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Played Character Esteban Cortez

This character is actively played.
Nov 14, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! I'm brand new to this server and have been slowly reading the wiki lore and figuring out my character I'm going for. I read about the Orion heritage and loved it so decided to make a character. Here's what I got so far:

Character Information
● Full Name: Esteban Cortez
● Star Name: "Star-Child of curious Maiden, passed with the swiftness of lightning"
● Heritage / Culture: Orion (Raised in Tierravera Ailor culture)
● Age: 21
● Gender / Pronouns: They/He (Nonbinary but masculine leaning)
● Religion: Draconisim (I read the companion dragon Luna's information on the wiki so
I decided to go with this religion since I liked what I read lol)
● Occult: N/A
● Character Occupation: unemployed for now

Appearance Information
● Eye Color: Blue
● Skin Color: White-blue
● Hair: N/A
● Height: 5'9"
● Body Type: Mans is built like a refrigerator. Stocky guy, not overly muscled but strong
● Additional Features: He's an Orion so his body is made of stardust. ✨ Shiny✨

Skill Information
● Hobbies and Talents: Athletic Hobby (He likes farming, crafting, mining, and general manual labor tasks
like that. Likes helping others with tasks if he can).

● Mechanics: Orion and Ailor Mechanics listed on Wiki

● Languages: All (since that's what it said for Orion's on the wiki, anyway)

Backstory/Plothooks: All I have for this is that he was found by a family of Ailor people & raised in Tierravera Ailor culture. Esteban is a curious star person, always trying new foods, drinks, or exploring the parks and gardens to see the flora and fauna around the city. He's mindful of the light he emits, and generally tries to hide it if he can. He's curious but also anxious around large groups of people and social situations in general, not wanting to piss someone off by saying the wrong thing or not knowing the customs.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 3
Defense Stat: 3
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
● Strength: 3
- Building Scale
- Force Toss
- Steady Body
● Constitution: 3
- Tank Hero
- Tank Stance
- Status Endure
- Interception (free pack buy from heritage)
- Thick Hide
● Intelligence: 2
- Shapeshift Pack
- Wardrobe Pack
● Wisdom: 0
● Dexterity: 4
- Escape Artist
- Fleet Footed
- Sharp Reflexes
- Close Save
● Faith: 1
- Safety Prayer
● Magic: 1
Magic Revenge

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