Looking For Sci-fi Artists/art

Hey there @The Shadow King and other cool people. I was procrastinating making the bold lines, but I decided to be a good boy and finish my stuff. :P

I have more ideas for Droids, but I would like feedback on the ones I drew first, so I can make them better.

First, a Fire Drone, a Hili(because kawaii) and a Surveillance Drone.
A Nanite, and a person suffering from Nanitite.
An adult Hili(I think I really like those now >.<) and a Parasite Drone.

As always, I'm sorry for the spots. They are in regions hard to clean, so I left them as they are. I hope you like the drawings. :3
Hey there @The Shadow King and other cool people. I was procrastinating making the bold lines, but I decided to be a good boy and finish my stuff. :P

I have more ideas for Droids, but I would like feedback on the ones I drew first, so I can make them better.

First, a Fire Drone, a Hili(because kawaii) and a Surveillance Drone.
View attachment 24560
A Nanite, and a person suffering from Nanitite.
View attachment 24561
An adult Hili(I think I really like those now >.<) and a Parasite Drone.
View attachment 24562

As always, I'm sorry for the spots. They are in regions hard to clean, so I left them as they are. I hope you like the drawings. :3

Now, I would like to ask for something specific.

Could you draw me a droid general.

Try to base it off of this please, long hanging arms, a facial plate with no other facial features and long fingers.

Another than that, just do whatever you want.
I'm up for this, although only being abeginner artist it looks like a a lot of fun to let my imagination flow.
OH crimity Christmas... I'm not that good. There's plenty of gorgeous artists on here. But I'm willing to try at least some lady of some sort. Maybe a man... I dunno.~ -flails- I may jus' try something weird. Heh. I'm not into Star Wars, or anything related, but I can try with things like robot humans, or maybe like. Ohmygosh. CAT PEOPLE. Heh.. No, that'll be a different project. But I'm willing to make a futuristic lady~ If my schedule allows, and if I interest myself in it...~
OH crimity Christmas... I'm not that good. There's plenty of gorgeous artists on here. But I'm willing to try at least some lady of some sort. Maybe a man... I dunno.~ -flails- I may jus' try something weird. Heh. I'm not into Star Wars, or anything related, but I can try with things like robot humans, or maybe like. Ohmygosh. CAT PEOPLE. Heh.. No, that'll be a different project. But I'm willing to make a futuristic lady~ If my schedule allows, and if I interest myself in it...~
You see, that's why I tagged you, you actually like to draw about things not in MassiveCraft. Also, one of the few people who I know might do this for free...

Also tagging @Eliza_Nightly, how's that woman coming along?

And @Marayla, I'm cashing in now, on this thread. I would like you to draw a man if that's not to much trouble.

@Sarah Jane, saw your art...good gods, I love it!
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You see, that's why I tagged you, you actually like to draw about things not in MassiveCraft. Also, one of the few people who I know might do this for free...

Also tagging @Eliza_Nightly, how's that woman coming along?

And @Marayla, I'm cashing in now, on this thread. I would like you to draw a man if that's not to much trouble.
All right, I will get started on that, I can draw one or two versions and see which you like better. I like designing new outfits! This should be a good opportunity to practice that.
Well, it appears I have some worthy artist opponents! -_- Sorry about not being devoted to this, Shadow King. You know, I am going to draw RIGHT now. Like, right now. Or, right after I get off this computer. And it will be awesome.
@The Shadow King
Wait, you know what? Tell me what you mean by general. You see, there is the kind of general that is merely tacitcal, sort of hanging behind the lines, monitoring the battle and giving orders. But then there is the general that is more of the one to take action, also programmed with fighting and combat skills. Tactical, or combat?
Wait, you know what? Tell me what you mean by general. You see, there is the kind of general that is merely tacitcal, sort of hanging behind the lines, monitoring the battle and giving orders. But then there is the general that is more of the one to take action, also programmed with fighting and combat skills. Tactical, or combat?
Can be either, depends on what you think is best as an artist. Personally, the 36 generals are split right down the middle with one half tactical and the other combat.
Yeah. Because, usually depending on whether they are tactical or combat, it will affect their physical structure. Tactical droids would be more stable and heavy, their strategies used more than their fighting, whereas combat would have to be agile and intimidating, his strategies usually revolving around protecting himself as well. But, I suppose I could draw TWO generals, one tactical and one combat, and see where that leads me.
Yeah. Because, usually depending on whether they are tactical or combat, it will affect their physical structure. Tactical droids would be more stable and heavy, their strategies used more than their fighting, whereas combat would have to be agile and intimidating, his strategies usually revolving around protecting himself as well. But, I suppose I could draw TWO generals, one tactical and one combat, and see where that leads me.
Sure, that sounds nice. Can't wait to see them.
Hey, dude! Okay, I'm going to need you to fill me in on some information. So, these droids are part of the Devastasia army. I need some full descritpion of the Devastasia to help me with this. Who/ what are the Devastasia? Where do they come from? How did they get involved in these events? And what do they have (Resources, materials, finance etc.)? These will all help in my creation of the droid generals, as well as working on regular droid soldiers. I also have another question about the droids. Are the droids cheaply made so that they can be created in large numbers, or made in quality as so that they will be harder to defeat? Also, are the generals merely generic, factory-made droids, or do they all have their own special attributes?
@The Shadow King
Hey, dude! Okay, I'm going to need you to fill me in on some information. So, these droids are part of the Devastasia army. I need some full descritpion of the Devastasia to help me with this. Who/ what are the Devastasia? Where do they come from? How did they get involved in these events? And what do they have (Resources, materials, finance etc.)? These will all help in my creation of the droid generals, as well as working on regular droid soldiers. I also have another question about the droids. Are the droids cheaply made so that they can be created in large numbers, or made in quality as so that they will be harder to defeat? Also, are the generals merely generic, factory-made droids, or do they all have their own special attributes?
@The Shadow King

The Drevastasia are a group that have in all essence become a subhuman race. Back when the City of Ur was young, several humans walked into a cave system and were lured so deep that they couldn't fid their way out. 4 men and 3 girls found an entire underground facility, built by The Parasites, a robot race in service of the Darque. The Darque were an inter-dimensional empire who have reached our dimension and now want to do what they did to the other 873 dimensions, which is enslave everything but were stopped by a coalition of alien races who managed to nearly annihilate The Darque race as a whole. However, 7 commanders of the attacking force that assaulted our dimension survived and fled to its darkest corners to grow their own empires to destroy the coalition. One, the only female commander, took refuge on Earth and hid herself in the comet that came and killed the dinosaurs. She built the base to serve her and her servants until the servants were expelled from planet by the coalition who had discovered Earth a short time before that. Earth became a laboratory for them and The Darque became disgusted by The Humans who were created in the E-10 Biodome. So she and the other 6 generals coerced one of the races to kill the humans and go to war with the coalition.

After that failed, she placed herself in a deep sleep and waiting for someone to find her. The 7 humans who did were instantly overwhelmed by her will and became her ultimate servants. She then showed they the vast army of hollow and empty droids that The Parasites had left behind. Over the last 5000 years, they have grown their numbers by kidnapping people, manipulating them and turning them to the Drev cause. They live in deep hidden cities beneath the Earth and mine all array of metals for their many projects. They also have MANY businesses on the surface created or associated with Sleepers, certain Drevs who were sent to the surface to manipulate events and have a vast amount of wealth. Every one of the 36 droids has it's own look and attitude for a different field. The battle droids have many different models and types, some are VERY cheap and others are VERY expensive. The Ultimate goals of the Drevastasia is unknown, but it is a terrible one.
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Wow. Thanks for the huge description. This will help alot with my drawing of the generals and regular droids. I will get to work right now! Oh, and, would the droids have any special insignias or symbols on them? As to represent the Parasites, or the Drevastasia?
@The Shadow King
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Wow. Thanks for the huge description. This will help a lot with my drawing of the generals and regular droids. I will get to work right now! Oh, and, would the droids have any special insignias or symbols on them? As to represent the Parasites, or the Drevastasia?
@The Shadow King
Each type of droid has the insignia of the council member it belongs to. They are the letters of the greek alphabet and are normally red and can vary in size. For sneaking units, they are on the back of the head or on the arm.

Here are some examples of the council leaders and what their droids look like.

Omega- The leader of the council and in charge of everything (his droids are all elite units designed for special tasks and to guard him)

Alpha- The man in charge of all military procedures (his droids are ever other council members)

Beta- The tester of everything from weapons to new foods (his droid are spindly legged and mostly probes)

Phi- The woman in charge of physiological warfare (her droids are monstrous, meant to evoke nightmares with bits of bone and shards of metal making up mostly skeletal structures)
Woah... I will enjoy making droids with Phi, as having horrific droids will intimidate the crap out of their enemies. This is going to be fun. I'll try to make one of each kind of droid. Thanks for the descriptions. Oh, and, are the Generals seperated into these sections as well?
@The Shadow King
I WANT to draw.. but my wrists are playing up D:
Woah... I will enjoy making droids with Phi, as having horrific droids will intimidate the crap out of their enemies. This is going to be fun. I'll try to make one of each kind of droid. Thanks for the descriptions. Oh, and, are the Generals seperated into these sections as well?
@The Shadow King
Intimidation...more like cause nightmares to those that live through their complete butchery and grizzly assaults on bases. Seriously, Phi is a disturbed woman and each droid model is based off of her "dream creatures".

Also, while the 36 Generals are mostly underneath Alpha, they have a small lighting bolt on a hammer imprinted on their bodies as they are unique and conduct separate activities. They do however report sometimes to the certain council member who's influence area is relative to that general's abilities.
Awesome. I'm working on sort of a basic combat general to influence the other general deisgns. He's looking pretty awesome and a bit creepy. Could really intimidate human enemies. I was thinking of seperating the generals in two halves: combat and tactical. Each combat and tactical generals are paired into a certain category. One combat and one tactical could be put into harsh environments, another could be involved in aerial attacks, another could be involved oceanic attacks. It would make it easier to classify the generals. Is this a good idea?
@The Shadow King
Awesome. I'm working on sort of a basic combat general to influence the other general designs. He's looking pretty awesome and a bit creepy. Could really intimidate human enemies. I was thinking of separating the generals in two halves: combat and tactical. Each combat and tactical generals are paired into a certain category. One combat and one tactical could be put into harsh environments, another could be involved in aerial attacks, another could be involved oceanic attacks. It would make it easier to classify the generals. Is this a good idea?
@The Shadow King
Oh sorry, I misunderstood your question. Yes, separate the 36 Generals into two halves, Tactical and Combat. I forgot to mention that they work in pairs so most consider their partner a "brother". The list of attack types are as follows.

Oceanic Assults
River Landscapes
Deep Ocean
Rocky Landscapes
Lowland Landscapes
High Altitude Landscapes
No Gravity
Io 2 Terrain
Cave Assualt
Forest Landscapes
Cold Landscapes
Acid Landscapes
Battlefleet Logistics (Spaceship Command)
Plain Landscapes
Jungle Landscapes
Desert Landscapes
Swamp Landscapes

And then there are The 5 Great Generals. All look alike and mostly communicate through their interconnected intelligences.