I think you raise some great points and ideas! Lack of meaningful endgame in survival seems to be one of the problems.
It's really hard to have plugins written/updated and new systems created in survival. Roleplay is easy to make changes, write some lore, progression post, boom, done; roleplayers have something fun to do for the weekend.
Survival and pvp seem to be much harder changes to implement that require much coding and balancing etc.
I wonder if there are ways to jazz up survival play that we can come up with ourselves and implement as players. I've always been one to make my own systems and fun where none exists. I think CoK is a step in the right direction. Like roleplay, it didn't require tons of coding and tweeking plugins to get it working. Does it even need staff? It could have been created and run totally by players.
I understand being frustrated waiting for updates that seem to never come. So, what games, systems, fun-generators could we implement in survival with the tools we already have in place?
Rather than a bad time, think of now as a perfect opportunity to start something new and exciting for our fellow players!