In-Game Name: weissyboy2498
IRL Time Zone (Optional): EST
References (Optional): Don't know his forum name, or if he even has a forum account, and his IGN is long a complicated. Butt his character name is Clark Fash. Sorry for the lack of info...
Why do you want to join House Black? I don't like the spot my character is in right now. I would also like to take a poke at noble family RP. The guarding of a young girl could also be very fun.
Describe your bodyguard character: (Include information regarding your character's name, age, race, personality, backstory and motivation for joining House Black as a bodyguard.) Caren Rawood is a 49 year old Ailor male, hailing from Daendroc, and currently inflicted with the Sanguine Curse (I'll detail that in a moment). He is 6'7", broad build, and enjoys a good drink once in a while. Most of the time, Caren is generally care-free, but as of late he has been more serious, with the increased security of Regalia, and the war/invasion. He is stubborn, calm (most of the time), and loyal, having been raised on stories of knights and honor. He left home at the age of 16, after losing both parents to Arnok's Illness. He traveled all over, picking up various skills, and practicing with a large axe for both in and out of combat. Regarding the vampirism, he was infected right after turning 48, having gotten drunk from celebrating. 2 months of hiding in alleyways, waiting for people to pass by, was not what Caren wanted to do. So he did research, contacted a guild of assassins (much to his dismay), and payed them to occasionally capture their target. He would then travel to a set location, take this person, and.... He was not happy about doing this, but to approach someone about it meant death. Now that he had a system worked out, Caren decided to try and make a living of some sorts. He has managed to keep this vampirism secret for a little more than a year so far.
Provide a link to your character's intro. on the forums (Optional):