☆ Massivebound 4.0 - 1.13+ Update


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score

For Minecraft 1.13+

Well it's been a while. In more ways than one. It's been 7 months since I released my 3.2 'In-Between Update'. But beyond that, I've actually been working on MassiveBound since 1.13 released. Two years ago. And finally, Massive is updating so I can release the full product.

What Is MassiveBound?

MassiveBound is a Resource Pack Addon for Massivecraft, meant to be used in conjunction with the Massivecraft Resource Pack, that adds a ton of extra immersion features, such as Item Skins and block variants! As an example, you can grab a sword, rename it to "Blacksteel Longsword" in an Anvil, and you will have a Blacksteel Longsword, with its own texture and all! And you'll be able to see everyone else's weapon skins too, given over 400 people use MassiveBound.

Important Notice: 1.13 Optifine and Mods!

So now I have some clarifiers. Optifine 1.13 is not compatible with Forge, so my old tutorials for installing Optifine and Forge won't work, for 1.13 specifically. If you want to run Mods and Optifine you will need to make a 1.14 profile with Forge and Optifine installed and connect with that.

Notice: Optifine broke Models in 1.14 however. So if you go down this route, a lot of MassiveBound will be broken. I suggest just sticking to 1.13+Optifine for now.

How do I install MassiveBound?

1- Download the Resource Pack at THIS LINK
2- Move the .zip file into your Resource Packs folder!
2.5- The Resource Packs folder is found by typing %appdata% in the top bar of your file explorer, clicking .minecraft, then clicking resourcepacks.
3- Make sure MassiveBound is on TOP of the Resource Packs list on the right side when in use.
4- Thats it! Its done. You and anyone else with this pack can now use and see others' item skins!
Note: Make sure you have the newest version of Optifine for whatever version you are using installed! This is REQUIRED!

Pictures and Items list!

4.0 Screenshots!

Old Full List
Old Screenshots Album
Newer Items
Newester Items

All hat items use buttons as their base item.
Sword-type weapons need to use a Sword.
Spear and Mace type weapons need to use a Shovel.
Warhammers/Crows Beaks need to use a Pickaxe.
Axe and Hammer type weapons need to use an Axe.
Canes need to use Hoes.

Black Knight - Armor
Anglian Knight - Armor
Ithanian Knight - Armor
Archer - Armor
Painted Plate - Armor
Cielothar Plate - Armor
Gilded Plate - Armor
Pipe - Prop/Hat
Strawhat - /Hat
Welding Mask Up - /Hat
Welding Mask Down - /Hat
Tricorn - /Hat
Red Cap - /Hat
Brown Cap - /Hat
Bear Skin Hat - /Hat
Wolf Skin Hat - /Hat
Tophat - /Hat
(Color) Plume - /Hat
Bamboo Stave - Weapon
Blessed Weapons - Weapons
Blood Weapons - Weapons
Bone Weapons - Weapons
Soul Weapons - Weapons
Quarter Puretek - Bow
Demi Puretek - Bow
Sword Breaker - Weapon
Violet Baton - Weapon
Ranseur - Weapon
Heavy Ranseur - Weapon
Mancatcher - Weapon
Sidesword - Weapon
Orc Bastardsword - Weapon
Tong Dagger - Weapon
Tong Scimitar - Weapon
Drixagh Greatsword - Weapon
Steel/Blacksteel/Metalitra Khopesh - Weapons
Matrais Greatsword - Weapon
Earspoon - Weapon
Cavalry Lance - Weapon
Dressolini Spadi - Weapon
Mercenarys Sword - Weapon
Metalitra Hammer - Weapon
Heron Blade - Weapon
Silver Hunting Sword - Weapon
Bronze Mace/Polehammer/Warhammer - Weapons
Hanger Sword - Weapon
Gilded Broadsword - Weapon
Alfanje - Weapon
Wooden Pitchfork - Weapon
Iron Pitchfork - Weapon
Rebel Scythe - Weapon
Coraveau - Artifact
(Color) Lightsabers - Artifact/Memes
Sapphire/Ruby/Peridot etc - Gems
Hallowed Lantern - Prop
Leather Bag - Leather
Bamboo Flask - Flower Pot
Basic Cup - Flower Pot
Grappling Hook - Iron Ingot
(Color) Fan - Sign
Rake - Prop
3D Stick - Prop
Target - Decor/Prop
Wheelchair - Trapdoors
Mug - Flower Pot
Rope - String
Shackles - Iron Ingot/Nugget
Brass/Iron/Silver/Gold/Etc Keys - Ingots/Nuggets
Tobacco/Tabacca - Wheat
Waterskin - Leather/Bottles
Letter - Prop
(Wood type) Canes - Props
(Color) Capped Canes - Props
Cart - Trapdoors
Large Hammer - Prop
Smithing Hammer - Prop
Fuller Hammer - Prop
Misc Warbanners
Red/Blue/Purple Imperial Scutum - Shields
(Color) Lancer Shield - Shields
(Color) Kite Shields - Shields
(Color) Tower Shields - Shields
Heater Shields Retextured
Pavise Shield Remade
Crude Wood Shield - Shield
Cooking Pot - Bucket
Pot of Stew - Bucket
Skillet - Bucket
Sauce Pan - Bucket
Acorn - Food
Banana - Food
Barley - Food
Beef Dinner - Food
Black/Blue/Raspberries - Food
Cabbage - Food
Chicken Soup - Food
Chocolate - Food
Chowder - Food
Cocoa Powder - Food
Cooked Egg - Food
Kebab - Food
Corn - Food
Donut - Food
Fish Pile - Food
Green Beans - Food
Ham and Eggs - Food
Hearty Stew - Food
Onions - Food
Pear - Food
Plums - Food
Pork Dinner - Food
Rice Bowl - Food
Sugar Cube - Food
Tasty Sandwich - Food
Turnips - Food
Bottle of Wine - Food
Plated Porkchops - Food/Decor
Plated Steak - Food/Decor
Plated Bread - Food/Decor
Plated Chicken - Food/Decor
Bowl of Stew - Food/Decor

Dao - Weapon
Jitte - Weapon
Kanabo - Weapon
Katana - Weapon
Khanda - Weapon
Kodachi - Weapon
Konda - Weapon
Nodachi - Weapon
Piercing Sai - Weapon
Iron/Stone/Wooden Boomerang - Weapon
Metalitra Bastardsword - Weapon
Metalitra Battleaxe - Weapon
Metalitra Dagger - Weapon
Metalitra Greatsword - Weapon
Metalitra Longsword - Weapon
Metalitra Mace - Weapon
Metalitra Sword - Weapon
Blacksteel Mace - Weapon
Nelfinite Bastardsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Battleaxe - Weapon
Nelfinite Dagger - Weapon
Nelfinite Greatsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Longsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Mace - Weapon
Nelfinite Sword - Weapon
Nelfinite Halbert - Weapon
Messer - Weapon
Swordstaff - Weapon
Atraves - Weapon
Brass Knuckles - Ingots/Nuggets
Blackiron Armingsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Armingsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Armingsword - Weapon
Iron Armingsword - Weapon
Metalitra Armingsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Armingsword - Weapon
Rusty Armingsword - Weapon
Steel Armingsword - Weapon

Crysteel Ingot - Iron Ingot/Redstone
Blue/Green/Orange/Red Dragoncite - Ghast Tear
Galena Brick - Brick
Nelfinite Ingot - Iron Ingot
Pyrignis - Blaze Powder
Seraphalo - Stone and Gold/Iron Nuggets
Starris - Obsidian and Coal
Broom - Shovels and Stick
Candle - Torch (3d hand held)
Lantern - Glowstone Block/Torch (3d hand held)

Blackhawk Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Brierust Warbanner - Sign/Shield
De Letoirneau Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Di Orazio Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Drache Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Goodcompany Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Harhold Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Howlester Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Krupp Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Massive Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Norrvakt Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Peirgarten Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Ravenstad Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Regalian Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Rote Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Viduggla Warbanner - Sign/Shield
Von Rahm Warbanner - Sign/Shield

Basic Chainmail - Armor
Crusader - Armor
Dwarven - Armor
Elven Plate - Armor
Blacksteel Plate - Armor
Hunt - Armor
Heavy Footsoldier - Armor
Spotted Footsoldier Helm - Armor
Light Footsoldier - Armor
Knight - Armor
Cheap Leather - Armor
Lord - Armor
Majestic - Armor
Norman - Armor
Northern - Armor
Orc - Armor
Roseplate - Armor
Tourney - Armor
Viking - Armor
Makeshift Chainmail - Armor
Fancy Gambeson - Armor
Bluesteel Plate - Armor
Imperial Plate - Armor
Nelfinite Plate - Armor

Curved Bow - Bow
Light Crossbow - Bow
Elven Longbow - Bow
Short Bow - Bow
Medium Crossbow - Bow
Anglian Longbow - Bow
Small Warbow - Bow
Heavy Crossbow - Bow
Heavy Warbow - Bow
Arrows - Stacks of Arrows now change as the stack grows in size
Regals - Gold Nugget , Stacks of Regals will change textures as the stack size grows
Broken Bone - Bone
Animal Teeth - Quartz
Rusty Regalian Cutlass - Weapon
Cutlass - Weapon
Blacksteel Cutlass - Weapon
Bluesteel Cutlass - Weapon
Guilded Cutlass - Weapon
Rusty Cutlass - Weapon
Ballheaded Warclub - Weapon
Bardiche - Weapon
Bastardsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Bastardsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Bastardsword - Weapon
Rusty Bastardsword - Weapon
Bronze Battleaxe - Weapon
Iron Battleaxe - Weapon
Steel Battleaxe - Weapon
Blacksteel Battleaxe - Weapon
Bluesteel Battleaxe - Weapon
Rusty Battleaxe - Weapon
Billhook - Weapon
Broadaxe - Weapon
Butterflysword - Weapon
Heavy Crowbeak - Weapon
Daen Blade - Weapon
Etosian Sword - Weapon
Imperial Gladius - Weapon
Iron Dagger - Weapon
Steel Dagger - Weapon
Blacksteel Dagger - Weapon
Bluesteel Dagger - Weapon
Iron Dirk - Weapon
Dark Blade - Weapon
Orcish Halbert - Weapon
Double Flail - Weapon
Spiky Flail - Weapon
Dwarven Axe - Weapon
Falcata - Weapon
Twoheaded Waraxe - Weapon
Red/Blue/Green/Purple Jousting Lance - Weapon
Sabre - Weapon
Nelfinite Dagger/Shortsword/Bastardsword - Weapon
Nelfinite Halbert/Battleaxe/Glaive - Weapon
Guard Baton - Weapon
Executioner Sword - Weapon

Falchion - Weapon
Falx - Weapon
Bronze Glaive - Weapon
Iron Glaive - Weapon
Steel Glaive - Weapon
Blacksteel Glaive - Weapon
Bluesteel Glaive - Weapon
Rusty Glaive - Weapon
Bronze Greatsword - Weapon
Iron Greatsword - Weapon
Steel Greatsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Greatsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Greatsword - Weapon
Imperial Greatsword - Weapon
Rusty Greatsword - Weapon
Guan Dao - Weapon
Bronze Hatchlet - Weapon
Iron Hatchlet - Weapon
Steel Hatchlet - Weapon
Halbert - Weapon
Steel Halbert - Weapon
Blacksteel Halbert - Weapon
Bluesteel Halbert - Weapon
Rusty Halbert - Weapon
Hoplite Sword - Weapon
Hunting Knife - Weapon
Jitte - Weapon
Kanabo - Weapon
Khanda - Weapon
Khopesh - Weapon
Konda Sword - Weapon
Large Wooden Club - Weapon
Iron Longsword - Weapon
Steel Longsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Longsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Longsword - Weapon
Rusty Longsword - Weapon
Custom Longsword - Weapon
Spiked Mace - Weapon
Heavy Mace - Weapon
Military Fork - Weapon
Monkspade - Weapon
Northerne Sword - Weapon
Orcish Blade - Weapon
Orcish Warscythe - Weapon
Panabas - Weapon
Pitchfork - Weapon
Pole Flail - Weapon
Hooksword - Weapon
Ranseur - Weapon
Rapier - Weapon
Blacksteel Rapier - Weapon
Bluesteel Rapier - Weapon
Rusty Rapier - Weapon
Sarissa - Weapon
Handsaw - Axe
Sickle - Hoe
Small Battleaxe - Weapon
Short Spear - Weapon
Polelance - Weapon
Blacksteel Spear - Weapon
Bluesteel Spear - Weapon
Rusty Spear - Weapon
Spiked Club - Weapon
Fighting Staff - Weapon
Warstaff - Weapon
Valtin Halberd - Weapon
Iron Shortsword - Weapon
Steel Shortsword - Weapon
Blacksteel Shortsword - Weapon
Bluesteel Shortsword - Weapon
Rusty Shortsword - Weapon
Simple Trident - Weapon
Voulge - Weapon
Iron Warhammer - Weapon
Steel Warhammer - Weapon
Warscythe - Weapon
Wooden Club - Weapon
Yari - Weapon
Iron Spanner - Iron Shovel
Spade - Iron Shovel
Blackiron Ingot - Iron Ingot
Blacksteel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Bluesteel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Copper Ingot - Iron Ingot
Silver Ingot - Iron Ingot
Steel Ingot - Iron Ingot
Yanar Wings - Elytra
Sack Of Regals - Leather
Shadowtrapper Eye - Eye of Ender
Void Husk - Prismarine Shard
Candied Apple - Golden Apple
Royal Ivory Pipe - Record ~ Chirp
Sham-Abdala: Sun Worship - Book
The Faith of Estel - Book
Leather-Bound-Tohn-Sona - Book

Once again, CLICK HERE to download the pack!

This pack only works in 1.13+ which means it will be usable on Massivecraft tomorrow morning (Saturday, January 25th, 2020)!

Extra Credits:

* Monsterfish_ for making Conquest and a lot of the base textures I used/edited.
* Monmarty for making the main resource pack.
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conflee you're so fucking cool thanks for adding a bunch of random shit like the broom, it's my favorite things to use:)
I am flabbergasted by the variety, accuracy, and aesthetics of this all. Very impressive, and I look so, so forward to using these items in game.
Overall I am very pleased with most of the 3D models @Conflee , though I do have a few things to note in my pack diving:
  • the red cap texture is broken, and needs to be fixed
  • The hat layer of a default player model sticks out of the tricorne
  • some of the shields do not work well with minecraft armor, and have the arms pop out in front. while massivebound is catered towards rpers, I think it would be nice to have the models work well in survival. natural some models will be impossible to fix like the scutum, but for say the kite shield, it would be helpful.
  • update, the pipe cannot be used as a hat layer, so perhaps allow buttons to work as a block as well for it

And also, for v4.1 can I request a rapier scabbard for the classier folk to walk around with? Overall I rate the pack a 9.5/10, with the above things being the only notable gripes I have. Keep up the good work!
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Is there a way to make 1.13 forge and optifine work together? Or no, if we want to use massive bound we have to be running 1.14
Is there a way to make 1.13 forge and optifine work together? Or no, if we want to use massive bound we have to be running 1.14
Optifine and Forge just don't work together in 1.13. It won't recognize Optifine as a mod or load it.

The three options are basically:
  • 1.13 + Optifine for the Resource Pack and MassiveBound to both work right.
  • 1.13 + Forge/MPM and the Resource Pack and MassiveBound will be broken.
  • 1.14 + Forge/MPM + Optifine and the Resource Pack works but MassiveBound is broken.
Optifine 1.14 broke Custom Item Models.
Can you add a list of what item we need for the items? just confused when it says prop. The tricorn, plume, and pipe aren't working for me. I tried to follow your tutorial on using 1.14.4 to use mpm and optifine, so far that's been working and I can use shaders, thought maybe the textures had something to do with that?
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I edited my post to include more of my question. Some textures aren't working for me, I've been trying to use the pipe and tophat, the textures are showing up for the fans but not the tophat, pipe, and canes. gonna try a different thing
I edited my post to include more of my question. Some textures aren't working for me, I've been trying to use the pipe and tophat, the textures are showing up for the fans but not the tophat, pipe, and canes. gonna try a different thing
I figured out my problem, thanks for answering my questions. ^-^
one more thing i forgot: the ithanian/black knight armors are all broken due to there being a default "knight" armor that overrides the other ones.
What did you do for the canes, i've been racking my brain trying to figure it out.

Stave (Color) for the color-capped ones.
(Wood Type) Cane for the normal ones.

So, Stave Black for black capped cane. Or Spruce Cane for the 7 shaped one.

All using Hoes as the base item.
Prob nothing you can do anything about but for some reason massivebound really messes up the textures on 'rounded' logs in the better foliage mod.

Currently on 1.14 so idk if that would effect it, and yes I know its a mod messing with things so edge case not your problem :P
Prob nothing you can do anything about but for some reason massivebound really messes up the textures on 'rounded' logs in the better foliage mod.

Currently on 1.14 so idk if that would effect it, and yes I know its a mod messing with things so edge case not your problem :P
I don't even touch logs with MassiveBound so it might just be an Optifine thing.
I can't get the spruce cane working in 1.13.2 upload_2020-4-7_13-55-0.webp also, if I wanted an archblood sword, what would probably be the closest to it for a purple edition archblood?