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Played Character Ezralin

This character is actively played.
Jan 31, 2025
Reaction score
"I don't see the point in safety if it would stop me from learning."

Character Information
  • Full Name: Ezralin
  • Star Name: Star-Child of the curious Green-Red Farsight, reached up as they fell.
  • Heritage: Orion
  • Culture: Cearden Ailor
  • Age: 27
  • Gender / Pronouns: A-gender, any pronouns
  • Religion: Draconism
  • Character Occupation: Traveler
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: White
  • Skin Color: Sage green
  • Hair: Short and messy, light green
  • Height: ~5'5
  • Body Type: Slim and lean
  • Additional Features: Light freckles that glow, slightly pointed ears, small goat-like horns
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Enjoys Origami and sharing little origami animals with people.
    • Likes making crafts, taking up any sort of craft on a whim if they think it might be fun or challenging to do.
    • They really like tasting new foods. anything really. They will eat almost any thing they come across as long as it looks some what edible(?).
    • They like taking notes on any thing and anyone they see of meet, as to not forget important details.
  • Mechanics:
    • -Orion can speak all languages spoken in the modern age by a large enough population.
    • Orion lack many standard biological processes. They do not need to eat or drink but they can if they want to, and they can also become intoxicated. Orion do not need to sleep, though they will occasionally need to meditate to process their thoughts. Otherwise, they develop a progressive form of attention deficit that causes thoughts to overlap with one another which becomes worse the longer they go without meditation. Lastly, Orion do not need to breathe but occasionally need to be exposed to the starry night sky to recharge their light.
    • Orion are immune to a specific Status Effect. In Combat Roleplay, the Orion cannot be Blinded (When Blinded, you cannot target anyone. You can spend a turn to end the Effect).
    • Orion can expel parts of the stardust that their body is made of to produce portable light. They can remotely control this stardust in the air or attach it to objects to create light fixtures that remain lit for several hours. Orion bodies also emit a warm gentle light that lights up any dark areas they travel in, though it is never so bright as to blind someone. They can also see at night with night vision.
    • When Orion are trapped, imprisoned, or black-bagged and dropped into an area they are not familiar with, a star-path of starlight that only they can see will always light the way out for them. Orion, in essence, never get lost and will always find the fastest way out of any non-Magical location that would otherwise confuse or trap other people.
    • Orion Star Crowns can be worn by other Characters which allows an Orion to be present inside the person's body. This causes the eyes of the host to glow like the color of the Orion, and star-light constellations appear on their skin similar to Orion Nova. The Orion can still speak with their voice while inside their host and use their Mechanics from inside the host, but they cannot use any Combat Abilities or engage in Combat.
    • Orion do not bleed, cannot be dismembered, break bones, or have any other form of conventional harm occur to them. They are immune to falling damage, do not drown, and cannot be infected with diseases magical or conventional. If they reach 0 HP in combat, their bodily cohesion fails and their Star Crown will fall to the floor. After some time (usually less than an hour), their body re-forms and the starlight re-ignites, re-forming their physical body. If instead their Star Crown was used by someone, they are immediately re-formed inside that person, but trapped until the hour is complete.
    • Orion cannot be Afflicted, cannot have Affinities, cannot be possessed by Spirits, and cannot Disguise themselves. That said, nobody can Shapeshift into an Orion, Disguise as an Orion, or change their appearance to approximate what an Orion looks like.
  • Languages:
    • Almost all- Orion mechanic
  • Ezralin was taken in and raised by a small family of merchants. Though they don't remember much about them other than that and that they weren't the most attentive of caretakers, having memory issues that make it difficult to remember anything she hasn't written down- mostly because they can reread it at a later date and remember what happened loosely. He had wandered off one day when they were younger, curious about the world and had just... forgotten to go back. She decided to explore, keeping a notebook on them at all time, one that had been destroyed and replaced many a time making them even more unaware of who exactly he is.
Ezralin is mostly interested in learning about peoples cultures and discovering the world around him, not really paying attention to anything else unless it can catch his interest for more than a couple minutes. His low attention span is probably not helped by the fact he forgets to meditate more often than not, often getting too sucked into a subject and forgetting about the world around her, sometimes literally. They enjoy collecting treasures or trinkets from every place he visits and people he meets as a way for remembering them. He can be oblivious and will generally think the best of people, never really believing that people can be wholly bad. The one thing they care about more than anything is their notebook, it being the only thing keeping their memories 'together'.​
  • Eric Liolen! (Sorta-adopted)
  • ------ -------?
  • ----- -------?
  • ------- -------?
  • ---- -------
  • Eric Liolen
  • Ophelia(?)
  • Reigis(?)
  • Nelcotzin!
  • A'saara
  • Elena, Maybe?

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Dexterity
Defense Stat: Magic
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 1
    • Technique Parry
    • Wounded Ego
  • Constitution: 2
    • Thick Hide
    • Vigor
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Wardrobe
  • Dexterity: 4
    • Dirty Fighter
    • Cutthroat Escape
    • Improvised Attack
    • Cutthroat Tether
  • Magic: 4
    • Protocol Eject
    • Protocol Photon
    • Protocol Scout
    • Protocol Coding
    • Protocol Detect
    • Arcane Isolate
  • Charisma: 2
    • Hazard Presence
    • Sanctioned Presence
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