A few very important things need to be noted here as the number of these posts and sentiments have become increasingly common and exaggerated.
1. You seem to have become angry whilst Out of Character over actions made whilst In Character. Not everyone is going to be "nice" in Roleplay but that is no reflection on their virtue and character in real life. It is only saddening to see such ridiculous, misplaced anger.
2. Any good historian or writer knows that when studying history you must leave behind all the norms and social structures that are commonplace to your particular society and time period. This also reigns particularly important when roleplaying. In my opinion, it is in bad taste to insult a noble when they act like a "douchebag" or let their position go "straight to their heads". Noble families like the Medavincis in Regalia and other similar families throughout history are expected and known to be mean and cruel. However, it would be pure idiocy to insult them on these points directly seeing as they gained their power through such tactics and would thus correct you with strict and harsh punitive measures.
In the end, you all should relax whilst out of character. If anything, my character being called a "douchebag" only serves to remind myself, along with Grailen, that we are roleplaying as we intended to.