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Shelved Character Astri Løvenskiold |The Noble Astrologists

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score
South Africa

Character Information

Full Name:
Astri Løvenskiold

Astri is a girl's name of Norse and Latin origin meaning "star." With such a definition, baby will always find comfort when looking up at the night sky. This particular name is all the more fitting for those who are keen astrologists and wish to pay homage to the stars with this beautiful name.

Lion Sheild.
The lion is often called the "king of beasts" and is a symbol of strength, courage, and nobility

Heritage / Culture:
Half Ailor, Half Fin'ullen [ Fin'ullen Dominant ] [ Nordi Velheim ]


Birthday: 24 October
Year born:

Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her


Asne Løvenskiold


Magic Realm: Eidolon
Magic School: The Light School
Magic Origin: Birth and Blessing Origin
Training: Divine and School Training

Affinity: Nolven Godborn
Affliction: None

  • Nolven is an Ailor Unionist God of war and harshness, of the chaos of inspiration and undefeated warriors and duellists. Nolven is the twin of the other Dogmatic Unionist God Neall, and the two represent the contrast or duality of the Regalian Empire's ability to both create and destroy, to bring peace or war, and to create beauty or inflict death. Neall is controlled, reserved, and shy, while Nolven is erratic, affable, and driven. Between the two of them, it is thus Nolven who is subject to the carnal desires of the flesh among mortals, and who is keen to (ab)use his divine status among the faithful. Nolven's most recognizable and passing traits, are his ginger/auburn hair, and the golden glowing tattoos that can be found in varying places of his body. He grants a golden-glowing eye-mutation to his children, allowing their sclera to be golden, and/or their irises glowing golden also. He also sometimes grants golden or white feathered wings to his children, which function more like shields, and are incapable of flight.

    Nolven Godborn bear a great deal of expectation from Unionist society, who expect them to become holy warriors, paladins, or defenders of the faith. There is always an unhealthy comparison with Nolven's inability to lose a single duel, and his great physical prowess. For this reason, many Nolven Godborn can be found among the Knightly Orders, as well as personal bodyguards of the Unionist Priests.
  • None

Character Occupation:

Character Title:

Asnye Løvenskiold | Partner
Ashild LovenSkiold | Child

Court Family

To be Determined

Appearance Information:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:


6 feet

Body Type:

Additional Features:



Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:
  • Medical Hobby
    Medical Hobby covers broadly things done to heal, treat, and diagnose people and animals. This includes but is not limited to diagnosing ailments, prescribing medicine, performing check-ups, and other basic medical roleplay. While "realistically" non-magical medical healing is slower, we do not enforce this on players, and can treat people with medicine and technology just as good as you can with magic.

    Athletic Hobby:
    Athletic Hobby cover broadly things involving physical labor. This includes but is not limited to lifting heavy objects, carrying other people around, helping others reach a physical fitness goal of theirs, as well as other basic physical labor or athletic roleplay. This hobby is fairly simple but very open ended, allowing the user to manifest their physical prowess however they see fit. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in roleplay to all participants.
  • Magical Talent:
    Magical Talent covers broadly things done with magic or that have a magical feel to them. MassiveCraft does not in theory limit the creative freedom of magic roleplay. A mage can create autonomous lights or brooms, give magical effects to drinks, or ignite and douse fires with a simple gesture. Mages can also use their magic to heal and cleanse, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. Healing cannot be done before or in combat. Alternatively, mages can use their magic to corrupt and harm.

    Magic talent has no morality, but to use magic talent a character must be considered a mage of some alignment, and some uses of magic Talent can be considered sinistral magic.

    Cleric Talent:
    Cleric Talent covers broadly things done with god magic, or things done in the service of religious rituals. Cleric talent allows a cleric to have creative freedom with non-combat religious rituals, such as: igniting or lighting fires with a simple gesture, conjuring images in the air, or in smoke or water, etc.

    Clerics in particular are thought of as healers, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. However, it is important to note that cleric talent has some limits on what it can be used for, and should strictly only be used for healing and religious ceremonies, and not for day to day chores like automating a broom to sweep. Cleric Talent is always god magic, and requires that a Character be a faithful of some religion.
  • To Be Determined


  • Mechanic 1: Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

    Mechanic 2: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

    Mechanic 3: Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.

    Mechanic 4: Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.

    Mechanic 5: Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
  • Mechanic 1: Nolven Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolven and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) ou tof Combat, and have no Cooldowns active. Charisma investment must be the same across both forms.

    Mechanic 2: Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves, if they die in Battle, do not pass on to to the Afterlife, but instead become Burning Choir Undead.

    Mechanic 3: Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waiver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness.

Sign Language


  • To Be Determined
  • To Be Determined
  • To Be Determined
  • Asne Lovenskiold
    Asne is someone Astri is fiercely protective of, someone she loves and cares about deeply. She wants to ensure that her partner is safe, no matter the situation.

    Astri is very familiar with the Bloodcast Sergeant, especially thanks to their long history together. And despite the mask of hatred she can be found wearing around the young man, it desperately hides the motherly love she has for him. She will not admit that he is seen as a son to her, despite everything that has happened.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7
War: Wisdom
Art: Magic

Defense Stat: 5
War: Faith
Art: Magic

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
[ War ]
Wisdom: 7
Faith: 5
Magic: 2
  • Breather Pack [ Training ] [ Passive Teqchnique ] [ Free Pack ]
    When the user would gain Health from any Source, increase it by +1HP, and put this Ability on Cooldown. If the user reaches 4HP, and has not gained any Health, increase their Minimum Defense Dice roll by +2 for the rest of Combat, but prevent this Ability from being used again. Breather has a 20 Minute Cooldown.
  • [SLIDE]
    Command Stance [ Command ] [ Stance ]
    During Command Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Melee Point Buy, Shielding Point Buy. When entering Command Stance, the user may also not perform Attack Emotes. Additionally, in place of a basic attack the user may target another character within Emote Range and add 4 to the minimal result of either their next Attack or Defense roll (/roll 5 17 as an example). This does not Stack with itself, or with other bonuses that raise the minimum result. Finally, any Link Abilities used by the user while in Command Stance remain active so long as they remain in Viewing Range, rather than breaking when leaving Emote Range. Command Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended Command Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.

    Attack Command Pack [ Command ] [ Instant Technique ]
    The user points to an Ally within range, immediately instructing them to make an attack. Without using their action, the target makes an attack out of turn against an enemy of the user's choosing, as long as that enemy is within range of the ally's attacks. Attack Command has a 30 Minute Cooldown once used.

    Shield Command Pack [ Command ] [ Instant Technique ]
    When the user gains a Block Token (except from Armor), the user can choose a single Ally within range to grant an additional Block Token to. Shield Command can be used out of turn, does not take an action, and has no Cooldown, but can only be used once per Ally.

    Champion Command Pack [ Command ] [ Link Technique ]
    The user targets a single Ally, and attaches a Link. While this Link is active, the target adds any increases, even ones that don't break cap, to their Attack or Defense to their minimum Attack and Defense Rolls respectively, but only up to a maximum of +6 for each. Once broken or removed, Champion Command goes on a 2 Hour Cooldown. If a target is affected by Overwhelm Command, Champion Command does nothing.

    Defend Command Pack [ Command ] [ Link Technique ]
    The user can target up to 2 Allies to divide +3 total Defense Stat (that breaks Cap up to 11). This means they can split it between them, or put all Stats on a single Ally. For every Ally Targeted, a Link is established. Once all Links are Broken or removed, Defend Command goes on a 30 Minute Cooldown. It is not possible to re-distribute the Stats without going on Cooldown first.

    Overwhelm Command Pack [ Command ] [ Link Technique ]
    The user targets a single Ally, placing a Link upon them. While this Link is active, if the Ally has more than 3 enemies within Melee Range of them, the first Ability the Ally uses on each turn does not consume their Action. Once broken, Overwhelm Command has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If a target is affected by Champion Command, Overwhelm Command does nothing.
  • [SLIDE]
    Sacred Bleed Pack [ Cleric ] [ Instant Power ]
    To prevent an enemy from healing, deal -1HP damage to self, target an enemy within range, and apply the Bloody Status Effect to them for the next 15 minutes. If the Bloody Status is removed early, reduce this Ability's cooldown by 30 minutes. Sacred Bleed has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

    Sacred Burn Pack [ Cleric ] [ Instant Pack ]
    To harm an enemy at cost to oneself, deal 1HP damage to self, and apply a -1 Defense Stat to an enemy within Range for the next 15 minutes. After 10 Minutes, deal -1HP damage to the target enemy. Sacred Burn does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

    Sacred Judgement Pack [ Cleric ] [ Instant Power ]
    To hinder an enemy sinistral user, use this ability as a reaction to an enemy using Sinistral Magic, which does not consume the user's action. Apply a -2 to the final result of their next Attack or Defend roll. Sacred Judgement does not Stack, and has a 30 Minute Cooldown.

    Sacred Gear Pack [ Cleric ] [ Buff Power ]
    To bless the equipment and enhance the defenses of allies, the user targets up to 3 allies within range. The targets gain +1 Defense Stat, that breaks cap up to 9. If the ally worships the same religion as the user, they also gain +1 Attack Stat that breaks cap up to 11. Sacred Gear lasts for 30 minutes, does not stack, and has a 4 hour cooldown.

    Sacred Healing Pack [ Cleric ] [ Buff Power ]
    To heal allies over time, the user applies a Link Power to an ally within Range. For as long as the Link is active, the target heals 2 HP every 10 minutes. This healing occurs at the end of the 10 minute timer. Sacred Healing can only be upheld for a maximum of 20 Minutes, but if the user deals damage through any means while it is active, it instantly ends and any healing done is reverted. Once ended, Sacred Healing goes on a 2 hour cooldown, and does not Stack.
    • Oceanic Pack [ Free Pack ]
      • The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

    • Mind Control Pack
      • The Mind Control Pack allows a Character to establish a level of control or influence on other Characters through the use of Alchemical addiction, or pheromone serums, or mind-control chips and machines. This Pack has several functions, each of which is explained below. Keep in mind that Mind Control, to rob someone of their free will and agency, is one of the most heinous moral crimes in most cultures and Religions. You should expect Characters to react with extreme hostility if your Character is found to be using Mind Control. Some Characters may also be immune to Mind Control, but in such instances, these Mechanics simply don't work, they don't suddenly notice that someone tried to Mind Control them. Using any form of Mind Control is not telegraphed, meaning it cannot be seen when used by others (unless someone was there when it was applied). This means the only way to discover Mind Control of any kind, is with educated guesswork.
      • Control Thralling: The Character can establish Mind Control over a Character with OOC consent (which can be revoked at any time). Mind Control can vary from the Target becoming completely unable to act and waiting for commands, or being mostly in control of themselves, but just not being able to reject commands from the user. Mind Control cannot be overwritten, and can be removed from any Knocked Out person (they will always violently resist being freed) by removing the device or substance that Mind Controls them. There is no upper limit to the amount of people Mind Controlled this way. Make sure to always communicate the level of (dis)comfort Players may have with Mind Control before engaging in it.
      • Magical Variant: Control Thralling can no longer be removed by just Knocking someone Out, they have to be freed from Mind Control through the use of an Ability or Mechanic that functions as a form of Exorcism. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

    • Safeguard Pack
      • The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of magic where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

[ Art ]
Magic: 14

  • Breather Pack [ Training ] [ Passive Teqchnique ] [ Free Pack ]
    When the user would gain Health from any Source, increase it by +1HP, and put this Ability on Cooldown. If the user reaches 4HP, and has not gained any Health, increase their Minimum Defense Dice roll by +2 for the rest of Combat, but prevent this Ability from being used again. Breather has a 20 Minute Cooldown.
    • Oceanic Pack [ Free Pack ]
      • The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

    • Safeguard Pack
      • The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of magic where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.

    • Magic Cleanse Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To protect Self or an Ally from a harmful Status Effect, instantly remove one Status Effect (choose one, if multiple) from Self or an Ally within Range. Magic Cleanse has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Instead of removing the Status Effect, transfer it to an Enemy within Emote Range

    • Magic Curse Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To make an enemy choose between two weakening effects, instantly apply the Warned Status to an Enemy within Range. The Enemy must choose between -1 Attack Stat or -1 Defense Stat. This Stat Reduction lasts for 15 Minutes, after which Magic Curse's Cooldown begins. Magic Curse does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Stat Reductions become -2, instead of -1. Also, target another Enemy within Range. Whichever option the first enemy does not choose, apply that -2 to the second enemy.

    • Magic Disengage Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To help an Ally, or oneself, escape a bad situation, use this Ability as a reaction to an Ally taking a Move action, or when the User takes a Move action. That Ally can move through people, and does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, but, apply the Fleeting Status to the Target for 10 Minutes. Magic Disengage does not consume an Action. Magic Disengage can be used Once Per Combat Scene. Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used on Ally, no longer applies Fleeting. Instead, if the user would walk through someone, enemy or ally, apply the Prone Status Effect to that Target. Maximum 5 Targets.

    • Magic Distort Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To disrupt enemies around the user, apply the Confused Status to everyone within Range of the user, including Self. The user, while Confused, cannot target enemies they applied the Confused Status to. The Confused Status lasts for one turn. Magic Distort does not Stack, and can only be used Once Per Combat Scene. Sinistral Usage: No longer Confuses Self, instead Deals 1 HP Damage to Self, and 1 HP Damage to one Target within Range.

    • Magic Isolate Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.

    • Magic Shove Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Power ]
      • To move an Enemy, instantly Displace a Target 5 Blocks in any direction, meaning further away from the user, or closer, anywhere along a horizontal direction, but never vertically or diagonally up or down. Magic Shove has a 30 Minute Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Target up to two enemies, sending them in the same or different directions, and apply the Prone Status at the end of the shove.

    • Magic Snare Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Pack ]
      • To prevent any enemy from moving, instantly apply the Trapped Status to an enemy within Range, which lasts for 3 Turns. At the end of the 3rd Turn, if the Target is still Trapped, additionally deal 1 Damage. Magic Snare does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: The Trapped Status lasts for 4 turns, but if they are still trapped on Turn 2, deal 1 Damage, and then 1 Damage again on turn 4.

    • Magic Summon Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Pack ]
      • To never be without weapons and armor, instantly summon any combination of armor, shields, weapons (ranged or melee) for the user and up to two willing allies within Range. This does not re-fresh Block Tokens from Armor, but grants them if the user did not already have them. Additionally, if the user (and allies) wear this equipment for 20 minutes, also grant +1 Attack or +1 Defense for the duration. Magic Summon does not Stack, has no Cooldown, but once it grants +Stats, it lasts for up to 1 Hour. Sinistral Usage: Instead of granting equipment to allies, only grant equipment to Self, grant +1 Attack and +1 Defense (breaks cap up to 11/9) while using it. Additionally, prevent Attack/Defense Stat Reduction for 30 Minutes.

    • Magic Trip Pack [ Magic ] [ Instant Pack ]
      • To prevent enemies from approaching you, target two enemies who are within 3 Blocks of each other. Apply the Fleeting Status to both of them, which lasts until one of them suffers the effect of the Fleeting Status, which causes both Fleeting Statuses to end. Magic Trip does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Target up to Three Enemies, and apply the Brittle Status Effect to the two Enemies who are not knocked Prone.

    • Magic Revenge Pack [ Magic ] [ Dispel Power ]
      • If the user reaches 0 HP, they are allowed one final emote to use any Magic Ability, or Magic Attack Emote (ignoring range even in Melee), but can only Target the person that reduced their HP to 0. If this Attack or Ability involves an Attack Stat Dice Roll, they can add +2 to the final result of that dice roll. Sinistral Usage: If the Attack or Ability involves a Dice Roll, that Dice Roll automatically succeeds, regardless of Defense Rolls.

    • Magic Barrier Pack [ Magic ] [ Link Power ]
      • To protect an ally from Ranged Attacks, attach a Link to an Ally within Range, but never Self. For the duration, that Ally has increased defenses against Ranged Attacks from Ranger and Deadeye Stance. When the ally is targeted with a Ranged Attack Emote, their minimum Defense Roll is raised to 9 for Ranger Stance attacks, and 6 for Deadeye Stance attacks. Magic Barrier lasts for as long as the Link is upheld, after which it has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If Magic Barrier is Link Broken, grant the Target 1 Block Token. Sinistral Usage: Additionally, if the User would take Damage, they can fully transfer that Damage to their Linked Ally, even against the Ally's will, meaning the user suffers no damage, and the Ally suffers all of it.

    • Magic Resist Pack [ Magic ] [ Buff Power ]
      • To reduce the damage the user or an ally takes, target Self or an Ally within Range as a reaction to taking any Damage. Reduce that Damage by 1 HP, but never to 0. Magic Resist can be used out of Turn. Magic Resist has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Also deal 1 HP Damage to whoever applied the Damage.

    • Magic Warp Pack [ Magic ] [ Movement Power ]
      • To move yourself or an ally, use this ability to relocate them in a straight line anywhere else in range, even on higher ledges up to 10 blocks in height. This ability is instantaneous, and does not use an ally's action or movement if used on them. Magic Warp ignores Opportunity Attacks, and can be used to circumvent fortifications like gates or teleport through doors, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: If used on Self, instantly make an Attack Emote on an Enemy within Range, in the same turn, with +2 Attack Stat (cap break up to 11) for that Attack Emote only.
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