House Ravenstad


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May 26, 2015
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Picture of Lake du Lyon, nestled on the Brissiaud-Dragenthal border.


I've released this revitalized lore in piecemeal rather than completely finished, because it's still better uncompleted than the old lore was with its inaccuracy and whatnot. This will be expanded and added onto until it's eventual completion.

98 AC - Present Day
House Ravenstad is one of the Famous Houses of Regalia, and the principal house of Brissiaud, ruling over the ancient Duchy of the Hinterlands from the Castle Machellon. The dynasty was established in 98 AC, born in the fires of the 2nd Hecarian Wars. Awarded the Duchy of the Hinterlands for his service to the crown by Emperor Henri I, Duke Florentin I is through who all modern Ravenstads trace their lineage. With the crowned Hinterlandic raven as their sigil, the dynasty has survived through war, political turmoil, succession crises, and assassinations for over two-hundred years, spanning across 20 patriarchs, dukes, revains, grand revains, and even kings. House Ravenstad has been officially a King once, through King Percival I of Brichauds, and has attempted to establish themselves as Kings of Brissiaud on two other occasions, both failing or ending inconclusively. The current head of the house is Duke Xavier III of the Hinterlands, the first son of King Percival I, who restored the mainline of Revain Charles VI's children in the Brissiaud Succession Crisis of 305 AC. He also attempted to create himself as King of Brissiaud, which failed following a peaceful solution before any battle could commence. Today, House Ravenstad continues their rule as Dukes of the Hinterlands, controlling a massive 75% of the Brissiaud territory. Though with the sickly Xavier III lacking children, and likely to never procreate, it is probable the dynasty will be tossed into yet more turmoil when he is to die.

Expanded Lore
The following covers 98 AC through the present day with more insight than a normal summary. Currently, I am working on individual expansions for each period (categorized under its respective ruler) that will eclipse these in their depth. I will release new expansions piecemeal.

Duke Florentin I
House Ravenstad began under humble beginnings, merely a landless house of Champagnard Ithanians under the name of "de la Riviere", basely meaning "of the river". It is suspected that the origins of the dynasty come from one of the many rural hamlets along the "Rivière du Prospérité". In 98 AC, one of the members of the family, Ser Florentin de la Riviere, traveled to the forming Regalia Empire during the outbreak of the 2nd Hecarian War, seeking glory and wealth that the opportunity of war provided in the expanding superpower. While merely a Viridian Knight, Ser Florentin's participation in the various battles and sieges earned him fame among the commanders and generals overseeing the conquering of the present-day Brissiaud territories. This fame earned him enough to be gifted the title of "Duke of the Hinterlands" by Emperor Henri I, featuring an expansive stretch of land taking up nearly half of the former Kingdom's landmass. Despite being being an impressive soldier and warrior in his own right, it was no secret the countryside Ithanian knew little of Regalian politics, or how to handle this newfound wealth that landed at his feet. After doing practically nothing and squandering much of the family wealth, Duke Florentin I abdicated in 104 AC, at the behest of both the newly formed Ravenstad Elder Council and his young son, Larrecin de la Riviere.

Revain Larrecin I
Following his father's abdication, Larrecin I came into power with bleak surroundings. Dealing with miniscule coffers, and political turmoil against the other, more successful families, Larrecin was urged to seek a solution sooner rather than later. Convening with council, many suggestions were made by his kin and barons alike: Mass harvest the Bos de Bris and compete in the lumber industry, upgrade the wool business in the eastern regions, or other tactics like extortion were also brought up. Larrecin found issue with many of these suggestion, mainly in that the Hinterlands couldn't compete with other families and businesses who had better geographical advantages. However, the Duke was smart enough to realize the advantage of his geographical hindrances and turn them to advantages, taking note of the popular Ithanian court fashions of him and his father's homeland. The idea was sprung that the Hinterlands was a prime area to raise and make use of Yang-Tzu silkworms. The wet, humid, and mild climate of the dukedom would provide the best environment for storing the eggs, and the warmer areas near the Michellons region were prime hatching climates. Opening up trade with the Yang-Tzu isles, the Hinterlands began cultivating their future iconic silks, and the establishment of "Hinterlands Own Silk Co." began in 110 AC. The silks were incredibly popular among the gentry, and especially so the fashion that came with it. This caused an economic surge in the region, as the dynasty and local government could afford to increase the quality of life of their peasants, who equally returned the favor in support of the family. The capital (Formally called Vieux-Provence, after Florentin's home hamlet "Provence") started to colloquially be called "The Raven City", after the raven crest on the de la Riviere sigil, and the Hinterlandic Ravens that lived throughout the Bos de Bris like a plague. The Duke saw amusement and honour in this, and re-branded House de la Riviere from the foreign Ithanian roots to House Ravenstad (Meaning roughly Raven-city in Anglian). This attempt to familiarize themselves with the local, Anglian-dominated peasantry paid off, and House Ravenstad surged in popularity. The Emperor saw this promise in the house, raising its titles to the Revainate of the Hinterlands. Following Duke Larrecin's death in 119 AC, things were on a high note for the new dynasty.

Revain Percival I
Percival I's reign of the Hinterlands was marked as one of the shortest rules of Ravenstad history, lasting merely a short 8 months. While the son of Larrcein I was a particularly bad Revain, his slight incompetence lasted only a short amount of time. His health problems, including things such as a hunchback, being overweight, and being gravely ill, culminated in his eventual death in 119 AC, near the end of the year. Having no children, the titles passed to his younger brother, Charles.

Revain Charles I
The young Charles I was a promising young man, skilled in both statecraft and nearing his completion of his Generalship education. When he did so, he began a number of conquests of the southern swamps and independent barons, seeking expansion. He was largely successful, bringing down a number of the Krier holdings into his own, and subjugating the Brandebourg House, but his conquests would go no further south. His wars were expensive, and while hampering the Hinterlandish economy, they did not cripple it. While en route into the Southern Bos de Bris, the young, ambitious Revain was killed in a hunting accident in 124 AC. With his death, ended "The First Charles' Conquests", and ushered in the instability of his infant son's "rule", Charles II.

Revain Charles II
Charles II "The Young" took the title of Revain at a mere 3 years old. Obviously, the burdens of statesmanship fell to his regent, the young Xavier, his uncle, and the Elder Council. While effective, the regency council lacked the support of the peasants due to not having a Revain for the people to rally behind, like the days of Larrecin I. With what seemed a random turn of events, the now-eight year old Charles II suddenly died in 128 AC, which left the door open for his uncle Xavier to take power, as the natural heir.

Revain Xavier I
Xavier I would earn his nickname throughout this period, "The Redeemer". House Ravenstad took a good turn during this time, following a period of either weak, absent, or ineffective rulers. Xavier is largely credited with restoring the faith of his base and peasants in the previously wavering Ravenstad dynasty, as well as multiple years of support through the raging years of the Skagger Wars in the northeast. Despite his boons, Xavier I was a worrisome factor among the Hinterlandish nobility and gentry throughout the early first decade in his reign. He saw to it to eliminate establishment bannermen from his council, and effectively wiped the highest Brissiaud positions in order to replace them with new, younger faces. This was excessively concerning to the Elder Council, whom were suddenly regretting their strong support of the new Revain through the Charles Regency, as while they could not technically be replaced, their loyalists could. Houses Vaardenwood, Krier, Wulf, and d'Esclat all fidgeted with a large amount of discomfort throughout the metaphorical cleansing of government, as they held the most power under their liege of Ravenstad, and thus, were in line to lose the most. Hearing reports and whispers of discontent and discomfort, Xavier I's advisers urged him to not replace any of the relevant counts or dukes underneath him, at risk of perhaps losing their full support. Witty as ever, Xavier cleverly circumvented the problem by expanding -----

Revain Charles III
Placeholder for future expansion.
Revain Xavier II
Placeholder for future expansion.
Revain Charles IV
Placeholder for future expansion.
Revain Charles V
Despite Charles IV's relatively short rule of eight years, the times were decent for House Ravenstad. The titles seamlessly passing from father to son, and again from father to son, alleviated tensions that the dynasty might be unstable in its constant hand shifting. Charles V showed great promise in this, and in his own qualities. House Ravenstad was booming in wealth at this point, and the Regalian Empire's wars against the surrounding Kingdoms had been coming to closes on in the East, and the Northern wars looked promising. However, once Charles V's health began to suddenly decline, things fell apart quickly in weeks. As quickly as he had taken power, it was ripped from him by the claws of illness. Young and childless, Charles V's titles passed to his brother, the 15 year old Anton I. Unbeknownst to the dynasty at the time, Charles V's death triggered "The Three Sibling Crisis of 198 AC", classified by the twilight years of the 2nd century's uncertainty as Revainate passed from brother to younger brother.

Revain Anton I
Anton I inherited the Revainate of the Hinterlands at the young age of 15. While not inept or sickly, Anton I was meek, frightened by the burdens, and not incredibly outstanding by any means. Nothing of note happened in his brief, 1 year reign. His regency council was set up, though was not expected to be around for long, as Anton neared the age 16 at his brother's passing. Only a few months after it was created, his 16th nameday came and passed, allowing the boy full control over his Revainate. Though the political machinations and burdens of court weighed heavy on the young Revain. In an act of self-mercy, he threw himself from the west tower of Machellon, known to all after the event as "The Weeping Tower", killing himself instantly upon impact on the rocks below near the sea.

Revain Rodolphe I
Rodolphe I was a victim of both the uncertainty and political chaos of the Three Siblings Crisis, as well as the scheming of the Elder Council, which grew in power at each passing, weak Revain or succession crisis. Despite this, the young man grew to be a scholarly man of theological expertise. House Ravenstad, against all odds, began to regain lost stability and power, and slowly began refilling coffers. Due to his relationship with the church, Rodolphe I was able to construct new reverencies and cathedrals for far less coin, and the Hinterlands dipped into the tax these new constructs provided. Rodolphe I allowed for nearly three decades of stable rule and reconstruction. However. Things turned for the worst once his mind began to leave him. More concerned with matters of his own salvation rather than the state, the Elder Council and various bodies of government began having to take more matters into their own hands. To their disadvantage, the often absent Rodolphe was beginning to be of little to no help, and towards his final months, would speak in odd, poetic verse, as well as send demands written in gibberish to his council, which they of course couldn't decipher to carry out. During penance in the Tower of Lady Adelaide, the pious Revaine starved himself to his grace, passing the titles to his son, Rodolphe II, in 226 AC.

Revain Rodolphe II
Following Rodolphe I's all-too-need death, Rodolphe II assumed power in the Hinterlands. Pragmatic and militaristic, he was the pinnacle of the fabled "Great Culture", which was foreshadowed to occur in the early 230's. His own personal values, and the values the Hinterlands had begun to identify with, had far outgrown the outdated and now-foreign Ithanian and Anglian ideologies that were only a scant memory in the area. Seeing this, Rodolphe II won the support of his people by declared the Hinterlands outside of these foreign culture, declaring himself Leutz-Vixe alongside many other Brissiaud houses in the process. It is rumored, and staunchly believed fact in the Hinterlands, Rodolphe II personally led this cultural charge of independence from the region's origins, and won his people a new identity they could agree with. From there on out, Rodolphe II commanded conservative continuity, and the reforms slowed down in intensity. A stabilized Hinterlands emerged upon his death in 256 AC, ripe with military professionalism and full coffers at the coming storm of the looming Drachenwald Crisis.

Revain Richarr I
By all accounts, House Ravenstad had become an elite powerhouse upon the death of Rodolphe II, and Richarr I was showing to be no exception there. A tactical genius, and learned beyond what was necessary for a Revain, Richarr was a sure continuity of Ravenstad dominance in the mid-3rd century. Richarr continued his late-father's policies without hesitation, though with the tension that brewed just next-door in Dragenthal, the Revain began gathering his banners for Hinterlandish protection. Only a mere decade later, the fighting erupted in the van Sherburne lands, and no sooner did Richarr received the Imperial Missive to gather for battle. With all his swords, the Hinterlands marched to war alongside the massive army under the Chancellor Kade. When the dust settled, and the betrayals that laid hidden in the fighting, Richarr's head rolled off the chopping block alongside half the nobility and the Chancellor himself, leaving the heir, Charles, to ascend as the unlikely Charles VI.

Revain Charles VI
In the years that followed Richarr's death erupted a fervor of anti-Dragenthal sentiments. All of Charles VI's vassals and subjects urged for a swift enactment of Hinterlandish isolationism, and under the belt of pressure, the new Revain acquiesced. The Hinterlands entered a rough period following Charles VI's succession. The new Revain lacked half the qualities of his elder brother, and twice the aggression, and it was a much not needed hot-headedness that overlapped the various problems surrounding the Regalian Pessimism. With a bloating bureaucracy back in the Empire's capital, and growing Anti-Royal sentiments, Charles VI became very vocal about the House of Kade's transgressions. Increasing amounts of royal power, coupled with additional noble burdens so soon after the massacre of many high nobles, did not sooth Charles' fire, who had slowly solidified himself as a raving madman. His temper became horrid going into the "Age of Plagues" in the Hinterlands. Illness had become to seep into Brissiaud, especially House Ravenstad's lands with their thriving population and manufacturing economy. Instead of treatment, Charles took the hardline quarantine routes, and often left large quarters of peasants to die and rot. He believed cutting the rotting limb off would spare the body, but never took into his account his public opinion dropping so swiftly. Small peasant protests and mini-revolts sparked up during this discontentful time, which Charles responded with harshly, mass executing pockets of rebellious tendencies. While having effect to rid himself of opposition, it did nothing to prevent it from sparking up again. Perhaps the best thing to come out of Charles' tenure, is the Absorption of House Krier. After a small conquest of remaining Krier land, who had grown resentful to Charles' policies and attitude, House Krier settled things with their age-old rivals of Ravenstad, by being afforded to keep some estates, and more importantly their lives, in exchange for being absorbed into the newly formed Ravenstad-Krier Cadet Branch. The details of it were entailed in The Settlement of House Krier, but im summarized form: House Krier will never again have heirs of any body, and offspring of living members will continue their blood on through House Ravenstad-Krier, especially so the heirs of Patriarch Rolf Krier, whom married Constance Ravenstad matrilineally to secure the deal. Shortly after the settlement, Charles VI suffered a terrible accident during a horse-riding session. Cripple and bedridden, he died a few hours later from unknown causes, likely to had passed from his wounds.

Revain Anton II
Anton II succeeded his father, Charles VI, upon the latter's death in 282 AC, at the young age of 25. Already possessing a newborn male heir, Richarr, and boasting a popular reputation among peers and banner-men alike, Anton was a much needed breath of fresh air among the gentry. He championed isolationist and conservative polices in hard-line demand, feeling the need to reinforce a stoic persona for the other peers of the realm. This line of thinking was excessively popular in the eyes of his vassals and other Brissiaud nobles, though won less favour from the Royal Kade house and the Emperor himself. Ever since Richarr I's untimely death at the hand's of fighting the Kade's wars, House Ravenstad had chosen to involve itself less and less in the problems of the capital. However, only a short four years into his reign, the Chrysant War came into being. Still sore from the Drachenwald Crisis, and feeling the full brunt of Regalian Pessimism, Anton II was weary to throw Hinterlandish men back into another Imperial venture. For a short few months, this was the case, but quickly, once the harping on religious need and conservative values became more harped on, the Revain felt inspired to forgive the old transgressions, and throw his weight behind Justinian. It wasn't long before the top brass of Ravenstad was on the front lines, with the skilled general Anton working alongside advisors such as Wulfram Krier, Duke Albaer Ravenstad, Vincent Ravenstad-Krier, and his younger brother, Ser Percival Ravenstad. The Ravenstad levies stayed involved as long as Anton dictated, all the way up until the final days of the war. For the near-decade that followed, Anton II's health slowly declined, and with it, the Hinterlandish power base. This was a slow decrease, not overnight, and it wasn't until 303 AC that the Elder Council sought to intervene on the constantly bedridden Anton's Revainate.

Grand Revain Percival II
Once Anton II proved too ill for his duties, the Elder Council convened at Machellon to determine the future of House Ravenstad. Despite Anton II's heir, Richarr, being a capable 23 years of age, the council determined he needed temperament from his debaucherous ways before he could lead. Percival was eventually awarded the title of "Revain-Regent" in February of 303 AC, the council believing Richarr would benefit from a jovial, yet heavy-handed, regent such as the younger twin of Anton II. However, with the political support of Prince Cedric Kade, Percival's rumored illicit lover, and the Reverend Medard Ravenstad whispering in the regent's ear, Percival usurped his brother peacefully as Revain of the Hinterlands. Due to the close relationship Percival held with the Kade House, the Emperor Alexander I upgraded the Revain to Grand Revain quickly after his ascension into relevance, furthering the Ravenstad borders to their modern boundaries. Through his two year reign, Percival eventually was named "King of Brichauds" as an honorary title for the much-controversial homosexual marriage to Emperor Cedromar I. Though towards the end of his reign, he fell out of favour with the Emperor for reasons unknown, was stripped of titles and usurped by Duke Albaer I of the Lyon's Fold, and soon died a short few months later. It was eventually revealed Percival did not die, and was instead in an Elvish Prison Camp in Rie. Following the camp being sacked, the former King was released, and now leads a private life in solitude.

Duke Albaer I
Placeholder for future expansion.

Duke Emerich I
Placeholder for future expansion.

Duke Xavier III
After Percival's usurpation, fearing for his safety as a claimant to the Hinterlands titles, Xavier fled the city back to the Hinterlands. After a short time, Xavier had found out to know he had dormant leprosy, which had revealed itself during his exile. Consumed by a sudden sense of purpose and need to make something of himself with what short time he had left, Xavier led a revolt against the Duke Emerich I, his cousin by Albaer. When Emerich died, Xavier was able to seize power against the relatively unknown Folcard, Emerich's younger brother, and crowned himself not only Duke of the Hinterlands restored, but also King of Brissiaud by right. Upon his restoration of the mainline of Charles VI, the self-styled King Xavier I immediately declared open occupation of the House Peirgarten lands to the south of the Hinterlands southern borders. Subjugating House Rosendahl and occupying House Peirgarten, Xavier had the power to call himself King as the lesser nobles of Brissiaud were behind him, forcibly or not. However, in his attempts to secure himself politically, House Kade declared war on the Ravenstads by attempting to establish Prince Renly Kade, the Emperor's legitimized bastard, as King of Brissiaud instead of Xavier, and invaded the Hinterlands proper. Outraged, Xavier amassed a great host of Ravenstad, Rosendahl, Drache, and mercenary forces, and the House Typhonus began to come to his defense in attempts to end the battles before they could begin. This ended up working, as the Kades and Ravenstads pulled back their troops and came to a cessation of conflict. Xavier dropped the title of King of Brissiaud for the moment, and became simply Duke Xavier III. Avoiding potential annihilation or massive loss of life, House Ravenstad is where we are today, looking to the future for advancement, and biding their time. Later into the end of November of 305 AC, Xavier died in his bed from complications of Leprosy.

Duke Vulmar I
Vulmar succeeded into his position by unexpected means. Hours following Xavier III's death, it was found in his will he had named Vulmar his lawful heir. Confusing to most of the family, Xavier's younger brother Charles was passed over in succession, much with the latter's consent as well. Nevertheless, Vulmar assumed his place as the 20th Ravenstad patriarch and Duke of the Hinterlands.


Dukedom of the Hinterlands
Florentin I "The Indulgent" de la Riviere: 98 AC - 104 AC (6 years)
35 to 47 years old (Abdication)
Born: 62 AC | Died: 109 AC (47 years old)
Title created and granted by Emperor Henri I.

Revainate of the Hinterlands
Larrecin I "The Fox" de la Riviere: 104 AC - 119 AC (15 years)
23 to 38 years old (His death)
Born: 81 AC | Died: 119 AC (38 years old)
Inherited from father Florentin I

Percival I "The Hunchback" Ravenstad: 119 AC - 119 AC (8 months)
20 to 20 years old (His death)
Born: 99 AC | Died: 119 AC
Inherited from father Larrecin I

Charles I "The Conquerer" Ravenstad: 119 AC - 123 AC (4 years)
19 to 23 years old (His death)
Born: 100 AC | Died: 123 AC (20 years old)
Inherited from elder brother Percival I

Charles II "The Young" Ravenstad: 123 AC - 128 AC (5 years)
3 to 8 years old (His death)
Born: 120 AC | Died: 128 AC (8 years old)
Inherited from father Charles I

Xavier I "The Redeemer" Ravenstad: 128 AC - 149 AC (21 years)
27 to 48 years old (His death)
Born: 101 AC | Died: 149 AC (48 years old)
Inherited from nephew Charles II

Charles III Ravenstad: 149 AC - 180 AC (31 years)
22 to 53 years old (His death)
Born: 127 AC | Died: 180 AC (53 years old)
Inherited from father Xavier I

Xavier II Ravenstad: 180 AC - 190 AC (10 years)
52 to 62 years old (His death)
Born: 129 AC | Died: 190 AC (62 years old)
Inherited from brother Charles III

Charles IV Ravenstad: 190 AC - 198 AC (8 years)
30 to 38 years old (His death)
Born: 160 AC | Died: 198 AC (38 years old)
Inherited from father Xavier II

Charles V "The Unfortunate" Ravenstad: 198 AC - 199 AC (1 year)
18 to 19 years old (His death)
Born: 180 AC | Died: 199 AC (19 years old)
Inherited from father Charles IV

Anton I "The Younger" Ravenstad: 199 AC - 200 AC (1 year)
15 to 16 years old (His death)
Born: 184 AC | Died: 200 AC (16 years old)
Inherited from elder brother Charles V

Rodolphe I "The Confessor" Ravenstad: 200 AC - 226 AC (26 years)
13 to 39 years old (His death)
Born: 187 AC | Died: 226 AC (39 years old)
Inherited from elder brother Anton I

Rodolphe II "The Leutz" Ravenstad: 226 AC - 256 AC (30 years)
14 to 44 years old (His death)
Born: 212 AC | Died: 256 AC (44 years old)
Inherited from father Rodolphe I

Richarr I "The Martyr" Ravenstad: 256 AC - 272 AC (16 years)
21 to 37 years old (His death)
Born: 235 AC | Died: 272 AC (37 years old)
Inherited from father Rodolphe II

Charles VI "The Wicked" Ravenstad: 272 AC - 280 AC (8 years)
34 to 42 years old (His death)
Born: 238 AC | Died: 280 AC (42 years old)
Inherited from elder brother Richarr I

Anton II "The Ill-Ruler" Ravenstad: 280 AC -303 AC (23 years)
25 to 47 years old (Abdication)
Born: 255 AC | Alive (49 years old)
Inherited from father Charles VI

Grand Revainate of the Hinterlands
Percival II "The Hunter" Ravenstad: 303 AC - 305 AC
47 - 49 years old (Title Dissolved)
Born: 255 AC | Alive
Inherited from elder brother Anton II

Dukedom of The Lion's Fold
Albaer I "The Elder" Ravenstad: 272 AC - 305 AC
32 - 65 years old (Abdication)
Born: 240 AC | Alive (65 years old)
Inherited from brother Charles VI

Emerich I Ravenstad: 305 AC - 305 AC
43 - 43
Born: 261 AC | Died: 305
Inherited from father Albaer I

Dukedom of the Hinterlands (Restored)
Xavier III "The Leper King" Ravenstad: 305 AC - 305 AC
28 - 28
Born: 277 AC | Died: 305 AC
Title reestablished

Vulmar I Ravenstad: 305 AC - 306 AC
28 - 29
Born: 277 AC | Alive (28 years old)
Inherited from cousin Xavier III

Protectorate of the Hinterlands
Percival II Ravenstad: (Restored) 306 AC - 307 AC
50 - 51
Born: 255 AC | Alive
Restored by Popular Demand

Erwald I Ravenstad: 307 AC - Present
38 - Present
Born: 268 AC | Alive
Appointed by Percival II




Ravenstad (Rah-vin-stahd)

Canonized Wiki Page

Leutz - "Gewieft wéi Eent" | Common - "Woven as one"

Dynastic Heirloom

Crimson, Magenta, and Black
Family Theme
The Raven's Call by @Missmaggy2u

Family Culture

Political Ideology
Ultramonarchist: Zealous Pro-Crown

The fashion of House Ravenstad can be described as unique or odd to some. Due to the family making their own clothing and production of silk, they tend to come up with their own individual style. The original styling of the Ravenstad matches their culture, being Leutz-Vixe. Naturally, Hinterlandish wear is very militaristic, and practical. However, in recent times, Percival II implemented increased focus on Imperial fashion throughout the businesses and family wear.

The Ravenstad family is devoutly unionist. Family members are always brought up in a strong unionist presence; as the Ravenstad generations have gone by, their belief in Ailor supremacy has been proliferated, utterly despising other races, and merely tolerating those dictated Humanum by the 11th Creed.

Production of silk, manufacture and designing of clothing, and active participants in the Regalian Military.

A good chunk of the family has moved to Regalia, but the ancestral home of the house is the Hinterlands within the Regalian Archipelago.

Physical Traits
Most family members maintain ginger or blonde hair, with blue or brown eyes; often accompanied by powerful facial features. The average height of a male Ravenstad varies between 5 foot 10 inches to 6 foot 2 inches, and females range from around 5 foot 7 inches to 5 foot 11, with exception respectively.





Male born Ravenstads are more often than not sent to a form of Military academy. They're taught Leutz, Ithanian, Alt-Regalisch and common from a very young age, along with the histories of Regalia, Ithania, and other Ailor states more predominantly to their common noble educations. It is very normal for them to be talented in economics, but most men of the house are allowed to follow an occupational path of their choosing. Male Ravenstads have long been supporters of the Viridian Order, and as history has dictated, a handful of the generation at hand will become some of the elite fighters.



Female born Ravenstads are taught etiquette, and prepared for courtship. For all children, they are taught the ways of fashion, and expected to have high knowledge in the family's clothing and silk industry. They also learn Leutz, Ithanian, Alt-Regalisch, and Common from a young age. Not unusually, a female-born has gone into a Military Education, but in the past it is mostly the kin closer to the main line who do such things. Depending on the parents, female Ravenstads could be brought up differently, therefore a varying and stark division in how they act exists. Some are more tomboyish due to Hinterlandish hunting and culture, some enjoy the more feminine lifestyle. However, all respect the patriarchy.


Orange = Playable.
Red = Played.
*Red = Played, but either Shelved, Event, or Reserved.
Green Link = Played with Updated Character App.
Black = Deceased.
Blue = Unplayable.
Magenta = Missing/M.I.A./In hiding
Main Line
  • Charles VI Carloman Ravenstad - Deceased: Son of Rodolphe II. Former Revain of the Hinterlands, father of Anton and Percy. Known to his peers and commoners alike as Charles the Cruel, or the Wicked Warrior, Charles was renowned for his talents as a battle commander, though he suffered from a horrible personality, mostly in his acts of cruelty and torture. He was notoriously abusive to his sons, especially so Percival Ravenstad, and was hated by most of the peerage for his isolationism and terrible attitude.
  • Sybil Reine Ravenstad née Schauss - Deceased: Former Revanne-Consort of the Hinterlands, mother of Anton and Percy. A calm, and passive woman, never meeting her sons before her death.
    • Anton II Ebrulf Ravenstad (@AntonVoron) - 50: Ex-Family head, former Revain of the Hinterlands. First son of Charles. Anton is a conservative, isolationist Ravenstad, a call-back to he status-quo personalities of his predecessors. He oversaw Ravenstad participation in most wars of recent history, as well as the absorption of the Walerius lands. Once the Revain of the Hinterlands, Anton suffered from horrible illness, nearly taking his life, until a sudden, odd recovery. Now having transitioned to the Imperial Guard, Anton retains a healthy lifestyle.
    • Adrianna Ravenstad née de Braquemont - Deceased: Former Revanne-Consort of the Hinterlands, and first wife of former-Revain Anton. Died after being hit by a carriage early into her marriage.
    • Charlotte Moselberg née Walerius (@Miss_Ortonnaise) - 22: Former Revanne-Consort of the Hinterlands, and second wife of former-Revain Anton. Divorced upon the request of the Crown, mother to Victor Gaspard. Information regarding status and whereabouts unknown, but presumed dead or imprisoned for crimes.
      • Richarr Antoine Ravenstad (@AntonVoron) - 28: First son of Anton and his first wife, Adrianna. Former Chancellor to Duke Xavier III. Richarr is a jovial and shady Ravenstad, often seen gambling, whoring, and who knows what else. This cost him his inheritance during the Anton II Abdication Crisis, but despite this, maintained a close relationship with Percival, Vulmar, and Xavier Ravenstad. He is famed for a brilliant performance in a 305 AC Farah'deen Battle, as well as swiping a Songaskian Prince's crown for himself, winning a medal for his efforts.
      • Eleana Violette Ravenstad (@ItsConstance) - 26: Only daughter/second child of Anton and Adrianna. Eleana is a diplomatic Ravenstad, and one of the more backroom politic young ones, taking after the elder, plotting Ravenstads. While not mean or mal-purposed, Eleana is a cordial woman who has acted as Foreign Minister of the Regalian Empire, as well as Chancellor to two different Ravenstad patriarchs.
      • *Victor Gaspard Ravenstad (@PonyoWantHam) - 24: Second son of Anton, though conceived with the former Revanne-Consort: Charlotte Moselberg. Not much is to be said about Victor, who is mostly an irrelevant Ravenstad who goes unnoticed as his Moselberg claims were signed away during his infancy.
    • Percival II Leufroy Casimir Ravenstad (@Mooffins) - 50: Former Ducal Protector of the Hinterlands, Former Grand Revain of the Hinterlands, Former King of Brichauds, and Former Palast Duke of Ettrenach.. Percival is a mostly stoic Viridian Knight Elder, who is also known to be actually jovial and humoured around treasured friends. He's a notorious homosexual, and is publically known to have had an intimate relationship with Emperor Cedromar I long before the latter held any relevancy. He has three children with his deceased wife Adelheid, in order being: Xavier, Cecile, and Jean-Luc, the first one being now dead. Resigned from titles following increased health problems.
    • Adelheid Ravenstad née Brandebourg - Deceased: Former wife to Grand Revain Percival II, and mother of Xavier, Cecile, and Charles. Was married to Percy as a result of being arranged by the late Revain Charles VI, and lived a loveless marriage, till her death following birthing complications with her third child, Charles.
      • Xavier III Witteric Ravenstad (@Mooffins) - Deceased: First son of Percy and Adelheid. Former Duke of the Hinterlands. Restored the former mainline of Charles VI's children as rulers of the Hinterlands. A mostly uneventful ruler, Xavier was known falsely as a pariah and angry person, his original personality left buried underneath a layer of grief at what leprosy did to his formerly good life. He managed to revive some lost fear in House Ravenstad, but died before he could achieve anything of note. He's the only Ravenstad ruler to be condemned by a sitting Emperor.
      • *Cecile Isidore Alexandrine Ravenstad (@PonyoWantHam) - 27: Percy and Adehleid's second child and only daughter; younger sister to Xavier. An alchemist, Cecile is an on and off Ravenstad who shows up every great now and then. Possessing a shaky relationship with most of the family, Percival's only daughter often pursues personal goals.
      • *Jean-Luc Percival Ravenstad (@Mooffins) - 25: Percy and Adelheid's second son and third child. Jean-Luc is an embittered fringe Ravenstad, often too preoccupied with hunting or camping to care what his family is up to. His only notable point of historical relevancy was passing up the Ravenstad titles in favour of Vulmar Ravenstad. To this day, he mostly keeps to himself, and is still an idealized heir-apparent to the childless Vulmar, due to his lack of caring for anything political making him a prime object to be controlled by his family.
      • Eléonore Vienne Louise Ravenstad (@Mooffins) - 22: Percy's fourth child.
  • Constance Rosamund Ravenstad (@YLMadness) - 70: Sister of Charles, mother of Medard, Bastian, Erwald, and Valerie. A strong Leutz-Vixe woman, deeply devoted to her family, and her children, Constance is an Elder Council Ravenstad. When her older brother was alive, she spent much of her time assisting him in matters of council, and greatly detested of former Grand Revain Percival's dismissal of her. Afterwards, Constance drifted into irrelevancy, resorting to shady Elder Council politics.
  • Rolf Dalfin Ravenstad née Krier - Deceased: Husband of Constance, father of the four siblings. Rolf was the former head of the Ravenstad-Krier cadet branch of the family, having married into the family under Charles' reign. He was an accomplished man of the Regalian Navy, and Master of Ships to Charles and Anton, being killed during a skirmish with Tigran pirates off the coast of the Hinterlands.
    • Bastian Gray - Deceased: Second son of Constance and Rolf. Disowned. Bastian was a debaucherous and decadent man in his prime, who loved his partying and drinking and whoring, until the last two killed him. His death was particularly hard on Percival Ravenstad, who acted as a surrogate brother and moral anchor to him.
    • Annelise Howlester née Santorski (@MantaRey) - 44: Former wife of the late Bastian Ravenstad. Divorced after Bastian was summarily disowned from the Ravenstad name. Mother to the Santorski-claimed Kaja and Ravenstad-claimed Vulmar. Married William Howlester some time later.
      • Vulmar I Augustin Ravenstad (@Tiber_) - 28: First child to Ania and the late Bastian. Claimed by House Ravenstad. Former Grand Archduke of the Hinterlands. Helerian Guard, and Lancyeon Knight. Vulmar is a chipper, but militaristic and bright young man. While slightly unprepared for his duties as Ravenstad patriarch, Vulmar has saw recent and climbing success in his position, and positions, in the family, military, and government of the Empire, despite early setbacks. He's mostly seen as a black sheep Ravenstad, very much different from the typical plotting or stoicism that plagues the family unit.
      • Katriane Howlester née Santorski (@MantaRey) - 28: Second child to Ania and the late Bastian. Claimed by House Santorski. Married Rodderick Howlester.
    • Medard Erulon Ravenstad (@AntonVoron) - 40: Second son of Constance and Rolf. Medard is a man of faith, firstly, an infamous reverend known by many as quite scheming and tactile. He served briefly as High Reverend, and was the 1st runner up for the 1st Undercrown Elections, only missing appointment by a single question. Currently, he is the Ravenstad Master of Faith.
    • Erwald Charles Ravenstad (@Battlebrawn) - 38: Ducal Protector of the Hinterlands. Third son of Constance and Rolf. Erwald is a lenient but dedicated Viridian Paladin, nearing his middle ages. He tends to favour diplomacy before inciting conflict but always puts his family before his own needs. Personality-wise Erwald is warmer than most Ravenstads tend to be, though was particularly known for his relationships with less than reputable members of society.
    • Valerie Constanze Ravenstad (@WaterDruppel) - 31: Only daughter of Constance and Rolf. A mage in her own right, and slightly looked down upon by her superstitious kin, and is generally seen as a fringe Ravenstad.
  • *Albaer I Ludolf Ravenstad (@AntonVoron) - 67: Former Duke of The Lion's Fold, brother of Charles, father of Abraham, Emerich, Camilla, Jeanette, and Folcard. A respected Theatre Commander, known for his firm hand and loyal servitude to his house in the military, Albaer is a grandfather-figure to many Ravenstads of today. Former Undercrown of the Regalian Empire.
  • Violette Elenore Ravenstad née de d'Esclat - 60: Wife of Albaer, mother of the five children, and former Duchess-Consort of The Lion's Fold. Violette was a controversial marriage for Albaer, arranged by Charles in order to secure dampened relations with Ithanian Ravenstad Silk Co. contacts. The woman constantly sought to influence Ithanian ideals onto her children, in preference to her husband's Leutz culture. These days, she is both a fringe Ravenstad and an Elder Council Ravenstad. (Up to the player if they wish for that to have happened or not.)
    • Abraham Lavoisier Ravenstad - Deceased: First child/First son of Albaer and Violette. Abraham was the former heir to The Lion's Fold, and former Fiscal Adviser in the Ravenstad Silk Co. & Boutiques, being the one to control how the family's trade income was managed, invested, and spent. He died during the Bone Horror invasion of Ithania, having been in the city to broker a purchase of a handful of clothing shops in the Capital City.
    • Dimorae Ravenstad née Adeline - 38: Former wife to Abraham.
      • Hanae Hiltrude Ravenstad (@Halsi) - 20: Second child/daughter of Abraham and Dimorae.
    • Emerich I Lambaer Ravenstad (@AntonVoron) - Deceased: Second child/Second son of Albaer and Violette, Former Duke of The Lion's Fold, killed by rabble. Emerich was a stoic and cruel Ravenstad ruler, and was in charge for literally weeks before he was killed during a storming of the Regalian Assembly by a local gang. He was known as Albaer's "second best" son, a fact that probably shaped him into the man he became.
    • Jeanette Adelaide Ravenstad - Deceased: Third child/First daughter of Albaer and Violette. Jeanette perished before her time alongside her brother in Ithania to the Bone Horrors.
    • Folcard Gaspar Ravenstad (@VaguelyBagley) - 34: Fourth child/Third son of Albaer and Violette. Folcard is a claimant to the defunct Duchy of the Lyon's Fold, formerly held by Albaer Ravenstad, Emerich Ravenstad, and many before them. Currently, Folcard is a fringe Ravenstad Viridian Knight with a particularly cordial relation with his older cousin Percival.
    • Camilla Eléonore Ravenstad (@Starryy) - 28: Fifth child/Second daughter of Albaer and Violette. Camilla is a young Ravenstad woman, who is a paragon of courtly etiquette and poise. While relatively unknown, she's a prospective marriage Ravenstad for the future.
    • Lirienne Cerise Isabeau Ravenstad (@essentialess) - 26: Sixth child to Albaer and Violette.
  • Leopold Larrecin Ravenstad (@Tiber_) - 64: Youngest brother to Charles. Master of Laws of Hinterlandia. Leopold is a shady Elder Council Ravenstad who has acted as Master of Laws for most his adult life. While not proven, Leopold has been suspected to be the mind behind many Ravenstad backroom political actions and deals, and played a large role in the prominence of Albaer Ravenstad, a close friend and older brother to Leopold.
  • Alyce Ravenstad née Vaardenwood - 50: Wife of Leopold. Sister to Mayor Stephayn Vaardenwood of Holzstécker.
    • Charles Ernst Ravenstad (@Morpheus_Dream) - 24: First son of Leopold and Alyce. Imperial Ser of Carrois-du-Lion. Charles is a politically active Ravenstad, a rare sight for those of his age, and surprisingly successful. Despite being the son of one of the more unknown Ravenstad elders, Charles has managed to make a name for him as the Imperial Courterist to the Emperor, as well as being the leader of the prominent fashion company, The Silken Raven Boutique.
Cousin Lines
  • Larrecin François Frédéric Ravenstad - Deceased: Son of Edmund the Younger (Who was brother to Rodolphe II).
  • Marie Teresa Ravenstad née Wulf - Deceased: Wife of Larrecin.
    • Jean-Paul Lothain Ravenstad - 52: First son of Larrecin. Man of the Cloth, no issue.
    • Maximilian Anton Ravenstad - 48: Second son of Larrecin.
    • Priscella Augusta Ravenstad née Vaardenwood - 44: Wife of Maximilian.
      • Auguste Ravenstad (@FireFan96) - 26: First son of Maximilian.
    • Joseph Benedikt Ravenstad (@WrongChat) - 42: Third son of Larrecin.
    • Frederick Jean-Paul Ravenstad (@TyrolleanEagle) - 37: Fourth son of Larrecin.
Cadet Branch (Ravenstad-Krier) and Bastards
  • Gerold Ravenstad-Krier (@YLMadness) - 29: Son to Wulfram Krier, the now deceased former Master at Arms of House Ravenstad. Gerold is a powerful, though somewhat dull individual, who was formerly Xavier III's Guard Commander, and after his death, joined the Imperial Guard.
  • Vincent Ravenstad-Krier (@Greenie) - 53: Brother to Rolf Ravenstad. Vincent chose the Ravenstad-Krier name following Charles VI's absorption of the family. He is the Master of Ships to House Ravenstad, and is a heavily accomplished naval man. He is also the head of House Ravenstad-Krier, as the former Head's (Rolf Ravenstad nee Krier) children all possessed the Ravenstad name. (His children, wife, etc. is to the discretion of the player. Understand however, this is a very hefty character possessing a number of duties to his liege.)





View of Castle Machellon, during one of the excessive downpours that dominate the Hinterlands.
Castle Machellon - A strong walled keep situated at the edge of one of the great lakes of the Hinterlands, in the western outskirts of the capital city. The castle is the long-time home of the main line Ravenstads, and is located within the Grand Revainte's main cosmopolitan area, the so called "Raven City" (Vieux-Provence). Located in Michellons, the Castle rests with its back to the coastline, littered with lakes and rivers, the city there being plagued with constant downpours.
Vianscheid Keep - Located in the region of Ansenbourgh within the Hinterlands, towering far atop the moorlands, Vianscheid is the sister-fortress of Machellon. The stone-walled keep is testament of time, being one of the oldest buildings in the realm, and resting comfortably amidst the heather and cotton grass of Ettrenach's moors. The castle is the sight of a ten-year heather burning, a ritual overseen by every count, as to make sure new heather grows for the consumption of the sheep which graze beneath Vianscheid's watchful eye. The burning is often accompanied by a festival (Named the Brûlantfest), in which local warriors compete in moorland games, sparring, and jousting.
Schmuelséi Crossing - Pending Rewrite.
Betzweiler Manor - To be written.
Wellenster-Häerenhaus - To be written.
Dalbous Roueghaus - To be written.

Private Residences
Hällkueb Hal - A rose colored, stately manor. Located near the town of Joyau-vert du Nord in Ithania. This home is primarily a homely estate to retreat to in the summer months, though typically Albaer and his family enjoy staying there due to his wife's, Violette, having grown up around there. Popular for its green fields and bright weather, the past main line of the Ravenstads are known to vacation here as stated, partaking in hunting of stags and wild boar. The current keeper of the Hall is Albaer Ravenstad, being Charles' younger brother, and Percy's uncle. Albaer and his immediate family, as aforementioned, live here exclusively.
Chärlz House - Commissoned by Charles I early into his reign, Chärlz House was a getaway home for the his closest kin, within walking distance of Machellon Castle. Inspired by classical Leutz architecture, Chärlz House was spared no expense, and acted commonly as a home for the young Percival Ravenstad, in place of the main castle. It remains mostly empty to this day, following Charles I's untimely death.
Blochausen-Staad House - To be written.
Reverency of Vieux-Provence - To be written.
Beurg Eleng - Owned by His Excellency, Vulmar I Ravenstad. Buerg Eleng is the main Ravenstad base of operations in the Crown Isle, being about a half-hour carriage ride from the main city of Regalia. Previously a simple castle used primarily for defense and garrisons, Eleng has been slightly renovated and completely overhauled on the inside in order to house the family. However, only the Grand Revain and his son actually live there, the rest of the castle being made up of various armories, meeting rooms, guest rooms, and the other normal needs of a place to live. Many of the previous rooms were remodeled for living use, like the mess hall being shifted to become a dining room. The entirety of the area is relatively muddy and swampy, with a moat spanning around the castle itself, heavily reminiscent to the Hinterlands. One could guess the Grand Revain selected this spot just for that reason, due to the Ravenstads tending to occupy castles built for defense, rather than living.

Ravenstad Silk Co. - House Ravenstad are the owners and operators of the largest silk Empire in the Archipelago, owning the largest chunk of the entire market. The family manufactures the product in both the Hinterlands, and Ithania. The silk is sold to both large-scale and small-scale buyers, being of expensive price due to its quality and visual awe. Lower-scale clothing industries typically buy from House Ravenstad, making it so that a good chunk of the Empire's upper echelon wears Ravenstad silk in one way or another.
Ravenstad Boutiques - The multiple Ravenstad clothing boutiques, dotting the Hinterlands, Ithania, and Regalia. The clothing is extremely well-made, and worn by many of the noble peerage, due to its quality and fashionable appearance. The Boutiques are known to produce most requests such as Hivrais, Calemberg, Imperial, and the like. It is also of note that the company is popular for its charity organization in which it donates simple tunics, pants, and socks to lower-class families.



Painting of one of the many forests in the Hinterlands region, famous for being great locations of hunting, during the autumn season.
Currently Held Landed Titles
Grand Ducal Protectorate of the Hinterlands - Held by Erwald Ravenstad.

Past Held Landed Titles
King of Brichauds - Previously held by Percival II Ravenstad. An honourary title, bestowed to him upon his marriage to Emperor Cedromar I, meaning "King of the people of Brissiaud". Dissolved following his estrangement from the Emperor.

Grand Revainate of the Hinterlands - Previously held by Percival II Ravenstad. Makes up the full northern half of Brissiaud. Landscape consists of mostly sprawling lakes and dense forests, steppe-like landscape of hills in the east, and swamps in the south. The weather here is severely disliked, being mostly of heavy rains in most seasons, and massive snows in the colder months, resulting in many castles actually being built near the flooding rivers, equipped with drawbridges to make sieges incredibly difficult. Dissolved following the New Model Nobility implementation, and formally defunct following Percival II's death.
Grand Archducke of the Hinterlands - Previously held by Vulmar Ravenstad. The greater part of Brissiaud, occupying about 70% of the total landmass.
Palast Duke of Ettrenach - Previously held by Percival Ravenstad.
Imperial Ser of Carrois-du-Lion - Previously held by Charles Ravenstad.
Dukedom of the Lion's Fold - Previously held by Emerich Ravenstad. Area within the Hinterlands, making up the Eastern borderlands. Was the main title of House Ravenstad for a short few months after Percival's title revocations, though was dissolved as a title after Duke Xavier III took over the family as a claimant.
Earldom of Turall - Previously held by Anton II Ravenstad. Obtained from subjugating the Walerius family, the Earldom was dismantled later, the lands picked up by the Kade family.

Countess of Montreuil-sur-Mer - Formely held by Countess Cecile Ravenstad. Suzerain realm in Ithania, and purely tended to by Cecile. However, House Ravenstad constantly provides her extra funds and support so the land may prosper after the devastating bone horror invasion.

Currently Held Other Titles

Elder of the Viridian Order - Held by Percival Ravenstad. Percival is an Elder of the Viridian Order, being the rung underneath the Primae. He carries out personal requests from the Primae, as well as leads the Viridian Order on various missions across the world.

Past Held Other Titles

Lieutenant-General of the Nebenmark Military - Formerly held by Percival Ravenstad.
Undercrown of the Regalian Empire - Formerly held by Albaer Ravenstad.
Grand Maester of the Edelweiss Order - Formerly held by Countess Cecile Ravenstad. Owner and Proprietor of the scholarly charter, the Edelweiss Order.
Various State Council Positions - House Ravenstad has retained seats on the State Coucil of the Regalian Empire, when the governmental apparatus of the council was not dissolved.
City Councillor - Previously held by Percival Ravenstad. Having had come in third for polling in the Council Elections, Percy was one of the more driving members of the short-loved government body. Having claimed the Guard District to represent at the time, such never came to be, as the Council was dissolved quickly into its infancy.
Consul - Previously held by Vulmar Ravenstad.
Marshal of the West - Preivously held by Vulmar Ravenstad.
Marshal of the Dread - Preivously held by Percival Ravenstad.
Imperial Treffer - Preivously held by Percival Ravenstad.
Interior Peace Minister - Preivously held by Percival Ravenstad.
Grand Bellator - Preivously held by Percival Ravenstad.
Imperial Courterist - Preivously held by Charles Ravenstad.

Inner Family Titles and Honours
Ravenstad Elder Council - A body of government within the Hinterlands, though slowly becoming strictly honourary with little power, besides the massive influence and respect they command within the dynasty.
Chancellor - Held by Vacant. The Chancellor oversees the political advisory of the sitting patriarch. More often than not, he sits in and assists in political meetings with the patriarch, or even conducts them at the pleasure of the patriarch. While not allowed to act on his own accord, there have been corrupt Chancellors in the past who have done it anyhow.
General of the Guard - Held by Gerold Ravenstad-Krier. The Captain of the Household Guard commands the entirety of the Ravenstad House Guard, and is in charge of recruitment, deployment, protection, and all major choices the guard needs at any given moment. He does not advise in matters of war, however, and is expected to not conflict with the Master of War's duties.
Master of Laws - Held by Leopold Raventad. The Master of Laws, while not dictating the laws of the land, advises the sitting patriarch on all matters of them, as well politics when needed.
Master of Ships - Held by Vincent Ravenstad-Krier. The Master of Ships is, while not officially in charge of the military choices of the navy, often is chosen to lead the Ravenstad fleet, and is the chief naval adviser to the sitting patriarch.
Master of War - Held by Johann Wulf. Johann Wulf was appointed as Master of War following General Albaer Ravenstads' resignation following illness. General Wulf was a principle advisor in the Master of War's cabinet for the last decade before becoming the new Master of War. The Master of War is the principle adviser of all things military for the house, focused more on the conduction of it, rather than the politics behind it.
Master of the Faith - Held by Medard Ravenstad. The position of Master of the Faith normally falls to the sitting Reverend of Vieux-Provence.



  • We'd ask that your Ravenstad character be your main, I will ask a majority of your time be spent on him/her.
  • No vampires/undead, nor mages. Ravenstads are generally very apprehensive towards magic in general.
  • Act in a manner befitting of a respectable noble, rebellious characters to the family will not be tolerated unless express consent is given to the player for his or her narrative.
  • Unionism is strongly established among the family, hence characters should follow it.
  • Communication and good involvement within the family is highly expected and requested. Access to discord is a must have to keep in the loop.
  • I ask all members to be versatile in Regalian History, the military, and have a scope of the noble scene and how it operates.
  • All Ravenstads need to be readily aware of Ravenstad lore. I do not expect scholars of the lore, but much of it can and will contain information that will enhance your roleplay within the family!
  • Hair color doesn't have to be ginger. However, ginger hair and blue eyes are very dominant, and Ravenstads tend to be superstitious towards members without one or the other. (I can't believe I had to put this as a rule).

Note: I will be very strict with who I let in. Therefore, I will be rather picky and perhaps overbearing about an application, especially with a family app.

OOC Info
References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first. These are not required, but heavily recommended. A good recommendation could make or break your chances!
Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience?: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?)
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity)

Roleplay Description: (Describe how you approach roleplay. Give me a summary of what to expect from you, the good and bad, when you roleplay a character.)
Any Punishments/Infractions: (Mutes, Jails, Bans, etc. Explain them if so, either privately to me or here.)

Reason for Applying?: (Why do you want to be a part of House Ravenstad? Be honest, even if selfish.)
Able to use Discord?: (We heavily recommend Discord usage.)
Are you Community Active?: (Do you talk to people OOC, hang around on discords, forums, etc.? Or just roleplay mostly?)
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: (Self explanatory)

IC Info
*Notice! I will accept a character that is custom made and not currently on the family tree, IF it is exceptional and fits near perfectly into the lore!
Character Name: (Name of the Character you have chosen to play, or a custom name.)
Character Age: (How old is this character?)
Physical Description: (Facial structure, body build, et cetera.)
Proficiency Points: (Follow the current Proficiency Outlines.)
Personality: (What are they like?)
Biography: (Short or long snippet of their life up to this point. Can be a link to a google doc, or just written here.)

References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first.)
Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?)
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity)

Roleplay Description: (Describe how you approach roleplay. Give me a summary of what to expect from you, the good and bad, when you roleplay a character.)
Any Punishments/Infractions: (Mutes, Jails, Bans, etc. Explain them if so, either privately to me or here.)
Reason for applying?: (You do you want to be a part of House Ravenstad Staff?)
Able to use Discord?: (We heavily recommend Discord usage.)
Are you Community Active?: (Do you talk to people OOC, hang around on discords, forums, etc.? Or just roleplay mostly?)

Position you're applying for: (Footman, cook, steward, scribe, etc.)

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Family Recruitment is OPEN!
Staff Recruitment is OPEN!

House Guards

to be fixed
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Updated September 26th, 2018

  • House Ravenstad has been full-reinstated to the Nobility.
  • Recruitment is open, but entry requirements are strict.
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References: @PonyoWantHam @PurpleDrac @Mirrored_Sinnon
Roleplay Character Applications
Roleplay strength?: The ability to immersive myself deeply into my character's personality.
Roleplay weakness?: Roleplay fights (Physical)
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Mute: Misusing helpchat after warning
Reason for applying?: I met a member of the family ingame ( @PonyoWantHam ) and they reccomended my character.(Kinda, not really)
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I don't have teamspeak, but I do have skype.
Position you're applying for: (Footman, cook, steward, scribe, ect. ect.) Any of these would be fine, doesn't matter, mabye a maid or cook.

Thank you so much for reading my application, I really hope I get accepted!
References: @PonyoWantHam @PurpleDrac @Mirrored_Sinnon
Roleplay Character Applications
Roleplay strength?: The ability to immersive myself deeply into my character's personality.
Roleplay weakness?: Roleplay fights (Physical)
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Mute: Misusing helpchat after warning
Reason for applying?: I met a member of the family ingame ( @PonyoWantHam ) and they reccomended my character.(Kinda, not really)
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I don't have teamspeak, but I do have skype.
Position you're applying for: (Footman, cook, steward, scribe, ect. ect.) Any of these would be fine, doesn't matter, mabye a maid or cook.

Thank you so much for reading my application, I really hope I get accepted!
Hey! Thanks for applying, but next time, be sure to ask me before you use me as a reference.
Heya @Medieval_US, thank you for applying for the House Staff! After review of your app, I have come to the conclusion that you are not the right fit for what we are looking for. I don't know hardly enough about your roleplay, or you to be frank. You have no character apps, or references that are credible for a position in a Noble House. If you are interested in reapplying, please go out of your way to roleplay with any house member, for us to get a better feel for you. You may reapply in two month's time.

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for re-apply in two month's time.
@Jccdude @iMcMuffins
[B]References: [USER=9553]@Zombiel3ait
is the only person I've asked, though I'm sure other people could go for me.
Roleplay Character Applications: None. Though rest assured I am above expected in my writing quality.
Roleplay strength?: Creativity, being my character and unique personalities.
Roleplay weakness?: Concentration.
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Mute for inappropriate comments in general.
Reason for applying?: I've seen the Ravenstad family since day one, and watched it grow. Aaaand earlier on I simply decided why not do the thing I've been meaning to do for about a few months now?
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Skype.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: Yes. Though, I can read up on it more.
Quick summary of the character you wish to play: Vivienne Ravenstad.
An outgoing girl whom loves to learn more about Regalia and the people who inhabit it. She enjoys going to events such as balls, and takes care of her looks. Standing at a small 5'3 and light 87 pounds, she is agile on her feet and can easily avoid things. She enjoys spending time around other people that aren't her family, finding it interesting how they live. As she was growing up, she learnt to read and write, and took a particular liking to it. She started writing small stories about things she had seen, such as animals or strange plants. She has a lithe frame, being rather thin. She has an angular face with a relatively large nose, medium lips and big, bright blue eyes. [/B][/USER]

Hello @xSketchedCrystal! Thank you for applying to play a Ravenstad family member. After review of your app, I have come to a quasi-conclusion. I am not going to accept or deny yet, but your recurring dedication I have seen interests me. I would like for you to look for 4 other references outside of @Zombiel3ait. whom I have yet to speak with. You have no character apps, but try to include something for me to reference off of, as I would like to examine your past characters. Beef up your app a tad bit, so I can have a bit more to go off on.

Your Status: Under Review!

Hello, @Halseyy! Thank you for applying for House Ravenstad. Before I look more into your app, and discuss it with others, could you please link those applications from other servers? To avoid any advertisement issues, please put those apps into a google doc, and share it with me via conversation. From there, I will look more into things.

Your Status: Under Review!
I have come to a conclusion. While your skills in roleplay and writing are clearly there, I have recievied notions regarding your activity, and reasoning for applying. I also am reluctant to accept someone on the grounds for them to just have a group to be in, but is nice you took interest in us nonetheless. I heavily advise you to roleplay a lot throughout the month. If we see you remain active, and really involve yourself with the roleplay community, we can revisit.

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for reapply in 1 month.
Refrences : My Refrences would be @BrammekeH @krios41 And @Ragnio they have all agreed to refrence for me andi hope three would suffice.. other than that im sure other people like Satisarah and other peepz ive been playing with could refrence i just haven't had the oppertunity to ask them :P
Roleplay Character Applications : Here u go :P
This guy is a 36 year old male Chi'en-ji named Shen Zhi and he is approved
This guy is a 41 year old male ailor of lower Nobility called Rexus Dragon's-Head(original i know) and he is still under review

Roleplay Strength : I think my greatest role play strength are my ability of socializing. I am capable of developing very intresting conversations and events during a interaction with my character. This strength is the complete counter part to my Weakness

Roleplay Weakness : I am Honestly not too good at starting a conversation and i have trouble finding good occations on which to interact with strangers, though when i first know them it accelerates greatly :P (I also have alittle extra weakness that is not too important while roleplaying. SO! While my spelling and conversing is rather excellent (if i do say so mahself) i have rarely use things like commas , or othe-.. well mostly commas now that i think of it.. well that and i may sometimes fail my grammar or the way i put together scentences as i am not born or raised in a english speaking country)

Roleplay related jails/mutes/tempbans+reason : I do not have any roleplay related mutes or tempbans though i have been to jail a couple times while rping as a Dakkar or Bounty hunter but i don't know if that counts.. otherwise i do have a temp mute for a misunderstanding at an event. Baver told us to die and i told her to kill herself instead and i think a moderater misunderstood it and though i told it to someone else)

Reason for applying : Well first of all i haven't done alot of roleplay as a Noble and i really want to explore this aspect and corner of massivecraft as i feel it could provide for some interesting rp and second of all, ive heard alot of good things about the house of Ravenstad and i know it is a house that hold a great amount of respect especially among House Valor whom ive been rping alot with and i also feel like i could provide for some interesting rp experiences on the inside family.

Able to use Skype or Teamspeak? : I use Skype all the time so thats a YES and i only rarely use teamspeak eventhough i have it installed. If its important i can always learn :)

Do you have a firm grasp of Ithanian and Regalian Military Lore? : I would say that my understanding of the Regalian military is fair to good though i think there is room for improvement, another reason for me applying :P

Quick summary of the character you wish to play as :
The Character i am applying for is 19 year old Luis Ravenstad. Standing at about 6'0 ft and roughly 175lbs, Luis is a bit tall and in a good and fit shape. Luis's hair is ginger but with a slight brownish tint, Luis also has light blue eyes like the rest of the family and slim and sharp facial textures such as a rather pointy chin and shown cheek bones.
Luis is very true to the ways of his family and trains eagerly in all lessons and taskes assigned to him and he can often become quite sad or angry even, if someone would critizise his work badly. Luis enjoys socializing with other family members and other nobles, though he tend to keep away from the common folk. Luis is always prepared for learning almost no matter whati t might be and he loves to have a good spar(cutlaaaas). Luis has daily weapons trainging and his preffered weapon is a cutlass.
Luis has also taken a intrest in chi'en-ji culture as he finds it intresting how they promote magic in a way unlike Regalians who heavily suppreses it, Luis is always on the lookout for Chi'en-ji artifacts and trinkets and has a little hobby with collecting them.

This was all for nuw peepz, i hope you will take my application into thorough consideration and please do not hesitate to leave me advice on how i could improve this application (or perhaps my other ones 2?) and things you think i should change for more realistic Ravenstad RP.

This was all for now
Best Regards ~Riki5~

@Jccdude @iMcMuffins
I-I'm back again. Sincerely hope you don't mind. q~q
@Jccdude @iMcMuffins
I believe that @katiesc and @Tahmas can vouch. Both faltered players, yet two faces who I both know rather well and vice versa.
Roleplay Character Applications
I've sent them before!
Roleplay strength?:
My detailed and lengthy emotes may possibly be one of my roleplay strengths. I tend to incorporate many details that others may see or note, as it creates a clear visual for the other party I'm roleplaying with.
Roleplay weakness?:
Grammar may be a bit wonky, since English is not my mother language and completely self-taught. I am not horrible at it, though a few grammatical errors could possibly slip into my roleplay. (And perhaps this application too.) Oh, and I completely suck at combat roleplay.
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?:
Reason for applying?:
I wish for my character, Andri'ante to have a purpose in roleplay other than spending her time in Regalia's tavern.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?:
I am always available on Skype. I have Teamspeak, but I rarely open it.
Position you're applying for: (Footman, cook, steward, scribe, ect. ect.)
A maid, but preferably a handmaiden if such is possible.​
I do not feel you are qualified for the position. Brush up on your grammer, spelling, character building et cetera. I have not seen you in roleplay, and have nothing but the references to base you off of.

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for reapply in 2 months.

I feel this is more suitable for you, given this current moment on your Massive career. You have permission to tend to family members as you see fit, primarily hovering around the maid/servant role. The position of handmaiden can be explored after I get a better feel for the character. Send me your Skype details, and you will added to Ravenstad Chat for communication purposes.

Your Status: Accepted; Still applicable for family reapply in 1 month.
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Ohp, forgot about this. Yes, going to go ahead and remove you for inactivity and failure to communicate OOC. Never even recieved contact information from you as well.

Your Status: Removed; Reapplicable in a month's time.
Your IC Status: Relieved of duties for failure to show up for work.

On another note, we still seek house guards, servants, and new Ravenstad faces.
References: You, considering you told me to apply here. I think that's enough. I could get plenty if you so wish.
Roleplay Character Applications:
Roleplay strength?: I'd say my knowledge of lore and experiences in various parts of the roleplay scene are my greatest strengths. From an Elf to daughter of a Lord, I've had my fair share of fun experiences. I'm also known for being a walking wiki. Other then that, I think I have pretty OK common sense.
Roleplay weakness?: I have a terrible issue of getting distracted and going afk for extended periods of time at random. This leads to awkward situations where people are left hanging as I do whatever. (admittedly sometimes it is scrolling through tumblr)
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Nah. I haven't gotten a single punishment.
Reason for applying?: I'll just put an IC letter response for this.
Percy of House Ravenstad,
Seeing as you are in desperate need of guards as I have so heard, I will accept your invitation to be a house guard. And trust me, I know how to listen. Maybe not to you, but sure I could learn. But I am more than a competent guard, and you will not be disappointed.

Spirit's blessings, Kristoph of House Amsel
Ex-Regalian Guard Captain
Former Leibgarde to the head of House Typhonus and former Arch Chancellor.

Sergeant of the Crimson Inquisition

Ps. Two can play at the longer than necessary signature game, Percy.
PPS If you dress me as a walking rainbow, I swear to the Spirit- Just don't.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes and yes.
Position you're applying for: House Guard.
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(I'm a little nervous(Be gentle))

Roleplay Character Applications, its a tad old, and I'm working up to updating it. The biggest difference is that Lios has gone from being a socially award Introvert, to being a sassy, snarky little devil.
Roleplay strength?: I'm pretty creative when it come to RP, though I shine most in combat Rp. I have developed a strong sense of the world scene through trial and error and the occasional brush up on lore in the wiki pages. That being, if I make a mistake or do something stupid, it wont happen again.
Roleplay weakness?: Spelling and grammar, its not as bad as it used to be, but it can make me feel like a scrub sometimes. If its something complicated, I have learned to just google it, so if I pause of a second longer then typical, thats why. Know that it gets worse the later at night I'm online, mostly because I think I know how to spell it, or just don't bother to look it up out of being somewhat tired.
Roleplay-related mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Nothing related to Role-play, and besides, I served my time maaannn, its the straight and narrow from here on out.
Reason for applying?: This is a fun character but if left alone for too long, they tend to get in a world of trouble, so I need to find them some work. This also opens up a world of character progression for Lios considering they were designed as a dedicated combat character, allowing them to do what they are most talented at.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I was a PVPer before I was a RPer so I have the works. In other words yes.
Position you're applying for: House Guard
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Heard some good things and bad things, but decided to say why not and take a chance with you. Welcome aboard.

Your Status: Accepted; Will recieve armour, and weapon if needed. Will be added to the Ravenstad Skype Chat for you to recieve quicker updates, so send me your Skype info when able.

On another note, we are *no longer taking house guards for a while due to IC reasons.
Family Spots remain open, as well as other staff positions.

*The position is obtainable through IC means still, but we are closing them down OOCly.
Finally, I've been searching for a job for ages!
References: You, I was just scrolling through looking for a job and I got here.
Roleplay Character Applications: I'm...not exactly sure what this is. Mainly because I'm new to all these updates and stuff.
Nobility Experience?: Again, I'm afraid not.
Activity?: I started years ago, but I left for a big chunk of time. A lot has changed since then, but I'm going to be back for as long as I can stay. However, it is currently school holidays, and in less than a week school will start back up again. During school, in my time, weekends are mainly the only time I can play. You can ask for more details.
Roleplay strength?: I accept others ideas for the rp, I stay within my character's guidlines/what they would do in a situation, I'm a pretty creative thinker, as I tend to write stories in my free time (besides gaming, of course) so I have a wide vocabulary.
Roleplay weakness?: Going up to meet a new person, I don't know why, I just never do it. Also, accidentally leaving or going afk without actually saying so. Mainly happens when I'm searching something up, or writing something down.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: None.
Reason for applying?: Why? I needed a job, and this seemed the best place to get one.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have Skype, yes, but I rarely use it.
Position you're applying for: Cook, or general servant/maid. Something simple, I guess.
Please don't judge this too harshly, I'm still getting used to all the new features that have been added since I left.
Heya @StarCre8tion! Thanks for applying to be a staff! Normally, I am more lenient with staff, for obvious reasons. Though, according to your profile, you have just joined today. Which isn't a bad thing per say, being new! Just usually not, this new. Also with not being aware of what a character app is, I feel you are just too new for the job. However, I urge you seek out members of House Ravenstad to roleplay with us, and maybe we can get a good feel for you! Though for now, I'll have to say no.

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for reapplication in a month's time.

On another note, could I please have my tag fixed? It likes to remove itself each time I update the page. @Staff Roleplay
Heya @StarCre8tion! Thanks for applying to be a staff! Normally, I am more lenient with staff, for obvious reasons. Though, according to your profile, you have just joined today. Which isn't a bad thing per say, being new! Just usually not, this new. Also with not being aware of what a character app is, I feel you are just too new for the job. However, I urge you seek out members of House Ravenstad to roleplay with us, and maybe we can get a good feel for you! Though for now, I'll have to say no.

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for reapplication in a month's time.

On another note, could I please have my tag fixed? It likes to remove itself each time I update the page. @Staff Roleplay
Aww, pity. Oh well, I didn't expect to get the job, so don't worry. I rejoined a few days ago actually, and I've seen other people's Applications, but I'm not sure where/how to create one. And I will be sure to look out for you guys.
References: @Ynzy, @Omnomivore, @BloodRedWolf101, @DrFong, @icyclover, @Toorah

Roleplay Character Applications:
Samael - Lucien -
Nobility Experience?: Aside from roleplaying with nobles, I have no experience and have never been one.

Activity?: A rough estimate of my time spent roleplaying on the server would perhaps be a couple of months, perhaps 4 or 5? Though, I may be underestimating or overestimating by a bit. My activity has picked up in recent months however, and I can be seen out and about for a variety of hours on most days of the week.

Roleplay strength?: Were I to chose a strength which I possess, it would likely be my ability to proficiently describe the actions and words of my characters with a plethora of words tucked under the department of my belt labeled "vocabulary". In addition to this, I can type over one hundred words a minute and have decent improvisational skills to boot which allows rapid responses and fluid interactions.

Roleplay weakness?: The thing I am most horrid in concerning roleplay would without a doubt have to be instigating roleplay. While I would say my ability to roleplay once engaged is competent, I struggle with beginning the interaction with people I've yet to meet in character. Perhaps it's my lack of greetings or timidity in saying "Hello, I'm X from Y", but I have trouble being the predator in social situations, opting to be the prey. However bad I am at it, I assure you that I work actively making attempts to improve this aspect.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: N/A

Reason for applying?: I wish to become a member of House Ravenstad likely for the same reasons that any other who joins any noble house would. Throughout the time I've spent roleplaying on MassiveCraft, one of the primary notable houses that have risen are the Ravenstads, a name easily recognizable and well distinguished within the community. I aspire to be among the ranks of such figures as yourselves.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I am fully capable and willing to use Skype and Teamspeak.

Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: Yes, I have a firm grasp on Ithanian and Regalian Military lore. Though no expert as the one who wrote it would be, I do possess an understanding and continue to educate myself on such matters.

On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: My favorite letter of the alphabet would be "R" with a 10 for "Super Best" because the color my favorite fruit which some people think is a vegetable is a tomato which is red most of the time. Other times it's green like a celery, but I don't like celery or green so the answer is "R".

IC Info

Character Name: Matthieu Alistair Ravenstad

Character Age: 24 Years - Born August 26th 279 A.C.

Physical Description: As a member of the Ravenstad family, Matthieu exhibits the standard traits which members of the family tend to maintain. His hair is a light shade of ginger, appearing more blonde with a shade of ginger. He tends to prefer to style his hair at a medium length, keeping well kept yet lose at the same time, allowing it to remain slightly oiled in order to allow fluid rigidness. As expected, Matthieu possesses bright, sky blue eyes. His face overall can be described as narrow, with sharp defined features such as sharp cheekbones, nose, and a clearly defined jaw accompanied with a chin that rounds off with an angle. Overall, "Mat" possesses a lean yet muscular body which would resemble a MMA middleweight as he weighs in at 187 pounds with a height of 6"1. His overall skin tone can be described as overwhelmingly average, being a pale yet slightly tanned man.

  • Flamboyant - Matthieu is exceptionally bold and extravagant, being no stranger to showy displays. He enjoys putting on flashy displays that are appealing and obvious, hosting a variety of parties and other social gatherings or making wild claims and absurd speeches which can't help but obtain and maintain the attention of those who bear witness.

  • Courageous - By nature, Matthieu has always been a rather confident fellow, failing to be timid or cowardly throughout the majority of his life. Faced with challenges, Matt is not one to turn and flee, preferring to face them head on with full reliance and trust in his ability to overcome them.

  • Leisurely - While Matthieu does have ambitions and a drive to complete said objectives, he fails to act on them decisively. He is the one to be told something is of dire importance and act in a calm, casual manner as he prefers to "live in the now rather than the later". Matthieu is in no rush whatsoever to complete his goals unless forced, or sees reason to proceed briskly.

  • Reckless - Matthieu often times performs actions without fully thinking about the possible consequences or repercussions that could accompany them. Matt follows his first instinct and fails to think his actions through.

  • Just - Implemented into him through his upbringing and training, Matthieu has a strong sense of justice. He strives to do the "right" thing, being judgemental and despising those who go against his moral compass and chose the "wrong" decision.

  • Stubborn - Growing up, it became evident that Matthieu is stubborn as a bull. Once he has set his sights on a target, little can be done to sway him from his path. Most if not all attempts made to clout him are futile, ending in the same position they started, making little progress.

  • Impulsive - Matthieu is one to jump at immediate opportunities when they present themselves, acting on a whim and impulsively. By no means is he chasing every butterfly which passes by, but small things such as a glass of wine being offered to bigger things such as asking for a favor without much thought are decisions he would make.

  • Loyal - Matthieu is overbearingly loyal to those who he places his trust in such as his family, his comrades, and the Empire. Given a decision of betrayal for personal gain, Matthieu is likely to chose the alternative, remaining a loyal servant or companion to those who would place their trust in him, and he they.

It was a dark, dreary night, August 26th 280 A.C. when a baby boy was born to Clement and Violette Ravenstad who they dubbed "Matthieu Alistair Ravenstad". Matthieu was born the second son of the second line of Ravenstad cousins, younger brother to Ashford. At the time, the Ravenstads were an affluent family highly aristocratic with reign over the Hinterlands in the form of a Duchy. They had made their fortunes through a booming business in silk, and as far as any can see, their wealth and power was set on an upwards trajectory with no indication of slowing.

Childhood [0-13]

Matthieu grew up with a relatively average childhood that any young man under his conditions would expect. Beginning at the age of five, little Matt's schedule was crammed with lessons in mathematics, Ithanian and Regalian history, and language skills in Ithanian, Alt-Regalisch, and common. During the little free time which he had, he would enjoy to spend it curiously wandering the family's Machellon estate. Occasionally, lil' Matt would join his fellow family members in excursions such as attending a play or a fishing trip. He didn't favor activities which resembled the former, tiring of repetitive performances favoring a dynamic life through ever changing activities such as the latter. He didn't necessarily dislike static activities such as plays however, in fact, he enjoyed quite a few of them the first time around but grew tired of them quickly. A strange hobby Matt picked up early on was trying to ride animals, particularly a pig.

It was at the age of eight when Matthieu began to receive martial training in the form of basic swordsmanship. It was nothing complicated, simply educating the young Ravenstad the simplest stances and strikes which could be utilized as a base for further teachings. With these teachings came a realization to Matt, he enjoyed fighting. Over the next six or so years, Matthieu would grow and expand his horizons both physically and mentally, advancing in his studies and gaining a grasp on fundamental swordplay. It was in this gap where Matthieu began to grow increasingly distant to his other family members, often times refusing to accompany them as he had in prior times, not that he had much of a choice as he was forced to go anyway. Lil' Matt would grow to prefer to be in the presence of his friend instead of family as many do during this stage of their life. Throughout these years, Matthieu had developed an ambition to join the Viridian Order as his father and cousin Percy had. Upon expressing such desires to his parents Clement and Violette, they heard the plea and agreed to fund the endeavor as their family are steadfast supporters of the order.

The Journey [14-Present]

On Matthieu's fourteenth birthday, he departed from his home in the Hinterlands with a course set for the Viridian Castle. Upon arrival, training began promptly, classes soon commenced in religious studies and state history. The first course presented to Matt was the discipline of the sword. At the time, he had taught that he was already an expert on the subject due to the training received prior. It came to his surprise that many of his comrades were just as good as he in the art, with only a few of them lacking in the skill. At this moment of thought, Matthieu had made it his goal to surpass all other in swordsmanship, to master the art. Over the next two years, he had become a proficient warrior with the sword.

Next up came the Halberdier, a weapon which Matthieu had never even laid eyes upon before that day. Needless to say, he had a considerable amount of difficulty learning the skill as he went about it in a leisurely manner, putting minimal effort during training as he did for the sword, lacking a drive to progress as he had before. Additionally, he kept trying to apply principles of the sword into the discipline of the Halberd, a completely different beast. Over the next two years, his development of proficiency in the weapon advanced slowly, and by the end lil' Matt was able to meet the required standards. Fortunately, his time spent in the next discipline of the horse was one which came rather easily, as Matthieu found it a simple matter, riding atop an animal as it was an activity he enjoyed, riding a pig about in his early years.

When the time came to specialize in a particular discipline, his choice was clear, Matt was determined to master swordplay, ignoring skills he's lacking in particularly the Halberdier. During the remaining two years which he had left, he trained tirelessly in the cultivation of his sword fighting, allocating spare time towards maintaining his skills on the horse and occasionally the Halberd. The time spent specializing came and go like a leaf in the wind, and before he knew it, the time had come that Matthieu graduated and was ready to compete in his first tournament.

Matthieu's goal for the tournament was to achieve First Sargeant, or even Paladin, a very ambitious dream. As the tournament commenced, Matt was fully confident in the skills he had acquired, a feeling as if he could overcome any challenge encountered. While he performed commendably, showing exceptional skill in the sword and the lance, his display for the halberd was nothing but completely average, failing to catch anyone's eye. It was because of his lack of refinement in the weapon that he failed to achieve his goal. However, due to his impressive displays of technique in the sword and lance, he was promoted to a Second Sargeant. Matt was unimpressed with his newly acquire rank, while it was better than his previous, it served as a reminder that he failed in his goal.

Having nothing but time on his hands, he remained nearby the Viridian Castle for the next year, training to hone his skill under the guidance of his fellow knights. He would once again fail to achieve First Sargeant upon his second tournament, serving as further fuel for the fire to become a well rounded warrior. It would be his next, his third tournament where Matthieu finally achieved his goal of First Sargeant. Post completion of his goal, Matt had decided to venture to the city of Regalia, a bustling and vibrant city he's heard of yet never visited. It was in Regalia where Matthieu was reunited with some of his relatives, notably his cousin, Percy Ravenstad. Regalia is the location where Matt has decided to settle for the time being.
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Hello @Autsayder, and thank you for applying! So, I've gone over your app a few times, and spoke to your refs, and I think you could possibly be a good fit. Though, I want to speak about some things first. If you could send me your skype details over a forums conversation, we can have that talk, and I can come to a conclusion.

Your Status: Application Pending.
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Taking you in on a 1-2 week trial period. You will be added to the skype chat we never use for communication purposes, and we will further discuss the character soon.

Your Status: Accepted for Trial
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Mm. Last questions.

1. Can I split the activity between this character and my main? Like, 2 mains? In a way?

2. I'm only allowed to play 3 hours on weekends, and Fridays. Is that enough?
I'm not really all too sure about this so take this information with a grain of salt.

1. I'm sure Muffins and I would both rather it was a 70/30 ratio with other characters, but since you're applying for a cousin like 60/40 could work.

2. Directing this to @iMcMuffins
Well, I gave about 33 characters. Luckily, most are shelve/event/slaves/back-ups/killed off. Mainly due to my changing interests, and I have about 1 main, a another that I play sometimes. So, say it was 40, it would be
Sanurra - 35%
This Char - 35%
My mu-allar - 15%
Everyone else - 35%
This'll be my last reply as to not clutter the thread, but since this is a High noble family with a ducal title, more time is needed to be dedicated to your Ravenstad character, and must be played above any other characters. This goes for all applicants as well.
This'll be my last reply as to not clutter the thread, but since this is a High noble family with a ducal title, more time is needed to be dedicated to your Ravenstad character, and must be played above any other characters. This goes for all applicants as well.
This is correct. I require any and all members to diverting 60% of their time to playing a Ravenstad, and the other 40% goes to whichever else he or she pleases. In addition, direct any and all questions to PMs of myself, in the future. That is to keep this thread from cluttering.

And another note, you will have to apply before I officially look into you, and that goes for any other applicant at any time.
OOC Info
(People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first.) WIP, though I do have the approval of @Winterclaw12 @Cyber_Girl01 and @Miss_Confined. Others very soon to be added.
Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience?: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?) Not really, though my shelved/event character may become a baroness.
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) 1 year and a half / I was inactive at 2014's summer, and quit, before returning on somewhere around Christmas (I'm not very sure), and playing daily. Until 2016, January 1st, where I had a limitation of 3 hours a day, and only can play on weekends and Fridays.
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?) Writing balance/realism and plot. I can easily paint a picture with roleplay, though this isn't as strong in Massive, due to Minecraft's chat limits. I can easily write paragraphs if required, and do accents and quirks, purposefully show off some personality traits so people can get a firm grasp of my character, and keeping roleplay balanced and realistic. However, one of my main strength is with plots. I enjoy slowly morphing the plot, and usually have many things planned out. I often include twists and a sense of mystery, which I can show even more if I'm accepted. ((Tigrans ain't detectives. :( ))
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) Being IC (Writing term, not rp term) It's kind of hard for me to play character that's very different from myself, and even though I show off the traits/weaknesses/quirks, I only can do this by trying, or non-casual roleplay (Characters meeting each other, plot, events). During casual roleplay, such as chats or interactions/sewer disputes (Not wars) I often confuse people by acting as if the character was completely different. Also, during new characters, I tend to stress in my sleep, and change major things almost everyday. My characters all can change in a heartbeat, and do. I can't make up my mind!
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: (Self explanatory.) None. Except I once was kicked because my boat lagged. But that doesn't count.
Reason for applying?: (Why do you want to be a part of House Ravenstad?) I want to be a noble, and enjoy that experience as well. One of the reasons I joined Massive is to experience all the points of view, and learn from it. Plus, on a darker side, I kinda want power. I mean, yes, I could always change to ailor instead of tigran, but I want to step it up. I've been subconsciously longing to be noble on my earlier days, and now I hope I'm ready for it.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: (We heavily recommend ability for speaking on TS. We enjoy being better acquainted with you on a personal level, and it is best through TeamSpeak.) No, but maybe soon.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: (Self explanatory) Kind of, I need to re-memorize Ithanian stuff, which is very easy.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Oh my god, this is so hard. Yikes, you may not like the answer.
Pickle pickle, cucumber! Pickle pickle, tomato(gasp dats not a vegetable)! Avocado! Avocado! Eyy, avocado! Brussel sprouty avocado! Pickle pickle, cucumber!
IC Info
*Notice! I will accept a character that is custom made and not currently on the family tree, IF it is exceptional and fits near perfectly into the lore!
Character Name:
(Name of the Character you have chosen to play, or a custom name.) Jeanette Ravenstad
Character Age: (How old is this character?) 20
Physical Description: (Facial structure, body build, et cetera.) A pretty woman, though weak and easily beaten through combat. Not a good runner, too.
Strict - She gives second chances, but that's it. Often, if things are not up to her standards, she 'nicely' turns people down, and keeps trying until she gets what she wants. If she were to meet a non-human, she would need them to completely fit into what she wants out of a friend to even consider them. She's known for being a perfectionist, easily pissed or angered at the slightest dot.
Forgetful - She never remembers anything, such as non-human friends, though a friendly (And detailed) reminder can help. She often forgets names, faces, prices, tools and menus, and unless she tries hard to memorize these things, she will. When addressing issues, she needs a little paper to read from, and usually gets lost in new places.

Fair - Though she is strict, she is fair. She gives second chances, and doesn't fire/reject out of pure spite. However, this means she doesn't hire/invite out of pity. She's known to give reasonable prices/pay/standards, and if you ask for change and make sense, she will do much to help. She often questions unfair/unreasonable deals.
Kind - She's often kind, greeting every race even though she thinks herself superior, and doesn't mind spending some time with them, if they pass her standards. She's open-minded to ideas, and let's everyone (that's reasonable) weigh in a little, though not very much. She enjoys giving gifts to her friends.

Whimsical - She is often playful and joyful, in an elegant manner and enjoying the little details. However, this is horrible during work, and often distracts her, so she doesn't notice people until they give her a reminder that they're there. She can often be lost in her thoughts.
Unambitious - She doesn't like to care, and often takes things slow. This works great, due to the near-majestic work she finishes, though terrible when she's on a limit, stressing herself and trying not to get distracted.


She was born in 284BC, to Clement and Violette Ravenstad. She was raised as a spoiled girl, often exploring the large estate they lived in, and enjoying the fresh Ithanian outdoors. However, soon after she grew out of being a toddler, she was sent to school to study silk and cloth trade, as well as languages and math. She didn't enjoy much of it, and her tutor didn't like all her 'daydreaming.'
Soon, she grew up, to be a fine 17 year old. She wanted to move to Regalia to keep with her family's trade, and explore the world. She went on a ship line to Regalia, and has yet to go.
During her first three years, she was getting the ropes. Constantly being lost and having to ask shady characters for directions, until she bought a map. She enjoyed her life there, making the linen clothes and loving her job, she explored the park and tavern, sometimes doing sketches, too.
Oh dear. Please look to your PM thread. At first I was delighted to vouch, however I have done some research, and I feel as though even though I adore you OOC, it was a bit premature of me to instantly give my vouch approval.
Although I have roleplayed with you as Sanurra and Lizzy, I feel as though I would need more in-game experience with your Ailor characters to truly be able to 100% vouch.

I thought this over, overnight and I would like to be marked down as a 'maybe'? vouch. I can vouch for your kindness OOC, and the ability and skills you have with Sanurra but I cannot truly vouch for the skills you would have as a noble character.

I am aware I did give my consent, and I apologize for this realization a tad too late, however I feel that I'd need more experience IC with these characters before I can truly give an honest opinion about your roleplaying ability.

This doesn't mean I dislike you or anything, I actually adore you it's just I realized now that it was a bit premature of me to give my vouch and all. I'd like to see more of you in roleplay first and go from there.
If you are talking about an OOC vouch, then @Ivygreenstem is a fabulous friend and a good person to talk to.