House Celyreos


*lute music stops*
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds



Welcome to House Celyreos, this is what we're about!
ouse Celyreos was created three years ago, constantly ducking in and out of the noble scene. Recently, we have been trying to make a comeback and enter the title system and contribute to the community. Originally from Ithania, the Ithanian household made its impressions a century ago before slowly working its business and reputation into the Regalian Archipelago, adjusting to the Leutz-vixe idea of their homeland. In recent times, Celyreos aided in the reclamation of the Holy City after Freya Lo took control; after that, they have been trying to gain a better title and associate themselves further into the city.

House Colours: Pitch Black,White and Sunset Orange.
House Sigil: Black Cobra inscribed with Orange Markings.

House Main Trade: Technology Development and Improvement.
House Main Trade Name: Arkromus Secteur du développement.
House Secondary Trade: Small Business Development.
House Secondary Trade Name: Arkromina Entreprise.

House Patriarch: Enzo Celyreos, contacble via @ZiggyStarDusted
Former Matriarch: Natasha Celyreos @GodRoleplayer

House Guard: The Black Vipers
Commanding Officer:
House Guard Status: Suspended until sorted completely.

Within recent years, House Celyreos has seen a brutal conflict in Regalia as it constantly edged in and out of the noble scene due to conflicting factors. It has seen the shift between four matriarchs within the past year. From the death of Caspian to the resignation of Hansen, Marina being unconventionally forced out before the title now stays with Natasha after the ending of the Freya Lo conflicts that plagued Regalia for months on end. Celyreos wishes to restore their reputation formed by the 2nd lines actions within the past months and work their way up the Regalian nobility chain. Hopefully making friends and allies along the way.

With the vanishing of much of his family, Enzo Celyreos now stands as the house patriarch with the vanishing of Natasha; now seeking to regain all that was lost prior by the fallen house.

Any inquiries about the house should be made to Enzo Celyreos, contactable through the mail.
(Send a message through forums, if it an OOC Request, do the same.)​


Celyreos First Generation
Angela Celyreos {50}
{Deceased} - Wife to Caspian, she is the mother to all the children in the main line. She was found dead with her husband, following the induction of the bone horrors.
Caspian Celyreos {56} {Deceased} - Descendant to House Celyreos, Caspian was known to be organizing a mercenary guild before he died on a trip back to Regalia due to Bone Horrors.
Adrienne Celyreos {45} {Available} - Addriene is the sister to Caspian. She has done her best to raise her children with more friendly and open-minded values than her brother and parents did.
Reinard Celyreos {46} {Available} - Reinard is the husband of Adrienne and the father of all the children in the Second Line. Reinard is an Alt-Regalian who served as a soldier for some time, having retired to raise a family. Now that his children are largely grown, he is unsure of his plan.
Giselle Celyreos {35} { @Dreamaxia } - Giselle left the Celyreos family after a significant disagreement with her brother Caspian. She was known to cheat on her husband, quite a lot, even bearing children from it.
Clovis Celyreos {39} {Deceased} - Clovis served as a mercenary before he met Giselle and the two supposedly fell in love instantly. Throughout the many years that Giselle cheated on him, he still came back months later due to being unable to let go of the love he felt for her. He died in the initial bone horror incident.
Arno Celyreos {32} {@OnyxXIII } - Born just a few years before his parents died, Arno was raised largely by Angela and Caspian. Due to their deaths and the subsequent lack of parenting he's received, his moral code is rather twisted. For many years, Arno has kept to his own, profiting off any means he could in and around Lapalaise Plus-rême, one might wonder why he decided to move to Regalia? A rather avaricious man, who'll do whatever he sees necessary for the benefit of himself, and secondly the family.
Cyrille Celyreos {49} {Available} - Cyrille Blaise was married into the Celyreos from Ithania, as apart of a business plan to combine their engineering firms for greater productivity, before House Blaise slowly fell into nothingness throughout the years. Cyrille is highly intelligent, strangely.

Celyreos Primary Line
Natasha Celyreos {33}
{@GodRoleplayer, vacant} - Natasha was disowned as a child, raised amongst the businesses stationed in Ithania. She was made Matriarch, following the ending of Freya Lo and her insurgency that took Regalia last year.
Marina Celyreos {33} {@Levanta,vacant} - Marina is Natasha's twin who kept her beauty through the years, she was kept after Natasha was disowned as she was believed to be a potential candidate for a high value marriage in her later years.
Hansen Celyreos {32} {Available} - Hansen is the oldest male in the mainline, he served a good example for the manipulative traits of a businessman. He is currently someplace in Aloria, it is unknown where his exact location is.
Vincent Celyreos {30} {Available} - Vincent is seen as Hansen's counterpart in some ways, having garnered manipulative traits from him. He has been nearly disowned three times by his parents, a reminder of Hansen's influence.
Elizabeth Celyreos {29} {Available} - Elizabeth was determined to be a talented warrior, and was sent off to practice in the School of Griffer by a private tutor.
Tiberius Celyreos {28} { @Ringo0310 } - Tiberius was a soldier in the Regalian Army before being relieved of his duties after he lost a leg and gained a number of scars during the Siege of Regalia. He is often found socializing now, However the trauma of his past is yet to leave him..
Alexandre Celyreos {22} {Deceased} - Alexandre was the most mentally gifted child in the family, capable of solving immensely difficult challenges while lacking heavily in social ability. He died in a cruise to Jorrhildr, resurrecting as a Deathling before being laid to rest by Natasha by the end of the war.
Ariana Celyreos {21} {@Nitesho, vacant} - Ariana was trained in the School of Griffer and served in the mercenary guild for a short time before returning to Ithania, their current location is unknown.

Celyreos Secondary Line
Bastien Celyreos {25}
{deceased} – Bastien was introduced into the Stormborn Regiment in the House Guard to learn, before being shipwrecked elsewhere at an early age, however.. On his return brought his family name to shame with a failed rebellion and over-taking of the slums; Due to this, he was later murdered. The killer still unknown to the family.
Enzo Celyreos {28} {@ZiggyStarDusted} - Well known for his kindness, the relatively easy going middle child, now having to drop his easy-going attitude with the responsibility to bring justice to the family name.
Lydia Celyreos {27} {@Galakyskija } - Lydia has much the same personality as Enzo. A lover of the finest wine money can buy in the heart of Ithania, she has studied across Aloria to practice a passion of art of all sorts. Singing, painting and much more.
Adeline Celyreos {25} {@Mid_Wolf} - Adeline was strangely raised with her cousins in the First line, but unaware of this for the majority of her life. She looks up to Natasha as a wiser sibling, despite being from different parents.
Wilfrid J. Celyreos {24} {@GobCorn,vacant} - Wilfrid is still considered a child by most of his male relatives, excluding him from certain practices until he proves himself old enough to hold his own. He has been constantly pressured by his sister, Adeline and brother, Bastien, to practice a blade.
Nadia Viduggla {20} {@SpoopMelon} - Nadia Viduggla (formerly Celyreos) is notably the most stubborn of the family, often taking a disregard for advice, and although now part of another house, Enzo still sees it fit to worry for her as if she were still his own.
Yvette Celyreos {20} { @_Owlet } - Yvette is the youngest by far with little known about her, save that she is believed to have something wrong with her. She wasn't raised alongside the others, being lost when she was eight, only recently being recovered after a long-time family friend recognized her in an orphanage.

Celyreos Tertiary Line
Gabriella Celyreos {19}
{Taken} - Gaby was disowned as a child due to being the child of another man, the red-head was sent to Ithania before being admitted to a unknown private section inside the House Guard, before returning weeks before the Krupp incident to aid the house.
Lionel Celyreos {18} {Available} - Fully customizable!
Victoria Celyreos {20} { @mochalattes } - Victoria met the same fate as her sister, Gabriella, being shipped off to another place to be raised by strangers. She is considered a fugitive under the guard after a fight broke out, resulting in her butchering a section after they tried to apprehend her for smuggling weapons out to an unknown buyer.
Audrey Celyreos {19} {@ArtisticPlanet} - Fully customizable!

Leutz-Vixe Quaternary line
Antoine Celyreos {66} {Unplayable}
- Antoine was a sublime fighter, and helped contribute to the war in many ways, he was extremely skilled with a longsword. Now retired he lives back at their families homeland.
Victoire Celyreos {64} {Unplayable} - Victoire was a docile and quiet woman who is the wife to Antoine, she married into the family at the age of 19. A woman of medicine, though retired and living in the families homeland with her husband.
Varek Celyreos {29} {Available} - Antoine and Victoire's first born child. Marius is an extremely skilled fighter following the path of his father, being a kind-hearted man. He seeks for no trouble, and wishes to help wherever he can.
Micah Celyreos {25} {Available} - The older twin of Mathieu, his personality is quite the opposite. He is extremely devoted to his family and will do whatever it takes for his kin. A man of science, he studies Alchemy, though he is also able to wield a sword if necessary.
Mathieu Celyreos {25} {Available} - The younger twin of Micah. He's a headstrong man who chooses not to follow orders of his kin. Often the black sheep of the family, he tends to stray from the others. Only known to show kindness to his younger sister.
Alden Celyreos {21} {Available} - The youngest male of the cousin line. Being a gentle and more docile man of them all, taking after his mother. He is a man of intelligence, seeking a career in medicine. Often at times seen shadowing Valentina.
Valentina Celyreos {17} {Available}- The only daughter to Victoire and Antoine, she is a sheltered girl who was precious to all of the members. Despite this, she was one to roughhouse with her brothers, not wanting to be deemed weak. As soon as she was old enough, she went to the School of Griffer.

If you are interested in joining the house, skins are majorly developed in-house and the majority of the characters are customizable to a degree. If you are interested in joining as a member of staff, please use the template.

If you have an idea for an original character, we're always open towards suggestions; however it is preferable you choose one of those listed as available!


So, you would like to join the house as either a worker or an actual family member? Please fill out this application below and if you do get accepted, I will run you down the In-Character processes and such to try and ensure that you get the best quality experience without fear of making a mistake against lore.

*= For those who do not have any references or have a bad reputation OOC, it will be required to take an interview which will take place either over messaging or an actual call be that through Skype or Teamspeak. This is to explore the values and such of the person applying for the role to ensure quality in our experience, there are other alternatives if you feel uncomfortable in doing this.


Ingame Name:
Character Applying / Applying for:
Do you have Skype/Discord?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: ..... | Standard Roleplay: .... | Noble Roleplay: .... ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:
Do you have any references?*:

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Ingame Name: OnyxXIII
Character Applying / Applying for: Arno Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Skype, though I hate using it and prefer discord.
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: High Quality | Standard Roleplay: Fairly high quality, though sometimes I have trouble starting conversation | Noble Roleplay: Politics are life. High ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I try to be kind, helpful, respectful, and accepting in all situations.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Not very. I'm super out of it on IC current info
Do you have any references?*: @NathanPlayzMC_14 @ZiggyStarDusted @RightChat @ParisaPax @HipsterGaming @Puagrace @H0on @Tiber_ @FlemishSupremacy @Suicidium I could go on but I really shouldn't.
Ingame Name: OnyxXIII
Character Applying / Applying for: Arno Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Skype, though I hate using it and prefer discord.
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay:
High Quality | Standard Roleplay: Fairly high quality, though sometimes I have trouble starting conversation | Noble Roleplay: Politics are life. High ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I try to be kind, helpful, respectful, and accepting in all situations.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Not very. I'm super out of it on IC current info
Do you have any references?*: @NathanPlayzMC_14 @ZiggyStarDusted @RightChat @ParisaPax @HipsterGaming @Puagrace @H0on @Tiber_ @FlemishSupremacy @Suicidium I could go on but I really shouldn't.
Accepted, welcome to the house!
Ingame Name: ArtisticPlanet
Character Applying / Applying for: Audrey Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have Skype :3
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 5/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 4/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I don't tend to hold a grudged towards people OOCly
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I usually read what i need to know at the time, so i know a bit.
Do you have any references?*: @Plutopup @TheDongler @NathanPlayzMC_14 @OnyxXIII @_Owlet
Ingame Name: ArtisticPlanet
Character Applying / Applying for: Audrey Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have Skype :3
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 5/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 4/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I don't tend to hold a grudged towards people OOCly
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I usually read what i need to know at the time, so i know a bit.
Do you have any references?*: @Plutopup @TheDongler @NathanPlayzMC_14 @OnyxXIII @_Owlet
ACCEPTED! *passes wine*
Ingame Name: Nidakk
Character Applying / Applying for: Elizabeth Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I has skype but no mic
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 8/10 | Standard Roleplay: 6/10 | Noble Roleplay: 4/10~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I don't like to hold grudges against players as well as I try to be as respectful as I can be
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: 7/10
Do you have any references?*:
@Plutopup @JennaLikesCoffee @ArtisticPlanet @NathanPlayzMC_14 @Pellaeon I really shouldn't go on
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Ingame Name: Nidakk
Character Applying / Applying for: Elizabeth Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I has skype but no mic
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 8/10 | Standard Roleplay: 6/10 | Noble Roleplay: 4/10~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I don't like to hold grudges against players as well as I try to be as respectful as I can be
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: 7/10
Do you have any references?*:
@Plutopup @JennaLikesCoffee @ArtisticPlanet @NathanPlayzMC_14 @Pellaeon I really shouldn't go on
Going to need conformation from Ziggy but i'll put you on a 2 week trail, message me skype user name and i'll add you to the chat :3
Ingame Name: Nidakk
Character Applying / Applying for: Elizabeth Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I has skype but no mic
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 8/10 | Standard Roleplay: 6/10 | Noble Roleplay: 4/10~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I don't like to hold grudges against players as well as I try to be as respectful as I can be
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: 7/10
Do you have any references?*:
@Plutopup @JennaLikesCoffee @ArtisticPlanet @NathanPlayzMC_14 @Pellaeon I really shouldn't go on
ACCEPTED.. pm me your skype when you can! ;D
Ingame Name: GamingLeopurred
Character Applying / Applying for: Bolverk Sterke-enn
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Yes
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
- Combat Roleplay: 4/10 | Standard Roleplay: 7/10 | Noble Roleplay: 2/10 -
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I don't get mad at anyone OOCly, its all in game no reason.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I read everything.
Do you have any references?*: @ArtisticPlanet
Ingame Name: GamingLeopurred
Character Applying / Applying for: Bolverk Sterke-enn
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Yes
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
- Combat Roleplay: 4/10 | Standard Roleplay: 7/10 | Noble Roleplay: 2/10 -
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I don't get mad at anyone OOCly, its all in game no reason.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I read everything.
Do you have any references?*: @ArtisticPlanet
ACCEPTED as house guard!
(A new official guard thread is yet to be made)
Ingame Name:Ringo0310
Character Applying / Applying for:Tiberius Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:I have skype
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)

8/10 combat, 5/10 noble stander rp 8/10

~ Combat Roleplay: ..... | Standard Roleplay: .... | Noble Roleplay: .... ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I make sure to not get mad, Because I know it is just a game.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I know it fairly well.
Do you have any references?*: @ZiggyStarDusted @PurrPleh @MidWaifu @BeashSlap
Ingame Name:Ringo0310
Character Applying / Applying for:Tiberius Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:I have skype
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)

8/10 combat, 5/10 noble stander rp 8/10
~ Combat Roleplay: ..... | Standard Roleplay: .... | Noble Roleplay: .... ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I make sure to not get mad, Because I know it is just a game.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I know it fairly well.
Do you have any references?*: @ZiggyStarDusted @PurrPleh @MidWaifu @BeashSlap
Accepted as designated cripple! :D
Ingame Name: mochalattes
Character Applying / Applying for: Victoria Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Yeee, will PM if accepted!
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay:
5/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 8/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
Being hostile will not result in the problem being solved, simply assist the player, or be helpful in anyway possible. No grudges are held against players.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Fairly well.
Do you have any references?*: @Galakskija @_Owlet @Witchings
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Ingame Name: _Owlet
Character Applying / Applying for:
Ivette Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have all
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 6/10| Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 8/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I try not to let OOC relationships and friendships affect my roleplay In-game, if people were to disagree with a roleplay action OCCL'y I'd purely ignore it, after all OOC shouldn't merge into roleplay.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Yup I keep up to date with the wiki and forums
Do you have any references?*: @mochalattes , @SpoopMelon
Ingame Name: mochalattes
Character Applying / Applying for: Victoria Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Yeee, will PM if accepted!
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay:
5/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 8/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
Being hostile will not result in the problem being solved, simply assist the player, or be helpful in anyway possible. No grudges are held against players.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Fairly well.
Do you have any references?*: @Plutopup @Galakskija @_Owlet @Witchings
Ingame Name: _Owlet
Character Applying / Applying for:
Ivette Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have all
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay:
6/10| Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 8/10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I try not to let OOC relationships and friendships affect my roleplay In-game, if people were to disagree with a roleplay action OCCL'y I'd purely ignore it, after all OOC shouldn't merge into roleplay.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Yup I keep up to date with the wiki and forums
Do you have any references?*: @mochalattes , @SpoopMelon
Ingame Name: Puagrace
Character Applying / Applying for: Elizabeth Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 6/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 71/2 / 10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
What's IC doesn't mean its OOC, there only playing there character, and that doesn't mean there like that OOC.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Pretty knowledgeable, I know what I need to know.
Do you have any references?*: @Ghirko @hawk916 @OnyxXIII
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Ingame Name: Puagrace
Character Applying / Applying for: Elizabeth Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 6/10 | Standard Roleplay: 8/10 | Noble Roleplay: 71/2 / 10 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
What's IC doesn't mean its OOC, there only playing there character, and that doesn't mean there like that OOC.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Pretty knowledgeable, I know what I need to know.
Do you have any references?*: @Ghirko @hawk916
You diddly gone done got A C C E P T E D !
Ingame Name: sincerelymeme
Character Applying / Applying for: Gabriella Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: yes!
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 5. | Standard Roleplay: 8. | Noble Roleplay: 7. ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I would like to make friends with everyone, but also discuss matters that need to be talked about.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I have recently been studying about the lore and such.
Do you have any references?*: mochalattes is a close friend and has helped me come onto the server and get familiar with the style.

Me and mocha have been planning Gabriella and Victoria's future if I were to get accepted for characters and events.
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Ingame Name: sincerelymeme
Character Applying / Applying for: Gabriella Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: yes!
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 5. | Standard Roleplay: 8. | Noble Roleplay: 7. ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I would like to make friends with everyone, but also discuss matters that need to be talked about.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I have recently been studying about the lore and such.
Do you have any references?*: mochalattes is a close friend and has helped me come onto the server and get familiar with the style.

Me and mocha have been planning Gabriella and Victoria's future if I were to get accepted for characters and events.
Well I can't just give them one email. I want to show that I was, like, a good friend, you know?
Dear Sincereleymeme,

thanks for every note you send, I hope its nice to know you are now humbly accept-ed.

Ingame Name: AntiquePicker
Character Applying / Applying for:
Alfonso Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
I would class myself as all of those because that's all that I normally do.
~ Combat Roleplay: ..... | Standard Roleplay: .... | Noble Roleplay: .... ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
It's fine towards OCC players.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:
Very knowledgeable
Do you have any references?*:I have quite a few but I'm not sure how to post them on here.
Ingame Name: AntiquePicker
Character Applying / Applying for: Alfonso Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Yes.
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.) I would class myself as all of those because that's all that I normally do.
~ Combat Roleplay: ..... | Standard Roleplay: .... | Noble Roleplay: .... ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
It's fine towards OCC players.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Very knowledgeable
Do you have any references?*:I have quite a few but I'm not sure how to post them on here.

Based on my previous conversation with @ZiggyStarDusted, you're accepted, unless he objects for some reason.
Ingame Name: _JayP_
Character Applying / Applying for: Martin Celyreos
Description: Martin, just arriving from Ithania, is a social butterfly. He's stylistic, but ambitious to family alone. He wishes for the Celyreos family to succeed in all in longs for. He shuns the ambition to people outside the family, and displays good will and loyalty. But, he will stop the facade in times of desperation.
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Ys
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 7 | Standard Roleplay: 8 | Noble Roleplay: 7 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: Good. I've never been in huge fights before, and usually don't have ill-will.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Well known, except for reaaaally old threads.
Do you have any references?*: @MidWaifu , and a good bit more.
Ingame Name: _JayP_
Character Applying / Applying for: Martin Celyreos
Description: Martin, just arriving from Ithania, is a social butterfly. He's stylistic, but ambitious to family alone. He wishes for the Celyreos family to succeed in all in longs for. He shuns the ambition to people outside the family, and displays good will and loyalty. But, he will stop the facade in times of desperation.
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Ys
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: (Sign below.)
~ Combat Roleplay: 7 | Standard Roleplay: 8 | Noble Roleplay: 7 ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: Good. I've never been in huge fights before, and usually don't have ill-will.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Well known, except for reaaaally old threads.
Do you have any references?*: @MidWaifu , and a good bit more.
ACCEPTED. (Yay another man.) Get me your skype/ discord here or in pm and ill get you set up!
Ingame Name:
Character Applying for:
Giselle Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?:

~ Combat Roleplay: Somewhat rusty since as of recently I've focused upon my medic. ~
~ Standard Roleplay: Rather decent, I'm doing my best to improve at all chances. ~
~ Noble Roleplay: Oh boy, haven't been involved in a while, but, again going to try my best to get back into it . ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I like to think rather good, I pride myself as being named a compassionate and supportive individual.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:
Rather knowledgeable.
Do you have any references?:
@Galakskija @ZiggyStarDusted
Ingame Name:
Character Applying for:
Giselle Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord?:
What would you class your roleplay quality as?:

~ Combat Roleplay: Somewhat rusty since as of recently I've focused upon my medic. ~
~ Standard Roleplay: Rather decent, I'm doing my best to improve at all chances. ~
~ Noble Roleplay: Oh boy, haven't been involved in a while, but, again going to try my best to get back into it . ~
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:
I like to think rather good, I pride myself as being named a compassionate and supportive individual.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:
Rather knowledgeable.
Do you have any references?:
@Galakskija @ZiggyStarDusted
You be a celery stick now gurl! A C C E P T E D
IGN: KattiMeow

Character applying for: Ariana Celery-- Celyreos

Description: Ariana is social and kind, she makes friends easily and can keep up with each and every one of them. She cares a lot about her family and spends a lot of time with them. She's very organized and likes things to be neat. She does have a weakness for being somewhat cheap, never wanting to buy anything or spend her money.

Skype/Teamspeak: I have Skype.

What would you class your roleplay quality as?: Combat- 6 | Standard- 8 | Noble- 8.

How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I would say it's good, I don't disturb people role playing, I don't spam or anything.

How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I know all the important stuff, and I frequently review stuff on the wiki.

References?: @Galakskija @_JayP_ @Antartican
IGN: KattiMeow

Character applying for: Ariana Celery-- Celyreos

Description: Ariana is social and kind, she makes friends easily and can keep up with each and every one of them. She cares a lot about her family and spends a lot of time with them. She's very organized and likes things to be neat. She does have a weakness for being somewhat cheap, never wanting to buy anything or spend her money.

Skype/Teamspeak: I have Skype.

What would you class your roleplay quality as?: Combat- 6 | Standard- 8 | Noble- 8.

How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I would say it's good, I don't disturb people role playing, I don't spam or anything.

How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: I know all the important stuff, and I frequently review stuff on the wiki.

References?: @Galakskija @_JayP_ @Antartican
Well.. unfortunately for you you've been...ACCEPTED.

You'll be on an two week trial too, But I wouldn't worry!

Either PM me or get someone else in the house to add you to the Skype/discord chats!

- Leutz-Vixe Quaternary line Has been added to the family page! Why not sign up for a Celyreos man?
Ingame Name: Gemini_Malfoy
Character Applying / Applying for: Valentina Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord?: I have Discord, Gemini_Malfoy#3562
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: Standard Roleplay
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I always try to be respectful to people ooc, and I try to handle arguments without causing more tension.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Somewhat knowledgeable
Do you have any references?*: Aprader1, MaddyDaddy, Infinatum, Tinykenzie, RoyaltyArcher.
Ingame Name: Gemini_Malfoy
Character Applying / Applying for: Valentina Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord?: I have Discord, Gemini_Malfoy#3562
What would you class your roleplay quality as?: Standard Roleplay
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?: I always try to be respectful to people ooc, and I try to handle arguments without causing more tension.
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?: Somewhat knowledgeable
Do you have any references?*: Aprader1, MaddyDaddy, Infinatum, Tinykenzie, RoyaltyArcher.
I'm going to mark this as PENDING I'll be adding you on Discord, please add me back as soon as possible so we can start talking!
Ingame Name: JcRED
Character Applying/ Applying for: Lionel Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord: you have my Skype, and my discord is JcRED#0745
What would you class your roleplay quality?
Combat roleplay:
High quality
Standard roleplay: Fairly good
Noble roleplay: I've mainly been a guard though I'm a fast learner and I will do my best to not fail
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:I'm a really nice person so I try to help newer players, and accepting in all situations
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:'m know about what's currently going on and I read the wiki a lot to find stuff out if I don't know about it
Do you have any references?: @tinykenzie @Phantom560 @HipsterGaming @Nudibronch
Last edited:
Ingame Name: JcRED
Character Applying/ Applying for: Lionel Celyreos
Do you have Skype/Discord: you have my Skype, and my discord is JcRED#0745
What would you class your roleplay quality?
Combat roleplay:
High quality
Standard roleplay: Fairly good
Noble roleplay: I've mainly been a guard though I'm a fast learner and I will do my best to not fail
How is your roleplay ethic towards players OOC?:I'm a really nice person so I try to help newer players, and accepting in all situations
How knowledgeable are you of the current times IC and the lore?:'m know about what's currently going on and I read the wiki a lot to find stuff out if I don't know about it
Do you have any references?: @tinykenzie @Phantom560 @HipsterGaming @Nudibronch