Pending Review Make Non-weapon Items Count Toward The Unarmed Skill?

Discussion in 'Server' started by IrkenEliteZim, Feb 7, 2020.


What skill should improvised weapons improve?

  1. Unarmed

    0 vote(s)
  2. Improvised Weapons

  3. Nothing, It's Fine As Is

  1. IrkenEliteZim


    Oct 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I've found it strange that items that deal no bonus damage when swung won't count toward and won't be affected by the Unarmed Skill; things like sticks, buckets, hoes, etc. Would it be possible to have these items level up or be affected by the Unarmed Skill, or perhaps have their own related skill such as "Improvised Weapons"?

    I feel like it would open up more chances for roleplaying, as it would encourage people to use whatever items they want for combat as it would have a relevant skill.

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