Fondest Memory/greatest Memory Of Your Time In Massive?

I honestly cannot sum it up into one particular event. My fondest memory on massive would have to be a combination of three things:

1. Mithril, the small friend community of Mithril is one of the best experiences I've been a part of. Its like a small family. A dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless.

2. The Old Vigilant Shield days, oh my god of all the roleplay I've ever had, the three months of Vigilant Shield rp is still some of the most entertaining, fun and exhilarating roleplay I have ever had.

3. William and Ania falling in love ic, which albeit @MantaRey and I were dating already OOC, really strengthened our bond and gave us a platform to express the way we felt even from such a long distance.
Ohmygosh there is so much.

I'd really have to say Mithril, I was so shy when I was first invited to their teamspeak and would barely say a word. Now they've made me a fucking monster. I wouldn't swap them for anything though.

Getting into the noble program, too. I was still such a new player at that time. I just love all the people I've met and friends I've made.

Meeting all my friends, who I've known for like a year now. It's really crazy what a game meant for children can influence in your life.

@Jonificus tagging you bc i want you to do this
The Hengest and Vivienne courting arc, helped develop the character's more humane side and got me to know Ryria a whole lot more.

oh and that time nathan deceres and hengest went around reading shop signs and hengest refused to admit that his literacy is atrocious at best.

EDIT: Getting to know a whole new community has been a blast actually. Hasn't had this much consistently fun RP in ages.
Ok bandwagon hopping time, starting from the earliest to the latest

First off was Harbor District RP and subsequent merchant guild endeavors. It was fun being the one navigator in RP for a while, and the interactions I had. Plus speaking like some seadog is always fun.

Next up was the Bronze Halberds. That was a fun thing to deal with IC and OOC. Especially whenever @OldManJ98 started spewing stuff as Peiro. fun times.

Next up was Augustine stuff with @BillyTheScroofy and the Vigilants. The comradery there was great, and I haven't really seen anything quit as close knit as those guys.

Finally the ICUL with @Muffins_ , @TyrolleanEagle , and @YLMadness . Course we all ended up just living in a castle during the Lo Occupation, the behind the scenes plotting was always fun, and continues to be fun to this day. It really helped me get a feel for choosing allies and making enemies, because you can't have everyone like you.
1. The Whodunit?! event in the bumblebee estate. Seeing Chris Black act as a sleuth while Rosalina Coen "murdered" everyone, Tristan played a daenroquean suave talker and Max Typhonus scammed everyone as a banker. All the while Don Wang offered refreshments.

@SupremeCripple @Film_Noir @PariahFolk

2. The many Devereux parties. I can't name a single one but they were all terrible to the point of remaining forever in the heart. The one after the ladies went to the street of the Ithanian district and mugged a man, the one where we teamed up 25 and occupied the tavern wearing animal masks and wreaking havoc until Astrid Kade threw us out screaming. And last but not least the "great party" where Cedric wrestled Tristan, where Piero di Orazio reputedly shat into the corner and where Lisette claimed the whole upstairs area for love ventures.

@MonMarty @Ryria

3. Charlotte's aid to the Barlowes during their trial against Ulric after which the whole Barlowe-clique went to the Old Gods district, supposedly to have a party but practically to sacrifice Hadrian Typhonus to the Old Gods.

Let me join in haha

1. Meeting the people I still talk to this day. I really love them and I just enough being around them in general. They have lifted my life up so much and done so much for me. I'm just glad my connection in massive has strengthed my friendship with them. MugKing is a good example, our bond has really strengthed through this server.
@MugKing @Wolfiecat940 @GrimDeValhalla

2. Meeting SpunSugar. Honestly one of the best rp times was being able to do so much through the guard rp she offered me and the people she helped me meet. She has inspired and influenced my rp in so so many ways and I honestly don't think I'd be where I am without her influence. She is honestly amazing <3 and so are all the people I meant through her.
@SpunSugar @Timisc @Nesstro @WalnutNinja @Betel_ @Emperor_E @Tracenator1 @Gloster173 @seoulmate @All the other lovely people

3. Everyone I'm still meeting, The Arc with Avilda and the Poltergeist has really brought new life to her character and made it so fun to meet new people. I still love making new connections to this date. The community, in general, is just an amazing place to be and I hope I never stop making friends.
@Dekuras @TheBioverse @DrunkFailure @Suicidium @DizPanda @Bunch of people in discord

1) Working with the Regalian Guards as the 'momma' of the group. Though I think my favorite moment was arresting Nadina Haaven when she was deemed a traitor and Ida took her to the best cell with the proper view of the city then asked her, "Do you want some cake? You know what? Let us have some tea and cake." Though it was cut short so Ida just handed her the cake when they got back to the assembly and took her place as guard.
@Arendan @Eccetra @Eyrok @MugKing and many others...

2) Getting into the noble RP was hard. Though there was some amazing moments in RP that happened with nobles. From private talks to encouragement and character development. We are still continuing this as well...
@GrandVitaMorte @MugKing @Theoderic @CRASHIR @Betel_ @Donnarumma_ and many more...

3) The hidden war. The true war between siblings....IT IS the Honey War. I love the little things that makes up a big impact on a character. Whether it is flaws or strengths of a character. I love our heists we do and that moment when we really either risk it all or we shelter ourselves. But really...Hamelin will not gain all the honey power.
@Suicidium @flareskies @Marayla @Bellarmina @Betel_ and many more...

I hope things continue to have more moments like these and more soon.
After being around periodically since five years ago, memories of the server have become a blur really. I'll just state a few like most of you are doing:

1.) It was around five-ish years ago, and for nostalgia sake, it was during the time in Silver Edge where among the first people I've come to be friends with on the server, we had gone to Baver's grave. Inside as some would know, was a dark alter. Leaving after inspection, Baver appeared before us; scaring me shitless as much as I was hyping out.

2.) The days of an infamous pair, a red orc and a tigran, both beefy as hell and hilariously intimidating. They gave off the same vibe as an angry Tristan does.

3.) My time as Ikaiko, even now, has been wonderful. It was an experiment at first with a more beefy, brutish character. As time went on, it became more of a self imposed challenge to make a maiar "work" in an Ailor society.

4.) The day my first ever, and having been 4 years OOC'ly in the making, character named Valore, when he had gotten married off and I officially shelved him for good. I guess in a dramatic way, he is a symbol of my learning days on massive, where even as I continue to learn, he was my practice. @CRASHIR


Finally, my greatest memory over all would be the one in the making. From 5 years ago to now, my memories of massive, although cringy as hell, being on mine craft, have driven a lot of my creativity and social understanding. Ya'll are peachy, ok?

Shout out to those who've majorly influenced me along my time on here:
@MugKing @CRASHIR @GrimDeValhalla @Nesstro @skullpanda90 @Empaul @LumosJared @Eternal_Wrath @Wolfiecat940 @WalnutNinja @KiddingAround @MantaRey @Omnomivore @DrFong @Ghirko @Dekuras

Edit: 6.) Fong's first days and his Abusment park. I will never forgive your cactus maze. @DrFong
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Those who are extremely close to me know that my adventures here on Massive almost ended shortly after they began, but after being invited into a now debunked Noble family, I found reason to stay. (Thanks at the lovely @Nesstro )

Honestly though there are so many wonderful memories I have here on this server and I've made so many lasting friendships that I hope to hold firmly to.

To all my wonderful friends, thank you for making almost two years on this server, memorable! <3 I love each and every one of you very much and I treasure the friendships we have
@Nesstro @Timisc @CRASHIR @SpunSugar @Dekuras @Betel_ @Ynzy @NZ_Phoenix @AtticCat @Angelus_Sai @MCMANN32 @Tracenator1 @Bellarmina @MugKing @AgentSmall @SasuNaru2016 and many many others! I love you all<3
I suppose my first week on massive meeting up with the Sorenviks is one memory I'll hold the fondest for the arc that has remained strong in the entirety of my time on the server even if unfortunately some of the players found their way elsewhere, the effect they had on me and Allison is entirely unforgettable. I remember when she was never intended to be much more than a quick character while I tried out another roleplay server but with everything that's happened with her, it left me sticking around and I've enjoyed each moment in doing so.
@LumosJared , @AlphaInsomnia , @Tracenator1 , @WalnutNinja @TheHammers

There have been plenty more that I've had with all the lovely people I've met along the way but this week really is the reason I still play on here.
The old lizard gang even though I was the only not lizard there
Jhen, Luvae, Willow and Fisk, my bois. I'd tag others but no one is left.

@SilentEndurance @Springheel


There was also the time recently with my fish boi who was pretty fun.

There was also the time in Docktown with TheNetherSquid, pixel147 and @Mecharic . I won't bring that up again oof thats so ancient. During that time I was also an edgy Vampire with @Empaul , so that was fun.
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Man this is mad necro'd. But uh, time spent with @jquaile and @morrc5 , two of the best friends I could have ever asked for, on Massive and outside of it.
My favorite time on MassiveCraft was the time spent with my buddy @Rabid_Clown. He is gone now, but I will always value the many hours we spent together here blowing things up.

Specifically, one time the Abusement Park got robbed. It was five goons with masks and they were trying to steal the monthly payroll. We were able to escape and fled up into our tethered balloon. We pulled up the rope and I proceeded to taunt them while Vitalis the Clown got the TNT charges ready. They were all bundled together directly under the balloon. We were shouting back and forth when he started dropping primed TNT charges onto their heads from the balloon. KABOOOOOM!! It immediately killed all five bandits, splattering them and their belongings all over the poor district. And there was much rejoicing.
Most recent to least recent:
The Tzavarazesezes and our fruit names.
@Manatee_ @Rochelle_ @WildRoze @TotallyNotRice @Others
I feel you. Leave me out.

Though, my personal favorite Massive memory was when my character, Kaleel, got tomatoes thrown at him under the Tavern. It was rather comical at the time.

Other highlights were, getting accepted into staff after 4 years of trials and tribulations, being a slumdog millionaire, Rahwon and Selwynn's weird romance @Shayin , getting kicked out of the Nenyarina twice because my character was a rebel. All 2013 edgy RP.
I feel you. Leave me out.

Though, my personal favorite Massive memory was when my character, Kaleel, got tomatoes thrown at him under the Tavern. It was rather comical at the time.

Other highlights were, getting accepted into staff after 4 years of trials and tribulations, being a slumdog millionaire, Rahwon and Selwynn's weird romance @Shayin , getting kicked out of the Nenyarina twice because my character was a rebel. All 2013 edgy RP.
kaleel the non fruit ))):
oh and that time nathan deceres and hengest went around reading shop signs and hengest refused to admit that his literacy is atrocious at best.
i love you too

Personally, I've really enjoyed climbing from the Broken Standard to the Imperial Guard as Nathan Deceres. It's been a lot of fun playing a dumb brute in a really high position.
@TheBioverse @natcanino @SupremeCripple @MonMarty

Also that one time we LARPed in RP at the circus event.
@Bellarmina @Lumiess @Pastellanar @essentialess @ShipIt
Omg literally everything, this server is strangely /very/ addicting :)
Plus, all those floor x bandaid roleplays @violattes and I keep doing ;)))))
During my time when I was playing Jack Shadow Bloodfild and played more with Terisary, AnimeQueenEris and CrescentDarkness. Well we formed a massive rp community along with about 20 other players and were very happy until admins and a few metagamers, powergamers and god-rpers ruined our fun. We still keep in touch but nothing like that has been seen since, we were a family and I am proud I know them OOC and IC.