Monthly Progression World Progression For July-august 2016

Discussion in 'Progression Events' started by MonMarty, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    This thread is going to be a bit longer than the usual progression posts as it represents a major pivotal point in the story progression of Aloria. I had to try and incorporate 100 people or so, so I may have missed a few names. If you were missing but did get mentioned on the allowance list (or successfully appeal for an inclusion after disqualification afterwards), send me a PM and I'll throw you name in there to be included. We have decided to shorten down the format. Last year we had 46 or so sign ups which involved 40,000 words of writing. This is no longer realistic to go for as a staff member who has other obligations, so the format will simply be reduced to a name mention basis. Some names have been mentioned twice or three times for the sake of storytelling, but generally everyone should know where their character participated in the story. Anyone who is not mentioned may also include themselves anywhere on the Battlefield, the Regalian sewers, the Regalian streets or the Regalian battleships, with the exception of the scene near the Machine and come up with their own reactions and actions to the events around them. All events in this progression post are fully knowledgeable IC to anyone, with the exception of the events around the machine which is only known to people who were specifically mentioned to be witnessing it or being part of it. The effects of this post will activate at the passing of Sunday to Monday on GMT midnight. At this point it will take another 24 hours before news of what happens around the world elsewhere to reach Regalia. This means to say that on midnight GMT Monday, news of the events transpiring in Daendroc, Ellador etc will become known to people in Regalia. Have fun reading!


    The battleships rocked gently on the waves as the wind picked up on the coastline of the capital isle of Arlora. Elizabeth Black and Pechesera Tzavaras were calmly looking out over the rowboats and smaller ships sailing by, making up a massive fleet carrying tens of thousands of levy soldiers to the coastline to imminently start the invasion. Cecile Ravenstad stood somewhere further down the side of the ship in a more secluded spot, having some odd feeling about this whole event, the color of the dark sky, the power of the waves, it all felt odd. The general flag signal to assault was raised on the Kade flagship, signalling the Black, Fong, Typhonus, Coen, and Ivrae ships to sail forward, preparing for a coastal battery assault. The day was the 25th of July 304 AC, the formal start of the invasion of the Kingdom of Arlora after months of diplomatic sabre rattling between the Kingdom and the Empire over the fate of the Kingdom of Torse. Since the battles with the fog creatures, Torse had become a part of the Empire to protect itself from the damages those battles did and the subsequent disproportionate power of the Arloran army which was ready to attack it at any point.

    The first to land were the Nordskag regiments and the Drixagh lords, Ania Santorski and Enok Santorski leading their own tribesmen, Halfrida and Dagmar Sorenvik leading their own Nordlander troops next to the prince of Nordskag. As the first boots hit the beachhead, the rumble of cannons opening up behind them and above them as they prepared to mount ladders and climb the mountain wall. The objective of the Northern troops was to defeat the battlement positions up the cliff ramps, the Arloran troops having taken defensive positions along the few narrow paths that lead up the cliffs. With cannon fire suppressing the enemy troops from shooting arrows at the climbers, the army slowly advanced while the next set of transport ships lay in wait for the all clear signal to be given. The steepness of the cliff was brutal, despite it not actually being that tall. Several ladders were erected and at the top of the ladders grappling hooks were used to climb further up. Between cannonballs missing and hitting the rock wall, setting loose some stonework and Arlorans attempting to throw rocks from above, not all Northerners made it to the top. When they did reach the top however, the whole force clashed with great ferocity as Venkey Ra and Ally Olversdottir took the front and assaulted the Arloran archers from behind. Before long, Luna Levine and Ania Santorski stood on the cliff side, raising the Regalian Drixagh banner together to signal the next wave to assault.

    The next ships to land were the Kade and Typhonus cavalry which immediately sprung into action and charged up the narrow paths towards the cliff top which the Northerners had cleared of any archers and defenses. Once they reached the top, they charged spear long into the retreating Arlorans who were desperately trying to reach their main force to group up before the main assault. With the Northerners on the top, and the cavalry running down the retreating forces, the main bulk of the infantry started landing. With the largest transport ship the field commanders started landing, Cedric Kade and William Coen first and who were to command the troops of the main push. Behind them Christopher Black ordered the Orcs, lead by Rerik Ulster and Vhorkogg Monstertamer to unload the cannons and start the arduous task of dragging them up the cliff paths. There was a moment of calm and almost jarring jolliness among the troops, like this was just a routine expedition and they would soon be victorious over this puny little Kingdom to expand the Empire. With the troops in tow, Commander Cedric on horse and Commander William far from said horse, the lines marched up the cliff sides where Ania Santorski and Dagmar Sorenvik had started re-organizing their forces to help the infantry push against the main Arloran force.

    With everything arriving on top, a command position was set up and the cannons were prepared. Scouts from the Kade cavalry had made it apparent that the Arloran forces were going to make an immediate counter attack to deny the Regalians the ability to properly set up their artillery. The desperation in this move was apparent to Philip Kade and Piero di Orazio, two overseers of the military tactics at base camp. Philip advised his father Cedric to abandon setting up the cannons for now and instruct the Black forces to use only the mortars which were more movable and immediately deploy-able even from the beach. With William Coen going down to the lines to form up the formations, the general orders were given to wait out the Arloran forces before anything was going to happen. In a matter of merely half an hour, the Arloran forces were seen crossing over the nearby hills in tight formations, though they quickly loosened their formation upon approaching artillery range. The Arlorans had already banked on the idea that Regalia was going to employ cannons against them and loosened their formations accordingly.

    Back on the ships, the first batches of wounded Northerners who had either survived the fall from the cliff sides or had been wounded atop the cliffs were arriving on the ships for medical attention. Lithiel Losseniel was in a hurry with bandages and salves, tending to the wounded as Astrid Kade and Diane Black oversaw the movements of the various nurses and healers. Maedelyn Barlowe and Madeleine d’Eluise meanwhile, were discussing the viability of the coming occupation while Victoria Valor was calmly guiding the arrival of the transport ships and who to hoist up first for immediate medical attention. Over on the Fong and Black ships, Dr Fong was preparing the fire mages for deployment. The urgency of the Arloran counter attack had sped up their plans a bit, and the fire mages would not be able to be deployed in time, but they would certainly be used for the assault on the main Arloran capital. Warren Coen and Pellegrino di Orazio made rounds past the cannons to inspect the quantity of cannonballs and the status of the sailors in general. They found morale to be high and few cannons had lost functionality, thus signalling to Grayson Anderson and Jamison von Silvercrest to start redividing the supplies and prepare the transport ships for coastal supply runs.

    On the battlefield meanwhile, the first Arloran skirmishes had started. William Coen had joined his ranks with the shields, deploying the shield turtle formations to protect against incoming archery fire. With the Black mortars having been deployed, artillery fire was returned on the Arlorans with much greater precision and effect. The Arlorans soon realized that their skirmish phase was like throwing pebbles at a mountain, so the general order was given to draw swords. When the other side realized an imminent charge was about to occur, the halberds and pikemen moved forward, Alistair Coen and Naushe Kearney at the front while the swordsmen stood behind them. The Northerners were given the march order to the left while the horsemen marched to the right, intent on completely surrounding the approaching Arloran forces by sheer numerical superiority. The Northern forces at this point became more of a rag-tag of shock troops than a formal army, with even Qadir such as Kaleel Ishmael and Ur such as Bol’shov Medved joining the troops, anything to re-supply the lost and tired men who had paved the way for the main army to arrive without trouble.

    The first troops clashed with ferocity, the Arlorans desperately defending their homeland from Regalian annexation as the first waves were pierced on the spears and halberds, before swords were drawn in the backlines and a counter charge was ordered. Supporting their Coen commander, Heyon Yolvr, Daniel Silevon and Trent Thorpe charged forward to keep their commander safe as he barked orders at the troops in the field. Behind them Jannik Sinclair reorganized the pikemen and halberds for a second charge, while Iona of Basta charged with the various religious military forces of Aethelred Coen on the left flank.

    On the right flank, the combined Ravenstad and Coen infantry was just amassing to push past the Coen fighters to break through the central line, Percy Ravenstad at the helm of his soldiers, barking with ferocity as Fenic Salcedo and Hannah Lexen guarded their commander. The sea of purple-red-blue smashed into the Arloran lines as some of the Coen troops gave way, while the horns of the cavalry blew on the right flank, sending scores of horsemen into the Arloran sides. Before long, Mateo Silva and Renly Kade spotted the Arloran King and his personal entourage of Arloran champions, choosing to engage them directly to cut off the serpent’s head in the hopes it would end the battle faster. They were joined by Dietrich Drache, Arion Grayson and David Watson, supported by various Typhonus and Black forces as the artillery had now ceased and the Black forces moved up, while Ulric Typhonus had just set up near the command tent to support Cedric Kade. With the five of them engaging the Arloran King and his champions, and the right flank caving in, the make-shift left shock troops engaged from over the hill, the yells of women resounding high on the battlefield as the Santorski-Sorenvik forces charged forward. They were also assisted by Orazio forces who had joined them at the last moment, Alessandro di Orazio and Daniel de Blouscheur charging forward while Alexei Kozak cleared the way.

    The battle raged on, but it was very clearly a losing fight for the Arlorans who were outnumbered four to one and severely outmatched in troops and weapon quality. Before long, Reval’quess Draltar had joined the five young men fighting the King and his champions, disabling him and taking the monarch captive on the field. The King dictated his last order that every man fight to his last breath, so the battle continued, but the Regalians had already celebrated their victory at this point, Typhonus and Kade commanders congratulating each other at the command position. The Black canons had just been hoisted up to their positions when noises started coming from the storm clouds behind the battle, they almost sounded like bellowing thundering growls, followed by icy howls. The commanders turned around, using their spyglasses to inspect where these sounds were coming from, but somewhere on the battlefield, Jared Kade already knew. The sounds, they rang through his bones like nails scratching on a blackboard, and the people on the ships below would soon know as well.

    Astrid Kade and Cecile Ravenstad halted what they were doing to walk to the back end of the ship and looked up, only to witness large white reptilian creatures gliding in the clouds above as they flapped their wings. Astrid pushed aside a sailor and grabbed his spyglass to look up, seeing Isldar on the backs of great wyverns, a white flying fleet of them heading straight for the battlefield but seemingly ignoring the people on the ships. Over on the Fong and Black ships, Warren Coen and Pellegrino di Orazio raised the red flag of unidentified hostile force approaching, which the commanders in the field immediately replied to. Cups of tea were put down and the Black cannons were hurriedly turned around while even the commanders drew sword and bow to prepare for this force. Regalian horns for “cease and desist” were blown, but no heed was given, so the only plausible answer for the Regalians was to open fire. With the thundering roar of cannon batteries, a whole barrage of artillery fire opened up on the approaching white wyverns, crashing explosive rounds into them and beyond, blowing apart the approaching forces. The Isldar on wyverns attempted to avoid the incoming fire but as they came within archery range, the archers opened fire as well. The Isldar yelled and shrieked almost, a flurry of Elven words that the Humans did not understand. The wyverns crying out as they came crashing to the ocean and the beach below. There was a certain sense of desperation in their communication, but this was lost to the Humans on the battlefield. Lost to all but Daniel Silevon and Jared Kade, who due to the Isldar parentage, felt the dragon speech in their bones. “Stop the king, Do not let him usher the words!” was all they heard over and over. But at this point it was already too late.

    Jared tried to yell at Reval’quess, Renly and Heyon Yolvr who were escorting the King and his entourage back to the Regalian camp, but in the battle still raging on around them, those warnings too came too late. It happened so fast that none of them had time to respond, the last thing they heard was the king of Arlora muttering some words. With a bright flash and a thunder clap sound, that all too familiar stone woman appeared, the same monstrosity that had led the fog creatures to fight the Regalians months before. She hovered gently behind the King as Reval turned around, too stunned to respond. Renly and Heyon drew their swords, plunging themselves at the sudden assailant who just flicked her hands in their directions, causing an immediate invisible concussion force to knock them back into the dirt. Reval tried to raise his arm but the statue then too turned on him, its arm raising as Reval was pulled off the ground and then launched off into the distance, crashing into one of the command tents beyond. The stone lady looked down at the Arloran King who bent on his knees to it,arms raised in seeming exultation. Then all a sudden, white ghostly essences started emanating from the stone lady, the Arloran King and his close commanders lifting off the ground and screaming as some form of magic was taking hold of them. The battle around them came to an abrupt halt as everyone just looked and gawked, completely powerless to do anything and not knowing what would happen next. Some Orazio and Coen troops tried to engage but their bodies combusted in flames and were incinerated when they touched the white essences flowing around the stone lady. In a panic, the whole army started running back and away from the statue and it’s ritual. The commanders tried to keep things orderly, but events were about to take a turn for the worse. The Arloran King and his commanders dropped back to the ground, though they had been changed to the point where none would recognize them. Bald, with pure white skin and twisted facial features and pointy ears, whatever they had become, it only meant trouble for the Regalians. The stone lady then aimed her arm at the sky which was followed by another loud thunder clap and a massive pillar of white light reaching all the way to the clouds. As it reached the clouds it dispersed as if a massive explosion, sending lightning fast beams across the sky in all directions of the wind.

    Over on the ships, Maedelyn Barlowe and Elizabeth Black witnesses the events on the coast with their mouths agape, though quickly broken from their daze by the sudden rough disruption of the sea. The waves started crashing against the ships as some of them capsized while anchored. Maedelyn just barely being able to hurl some “Grab something you fools!” before the Kade vessel too started rocking, medical supplies rolling all over the place. Pechesera Tzavaras nearly flung overboard, barely being held onto by Lithiel Losseniel while over on the Fong ships, Fong’s mages tried precariously to control the water and winds around them to no avail. Piero di Orazio counted the wind directions of all the beams and in a moment of clarity, devised that they were all headed for major landmasses across Aloria. Whatever this meant for the world was difficult to say at this point, for the Regalian forces had more immediate problems on their hands. The white contorted creatures that were once the Arloran commanders cackled as the Regalians, and even Arloran troops, fell silent and made but a single statement: “We are the White Midnight Court, and this world has come to an end”. With a series of hand gestures, more of that white ghostly essence flew around the battlefield, phasing through the living and taking hold of the corpses and dismembered body parts that lay strewn across the field. A moment of silence broke before the first bone chilling screams and shrieks could be heard, the corpses twitching and twisting. Body parts slowly gravitating towards seemingly nothing, and forming horrendous abominations of undead tissue. The dead were coming back to life, but this wasn’t any ordinary undeadism. These creatures were rabid. Whatever corpses had enough body parts left to resemble humanoids jumped up and lunged at the Regalians and Arlorans alike, and even their horses, clawing and biting and ripping at whatever they could get their hands on. Panic started setting in even more when various dismembered body parts came together in walking horrors, globs of flesh sown together with magic, supported by several hands and arms that clawed and snatched up soldier breaking them in half or tearing them to pieces. The whole army started going into a full route now, and ironically enough the Arlorans fled with the Regalians down to the beach. People jumped off the cliffs trying to escape what was coming, soldiers clamoring to reach the transport boats. Some capsized as the carnage behind them started, the various bodyguards hurrying their commanders off the field. Percy Ravenstad and some of the Imperial guards in the field held off as many as they could to allow the levies to flee in panic, but eventually also pulled back as there was simply no stopping the tide. Any corpses that fell by these creatures would soon re-animate into horrors and join the washing wave of abominations.

    On the ships the situation wasn’t much better. Olivier de Blouscheur was attempting to give a sermon to the cowardly sailors who attempted to abandon ship while Lorenzo Martinez tried to organize an orderly retreat from the coastline whose ships quickly sailed to the front to receive the fleeing soldiers. Madeleine d’Eluise was looking at the coastline, not sure if she was dreaming, the only thing anchoring her to reality being Fifi barking ferociously in the direction of the carnage that had started spilling onto the beach. As the first transports started arriving, the commanders quickly climbed back on the ships to steer everyone in the right directions. Philip and Astrid Kade embraced as Philip just climbed on board, Astrid desperately asking what in Spirit’s name was going on. Philip only replied with “We don’t understand what is happening, but whatever it is, it seems to be happening all over the world”.

    His predictions were correct as all over the world, regardless of time of day or weather conditions, the same started occurring. It was still a regular morning over in Daenshore where the markets were bustling in Hallonq. Before long, the flashes of light appeared on the sky like meteors, one striking down into Hallonq with a violent explosion. As soon as the explosion hit, rattling was heard in the bone pits as strange bone horrors were re-animated into ferocious beings that clawed out of the pits and started tearing the citizens to pieces. In Ithania, the palaces were being climbed upon by rotten monkeys and lizards as well as bone vultures that descended upon the Ithanian Citoyens, tossing them off the walls and into the waterfall deep below. In Nordskag, the dead marched from the barrow holds and assailed the defenseless Northern villages, turning the capital into a graveyard. In Farahdeen, horrors rose from the sand swallowing up whole caravans and assaulting the mighty walls of the Songaskia Massaya pearl cities. In Hadar, the bones of the Allar and Sea Serpents rose up, especially densely around Sassrakand and spewed out west to Teled Methen, assaulting the Talar kingdoms on the eastern coastline. Even far in the north of Ellador, Dwarven holds thought long abandoned and forgotten were brought back to life, or undead, as Dwarven skeletons re-animated into horrors of undeath, crawling out into the snowy wasteland in search of anything living. This wasn’t just some undead plague, it was a global extermination where any dead organic matter or even bones were reanimated into any possible way to become savage creatures intent to destroy anything alive. It wasn’t just the people who were targeted, birds, dogs, sheep, everything was being killed everywhere. The staggering death toll mounted as all over the world, defenses were scrambled to hold off this sudden apocalypse. Back at the battlefield in Arlora, the ships tried to escape the coastline as quickly as possible, harassed by the same Wyverns that they had shot down earlier, attacking the men on the decks and trying to tear apart the sails. Masts came crashing down and the whole fleet desperately defended themselves as they headed straight for Regalia. What happened around the world would have happened to Regalia too, were it not for a group of people in the sewers, acting entirely on their own accord but with full foreknowledge of what was happening.

    Yuzkania White, Arendan Artorius and Aedhlynn Leannáin witnessed a curious procession of people on their walk through the sewers, deciding to sneak behind them and see where they were going. The procession was Duke Tristan Lampero of all people, carrying in his arm a motionless body of a man, followed by a whole crowd of people who others would recognize to be frequenters in the Sewers. With them was Karim Azhar, leading the group after Tristan Lampero that marched through various hallways. They passed the mossy poss, stepped past the flooded tunnels and then past the blood altar. Azryael Hithwen was making some shady sewer deal with Santiago Martinez in disguise and Cecile Empolan, until Santiago saw Tristan pass by, recognizing him and ending his deal to follow them as well. It wasn’t that the crowd hadn’t seen the various people following them, it was rather that they didn’t seem to care. Eventually they reached a wall which Akemi Rielle and Theo Ruest just happened to be in front of. Tristan tossed the body he was carrying on the floor and just moved the two aside, before waving his hands. The wall in front of him soon collapsed, opening up to a massive hallway with all kinds of strange contraptions in it, seemingly very, very old. He picked up the body again and marched in with the others following him. He put the body down on an altar in front of a massive statue like machine, before Karim Azhar guided the various people which had followed him into the pod like devices of ancient stone. In went Joelle Cavey, Tahlaera Llbaereth and Connie Rae, the latter with some protest and the first with some anxiety. Celaireth Amarallis and Lucas Amalao entered another set by themselves and over on the other side Whitlock Carswell, Fyrrsra Xaidow and Dahae Faerveren entered their own. With the various pods filled, Zaensael Yraudhen and Theo Ruest helped Karim into his own pod and defended that one. Amaranthae Eilantria, Alasse Lherilae, Gaerdir Istyar, Daenalia Orthamann and Arendan Koningsmark were instead sent off to the entrance of the room to guard from any intrusion, those who had followed them now forming an actual crowd trying to see what was happening inside. Helix Heart and Juan Mendoza could only just barely make out Tristan standing onto a large platform in front of the machine, moving his arms around as the machine started going into motion.

    The machine creaked and lights powered up in the pods in which people stepped but moments ago. As the lights intensity increased, Rilion Larenel and Thalion Amlugonnen who had sneakily crept past the people who guarded the entrance, could hear sounds bashing on the insides. The people who had entered these pods were desperately trying to get out, they summarized whatever was happening to them wasn’t pleasant and fairly painful. The same white ghostly essence that flowed on the battlefield in Arlora funneled from these pods towards the machine. As soon as the tendrils hit the openings, the central columns started shifting. Rhovanion Nhaeslal and Johanna Hartlin grabbed a nearby pillar to stabilize themselves while Whitlock Carswell just barely avoided getting crushed by a falling rock from the ceiling. The ground started shaking and the machine started rotating. Tristan could just barely be made out cutting his hand with a dagger and drawing runes on the motionless body in front of him, speaking in tongues that none could understand while the muffled screaming of the people in the machines started getting louder and louder.

    Above ground, the trembling of the sewers was barely noticeable due to the trample of citizens going about their daily business, carts rolling in the streets or people having a chat on the sidewalk. Abigail Tucker was doing her afternoon shopping, inspecting the apple vendor next to her when the thundering sounds were becoming louder, but they came from the sky. She made a few steps backwards to where Lucas Amalao was standing, who was already pointing up at the sky, bright tails of white light crossing over in the directions of Hadar, Etosil and Hyarroc. Before long, one came down to Regalia and shouting in the streets intensified as people became frightened of a meteor crashing down in Regalia. Some people started running while panic also settled in the noble district where Jehenna Coen was walking past the river. Below ground, the machine that was still rotating suddenly and abruptly halted its motion before a high pitch shrill noise erupted from it, followed by an ear deafening bellowing growl. Fumes of purple smoke emanated from it before rushing up through the ventilation shafts and tunnels that ran all the way to the surface. On the surface, Jenna Coen just passed a sewer vent in the river next to her where a sudden wave of that purple smoke rose from the entrance, as if almost living and aiming for the sky. The force of the eruption blew her parasol away as she was knocked into the flower bed next to her, gazing at the sky as the smoke filled the sky in the same way that the white light had in Arlora. When the white object neared the close sky of Regalia, the purple smoke suddenly rushed towards it, in full sight of all Regalians, smashing into the object and causing a massive explosion of blinding light with crackling lightning shooting out from it, before it all dissipated. There was a general silence across Regalia as everyone’s eyes were glued to the sky, scanning for any falling star debris or doom that would have befall them, but nothing happened. Before long, cries were heard in the streets: “Praise the Imperial Spirit! The Spirit has protected us from a falling star!”. Religious fervor swept up the public as Regalia remained safe. In fact the purple smoke had formed a very thin veil, almost like a dome, around the entire Archipelago, only just barely visible to the naked eye, but definitely seen with a telescope or spyglass. Regalia was spared the fate of the world around it, and entirely ignorant what was happening elsewhere. While the global death count started climbing into the tens of thousands approaching the first hundred thousand, Regalians went about their daily lives again, drinking and buying to celebrate their lives having been saved by something they will never understand or know about.

    In the sewers meanwhile, the machine had started spinning again, this time overflowing with the white ghostly essence before it leaked on all sides. The machine was clearly ancient and it wasn’t functioning the way it should. Various pieces broke off while it tried to rotate, causing those white essences to violently jump around the room and flow through the stonework to elsewhere in the sewers. The machine was rapidly bleeding magical energy in the same way an Evocarorum could, but in a much more violent manner. The aberrant magic randomly shot into vagrants and creatures living into the sewers, horribly mutating them in the lower levels and turning them into savage beasts. Elthel Faerval, Erfaron Draylas and Fyran Na’Akuel were walking about in the Elven level when a homeless person next to them suddenly got hit by one of those energies, cried out, and rapidly mutated into some beast with a mouth that resembled a pit laced with razor blades and twisted tentacle like arms with festering flesh. As they tried to back off from this thing that was clearly intent on attacking them, more people around them were hit. What was going to be an interesting fight turned into a desperate run for the level exit as the people in the first level desperately started sealing off the lower levels to keep these monsters away from the unturned people.

    The machine was meanwhile approaching its final stages of operation, some of the leftover essences funneled towards the motionless body of the man on the altar, warping the body in a very similar manner as the stone lady had done to the Arloran King and his commanders. Then finally, Tristan cast some sort of soul magic spell before collapsing unconscious onto the ground. Moments later, the once motionless man opened his eyes, looked at the people around him. The pods started opening again, the people who had guarded the area helped out their friends and allies and enemies. Just as Karim was pulled out of his pod in a daze, he looked over to the man that now closely resembled a White Midnight Court creature, which simply smiled before it sank into a shadow magic well and disappeared. Those who came out of the pods felt weakened, drained to exhaustion almost as they could barely stand. And as Karim had probably presumed at some point, tricked into what they had assisted to occur here. All of the people who had been in pods were incapable of feeling the void, the exist, or casting any magic. Karim had felt like this before and he also knew what it was. The last he could utter was “Looks like we’re going to be out of juice for at least 20 days guys. Carry the Duke back to the surface and make sure he gets home safely, you’ll regret it if you don’t”.

    As night fell, still no news had been received of what was happening across the world and the Regalian fleet was still on its way back to Regalia proper, all the while being harassed by undead fish bone abominations. The future was grim, but Regalia was safe, for now. What had exactly happened to the Arloran King and his generals, and that man in the sewers? Why was Regalia spared the fate of what happened elsewhere? How was Regalia going to react to the world around them crumbling? Only time would tell how the people who witnessed these events and played a part in it, would respond.

    • Winner Winner x 48
    • Immersive Immersive x 7
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 2
  2. BillyTheScruffy

    BillyTheScruffy Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast

    Sep 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Ryria

    Ryria i amne jusst a litle creechr

    Oct 22, 2015
    Likes Received:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Tibertastic

    Tibertastic Man of the People

    Apr 5, 2015
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    lmao when religion can't even save us from dragons
    • Educated Educated x 1
  6. JoyShake

    JoyShake Deceptively unwholesome

    Oct 25, 2013
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  7. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
    Likes Received:
    OH MAN
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. pumpkindude2014

    pumpkindude2014 Daydreaming all day long~~~

    May 31, 2016
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    Have been waiting for this for ages, OMG this is going to be an amazing read
  9. Shayin

    Shayin Seen any Elves?

    Jun 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Oooooh mama
    • Like Like x 1
  10. LekkuLord

    LekkuLord SupremeCripple Staff Member Lore2

    May 10, 2013
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  11. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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  12. Phon_Senajan

    Phon_Senajan Out there ON the sun

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Boy, this is the only one thing I came back in time for. HELLA YES DADDYS HOME FOR THE PARTY
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Arendan

    Arendan didn't see graphite

    Apr 30, 2016
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    • Winner Winner x 3
  14. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    So, I am slightly.. lost... probably because im still tired lol.

    So what most people in Regalia need to know atm is:

    'Star' almost hit city.
    Purple Bubble bounced it away.
    Party. \o/
    Mutant monsters start attacking.

    Is that right or and I failing? XD

    Also, are the Monsters an IC thing we have to deal with? Because if so Amar is going to have a lot of fun, you know, being a WEAPONSMASTER in all this lol
  15. krios41

    krios41 Privjet

    Oct 15, 2013
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Hierophant_

    Hierophant_ Bruh Supremium

    Dec 5, 2013
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    So is jamison in regalia or on a ship off the coast of arlora?
  17. Tibertastic

    Tibertastic Man of the People

    Apr 5, 2015
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    • Winner Winner x 2
  18. Silent_Ruler

    Silent_Ruler Scrapper.

    Oct 12, 2012
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    I have always dreamed of The Walking Dead in Aloria.

    Another "void" invasion!

    Why'd they have to destroy Hallonq though! ;-;
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Ddafad

    Ddafad Baa-ram-ewe.

    Mar 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Ctrl + F then type in your characters name. : D
  20. Arendan

    Arendan didn't see graphite

    Apr 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  21. TutiDias

    TutiDias General Vladislav Marknid

    Feb 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
  22. SnashuuPomaymay

    SnashuuPomaymay lol die

    Apr 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I... Oh. So... Fun! Very fun, alrighty. I'll just be figuring out how to control my poor emotions in this now!
  23. pumpkindude2014

    pumpkindude2014 Daydreaming all day long~~~

    May 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Seems like the world is going to end

  24. Lommey

    Lommey Screaming with rhythm

    Apr 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
  25. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
    Likes Received:
  26. Anseran

    Anseran Ifrit Enthusiast

    Sep 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Almost got crushed... Lost his Mage ability for a month = Should have let himself be crushed, screwed anyway.
  27. TutiDias

    TutiDias General Vladislav Marknid

    Feb 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Should become a mutant.
  28. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Anii sighed in disappointment within his jail confinement. What a bad time to have been arrested when fate called for everyone to participate.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    #28 Magivore, Jul 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  29. Hierophant_

    Hierophant_ Bruh Supremium

    Dec 5, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I know but is he doing this from arlora or regalia?
  30. FireFan96

    FireFan96 Ever present, Ever seeing Staff Member Lore2

    Sep 8, 2015
    Likes Received:
    • Winner Winner x 8
    • Agree Agree x 2
  31. Dat1SeikoCrouton

    Dat1SeikoCrouton Hell Hath No Fury Like a Pubescent Child

    Sep 1, 2015
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    *When Aloria becomes badass but you're literally reading it in the car going camping* YAAAAS THIS IS SOO COOOL- oh wait... NOOOOO, WHYYY NOOW ;-;
  32. Film_Noir

    Film_Noir Snowdonian Pirate

    Jan 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    "I hate fucking magic." -Starts to rapidly build a bunker.-
    • Agree Agree x 7
  33. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Let us all thank purple smoke for dying for our sins. RIP purple smoke, forever in our hearts <3
  34. _Grimmy_

    _Grimmy_ Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.

    Sep 6, 2013
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    So in other words"Get her blunt weapons and hope the demigods aren't assholes..."
  35. Hierophant_

    Hierophant_ Bruh Supremium

    Dec 5, 2013
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    So the coastal ship camps with people including silvrest and anderson were left on arlora for everyone in them to look for refuge?
    #35 Hierophant_, Jul 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  36. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Like Like x 1
    #36 KrakenLord01, Jul 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  37. Hierophant_

    Hierophant_ Bruh Supremium

    Dec 5, 2013
    Likes Received:
    it would be cool
  38. Anjomo330

    Anjomo330 One to another, stay alive.

    Dec 13, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  39. _Me_Zebra_


    Aug 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ooooh~ How fancy.
  40. The Golem

    The Golem chiken nugge

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Am I the only one that's just a little upset we couldn't get zombie people in the sewers? Like there's probably so many bodies down there anyone down there would be utterly destroyed, but.

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