Archived Mcmmo Unarmed Suggestion

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The Jmgx

Dec 3, 2013
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Hi guys jmgx here race (Tigran).

I decided to post this suggestion here because it would make pvp a lot more fun for me and other people who like to use the mcmmo skill unarmed. Recently I have jus noticed pvping higer mcmmo skill people that I just cannot disarm them. I quickly asked many people about this and was told that unarmed is underpowered for pvp since people with unarmed 1k are not disarm able.
This kind of annoyed me then I realised I should make this thread.

So basically my suggestion is that the mods/admins could change the mcmmo skills so iron grip Caps at
80 percent or 90.

Thanks for reading hope you consider my request. =D
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In a real fight, a sword or axe would be more effective than your bare hands. It's just the truth. But I do agree that Unarmed is underpowered.
In a real fight, a sword or axe would be more effective than your bare hands. It's just the truth. But I do agree that Unarmed is underpowered.
True but tigran don't use bare hands so would be effective. But a lot of people are not tigrans I suppose. Thanks for notices that there undepowerd like I did tho. :D
Look, its true it should cap at 80%, and tigran should get 20%.
I would like this also, but noobs might abuse it by doing /f home hit and die... Eventually he will lose it weapon and the noob runs and combat logs... Well if they would have a cooldown every time you die, it would be much better.
Though this is hard to code because of the different codin' language
Anyone up for my idea?
Coming from someone who has 1k unarmed, I dont think it is that underpowered. To be honest, unarmed should not be able to compete with axes or swords, it really makes no sense. However, for those with low unarmed, it makes disarm a risk. Therefor, training unarmed might not help you deal damage, but you can still get lucky and get a disarm to save the day. As for iron grip, I think it should stay at 100%. Reason being, it is the only thing that makes training unarmed worth it. Unarmed is brutal to train, therefor, in my opinion, should have something worth training for.
If you actually look Unarmed already gives a lot of power. If you think about it, someone with unarmed level 1000 and someone using a sword with unarmed 0, the level 1000 guy will disarm the guy and also be able not to loose his sidearm. It allows any other skill to become more powerful like archery, swords or axes what ever the skill.
Irongrip makes you undisarmable at 1k so it stimulates training as gridiron1024 stated. Nobody except people with no proper armaments use's unarmed as there base combat weapon. It's used for disarm in combat which can be annoying then you derp around the battlefield with no weapon. Having 1k unarmed prevents this. ((Coming from A player who has been through this, mind you I Also have 1k unarmed so I may or may not be Biased.
It seems like a good idea, however, what I think would be an EVEN better idea would be to disable disarming for weapon PvP and allow it only when bare hands are used, I personally can't see why anyone would go take the risk for a disarm rather than a duel unless unarmed, and it would make unarmed less annoying, hopefully keeping it from being nerfed due to complaints
I think that all people should be disarmable no matter if you have 1k unarmed or not
Coming from someone who has 1k unarmed, I dont think it is that underpowered. To be honest, unarmed should not be able to compete with axes or swords, it really makes no sense. However, for those with low unarmed, it makes disarm a risk. Therefor, training unarmed might not help you deal damage, but you can still get lucky and get a disarm to save the day. As for iron grip, I think it should stay at 100%. Reason being, it is the only thing that makes training unarmed worth it. Unarmed is brutal to train, therefor, in my opinion, should have something worth training for.
Ok I just believe no matter how high there should still be a low chance like 20 percent or 10 as a Tigran I can say my unarmed is now my base weapon and it does feel underpowered for pvp as you can see by poll most people do agree that you should still be disarm able.
Thanks for reading - Jmgx
Irongrip makes you undisarmable at 1k so it stimulates training as gridiron1024 stated. Nobody except people with no proper armaments use's unarmed as there base combat weapon. It's used for disarm in combat which can be annoying then you derp around the battlefield with no weapon. Having 1k unarmed prevents this. ((Coming from A player who has been through this, mind you I Also have 1k unarmed so I may or may not be Biased.
I just think everyone should have a chance of 10 or 20 percent of being disarmed as a Tigran I do want it as my base weapon.
Ah. For now if you believe unarmed is under-powered, try levelling other skills. Like sword, archery or axes. They're all good to level though it does take a long while...
Unarmed is a backup weapon, its power is that you always have it with you, that can't be removed or broken. It shouldn't be a viable weapon in a full on fight, just something you use when your caught off guard.

Even a ninja tigran with extra pointy claws simply wouldn't, and shouldn't stand a chance against a swordsmaster.
Shit I voted wrong... damn jumping mouse! Anyway, I think everyone should have a disarm chance.
Irongrip makes you undisarmable at 1k so it stimulates training as gridiron1024 stated. Nobody except people with no proper armaments use's unarmed as there base combat weapon. It's used for disarm in combat which can be annoying then you derp around the battlefield with no weapon. Having 1k unarmed prevents this. ((Coming from A player who has been through this, mind you I Also have 1k unarmed so I may or may not be Biased.

๖ۣۜWell, I personally wouldn't say 'not proper armaments'. I mainly use unarmed because it has no durability, it has no need to spend tons of XP to enchant, and if you are fighting someone who has a weapon better than your hands, then you can just rob them of it.
Or, I use the unarmed just to steal from someone, and BLOOP into the backpack it goes. Plus, if you really ARE unprepared, you can at least be worthful until they kill you or you rob them or find a better weapon.
Ok, I see, find me one instance of a historical battle with over 1000 participants being won by unarmed people against weapon wielding ones and I will agree to this suggestion. Just 1. There have been instances of Emperors being killed by roof tiles in battle turning the tide, yet bare fists have never accomplished such a feat. There is a reason that human ancestors used hand held rocks instead of fists to hunt, using your hands as a weapon just generally sucks. I would rather go into medieval battle with 3 days of stick whacking experience than 365 days of unarmed training.
Coming from 3 years of martial arts experience, no matter how good you are with a sword or a knife, there's always a chance of being disarmed. Having no chance of being disarmed at 1k Unarmed skill is just stupid and unrealistic. This makes Unarmed just something you train for so you don't have a chance of being disarmed, and then once you get to 1k, you just leave that skill there to rot. I think Iron Grip should stay, but having no chance of being disarmed is just dumb.
Coming from 3 years of martial arts experience, no matter how good you are with a sword or a knife, there's always a chance of being disarmed. Having no chance of being disarmed at 1k Unarmed skill is just stupid and unrealistic. This makes Unarmed just something you train for so you don't have a chance of being disarmed, and then once you get to 1k, you just leave that skill there to rot. I think Iron Grip should stay, but having no chance of being disarmed is just dumb.

I have 3 days of childhood stick whacking experience and let me tell you having no chance for me to kill a God PVPer with one is stupid and unrealistic. There is always a chance for me to have my opponent trip and sprain his ankle, and many other possibilities too. This makes stick whacking something you just train until you get the full anti-trip bonus, and then they stop practicing stick whacking for Swiss army knife handling or god forbid a weapon that was actually used in real combat. I think having a chance of not tripping is ok, but having no chance of tripping and spraining your ankle is just dumb.

I guarantee you more people have died in a fair fight with a sword to someone with a stick that their bare hands. As well to add on to this, Unarmed should not give iron grip. Swords, axes, and unarmed should give iron grip, why would learning how to split wood with your hand have to do with knowing how to hold a sword correctly? Unarmed is currently just a victim of MCCMO's unrealistic superhuman abilities and illogical thinking. Unarmed should never be used in battle unless it is your only option.
I have 3 days of childhood stick whacking experience and let me tell you having no chance for me to kill a God PVPer with one is stupid and unrealistic. There is always a chance for me to have my opponent trip and sprain his ankle, and many other possibilities too. This makes stick whacking something you just train until you get the full anti-trip bonus, and then they stop practicing stick whacking for Swiss army knife handling or god forbid a weapon that was actually used in real combat. I think having a chance of not tripping is ok, but having no chance of tripping and spraining your ankle is just dumb.

I guarantee you more people have died in a fair fight with a sword to someone with a stick that their bare hands. As well to add on to this, Unarmed should not give iron grip. Swords, axes, and unarmed should give iron grip, why would learning how to split wood with your hand have to do with knowing how to hold a sword correctly? Unarmed is currently just a victim of MCCMO's unrealistic superhuman abilities and illogical thinking. Unarmed should never be used in battle unless it is your only option.

I'm not saying Unarmed is equal or superior to Swords or Axes. In both real life and in MC, I'd rather fight someone with a sword than my bare hands. What I'm saying is, it should be made a more useful skill, not something you just train with until you have zero chance of being disarmed. But I do agree in that aspect.
As someone with an unarmed skill approaching 1k, I would support it being maxed at a very high chance like 95%. However, it's quite annoying when you go against some noob with 200 unarmed and they manage to somehow steal your god axe, even after you kill them multiple times for absolutely no loot. This goes with what Waminer was saying, noobs could just f home over and over and steal your god weapon on their 30th try, with absolutely no loss to themselves whatsoever.
I have 3 days of childhood stick whacking experience and let me tell you having no chance for me to kill a God PVPer with one is stupid and unrealistic. There is always a chance for me to have my opponent trip and sprain his ankle, and many other possibilities too. This makes stick whacking something you just train until you get the full anti-trip bonus, and then they stop practicing stick whacking for Swiss army knife handling or god forbid a weapon that was actually used in real combat.

Unarmed is hard to train, those who have gotten 1k unarmed deserve to have 100% iron grip chance. Having the 100% iron grip is something worth training for. Unarmed used to be very op, and things were a lot better when they nerfed it. Having unarmed buffed to the point where is equivilant to a sword or an axe just doesn't make any sense at all.
I had too redo this post cause it seems the best idea for me... Just. Read. It.
Look, its true it should cap at 80%, and tigran should get 20%. I would like this also, but noobs might abuse it by doing /f home hit and die... Eventually he will lose it weapon and the noob runs and combat logs... Well if they would have a cooldown every time you die, it would be much better. Though this is hard to code because of the different codin' language Anyone up for my idea?
Honestly I think it should cap higher than that. Maybe 85 or 90. That way people don't have much chance of losing their weapon, but there's a chance nonetheless. But 80 is too low.
As many others have said training to 1,000 unarmed takes a long time. Many people have trained to 1k, some to be able to disarm more people, but most to avoid being disarmed. It seems like most of the more experienced PvPers have 1k unarmed, but also high stats in other combat skills, suggesting that they train it mainly so they won't lose their weapons to those few people who will disarm and combat log. People don't like losing their weapons in the midst of a battle, so if they take the time to train up to 1k unarmed, they deserve a 100% iron grip.

If you don't like being disarmed, train.

Also to those who are right in saying some of MCMMO is unrealistic let me ask this. Does it make sense for someone with 100 unarmed to disarm someone with even lets say 600 unarmed?
Coming from 3 years of martial arts experience, no matter how good you are with a sword or a knife, there's always a chance of being disarmed. Having no chance of being disarmed at 1k Unarmed skill is just stupid and unrealistic. This makes Unarmed just something you train for so you don't have a chance of being disarmed, and then once you get to 1k, you just leave that skill there to rot. I think Iron Grip should stay, but having no chance of being disarmed is just dumb.
Nice dude I do shotokan what martial art are you currently studying ?
Ok, I see, find me one instance of a historical battle with over 1000 participants being won by unarmed people against weapon wielding ones and I will agree to this suggestion. Just 1. There have been instances of Emperors being killed by roof tiles in battle turning the tide, yet bare fists have never accomplished such a feat. There is a reason that human ancestors used hand held rocks instead of fists to hunt, using your hands as a weapon just generally sucks. I would rather go into medieval battle with 3 days of stick whacking experience than 365 days of unarmed training.
In okinawa all weapons were gather and the okinawans invented tai which is now known as karate meaning empty hand to overthrow the samurai
The Jmgx
You disagreed with my post, do you doubt my stick whacking prowess?! :@
Jokes aside. Lets move on to Okinawa.

In okinawa all weapons were gather and the okinawans invented tai which is now known as karate meaning empty hand to overthrow the samurai

Did you mean this?

If so that is a battle in the second world war, so I highly doubt fists played an influential role, however if you meant this then lets see all the ways you are wrong.

1. It stayed under Japanese control ever since it was owned unless you except the American take over during world war two, which surprise surprise, had no fists.

2. The thing you know as "tai' is actually "Te" meaning hand which had prefixes attached to it depending on what village practiced its own slightly different version of which Karate is the most famous.

3. "The bans contributed to the development of Kempo (To-te), which uses common household and farming implements as weaponry." (From the source above.) Wow hands must really suck if they used hoes and other farming implements because of them. I demand a hoe wielding skill! *You ready your hoe*

4. By the 18th century over 100 years after the main Japanese empire first invaded, only 3 villages had developed hand based martial arts.

5. Karate despite being the most famous, only originated in 1912 as a edited version of the old hand to hand combat ones. It had an interest put into it mainly because Japan was growing more imperial and instituted it as required knowledge for citizens in order to give them a base level of strength and skill for service. This means that martial arts would have already been unbanned before that, and I don't think the might Empire of Japan would legalize something that desperately threatened itself.

Conclusion: You really have no idea about what your saying and all your knowledge is rusty and trivial. Their was no great battle where the indigenous Okinawans (Is that it) fought for independence against the Japanese, especially with their fists. Martial arts didn't overthrow the Japanese empire, and you don't really know the history of Martial arts well enough to make any claim otherwise. Good day sir, and let this be an example to all the disarm spammers everywhere. Realistically you should be dead, and watch out, I'm coming for you. *Readies his hoe*
The Jmgx
You disagreed with my post, do you doubt my stick whacking prowess?! :@
Jokes aside. Lets move on to Okinawa.

Did you mean this?

If so that is a battle in the second world war, so I highly doubt fists played an influential role, however if you meant this then lets see all the ways you are wrong.

1. It stayed under Japanese control ever since it was owned unless you except the American take over during world war two, which surprise surprise, had no fists.

2. The thing you know as "tai' is actually "Te" meaning hand which had prefixes attached to it depending on what village practiced its own slightly different version of which Karate is the most famous.

3. "The bans contributed to the development of Kempo (To-te), which uses common household and farming implements as weaponry." (From the source above.) Wow hands must really suck if they used hoes and other farming implements because of them. I demand a hoe wielding skill! *You ready your hoe*

4. By the 18th century over 100 years after the main Japanese empire first invaded, only 3 villages had developed hand based martial arts.

5. Karate despite being the most famous, only originated in 1912 as a edited version of the old hand to hand combat ones. It had an interest put into it mainly because Japan was growing more imperial and instituted it as required knowledge for citizens in order to give them a base level of strength and skill for service. This means that martial arts would have already been unbanned before that, and I don't think the might Empire of Japan would legalize something that desperately threatened itself.

Conclusion: You really have no idea about what your saying and all your knowledge is rusty and trivial. Their was no great battle where the indigenous Okinawans (Is that it) fought for independence against the Japanese, especially with their fists. Martial arts didn't overthrow the Japanese empire, and you don't really know the history of Martial arts well enough to make any claim otherwise. Good day sir, and let this be an example to all the disarm spammers everywhere. Realistically you should be dead, and watch out, I'm coming for you. *Readies his hoe*

Te meaning chinese hand and I know karate elvolved from it. Also a large amount of okinawans used kicks bye jumping up and kicking the samurai of the horses although it required much precision.
I know farming gear was used by some which are bow called nunchucks. Also you might not find all of this info on web as are sensei met elders of okinawa who's ancestors passed down the story.

Conclusion I know te didn't do everything but it helped them win and was a big part of it.

Edit it was called te tai

Also I don't mean that it was way Before that did you not hear me say samurai
Te meaning chinese hand and I know karate elvolved from it. Also a large amount of okinawans used kicks bye jumping up and kicking the samurai of the horses although it required much precision.
I know farming gear was used by some which are bow called nunchucks. Also you might not find all of this info on web as are sensei met elders of okinawa who's ancestors passed down the story.

Conclusion I know te didn't do everything but it helped them win and was a big part of it.

Edit it was called te tai

Also I don't mean that it was way Before that did you not hear me say samurai

Wow, you really can't concede defeat and admit that unarmed is completely useless in 99% percent of fights with weapons and completely useless in a battle.

Here are some more points.

1. Te mean hand in Japanese for god sake. Not in the wonderful made up language of Chinese.

2. The Samurai/Imperial Dynasty were never kicked out of Okinawa once they conquered it. Since this is your only relevant point it is clear that you are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. The island itself is still under Japanese rule this very day and in fact would probably be the hardest to take of its hands as most of Japan's self deference force is stationed there.

3. Bo, Bo, Bo. Where have I heard that before. Ah, Bo-staff. You see a staff even if it has a prefix is still a staff. Which is still a stick. Which is still literally the most basic weapon of all time. Which proves my point that literally anything is better than a fist in fighting. Moving on.
Wow, you really can't concede defeat and admit that unarmed is completely useless in 99% percent of fights with weapons and completely useless in a battle.

Here are some more points.

1. Te mean hand in Japanese for god sake. Not in the wonderful made up language of Chinese.

2. The Samurai/Imperial Dynasty were never kicked out of Okinawa once they conquered it. Since this is your only relevant point it is clear that you are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. The island itself is still under Japanese rule this very day and in fact would probably be the hardest to take of its hands as most of Japan's self deference force is stationed there.

3. Bo, Bo, Bo. Where have I heard that before. Ah, Bo-staff. You see a staff even if it has a prefix is still a staff. Which is still a stick. Which is still literally the most basic weapon of all time. Which proves my point that literally anything is better than a fist in fighting. Moving on.

Wrong te is chinese research a
Wait, THAT'S your main point? "Te is Chinese". Not even going to try to counter any of the other points he made that were more relevant to the discussion?
Perhaps some weapons can always have a chance of being disarmed. I mean if a guy is using a bow and you are skilled with your fist, providing you get to them, you could quite easily take their bow and kill them. But then again if they were equally skilled they would stop you. Yes, unarmed could be useful, but think about it, if a guy is swinging a sword at you his hand will already be on the only safe place to hold it, the handle. When you try and grab it you need to avoid at least an arms length of sharp metal, probably more, and force the sword out of the guys hand. Now maybe this could happen, but if he was also skilled any unarmed combat he would probably stop you with their other hand, then kill you with their sword. You cannot block a diamond sword with your hand.

Therefore while an highly trained unarmed combatant could disarmed a poorly trained armed combatant, it would be quite hard and if it failed it would likely result in the unarmed person getting hit with the weapon. And if the weapon holder was equally trained then they would have basically no chance of loosing their weapon. You can argue all you want about people training martial arts to use against people with weapons but we are talking about people with level 1000 unarmed, so they are also masters. Who wins: an unarmed fighter who is trained to fight without a weapon or a fighter of equal skill who also has a dagger?
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