Massivebound 1.17 Release V1! The Caster Ranged Combat Update


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
From now on, this thread will be the official MassiveBound Thread, and any releases of MassiveBound will be posted here.

MassiveBound Discord

New Item List-

Download Here (1.16.5 AND 1.17.1 Compatable!)

Previous Item Screenshots
Even Newer Screenshots

Last Update Item List
  • New Demi-Puretek Model- Bow
  • Straight Razor- Shears
  • Rickshaw (Hand-pulled Cart with Passengers)- Trapdoor
  • Moonfan- Sign (Asha fan combat weapon)

((Please use this. I'm proud of it and would like some public-transport RP...))
Sadly, many teased items are on my other computer, which currently won't start. Hopefully, upon update to 1.17/1.18, I will have regained access to these new items.
  • Tankard- Potion or Bottle
  • Wine Bottle- Potion or Bottle
  • Wine Chalice- Potion or Bottle
  • Blood Chalice- Potion or Bottle
  • Blue Teacup- Potion or Bottle
  • Green Teacup- Potion or Bottle
  • Teapot- Potion or Bottle
  • Vote Sign*- Sign (*If I catch you holding this when I see you in Regalia, I'll pay you five regals. You must be holding it when I see you. You can't whip it out after I spot you.)
  • Arm Sling- White Wool
  • Crutch- Wooden Hoe
  • Quiver- Leather
  • Incense Burner- Gold Nugget or Block (Animated)
  • Sigg- Stick, Endrod
  • Garette- Stick, Endrod
  • The Following are CASE SENSITIVE (all Lower Case)
  • laoyan staff- Hoes
  • khakkhara- Golden Hoe
  • hadrav'yan staff- Golden Hoe
  • topilli- Hoes (Aztec Staff)

Wine Glass




Previous Update Item List:
  • Pen- Feather or Arrow
  • Feather Duster- Stick or Feather
  • Nautilus Goblet- Nautilus Shell
  • Letter- Written Book or Paper
  • Muskette (Lore muskets)- Crossbow (DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU HAVE ONE IC YOU ARE ALLOWED TO USE)
  • Shrine Lamp (Sihain Lantern)- Lantern
  • Longmaw Spear- Shovel
  • Clocktik Spider- Button
  • Moonblade- Shovel
  • Flabellum (Large fan. Think Pharaohs)- Sign
  • Double-Bladed Khoptar- Sword
  • Cleaver- Iron Axe
  • Asha Headdress- Button (requires /hat [premium feature])
  • Turtle Shell Lyre- Music Disc (Strad)
All screenshots can be found in our Discord under #showcase. Here are a handful:

Asha Headdress



View attachment 174612
Nautilus Shell Goblet


Longmaw Spear​

Previous Item List:

Umbrellas: (Color) Umbrella (Renamed Stick or Bamboo)
*Red Umbrellas are called "Paper Parasol" and have a bamboo shaft
Katana Sheath (Renamed Leather)

Instruments Added:

  • Sackbut (Medieval Trombone) (Music Disc Chirp)
  • Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass (Music Disc Mellohi)

((Same Spiel as before!))​
I have taken MassiveBound and updated it to 1.16.5, with some new items.

Anywho, be sure to download the latest release of Optifine 1.16.5. It fixes Custom Item Models, so your battleaxes won't be dinky anymore, and my 3D modeled instruments will work, finally. This is fully compatible with Forge, so you can use it with MPM just fine since it is updated to 1.16.5.

No items have been removed aside from Hallowed Lanterns, so all previous lists compiled by Conflee work, still. I will list them below:

Black Knight - Armor
Anglian Knight - Armor
Ithanian Knight - Armor
Archer - Armor
Painted Plate - Armor
Cielothar Plate - Armor
Gilded Plate - Armor
Pipe - Prop/Hat
Strawhat - /Hat
Welding Mask Up - /Hat
Welding Mask Down - /Hat
Tricorn - /Hat
Red Cap - /Hat
Brown Cap - /Hat
Bear Skin Hat - /Hat
Wolf Skin Hat - /Hat
Tophat - /Hat
(Color) Plume - /Hat
Bamboo Stave - Weapon
Blessed Weapons - Weapons
Blood Weapons - Weapons
Bone Weapons - Weapons
Soul Weapons - Weapons
Quarter Puretek - Bow
Demi Puretek - Bow
Sword Breaker - Weapon
Violet Baton - Weapon
Ranseur - Weapon
Heavy Ranseur - Weapon
Mancatcher - Weapon
Sidesword - Weapon
Orc Bastardsword - Weapon
Tong Dagger - Weapon
Tong Scimitar - Weapon
Drixagh Greatsword - Weapon
Steel/Blacksteel/Metalitra Khopesh - Weapons
Matrais Greatsword - Weapon
Earspoon - Weapon
Cavalry Lance - Weapon
Dressolini Spadi - Weapon
Mercenarys Sword - Weapon
Metalitra Hammer - Weapon
Heron Blade - Weapon
Silver Hunting Sword - Weapon
Bronze Mace/Polehammer/Warhammer - Weapons
Hanger Sword - Weapon
Gilded Broadsword - Weapon
Alfanje - Weapon
Wooden Pitchfork - Weapon
Iron Pitchfork - Weapon
Rebel Scythe - Weapon
Coraveau - Artifact
(Color) Lightsabers - Artifact/Memes
Sapphire/Ruby/Peridot etc - Gems
Leather Bag - Leather
Bamboo Flask - Flower Pot
Basic Cup - Flower Pot
Grappling Hook - Iron Ingot
(Color) Fan - Sign
Rake - Prop
3D Stick - Prop
Target - Decor/Prop
Wheelchair - Trapdoors
Mug - Flower Pot
Rope - String
Shackles - Iron Ingot/Nugget
Brass/Iron/Silver/Gold/Etc Keys - Ingots/Nuggets
Tobacco/Tabacca - Wheat
Waterskin - Leather/Bottles
Letter - Prop
(Wood type) Canes - Props
(Color) Stave - Props
Cart - Trapdoors
Large Hammer - Prop
Smithing Hammer - Prop
Fuller Hammer - Prop
Misc Warbanners

Red/Blue/Purple Imperial Scutum - Shields
(Color) Lancer Shield - Shields
(Color) Kite Shields - Shields
(Color) Tower Shields - Shields
Heater Shields Retextured
Pavise Shield Remade
Crude Wood Shield - Shield

Cooking Pot - Bucket
Pot of Stew - Bucket
Skillet - Bucket
Sauce Pan - Bucket
Acorn - Food
Banana - Food
Barley - Food
Beef Dinner - Food
Black/Blue/Raspberries - Food
Cabbage - Food
Chicken Soup - Food
Chocolate - Food
Chowder - Food
Cocoa Powder - Food
Cooked Egg - Food
Kebab - Food
Corn - Food
Donut - Food
Fish Pile - Food
Green Beans - Food
Ham and Eggs - Food
Hearty Stew - Food
Onions - Food
Pear - Food
Plums - Food
Pork Dinner - Food
Rice Bowl - Food
Sugar Cube - Food
Tasty Sandwich - Food
Turnips - Food
Bottle of Wine - Food
Plated Porkchops - Food/Decor
Plated Steak - Food/Decor
Plated Bread - Food/Decor
Plated Chicken - Food/Decor
Bowl of Stew - Food/Decor

Dao - Weapon
Jitte - Weapon
Kanabo - Weapon
Katana - Weapon
Khanda - Weapon
Kodachi - Weapon
Konda - Weapon
Nodachi - Weapon
Piercing Sai - Weapon
Iron/Stone/Wooden Boomerang - Weapon
Metalitra Bastardsword - Weapon
Metalitra Battleaxe - Weapon
Metalitra Dagger - Weapon
Metalitra Greatsword - Weapon
Metalitra Longsword - Weapon
Metalitra Mace - Weapon
Metalitra Sword - Weapon
Blacksteel Mace - Weapon
Nelfinite Bastardsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Battleaxe - Weapon
Nelfinite Dagger - Weapon
Nelfinite Greatsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Longsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Mace - Weapon
Nelfinite Sword - Weapon
Nelfinite Halbert - Weapon
Messer - Weapon
Swordstaff - Weapon
Atraves - Weapon
Brass Knuckles - Ingots/Nuggets
Blackiron Armingsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Armingsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Armingsword - Weapon
Iron Armingsword - Weapon
Metalitra Armingsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Armingsword - Weapon
Rusty Armingsword - Weapon
Steel Armingsword - Weapon
Crysteel Ingot - Iron Ingot/Redstone
Blue/Green/Orange/Red Dragoncite - Ghast Tear
Galena Brick - Brick
Nelfinite Ingot - Iron Ingot
Pyrignis - Blaze Powder
Seraphalo - Stone and Gold/Iron Nuggets
Starris - Obsidian and Coal
Broom - Shovels and Stick
Candle - Torch (3d hand held)
Lantern - Glowstone Block/Torch (3d hand held)

Blackhawk Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Brierust Warbanner - Sign/Shield
De Letoirneau Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Di Orazio Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Drache Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Goodcompany Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Harhold Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Howlester Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Krupp Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Massive Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Norrvakt Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Peirgarten Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Ravenstad Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Regalian Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Rote Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Viduggla Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Von Rahm Warbanner - Sign/Shield

Basic Chainmail - Armor
Crusader - Armor
Dwarven - Armor
Elven Plate - Armor
Blacksteel Plate - Armor
Hunt - Armor
Heavy Footsoldier - Armor
Spotted Footsoldier Helm - Armor
Light Footsoldier - Armor
Knight - Armor
Cheap Leather - Armor
Lord - Armor
Majestic - Armor
Norman - Armor
Northern - Armor
Orc - Armor
Roseplate - Armor
Tourney - Armor
Viking - Armor
Makeshift Chainmail - Armor
Fancy Gambeson - Armor
Bluesteel Plate - Armor
Imperial Plate - Armor
Nelfinite Plate - Armor

Curved Bow - Bow
Light Crossbow - Bow
Elven Longbow - Bow
Short Bow - Bow
Medium Crossbow - Bow
Anglian Longbow - Bow
Small Warbow - Bow
Heavy Crossbow - Bow
Heavy Warbow - Bow
Arrows - Stacks of Arrows now change as the stack grows in size
Regals - Gold Nugget , Stacks of Regals will change textures as the stack size grows
Broken Bone - Bone
Animal Teeth - Quartz
Rusty Regalian Cutlass - Weapon
Cutlass - Weapon
Blacksteel Cutlass - Weapon
Bluesteel Cutlass - Weapon
Guilded Cutlass - Weapon
Rusty Cutlass - Weapon
Ballheaded Warclub - Weapon
Bardiche - Weapon
Bastardsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Bastardsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Bastardsword - Weapon
Rusty Bastardsword - Weapon
Bronze Battleaxe - Weapon
Iron Battleaxe - Weapon
Steel Battleaxe - Weapon
Blacksteel Battleaxe - Weapon
Bluesteel Battleaxe - Weapon
Rusty Battleaxe - Weapon
Billhook - Weapon
Broadaxe - Weapon
Butterflysword - Weapon
Heavy Crowbeak - Weapon
Daen Blade - Weapon
Etosian Sword - Weapon
Imperial Gladius - Weapon
Iron Dagger - Weapon
Steel Dagger - Weapon
Blacksteel Dagger - Weapon
Bluesteel Dagger - Weapon
Iron Dirk - Weapon
Dark Blade - Weapon
Orcish Halbert - Weapon
Double Flail - Weapon
Spiky Flail - Weapon
Dwarven Axe - Weapon
Falcata - Weapon
Twoheaded Waraxe - Weapon
Red/Blue/Green/Purple Jousting Lance - Weapon
Sabre - Weapon
Nelfinite Dagger/Shortsword/Bastardsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Halbert/Battleaxe/Glaive - Weapon
Guard Baton - Weapon
Executioner Sword - Weapon
Falchion - Weapon
Falx - Weapon
Bronze Glaive - Weapon
Iron Glaive - Weapon
Steel Glaive - Weapon
Blacksteel Glaive - Weapon
Bluesteel Glaive - Weapon
Rusty Glaive - Weapon
Bronze Greatsword - Weapon
Iron Greatsword - Weapon
Steel Greatsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Greatsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Greatsword - Weapon
Imperial Greatsword - Weapon
Rusty Greatsword - Weapon
Guan Dao - Weapon
Bronze Hatchlet - Weapon
Iron Hatchlet - Weapon
Steel Hatchlet - Weapon
Halbert - Weapon
Steel Halbert - Weapon
Blacksteel Halbert - Weapon
Bluesteel Halbert - Weapon
Rusty Halbert - Weapon
Hoplite Sword - Weapon
Hunting Knife - Weapon
Jitte - Weapon
Kanabo - Weapon
Khanda - Weapon
Khopesh - Weapon
Konda Sword - Weapon
Large Wooden Club - Weapon
Iron Longsword - Weapon
Steel Longsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Longsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Longsword - Weapon
Rusty Longsword - Weapon
Custom Longsword - Weapon
Spiked Mace - Weapon
Heavy Mace - Weapon
Military Fork - Weapon
Monkspade - Weapon
Northerne Sword - Weapon
Orcish Blade - Weapon
Orcish Warscythe - Weapon
Panabas - Weapon
Pitchfork - Weapon
Pole Flail - Weapon
Hooksword - Weapon
Ranseur - Weapon
Rapier - Weapon
Blacksteel Rapier - Weapon
Bluesteel Rapier - Weapon
Rusty Rapier - Weapon
Sarissa - Weapon
Handsaw - Axe
Sickle - Hoe
Small Battleaxe - Weapon
Short Spear - Weapon
Polelance - Weapon
Blacksteel Spear - Weapon
Bluesteel Spear - Weapon
Rusty Spear - Weapon
Spiked Club - Weapon
Fighting Staff - Weapon
Warstaff - Weapon
Valtin Halberd - Weapon
Iron Shortsword - Weapon
Steel Shortsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Shortsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Shortsword - Weapon
Rusty Shortsword - Weapon
Simple Trident - Weapon
Voulge - Weapon
Iron Warhammer - Weapon
Steel Warhammer - Weapon
Warscythe - Weapon
Wooden Club - Weapon
Yari - Weapon
Iron Spanner - Iron Shovel
Spade - Iron Shovel
Blackiron Ingot - Iron Ingot
Blacksteel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Bluesteel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Copper Ingot - Iron Ingot
Silver Ingot - Iron Ingot
Steel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Yanar Wings - Elytra
Sack Of Regals - Leather
Shadowtrapper Eye - Eye of Ender
Void Husk - Prismarine Shard
Candied Apple - Golden Apple
Royal Ivory Pipe - Record ~ Chirp
Sham-Abdala: Sun Worship - Book
The Faith of Estel - Book
Leather-Bound-Tohn-Sona - Book

Instruments List:
  • Tar- Mall
  • Guitar- Mall
  • Sitar- Wait
  • Reed Pipes- 11 and 13


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Awesome work. Though I've noticed the texture paths for modeled blocks are still scuffed- my guess is optifine changed how that works yet again in the 1.13 to 1.15 updates for some ungodly reason (they can never just keep something consistent for more than a fcking year can they?). This is probably breaking some of the custom item size models too because larger weapons are tiny.

idk what the crap is causing any of that. I hate optifine so much lmao
Really cool! I noticed some of the models (for example, Iron/Steel Dagger or Short Spear) don't work. Still, excellent work!
Ay yo it's your boy, skinny noble.

With Indy's permission I went through and fixed a few bugs that were in massivebound. @Plt_Hasagi Spears and Daggers should work now.
There is a changelog included in the zip file. Do not unzip this one, just drop it into the resourcepack folder and put it above massive's main resourcepack. Remember you need the proper version of optifine and all that.

Edit: I made a big boo boo and made the nightsilver battleaxe override literally every axe and sword. for the two people that downloaded it, redownload it
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As a heads up CIT is 100% broken in some versions of 1.15 optifine. Using the pack in 1.16 almost everything works though. I spent hours trying to fix the broken custom models only to discover this after having like 3 mental breakdowns.

Weird janky mod lol
At some point the Shields folder got overwritten with the Conquest Shields by the way so in one of the 1.16-pre versions you gotta download an old copy and copy-paste the OLD shields folder inside the new one to still have the old 3d Shields.

And delete the Conquest Targe

Hello! I finally decided to try to download MassiveBound for the first time and everything, but it doesn't seem to be working. I do have the file downloaded and at the top of my order, but renaming items at an anvil doesn't seem to do anything. Is there another way we're supposed to rename them?
Adding on to the list of bugs, I'm fairly sure the Falchion is incorrectly sized. At the default Steve model, it looks like a small knife.
Heya! I dunno if this is an optifine bug or a massivebound bug, or just me, but when I look at certain angles, certain blocks tend to just vanish unyil I look at a different angle. It seems to be whenever I'm facing towards south-east to south-west

Heya! I dunno if this is an optifine bug or a massivebound bug, or just me, but when I look at certain angles, certain blocks tend to just vanish unyil I look at a different angle. It seems to be whenever I'm facing towards south-east to south-west

Odd... I don't know much about graphic errors. Try looking on Google about an OpenGL Error: 1281.

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