Shen Zhi ~ Character Application ~

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by ScaledSupremacy, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    • Shen Zhi is a 36 year old, Chi'en-ji male
    • Shen was born the 10th of April 266AC as the child of Hakate Zhi and Mei Fan, in Daishima on the Yang-tzu islands. Shen has no known family members apart from his mother which he isn't even sure is still alive.
    • Shen currently lives alone in the Middle-class district of Regalia, he keeps a steady econemy and finds the conditions nothing short of splendid
    • Shen's greatest ambition, as it was when he first left home for regalia, remains the same, to join the Azure order and fight the population of Rougue mages and Void possesed
    • Family : His Family members includes (Not to mention a two hundred year old legacy)
    • Mother :Mei Fan (Lethal Lotus) : Mei Fan Raised Shen his entire child hood and taught him most of the magic he knows. Deceased
    • Father : Hakate Zhi (The Wise One) : Hakate Zhi never got to know his son as he died in the wulong conflict in the last months of Mei's pregnancy. Deceased
    • Sister : Ning Zhi (Peacful Wisdom) : Shen's One egged twin who was given to another family upon birth due to Mei not being able to afford two children, her and Shen grew up together without knowing, Shen has yet to discover this. Alive (as this is essentially a playable char in the future i cannot determine her whereabouts until ive discussed it with a potential RPer for her char, though if not it would most likely be Daishima on Yang-Tzu)
    • Magic level : Shen is essentially a very skilled mage in Anti-magic having studied for almost 27 years.

    Body Description

    • Standing at about 6'4ft or about 185lbs, Shen is rather tall and in good shape, most of his muscle mass resides in his legs making he pretty fast to say the least. he has a slight triangular shape, his shoulders being rather broad and his hips and most other limbs, quite slender. Shen uses msot of his time studying magic and rarly uses too much strength resulting in a slightly lower muscle mass than a normal person, although his kicks have been known to hurt.
    • Shen has a light slightly yellowish texture, and he has about five tatoos of various runes on his chest and arms, two on each arm and a big one on his chest.
    • Shen has grayish, greasy hair that is usually not set up very well, as he doesn't spend his time on beauty, Shen doesn't have much body hair only a little less than a normal Ailor.

    Facial and head description

    • Shen has a rather standard sized head with a pointy chin and sharp cheekbones giving it, much like his body a triangularish look, shen also has a pari of bright yellow eyes due to his race, and a short crooked nose. His eyes would usually be half closed or atleast narrowed, this due to his lack of sleep.
    • Shen has a rather wide mouth, yet his lips are almsot the exact colour of his skin and they are very thin, from range it would seem as if he didn't even have a mouth at all.
    • Shen has a lack of sleep due to him usign so much time practicing his magic and expanding his understanding of magic, and his face clearly shows, he has sleep lines (not sure if thats what its called) under his eyes, he rarely blinks and usually is only seen with a single unbothered facial expression.

    Clothing and gear
    • Shen wears a Dark brownish coat made of leather with fur on the inside easily keeping him warm in the cold times, he has a couple leather straps around his wrists hiding a small knife along with having a few spaces for other thin objects, the coat has a tall neck and exstends down to about knee hight.
    • Shen has about four inner pockets in his jacket holding most of his items such as various poisons and herbs, he also wears a small satchel to contain larger objects. Shen rarely keeps more than about 15 regals at a time as he have had a bad experience with pocket theives, shen also carries a small flute with him as he also takes a great intrest in music.
    • Shen also wears black boots and trousers with two pockets along with a crucifiks on his belt, to protect him from vampires.
    Behavior Information
    Personality traits
    • Insocial : Shen is a very insocial person due to him undergoing severe torture during the Quadir occupation along with him having a very synical attitude heavily based off of logic more than feelings and such. (much like Spock) and he will often say things very straight forward and exactly as he thinks, to the point where he even tells them (as a proposal) to go kill themselves, though only when based off of logic and he can see that they have nothing to live for anyway.
    • Obsessive : Shen has a bad habit of getting way too obssesed with various hobbies, while this can also be a good thing it can also be bad, for example if shen was attempting to escape a group of robbers and he was on the run and he spotted a rare or new flower or herb, he would just stop and approach the plant forgetting all about his pursuers, meanwhile when good it would as an example be the fact that he spends atleast 15hours aday practicing magic and reading about its origins resulting in him, having a immesne lack of sleep, yet being very skilled in the art.
    • Secretive : Shen is a very secretive person and doesn't like to share too much information about himself, he will rarely tell much about himself if asked more likely talking in circles, although he will often be more open to other chi'en-ji and people that he likes and trusts, though that is very rare, he would also be a bit more open to other mages yet only if they were tracked and had passed the academy.
    • Loyal : Shen would be very loyal to any course that he is dedicated to and if his respect is won (though a rare occurance) he will never let his friends down willingly, ofcourse he would always have a sinister side so he would only help if he in some way could see a benefit for himself too, long term or short term the reward or benefit may not be very big but he would often compare the risk to the reward before going into action.
    • Curious : Shen is very curious often leading him into asking one too many questions and involving him in some very akward situations at times, he will often stick his nose into things that doesn't concern him and listen to other peoples conversations, even sometimes intterupting to make a statement of his own, it also stretches to the point of witch he will follow a person if he heard them say something suspecious or behave strangely, this can both be a good thing.. and a very bad thing.
    • Hygienically : Shen highly apprecitates hygiene and will often choose to avoid filthy or smelly people and he would rarely go to places like a sewer unless his life depended on it, Shen also has a slight case of OCD and a heavy phobia of germs, causing him to for example go into a straight up panic if hugged and such, and will often start to shake his arms and hands rapidly if he would touch the ground with his hands or simply not having washed his hands for more than a couple hours.
    • Honest : Shen will (as previously mentioned) Be very honest and straight forward about his opinion even if he isn't asked, this has led, and will lead to many confrontations in the future making it a negative trait, meanwhile some people would appreciate his honesty and come ot like of him, eventhough it may not be requited this would also make it a positive one, shen also has no regard whatsoever wether the statement was appreciated or not and will often be a little confused or feel a bit wronged if the "victim" (so to say) would grow angry or rude.
    • Suspicious : Shen will always hold a certain amount of suspicion and distrust towards other people, he will often get the feeling that someone is watching him or is planning to do bad things to him (Paranoia??) therefor he will always stay on his toes and prepared ot either run or fight if in someones house, that he didn't trust compeltely, the same goes when he is in the street, this can cause him stress and sometimes slight panic attacks when he feels surrounded or in anyway obstructed from a possible escape route.
    • Hygiene : Keeping clean at all times, not meddling with filthy people and peasents,
    • Chi'en-ji : Shen tends to be a bit more open to other Chi'en-ji along with being alot more talkative and nice with other of his kind.
    • Magic+Mages : Shen tends to like other mages on the condition that they are licensed, and takes great intrest in exchanging perspectives and other debbles on the matter of magic, Shen is also very facinated by the various forms of magic.
    • Respect : First of all respect is a big part of Chi,en-ji culture so it is no wonder he approves of that, second is that he will often react badly to insults, sometimes even aggresivly if he deems it appropriate.
    • Wulong+Qadir : Shen highly dissaproves of both Wulong and Qadir alike, the wulong due to the misery of most of his family, and Qadir because he was once enslaved and tortured by one.(i think i explained how he developed these.. pretty much)
    • Theivery : Shen dissaproves of theft and robbings as he sees it as pure logic that if a person owns an item it is not anothers to take, though he understands why some would do it out of desperation yet he will still see unapprovingly to it, he first came to dissapprove of this when he caught a pickpocket grabbing a pouch of regals out of his satchel, he couldn't wrap his head around why a person would take something that belonged to another, his curiousity led him to research about the concept of theivery, and if ever stolen from he would most likely just let it go as whoever had decided to steal from him probably needed it more than him, besides regals aren't too valuable to him, ofcourse this varies on the value or attatchment he had to this item, and he would never let his plants be taken.
    • Filthy people and places : Shen will (as previously mentioned) /Never!/ Venture to filthy and smelly places liek sewers unless his life depended on it, nor will he shake hands with almost anyone and tends to keep a certain distance to filthy people (especially orcs) due to his fear of germs, this phobia he have had most of his life, since he was seven years old, a drunk man went up to him one night when he was walking and puked all over him, another example on how to trigger this phobia would be for example a hug or if someone sneezed or spit on him, he would either start to pushthe hugger away while yelling at them to get off or just start twitching and shaking his hands frantically.
    • Void : Shen does and always will completely and utterly detese of everything possesed or in affiliation with void demons, there really isn't much to say other than he would, on sight either attack or call for the guards, and he would like nothing more than to see the lot of Them burn, he first developed this hate when he saw an execution of one possesed, he was disturbed at how the demon had drained and corrupted the body, the mere thought of one could make him frown.

    Abilities and Disabilities
    • Sleight : Shen is very sleight and still handed making it easy for him to perform difficult hand gestures and movements
    • Persuasive : Shen is very persuasive and if he wants certain information he will usually have no trouble squeezing it out of a person without them even noticing.
    • Magic : Shen is very talented in magic and he frequently practices his gift and studies about magic
    • Focus : Shen posseses a great deal of concentration and focus especially when it comes to learning making it easier for him to learn magic, heavily accelerating his studies.
    • OCD : Shen has a slight case of OCD and a heavy phobia of germs usually resulting in him avoiding filthy areas and people along with rarely wanting to shake hands with people resuling in akward situations and at times even fights, this applying even more to his already insocial attitude.
    • Weak : Due to shen rarely using his physical strength his muscle mass is a fair bit beyond that of a normal Ailor and will typically avoid physical tasks if possible.
    • Sleepy : Shen usually have a lack of sleep due to him spending most of his time studieing magic resulting in him being slightly off guard and sometimes forgets to pay attention to his surroundings and can often lead him to wander into a wall or making him an easy target for pickpockets this could also at times cause him to mess up a hand gesture or lose concentration, though this is a rare occurance as his shear amount of skill usually makes up for this.
    • Underestimation : Shen is likely to underestimate people who he have never seen fight before and could often get himself into sticky situations with him suddently fighting several opponents at once, this has caused to several injuries over the years, for example when he tried to defeat a horde of orc raiders with ship supplies and a dagger.
    Combat style
    • Magic : Shen will usually choose to deploy his antimagic when it comes ot combat and that he does excel in
    • Knife : Shen is in the possesion of a medium sized dagger/knife that he will deploy if magic is not an option, eventhough he is not proffesional or in any way trained in the arts of knife combat and he is very insuffecient in using it for combat his strikes being slow and easy to dodge
    Magic style
    • Anti-Magic : Shen uses Anti magic only, he was taught by his mother and started his studies at the age of 9 and first used his magic at the age of twelve.
    • Skill : Shen has been studying for about 28 years now and has an ecellent understanding of Anti-magic and is easily mage level and not too far from being an expert, both his heavy obsession with magic, his exceptional focus and his magic compliant Species suggest that he be an excellent mage.

    Life story

    The 10th of April 266 AC in Daishima on the
    Yang-Tzu Islands, Shen Zhi, a male chi'en-ji was born. Shen Zhi's Father Hakate Zhi, had died in the wulong conflict so he was left alone with his mother. Shen Zhi's mother Mei Fan, who had learned her magic from her father as he had been taught by his up through generations until his 5xGrand father Zazke Fan who stumbled upon an old guru on his way to the top of an old mountain where he would essentialy get a better view of the stars.

    Zazke found an intrest in the old man's affairs and decided to settle down where he begun studying the art of Anti-magic.He then stayed there for almost fifty years and was presumed dead by everyone in the village. One day, the very same day the old man succumbed to age, Zazke ventured down and into his old village to everyones shock, suprise and joy. He hurried to his house followed by a lesser crowd of confused people and a couple cheering old friends. Upon reaching his house he found his wife Sleeping in a chair on the balcony of his house, a little girl and boy playing infront of her.

    Zazke approached the balcony and the boy woke his mother up in fear of the unknown man approaching them, firstly she didn't recognize him but after a few seconds ofconsideration she recognized him, standing up rapidly first slapping Zazke on the cheek, then bursting into tears as she fell into his arms. Zazke started to teach the children about Anti-Magic and they both proved to be somewhat gifted in magic, and the y quickly excelled, one day the Zazke Fan died of natrual causes , he reached an astounding 116 years.

    His son soon decided to take the magic into further practice as he would then teach it to his children and they would teach it to theirs, and so on throughout generations, all they way down to Mei Fan who then as tradition demanded, began to teach Shen about Anti-magic at the tender age of nine, and at the age of twelve he used his magic for the first time.
    His family's profession was mostly in herbalism as the family owned the local Herb store, where they sold all sorts of Weeds and plants, and from that came his hobby of collecting various plants and Herbs.

    In the year 286 AC upon his 20th birthday, he set off to Regalia in the hopes of joining and serving in the Azure Order. During his journey Shen's ship was attacked by a raid of orcs.
    Shen managed to fight off some of them with a large dagger and whatever he could find on the ship, but in the end he was overruled by the enemy numbers and shear strength. He had his entire cargo and all of his clothes taken and was left for dead, bleeding on the shores of Daendroc when a local hunter came along and took him to the safety of his lodge. The Hunter called for the village nurse to attend his wounds and he was given new clothes, food and shelter for the night. The next day Shen asked the hunter if he could loan his boat and some supplies, promising he would pay back the favor one day.
    Shen, after a certain amount of persuation, was given a boat and proviant for the journey.

    A couple weeks after he left off, Shen arrived at Regalia, here he would lay low for a couple years, practicing his magic further until he one day thought he was ready to join the Azure Order, however when he turned the corner and onto the main street he was greeted with a suprising if not even shocking sight.
    The Street was heavily crowded and on the street corners stood fully armed Qadir soldiers.
    Shen's curiosity got the better of him as he would squeeze through the crowd onto the front where something looking like some sort of negotiations was going on.
    Shocked and confused of the event, Shen would return to his home where he would meditate, before going to sleep hoping ot calm himself down a bit.

    A couple Weeks went by, and the Quadir would only seem to fastn their grip on Regalia and more and more Qadir could be seen wandering the streets followed by squeking tigran slaves carrying heavy loads of all from furniture to food.
    Shen would find it slightly amusing to how instead of trusting the slaves with carrying their jewelry, they would seem to wear their entire collection at once.

    One day when Shen was going out to buy some herbs for his tea, his eye was suddently caught by a big gathering infront of a plateu of some sort, a fat Qadir packed to the teeth in gold and jewels could be seen standing on the plateu yelling at the crowd.
    Shen quickly became curious of the event as he wandred a bit around the crowd trying to find a spot with a good view. He found a spot behind a lesser crowd of ragged people, seemingly most was tigran.

    Suddently the crowd of tigrans moved forward and when Shen stood still he was suddently pushed in the back by a Guard, sending him with the group, the clothes the hunter had given him could easily be confused with rags, and so it seemed the guard had mistaken him for a slave.
    Shen turned to face the guard but was kicked in the stomach and showed onto the platform along with the other slaves. Shen could do nothing but move along onto the pedestal where he watched helplessly as he was quickly out-bidded and sold to a Qadir noble.

    Months went by as Shen Zhi unwillingly worked for the Qadir. Undergoing severe torture for each disobeyance he quickly learned to do as his new master said.
    When the Noble found out about Shen's magic he quickly utilized it to his own benefit to wether it was assasinating the opponents of his tradeing industry, or for personal protection and mercinary work to earn more money.

    One day the Qadir noble's mansion was infiltrated by soldiers carrying Purple and yellow banners and armour, upon the soldiers reaching the noble's chambers he would deploy Shen to defend him, but Shen merely knocked the Qadir out with a pan, leaving him unconcious on the floor to be captured by the Regalian military.
    After this incident Shen decided to lay low and practice his magic further.

    It is now December 303 AC and Shen is living in the middle class District, he practises his magic frequently and makes a habit of hunting Void-possesed and rougue mages, he is hoping to soon join the Azure order. Shen is planning to upon joining the Azure order, start to spread order in Regalia and as far as he could possibly reach within Aloria, through legal means, he sees his highest goal as defeating the forces and demons of the void and maybe one day ascend to become the head of the Azure order, though he sees diffrently to magic as the Azure orders views that largely consists of stopping magic and limiting it, he would rather seek to allow all types of magic, though through re-education still as he believes that all people who are not completely lost should be offered a chance, he also thinks that this kind of rejection is why there are so many uncollared mages or as he says "Mages should not be afraid of the Azure Order, a Rule of terror is worse than uncollared mages ". He doesn't do much to further these goals at the moment as he is in no position to make these changes, he primarily focuses on training to get into the Azure Order.

    The changes have been made :D

    Best regards Riki5

    A journey of a thousand miles
    starts with one step

    -Lao Tzu

    #1 ScaledSupremacy, Dec 27, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  2. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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  3. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    Hi there @The_Riki

    It’s really good to see you taking another stab at a character application! Just from looking it over I can tell you’ve much improved it’s format and substance so a really well done. Here’s some edits to do before I can approve it.
    • So in the basic information i’d still like all his family relations to be listed, as shown in the example application. Just a simple name, age and relation to your character, Shen.
    • Once joining the Azure order, what does he hope to do then? What does he do each day to further himself towards these goals? Please include this expansion.
    • Where do his parents live now, and is she still alive? Include this information, even though your character doesn’t know it their self.
    • So far at the moment you’ve only got 6 personality traits. At a minimum you should aim for 8. That’d be made up of 4 negatively inclined personality traits, and 4 positively inclined.
    • Also I’d like you to be more descriptive of every single personality trait. You should be aiming for around a sentence more than what you have written for Obsessive. 5-6 lines would be ideal.
    • I need you to have four likes and four dislikes.
    • Make sure to explain in all your likes and dislikes, how he’s come to develop these, and how they affect his behaviour. Perhaps give examples? How might he react to someone sneezing on him? Or being stolen from?
    • At the moment you’ve got an imbalance of strengths to weaknesses. Essentially you need more or equal amounts of weaknesses to strengths.
    • Could you expand on your sleepy weakness? Perhaps explain that it could result in him potentially slipping up in his hand gestures at precious moments.
    • I would like you to expand in your life story, exactly how their family tree first came upon anti-magic. Perhaps delve into a side story, or give potential implications. Even a story. Essentially I want you to justify this hidden magic being available to your character. Feel free to be as imaginative as you want!
    • I’m wondering how Shen managed to fight off orcs with anti magic? Orcs tend not to use magic at all, so could you revise this?
    Tag me when your edits are done!
  4. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    TAG!! (you're it )
  5. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    I'm approving but edit it to include his mage level anti-magic in the basic information.
  6. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Thanks.. and btw would i still have to apply on the forums for anti-magic permission??
  7. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    Yes, head on down to the special permissions page and take a look at someone else's with hidde magics if you get stuck.
  8. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    You've changed your thread to list your character as essentially an expert level Anti Mage. This needs to be rectified and I'll be re-reviewing it for more detail. @The_Riki
  9. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I did this change as i applied on the forums for expert lvl, i can set it back and revoke the request if u want :P
  10. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    It has been done
  11. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Actually upon reading a bit more about anti-magic after the changes, id like to change him into an Expert mage as i think it makes sense for him he does study almost everyday and it also says that one would be a mage after 15 years of studying, and hes been studying for around 27 years by now. oh and one more thing.. if u or any1 else is feeling up for it id love to help staff build up an azure order department as i think it really is something thats missing in rp and would fit in just splendid (sry if this is beyond my place in any way its just a suggestion :D) and besides ive seen a lot of ppl around who also thinks it is a missing aspect
    #11 ScaledSupremacy, Jan 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  12. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    I love your enthusiasm and the offer, with regards to the special permission I am going to have to reject the notion on the basis that oocly I've not seen nor heard mention of your character being role played notably at all. As such I'd ask you role play the character for a time at a high end Mage level and make the character throughly known by people. Oocly just making sense isn't the best of reasons for the expert level permission either. @The_Riki
  13. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Okay i see now, although i do play him quite frequently i can see where you are coming from. Besides im just warming up perhaps in dah future we can reconsider things, and i you might not have seen him around too much as i know ur char Myrnin usually hangs around the sewers and well.. we both know why Shen doesn't come there i suppose :P (PS: Oh and if you should ever think of making the azure order or need any help with it contact meh id LOVE to help :D)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Character Update
    First off, he has been kinda turning away from the dream about the Azure order, and has instead been taking more of a criminal side path, having tortured a person, and started doing more criminal activities.
    Nontheless.. he hasn't completely abandoned the path of service to the state. He has lately been hearing alot of chatter going around about some, "legal mercenary guild" called "The Saint Theomar Order".
    Shen has taken a great intrest in this particular job, and is currently doing his best to attain it.
    #14 ScaledSupremacy, Mar 17, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  15. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Heyo, I was just flipping through forums and I like reading people characters and whatnot. Anyways I know your character is approved but just wanna let you know Katanas aren't lore compliant, you can use a sword but just no katanas. Love your character though.

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