.

You never have anything positive to say like ever..... Could you ever give positive feedback about what you like about the idea rather than posting that, you have picked a hole that is really not there... I'm speaking about how massivecraft could encourage newer players to stay on rather than die by a 10000 mc stats player and never come back, any player that sees this finds the server unbalanced, the only reason I'm still here is because I'm one of rare few that can be bothered to grind on occasion

I feel like if this happens that people may abuse this. As I personally only go into battle with 1 weapon and some food on some raids. That would I would lose only food when I die. I like your point though that it would allow less sadness upon the loser of the loot, but could also create sadness from a killer's view. As when I pvp I just love that nose of the person dying and a weapon(s) entering my inventory.

The whole point is to level the player field a little, raiders would give up, or use there initiative and grind unarmed to disarm.
I agree and disagree with this,disagree as if its implemented people will just start making god swords and starting wars and raid with no fear,and if you use alot of effort and help from other people to kill a guy with a god sword and he still keeps it its kind of demoralizing,like all that work for nothing[DOUBLEPOST=1371625494,1371625384][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe make it a every 2 days thing? so people who die and respawn near the fight cant just go in and attack the person who killed him? Like if you die once you keep your item but for the next 2 days if you die you lose it?
Use disarmed skill dude
You never have anything positive to say like ever..... Could you ever give positive feedback about what you like about the idea rather than posting that, you have picked a hole that is really not there... I'm speaking about how massivecraft could encourage newer player to stay on rather than die by a 10000 mc stats player and never come back, any player that sees this finds the server unbalanced, the only reason I'm still here is because I'm one of rare few that can be bothered to grind on occasion

The whole point is to level the player field a little, raiders would give up, or use there initiative and grind unarmed to disarm.

ah i understand now! yes i would agree with you now.
Wait, you made this feature so people don't have to grind to pvp, but when people ask how they can get god weapons from other fighters in this feature, you tell them to grind unarmed? Isnt that a bit hypocritical?
absolutely not.

if anything, make EVERYONE keep their item in hand. you already keep your god armor, be satisfied with that. the last thing we need is another premium perk that makes PvP less fun and less rewarding for non premiums.

maybe give premiums a option, to either keep their armor or toolbar on death. if they have a valueble sword, alot of food, maybe a few god apples, they can choose to keep them, but will loose their armor.

By the way, I am premium for the record.
As Cowboys1919 said, and made a post, there is no buttons for dislike, and disagree, so...

That's because people like you exist.

absolutely not.

if anything, make EVERYONE keep their item in hand. you already keep your god armor, be satisfied with that. the last thing we need is another premium perk that makes PvP less fun and less rewarding for non premiums.

maybe give premiums a option, to either keep their armor or toolbar on death. if they have a valueble sword, alot of food, maybe a few god apples, they can choose to keep them, but will loose their armor.

By the way, I am premium for the record.

This will change very little in the way of downgrading premium pvp, used the unarmed skill...
Massivecraft is all about trying to get more player to fill its slots, this small advantage to everyone will only encourage return custom to the server.
8 people agree to it out of the 5-600 who play on massivecraft. The staff have said before, forum polls mean nothing, especially when there isnt even an option to disagree.

Also your using unknown statistic to push an idea out that you dissagree with, if you dislike it that's fine :) but I would bet money on an easy 400 + out of the regular 600 would love to see this implemented.
Also your using unknown statistic to push an idea out that you dissagree with, if you dislike it that's fine :) but I would bet money on an easy 400 + out of the regular 600 would love to see this implemented.

The forums itself are a very biased place to make a suggestion, especially when my idea considers mcstats as an issue, I think over 70 % of the players on here have mcstats over 3000 so the fact that people on here with a degree of ability like the idea is an achievement in itself, and just to point out the majority of players that dislike the idea because they have an obscene power level. If anything the positive feedback I have had so far is a shock to myself if you disregard any player commenting with over 7000 + power level (I'm not saying they have no opinion I'm say this will not benefit them for obvious reasons). My idea is addressing an issue that mcstats has created, pvp is unbalanced on massivecraft in a huge way, this will ease the tension and close the gap a little.
Jomdorr. how the heck is this supposed to level the playing field? The only way to get rid of someone's god weapon is to disarm them, which requires hours upon hours of grinding unarmed.
Jomdorr. how the heck is this supposed to level the playing field? The only way to get rid of someone's god weapon is to disarm them, which requires hours upon hours of grinding unarmed.

And here in lies the issue with people that are grinding for endless amounts of time. It's meant to allow players to feel less vulnerable, in some respects players would be more willing to fight or raid. It would make raiding harder for those that don't already have high disarm.
Also your using unknown statistic to push an idea out that you dissagree with, if you dislike it that's fine :) but I would bet money on an easy 400 + out of the regular 600 would love to see this implemented.

Just because most people want something doesn't mean they should / will get it. The whole server could ask for creative mode but they won't get it, as it will ruin the experience. I don't really think this is that different, although it is on a smaller scale.
Jomdorr. how the heck is this supposed to level the playing field? The only way to get rid of someone's god weapon is to disarm them, which requires hours upon hours of grinding unarmed.
Yeah, or kill them of course. But this would make the only way to get rid of a god weapon to be disarming, which is damn boring to grind.
Massivecraft is all about trying to get more player to fill its slots, this small advantage to everyone will only encourage return custom to the server.

I'm pretty sure the quality goes first over the quantity. If it was "all about trying to get more player to fill its slots" they could unban a few hackers here and there, and give away free items for getting votes on minecraft server lists, but that is not the case.
You never have anything positive to say like ever.....


As for you go away dude... Your comment is unwanted, if it were that stupid why would 8 people agree and 2 like it?

That's because people like you exist.

Try to consider everyone's viewpoints and not shoot them down. Borna PvPs and his opinion is important, however he decides to word it.
Yeah, or kill them of course. But this would make the only way to get rid of a god weapon to be disarming, which is damn boring to grind.

Agreed. And honestly I don't think I know anyone that actually grinds unarmed to 1k so that they can disarm. Mainly it is grinded for 100% iron grip. And at that point, it's almost impossible to lose your weapon in PvP if this was implemented.

Jomdorr, you need to stop telling people to "go away" if they disagree. You have posted a suggestion for players to give feedback on. Always expect some constructive/negative feedback. Just because you have 8 likes or whatever on your post, doesn't mean people don't disagree with it, since, negative ratings are removed. Don't attempt to force people into giving ONLY positive feedback if you disagree.

In my opinion this shouldn't be implemented, and I highly doubt it will. I don't really care about getting an inventory full of potions after I kill someone, I would obviously want to take their weapon after killing them. Which wouldn't be possible if this was implemented.
Let The Flame Wars Begin! Best Of Luck To All Who Participate!
Since the items i have read before this have seemed to roll into a tangent of what ifs and other more terrible suggestions ill throw my alteration into this crap storm. Like Grixer said extended pacifist false is the first need. Next if your going to do anything with your most cherished blade it should have an rp death. So pvpers bear with me for a second while i shift to rp mode

On death the soldier fell to the ground the sword in his hand began to glow a fiery red and then burnt up into thin air never to be seen again.

So in summary the equipped item is destoyed rather than dropped because by naming it you bound it to your life. Lastly non premiums deserve no benefits as they are not supporting the server cost. I was non prem for 6 months so dont go crying saying i dont know what it feels like.
Just because most people want something doesn't mean they should / will get it. The whole server could ask for creative mode but they won't get it, as it will ruin the experience. I don't really think this is that different, although it is on a smaller scale.

I dissagree entirely.

Yeah, or kill them of course. But this would make the only way to get rid of a god weapon to be disarming, which is damn boring to grind.

Meh if it gets implemented it will be the only way, maybe they should change it from a hundred iron grip to 90% chance if that's possible.


Try to consider everyone's viewpoints and not shoot them down. Borna PvPs and his opinion is important, however he decides to word it.

I also dissagree. There was no need for him to call it stupid, this is both unwanted and annoying.

Agreed. And honestly I don't think I know anyone that actually grinds unarmed to 1k so that they can disarm. Mainly it is grinded for 100% iron grip. And at that point, it's almost impossible to lose your weapon in PvP if this was implemented.

Jomdorr, you need to stop telling people to "go away" if they disagree. You have posted a suggestion for players to give feedback on. Always expect some constructive/negative feedback. Just because you have 8 likes or whatever on your post, doesn't mean people don't disagree with it, since, negative ratings are removed. Don't attempt to force people into giving ONLY positive feedback if you disagree.

In my opinion this shouldn't be implemented, and I highly doubt it will. I don't really care about getting an inventory full of potions after I kill someone, I would obviously want to take their weapon after killing them. Which wouldn't be possible if this was implemented.

I have not told people to go away for disagreeing I have said to illogical that he never has anything nice to say and I found bornas comment offensive. Like I said before just use the unarmed skill...
And as for cowboys I've not told him to go away we are only debating. In some respect he has a point, I like sarge peppers idea tbh but if the sword were to disappear, they could make a way to return a certain blade, maybe you could have only one blade that you can only loose through the disarm skill, and upon death a 30 exp level is required to summon the blade back to his hand...
I personally think Jomdorr is pissed because the only people arguing against this are PVP gods that grind skills to the end of time saying that it will make PVP unfair for weaker players. Its easy to see that he would dislike your opinions when it seems that there is a high level of bias here. As well....

I don't like this idea.. For once, stop suggesting stupid ideas...
This is just kind of a stupid and insulting thing to say, though Jomdorr has suggested frequently he only hopes to balance the server a bit more and as well only posts something around once a week.
I personally think Jomdorr is pissed because the only people arguing against this are PVP gods that grind skills to the end of time saying that it will make PVP unfair for weaker players. Its easy to see that he would dislike your opinions when it seems that there is a high level of bias here. As well....

This is just kind of a stupid and insulting thing to say, though Jomdorr has suggested frequently he only hopes to balance the server a bit more and as well only posts something around once a week.
Well then I hope Jomdorr would view my view of this as valid as my MCMMO skills are fairly weak. I don't like this suggestion because, as I said before, it doesn't get rid of grinding. You're making a big deal on how it will "level" the playing field when the only way to stop a player from using a god sword is to disarm it.
Newsflash- not everyone has a god weapon. The people that do have god weapons are mostly the MCMMO gods.

If this idea is implemented on the server it would only lead to people hastily grinding their unarmed to 1000 for the sole reason of actually being able to stop that one MCMMO god who has both over 1000 axes and a sharpness 5 axe, or that one elf with an absurd archery skill along with a god bow. Not sure if you noticed, but high archery can actually make you fairly OP with a god bow. The only reason a lot of archers don't use god bows is because most of them don't want to lose the bow, and this plugin would mean that suddenly any archer with archery over 600 is near invincible if he has a god bow. He doesn't require armor because he could just pick you off from a distance, and what do you get from killing the guy? Nothing.
This is why I don't like this.
Well then I hope Jomdorr would view my view of this as valid as my MCMMO skills are fairly weak. I don't like this suggestion because, as I said before, it doesn't get rid of grinding. You're making a big deal on how it will "level" the playing field when the only way to stop a player from using a god sword is to disarm it.
Newsflash- not everyone has a god weapon. The people that do have god weapons are mostly the MCMMO gods.

If this idea is implemented on the server it would only lead to people hastily grinding their unarmed to 1000 for the sole reason of actually being able to stop that one MCMMO god who has both over 1000 axes and a sharpness 5 axe, or that one elf with an absurd archery skill along with a god bow. Not sure if you noticed, but high archery can actually make you fairly OP with a god bow. The only reason a lot of archers don't use god bows is because most of them don't want to lose the bow, and this plugin would mean that suddenly any archer with archery over 600 is near invincible if he has a god bow. He doesn't require armor because he could just pick you off from a distance, and what do you get from killing the guy? Nothing.
This is why I don't like this.

You have a point :) they would have to find a way to reduce the iron grip to prevent this. I prefer surges suggestion,

On expansion, what if you could tie one enchanted object with your own name, so say a daimond pickaxe you name it after your minecraft name. so no matter what happens to it unless put in lava, you could summon the blade from wherever it is with 30 levels of exp and a \summon with the required materials to make the weapon so three dials and two sticks ? I think this sounds a little better than the original idea, I'd rather people didn't grind any further even if the OP gods already have grinded unarmed.
Also your using unknown statistic to push an idea out that you dissagree with, if you dislike it that's fine :) but I would bet money on an easy 400 + out of the regular 600 would love to see this implemented.

What you just said is by far the best example of a hypocritical statement I have ever seen.

if you actually think about it, every non premium on the server would disagree to it (and non premiums far outnumber premiums), and only about 4/5ths of the premiums would agree to it, because there are plenty of premiums like me, who don't just think "Hey, more perks for me", but think of ALL the players on massivecraft, and how incredibly unfair it would be if premiums kept all the items that are worth taking in PvP, while non-premiums lose all of it (if their iron armor survives long enough for them to die).

Basically, stop being selfish pricks, and suggesting premium features that make premiums even more OP in PvP.
What you just said is by far the best example of a hypocritical statement I have ever seen.

if you actually think about it, every non premium on the server would disagree to it (and non premiums far outnumber premiums), and only about 4/5ths of the premiums would agree to it, because there are plenty of premiums like me, who don't just think "Hey, more perks for me", but think of ALL the players on massivecraft, and how incredibly unfair it would be if premiums kept all the items that are worth taking in PvP, while non-premiums lose all of it (if their iron armor survives long enough for them to die).

Basically, stop being selfish pricks, and suggesting premium features that make premiums even more OP in PvP.

First off your comment is rude please take your language elsewhere, and second this was a suggestion to be applied to all and not just prem... And third if you had bothered to read the development of the idea, I changed it to an idea that involved summoning,
I don't like this idea.. For once, stop suggesting stupid ideas...

This isn't a stupid idea. This is simply an idea that seems to make your pvp become rivaled by some people if it is successful. And don't think this all bad, if all your allies, like for example Chronikatr kept all their blades from battle, that'd add up to be pretty good. Also to say, it'd make you guys more powerful. And poor Snakeeeer wouldn't have lost his Reaper's Toll. Sorry 'bout that, Snake.
The only real issue is that people from things like Alamut and eventually some non-premiums are eventually going to be able to bring a pretty good smack against you. And non-premiums need that, considering how much they keep losing from people randomly charging in and murdering them.
And admit it, it will eventually become quite a bother to keep replacing your blades once people get their skills higher. All it could take is a single nooblet with a couple of axes and 1000 axe skill to ruin your armour and sword. And replacing that sword got annoying. Sharp V isn't always easy to come by, and if the person got it from killing you, well now when you come back, all they need to do is hand it to someone whom has only Sharp III, and boom. Instantly your game has been drawn. It's down to whomever is the better aimed one then.
Darkrooms for non-premiums always will be safer, as you know in the next update,
The longer you are within an area, the smarter AI, the more equipped {Enchant weapons}, and the more armoured mobs will become {More spawning with things from iron to eventually diamond spawning, if I am correct}.
Zombies seeing 35 blocks too will not be helpful either, and once darkrooms because devastating because every mob in there is either wielding a weapon or sees you before you can draw back your bow, you are going to be happy to be keeping that axe you non-premiums were using to level up with. Then you can just run back, get your XP, and run or keep training.
First off your comment is rude please take your language elsewhere, and second this was a suggestion to be applied to all and not just prem... And third if you had bothered to read the development of the idea, I changed it to an idea that involved summoning,

I didn't use any bad language. forums are for people to share their opinions, supportive, and critical alike, you can't just ask people to censor any opinion that goes against yours. also, if you make changes to the idea, edit the original post.
I agree and disagree with this,disagree as if its implemented people will just start making god swords and starting wars and raid with no fear,and if you use alot of effort and help from other people to kill a guy with a god sword and he still keeps it its kind of demoralizing,like all that work for nothing[DOUBLEPOST=1371625494,1371625384][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe make it a every 2 days thing? so people who die and respawn near the fight cant just go in and attack the person who killed him? Like if you die once you keep your item but for the next 2 days if you die you lose it?
I think you're forgetting that when you die you lose power. Some people greatly need and value that power, so no. People wouldn't be running into battle with no fear.
I don't like this idea.. For once, stop suggesting stupid ideas...
Well of course you're going to be one of the ones to disagree. You have really high mcstats and are one of the best pvpers on the server. Of course you want to get all the items from a player if possible, and I kind of agree.
I highly agree with this idea, for both prems and non. I would love to be able to run into a battle with equipment that can take down a good pvp god-armored prem, without fear of losing it if I die. I don't have an unlimited number of materials for swords, and it is very irritating when I lose them, whatever the reason. I don't see why it matters if other people can't take someone else's god sword, half the people that could have god swords to begin with anyway. Also, I don't agree that people would start more wars, there are many other reasons why they won't. Power levels, other things in one's inventory for nonprems, xp levels, etc. Granted there might be problems with prems, but they don't have any problems with raiding and starting wars anyway. So everything works out fine, except for people like Borna, who make their living on the swords of their weak enemies.
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