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Played Character Altair

This character is actively played.
Jul 10, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information



Star Name:
Star-Child of curious Solfa, cursed tears buried under soil


Vitfou Narim (Raised by Narim)





Cursed (See backstory for more details)

Character Occupation:
Homeless Star Bug (For now)

Appearance Information:

Altair is a lilac-hued Orion shaped akin to a mantis-like half-Narim in their natural state, though sometimes will accidentally shift in color along the pinks and purples of Solfa-born Orion (This is purely because they are rendered mostly mute and is only for flavor and more body language that is implemented for speech only). Their faint magic trace also gives them orbiting rings of pale gold-hued Orionite (This is purely for flavor) that match their 'X' shaped Star Crown. The carvings on their Star Crown are simple patterning, shockingly, of little rings and bubbles.

Monster Invocation Form
Altair's Monster Invocation form ditches the paler lilac hue and shifts to a vivid pink tone- somewhat akin to fuchsia or hot pink- and will have shifts of a deep violet appear like little nebula clouds inside. Their ears elongate more akin to elves (rather than half-elves), and their lower half becomes akin to a scorpion. Their upper body becomes more skeletal in appearance, and their rings turn into razor blades.

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

Medical, Athletic, and (Mild) Magic Hobby



Orion can speak all languages spoken in the modern age by a large enough population. That is to say, all languages recorded on the Heritages Pages can be spoken by the Orion. They are not even aware that they can speak these languages. Whenever they speak them, they feel like they are speaking their native language, implying some form of Dragon-Magic translation at work.

Orion lack many standard biological processes. They do not need to eat or drink but they can if they want to, and they can also become intoxicated. Orion do not need to sleep, though they will occasionally need to meditate to process their thoughts. Otherwise, they develop a progressive form of attention deficit that causes thoughts to overlap with one another which becomes worse the longer they go without meditation. Lastly, Orion do not need to breathe but occasionally need to be exposed to the starry night sky to recharge their light.

Orion are immune to a specific Status Effect. In Combat Roleplay, the Orion cannot be Blinded (When Blinded, you cannot target anyone. You can spend a turn to end the Effect). Because they are made out of pure starlight and do not have conventional eyes with optic capabilities, anything that would conventionally blind another person cannot blind an Orion.

Orion can expel parts of the stardust that their body is made of to produce portable light. They can remotely control this stardust in the air or attach it to objects to create light fixtures that remain lit for several hours. Orion bodies also emit a warm gentle light that lights up any dark areas they travel in, though it is never so bright as to blind someone. They can also see at night with night vision.

When Orion are trapped, imprisoned, or black-bagged and dropped into an area they are not familiar with, a star-path of starlight that only they can see will always light the way out for them. Orion, in essence, never get lost and will always find the fastest way out of any non-Magical location that would otherwise confuse or trap other people.

Orion Star Crowns can be worn by other Characters which allows an Orion to be present inside the person's body. This causes the eyes of the host to glow like the color of the Orion, and star-light constellations appear on their skin similar to Orion Nova. The Orion can still speak with their voice while inside their host and use their Mechanics from inside the host, but they cannot use any Combat Abilities or engage in Combat.

Orion do not bleed, cannot be dismembered, break bones, or have any other form of conventional harm occur to them. They are immune to falling damage, do not drown, and cannot be infected with diseases magical or conventional. If they reach 0 HP in combat, their bodily cohesion fails and their Star Crown will fall to the floor. After some time (usually less than an hour), their body re-forms and the starlight re-ignites, re-forming their physical body. If instead their Star Crown was used by someone, they are immediately re-formed inside that person, but trapped until the hour is complete. Destroying the Star Crown is covered by Kill Permissions, as destroying the Crown would kill the Orion which only the Player can give consent to.

Orion cannot be Afflicted, cannot have Affinities, cannot be possessed by Spirits, and cannot Disguise themselves. That said, nobody can Shapeshift into an Orion, Disguise as an Orion, or change their appearance to approximate what an Orion looks like. To be Orion is to be visually unique, as ordained by the Dragon Orion. Orion can become Aligned - see the information in the Expanded Lore section.

Orion Mechanic = All the above


Altair's Recollection:

Altair fell from the sky to a group of beetle-like narim who were nomads for many years, though after finding the Orion they quickly gained lots of wealth and set out to Ithania. Since th change, Altair grew up among these beetle-like narim who moved to Ithania, though they never got to enjoy the splendors of such a place due to all the money being used to get a shared home and education for the mages among the narim. During the time, one of the mage narim angered a demon, and instead of cursing her directly- Altair was cursed instead. When they are overwhelmed by any emotion, their body will shapeshift into a monstrous form- however the other form will have different demeanors and clarity depending on the emotion that overwhelmed them (see "Monster Emotion Guide" for more information). Their "mother," Lanaeyra (AKA Lana), took care of them, even in their monstrous form. However, whilst keeping both Altair and other people safe- she kept them locked away… and they didn't get the normal education the others received. One day, however, whilst consumed by their monstrous curse- they killed Lana… but blacked out after that. They began wandering, researching people to better understand them- and hopefully also themself… so that one day they can figure out how to control or suppress the beast within.
Lanaeyra, the jewel beetle-like Narim who was Altair's "mother," found them after their Star-birth and took them in… but only to experiment on. They do not remember their early years well enough, but Lanaeyra attempted to make a deal with the Avarice Arken for two things- a child of her own, and a way to control Altair further… not letting anyone "have" them. However, instead, the Body Arken responded, and granted her request. Pleased, she did indeed have a child… and the Body Arken placed a curse on Altair- one forever binding them to painful transformation. When the other Narim she traveled with asked her about it, she claimed a Greater Demon did this to them… and she'd handle it. They moved to Ithania to "find a cure," but in reality, Lana was conditioning and training Altair to be a puppet-like experiment… whether it was instilling fear, or beating Altair to submission. Altair assumed this was what love was, and obeyed until the fear consumed them- reverting them to their more defensive and yet violent form. Normally, they'd be chained, but instead they lunged before she could… and when they make contact- they tore her apart and consumed her piece by piece. Since then, they cannot consume food or drink anything without being reminded of the blood on their tongue and the way they consumed Lanaeyra- leaving nothing left. They ran after that, stowing away and coming to Regalia… seeking a new beginning and answers.​

Monster Emotion Guide:
(Used for Monster Invocation)

General Notes (Mostly Spoiler-Free):
  1. Do not try to feed or make the monster drink fluids ever- or it's demeanor will shift to "Uncontrolled" (See below)​
  2. Each demeanor is very different and must be tended to very differently. The most recommended way to handle each form will be noted (for everyone's sake) but are NOT the only way to deal with the emotion, and new ways can be developed.​
  3. Positive emotions generally will be easier to deal with, whereas negative emotions may be more prone to violence (duh). HOWEVER! Included as well are more peculiar or specific emotions with unique behaviors!​
  4. Not all demeanors lead to CRP! Many actually don't react violently (some are passive until provoked too!) at all.​
  5. Not all emotion demeanors will lead to Altair remembering anything. Most times, Altair will remember very little in general from what they do in the varying forms.​
  6. Altair cannot communicate in any of these forms… not even in sign language. It is advised that body language is key to discovering which demeanor is at play and how to deal with it.​
    Positive Emotions​
    Happy: Monster is very sociable and obedient, more akin to a friendly puppy. Altair will remember some but not all of their actions in this form, but cannot control the actions themself. Usually getting it to play for a while until tuckering it out usually will get it to be satiated, returning Altair to normal.

    Love and/or Affection (Romantic, Platonic, etc.): Monster is incredibly docile and cuddly, the calmest yet least obedient form. It is an incredibly sociable form, and often will; 1.) have rumbling purrs that can be heard very vividly. 2.) Be in a scorpitaur "loaf" of sorts, usually holding something belonging to someone else. 3.) Is the most vocal in a quieter way, often letting out quiet squeaks and trills in response… and is more "conversational" than other forms (it will respond and react to speech with different noises). 4.) It will semi-ignore many people, but if you're the source of the feeling, they'll be extra attentive and actually a little obedient- though even with the obedience, it's hard to get them to do things. 5.) This demeanor is more cat-like (If that was not already obvious) and will mostly sleep. To deal with this one, usually it just must run its course till their mind gets used to the affection and having the person who caused it nearby will aid in this process. Altair remembers everything in this form.

    Excitement: Monster is bubbly and sociable- but erratic at times… It is also loud and will often make more "yip"-like sounds. It has a lot of energy and will try to climb about, akin to zoomies in other animals- though Altair will remember nothing. Usually almost swaddling its scorpion body to get it to stop running helps it start to calm down. Once you hear it start purring, it won't be long till it reverts to normal.

    Negative Emotions

    Sad/Despair: Monster is more lethargic and constantly weeps, usually trying to hide itself away. Altair is not in control of this form, but usually remembers very little. Cuddles are the best form of action, or letting it snuggle to a large pillow or stuffed animal will help them revert to normal.

    Scared/Anxious: Monster is incredibly jittery and defensive, constantly weeping akin to the sad form- but obedient to very few. A specific tone must be used to prevent this form from lashing out by giving commands, but this form will last the longest either way. Altair will remember everything in this form to a painful degree- but has little to no control over their actions. Extreme caution must be taken with this form. (There are TWO options for tone that will work, but one is trained into the monster already). Locking this form in chains normally will get it to stay and gradually calm… nobody has tried comfort yet.

    Angry/Rage: Monster is completely out of control, and obedient in only one way. Locking this form away till the anger subsides is the best option. Altair remembers few events of this form, but the events are usually destructive (though are far less in comparison to the Scared/Anxious demeanor's destruction at times). Wearing this one out by leading it on a chase will be the best option, or knocking them unconscious. However, there is a high chance Altair will vanish into their Star Crown from injury or exhaustion after this variant runs its worse.

    Peculiar Emotions:

    Envy, Curiosity, or Interest: All very possessive emotions, they bring out a silent and strange variant of the monster. Instead of attacking, it is defensive- but will form a hoard of something… or will hold someone as an equivalent. This one is harder to calm, but satiating its desire will aid in calming it down- otherwise locking it away will help prevent kidnapping or hoard formation. Altair will enter their motionless, meditation state for a long time after returning to normal, and will remember everything that happened afterwards- usually leading them to fits of embarrassment.

    Embarrassment or Flustered: This form is the most skittish, but instead of fighting it will try to flee. Altair remembers everything in vivid detail as well. It normally is mortified and will run from everyone. Herding it into a dark room with plenty of blankets and pillows will yield the best results.

    Boredom: Monster is incredibly lethargic and ignores everyone. It is one of their most difficult variants, and has nothing recalled by Altair. Getting this one to play or engage in an activity that holds their attention is the best way to deal with it.

    Emptiness: This variant is the hardest to explain, as if they ever feel devoid of emotion or too many at once- they will enter this state. This form is silent, but also motionless… like a statue. It doesn't react to anyone, and must simply be given time to come back from either the void of emotion OR the overwhelming amount of it. However, as things are done around the monster, Altair will remember everything that is done around them.

    This is the most volatile, and is a trauma response form. If Altair consumes anything or is around their worst fears- this form will involuntarily spring out (and any form above that is given things to consume will revert to this form). The demeanor of this one is incredibly violent, lashing out at any and every person in general vicinity. Altair remembers everything, but has absolutely no control over what they do. Depending on things that happen- this form either is dealt with like Anger or Fear, and it may revert to a different form afterwards if a different emotion overtakes them in the moment. Locking this one away is often the preferred choice- especially with a muzzle.​

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities


Invoke (Magic)

Monster Invocation (Cursed by "Demon")

Fleet Footed (Orion Free)
Fate's Wheel

Technique Parry
Diving Tackle
Concussive Blow

Steady Body
Force Toss
Building Scale
Break Down

Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Iron Will

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Constitution

Proficiency Points: 14/14 points spent]
Strength: 7
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 1
Faith: 0
Magic: 1


Altair is actually nearly completely illiterate (kindergarten/first-grade level reading skills) and cannot write at all. Despite this- they often can be seen taking notes… which are actually just scribbles that aren't even drawings.

They are also colorblind! They are specifically red-green colorblind, but their favorite color is a bright sunshine yellow.

Altair learned medicine and how to deeply clean places due to their monster form… this was further conditioned by Lanaeyra to a nearly obsessive degree. Yet, for both, they display high alertness and anxiety.

If they did eat, their favorite foods would be fruits or specifically avocado.​
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