Preserved Sheet Fathiyaa Nasir Ramoran

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Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score

Fathiyaa Nasir al Ramoran
"Faith" or "Fathi" "
Songaskian (Leutz cultural lean)
☼ Goals: TBD.

Hidden mainly in her belt, sash or coat:
A small but sharp curved steel dagger with an ornate decorated handle.
Pouch of coins (30-40 roughly)
Special ring worn on her right middle finger, a blooming rose with a blade hidden inside. The top of the flower can be removed and replaced via magnetism exposing an inch long sharp steel double sided blade

Skill Information

  • ☼- Points:(50/50)
    • ☼-Combat Points: (23/23 , 23 Core)
      • ☼+17 Sword Combat
      • ☼ +6 Fist Combat
  • ☼-Hobby Points: (13/13, 3 Core, 10 free)
    • ☼ +6 Cooking Art
    • ☼ +4 Baking Art
    • ☼ +3 Gardening Art
  • ☼-Talent Points:(12/12 , 12 Core)
    • ☼ +7 Strength Training
    • ☼ +5 Perception Training
  • ☼-Point-Bought:(12/12 , 12 Core)
    • ☼ +3 Essence Knowledge
    • ☼ +3 Arken Knowledge
    • ☼ +3 Finance School (Owns The Gilded Orchid Trade Company)
    • ☼ +3 Diplomacy School
  • ☼-Body Shape:
    • ☼- 27
    • ☼- Toned
    • ☼- Moderate Body Fat
  • ☼-Languages:
    • ☼-Sofaal
    • ☼-Common
  • ☼-Mutations:
    • ☼-Sanguinism- Alais Bloodline when infected (Inactive): Crimson Form- Fathiyaa's already dark skin becomes almost pitch black with a sporadic crackling feature to it with crimson red filling in the cracks within her skin emitting faint red glow and varieties of orange hued plasma floating from the cracks. These cracks cover her entire body save for her face. Her face has three extra nonfunctional eyes, another set just above her functional ones and another located in the center of her forehead. Her facial features shift about making her face unrecognizable white her hair remains snow white.
      • ☼- Crimson Cloaking
      • ☼- Crimson Guiding
      • ☼- Crimson Hostage
      • ☼- Crimson Guile
  • ☼-Visual Information:
    • ☼- Body Description
      • ☼-Eye Color: Fiery Amber
      • ☼-Hair Color: Snow White
      • ☼-Hair Style: Wavy past her shoulders. She wears it up in loose ponytail down her back.
      • ☼-Skin Color: Dark Songaskian
      • ☼-Height: 6'8
      • ☼-Body Build: Athletic
      • ☼-Weapon of Choice: Mostly avoidance, sword fighting.
  • ☼-Head Description:
    • ☼-Fathiyaa has a strong chin and high rough cheeks. Her head is the shape of an upside-down triangle and her nose is slightly larger than average. Her lips are a similar shade to her skin tone just a bit darker and the bottom lip is fuller than the upper. The upper lip has a bit of a wide arch (a cupid's bow).
    • ☼-Her eyes are strong golden amber resting softly in their sockets.
    • ☼-She has solid white wavy slightly messy hair that reaches past her shoulder blades. She takes great pride in her hair and keeps it as well kept as she can. She usually wears it pulled back into a loose ponytail.
    • ☼-She has several earrings lining her ears, 3-4 in each ear of a mix of gold with red jewels.
    • ☼-Fathiyaa also has a set of four horns when in her Elder Form, they are nearly black with a slight clockwise twist. Two large ones extending from her forehead, one on each side and two smaller ones coming from her temples.
  • ☼-Clothing and Accessories:
    • Fathiyaa wears a variety of outfits, depending on her mood, the season and the event. The jewelry she wears are her 3-4, cheap hoop-like earrings in both ears mixed with gold and red.
☼- Her weight rests rather evenly throughout her body. Her hips carry slightly more weight than the rest of her. Her frame is long, thin and straight. Most of her height sets in her legs which seem to take up at least 65% of her size. Her chest is on the smaller side.

☼- Fathiyaa has a solid black tail sprouting from the base of her lower back. Her tail is nearly five feet long, the thickness of an arm at the base tapering down to a thin tip at the end hidden.

☼- Fathiyaa's skin tone, being quite dark, is another reminder of her Songaskia bloodline. Her face has a bit of splotchy skin that goes across her nose and onto both cheeks roughly in line with the middle of her eyes. A long scar on the left side of her face that reaches from the bottom of the ear along her jawline meeting the bottom of her lower lip. The scars edges are rough and feel uneven due the skin being torn during the injury. The color of the scar around the edges appears like inflamed skin that isn't healed. The inner parts of the scar look harsher due to the contrast between the soft pink and purple skin and the rest of her darker flesh. The scar itches from time to time also causing discomfort when she tries to sleep with the left side of her face against anything. The scar has also caused a bit of nerve damage in the left side of her face. This is mostly located around the scar, generally it doesn't affect her unless something or someone is touching the scar. She experiences a slight tingle or electricity like sensation when the scar is touched directly. She also has Sanguine bite mark on the left side of her neck, just two puncture wounds barely a half an inch long with two inches between them. Recently, Fathiyaa has five slashes across the right side of her face, a 'clicker' attack left these and five matching but deeper ones in her stomach.
☼- Above her left breast on the flat part of her skin is a scarring of a cresting wave encircled in Void script.

☼- Her right shoulder and right forearm have rather nasty looking Sanguine bite wounds from a rogue Maiar. The one on her forearm looks more as if a wild animal grabbed Fathiyaa's arm gnawing for a while. An encounter with a possessed woman left glass cuts across the T of her face from that same woman's Kathar companion. Along her inner thighs, there are cuts running toward the outer thigh on both legs making "x's. She has numerous stab wounds and shallow cuts on the outer parts of her thighs as well.

☼- Newly Fathi was nearly killed during the clicker attacks, when the crack opened up in front of the Cathedral the woman long with a few others stayed in the doorway of the church to allow others to escape, ended in Fathi and another guard being seriously injured and the group having to flee to the depths of the sewers.
☼- Finally, she's got a dagger stab wound in her stomach from an enraged Qadir. Fathiyaa also has a stab wound from a short sword just below her rib cage on her right side. Has an arrow wound in the back of her right calf. The arrow tore through a good bit of muscle leaving her with a good bit of tightness in that leg along with trouble pushing off with her right calf.

☼- Fathiyaa's voice reflects the fact that she was born and raised around Regalian culture. She mostly has a common accent and rarely shows any other origins when she speaks. (She sounds and speaks like Vanessa Ives from PennyDreadful)

  • ☼-Personality Traits
    • ☼ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • The Songaski mainly fears physical things, such as pain and injury. Losing those she cares for haunts her some but she does not fear death for herself. Always being drawn toward those dead or dying wishing she could comfort them even in her youth. The woman embraces the fact that one day her soul will return to the Bintaar.
    • ☼ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • Fathi enjoys peace, her youth filled with attempts to change the minds of corrupt people around her left the woman with a great appreciation in a calm moment. So she makes peace, she tries to stop fighting and help those around her better their lives.
    • ☼ How would your character express feeling Happy?
      • Fathiyaa likes to be happy, it tends to be her resting state of mind. She's usually holding a soft smile across her face, living in the moment and loving it. Like her other emotions aside from true fear, Fathiyaa tends to wear most of them on her sleeve. If the Songaskian is happy it's easy to tell more so in her Elder Form, with her nearly five foot long black tail being more active.
    • ☼ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • Fathiyaa has always had a healthy respect for the authorities. Growing up in the Holy city as one of a very small number of Songaskian's meant that Fathiyaa always had the eyes of the law on her.
      • During the darker times of her life she avoided the guarded areas of the city all together. Knowing their laws and routes from a lifetime of living in the city as an outcast even prior to her unconfirmed criminal background aided in her never encountering any guards.
      • Fathiyaa has since proudly served in the Violet Order. After a lifetime of being hurt, used and nearly killed by those who hide in the dark , she finally decided to help protect the city. Only to lay her sword down for a bit of a final time, after a clicker nearly gutted the woman. Leaving her with severe injuries both to her body and mind.
      • Having since regained herself, picking up her sword again and fighting for what she feels needs her help.
    • ☼ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • Fathiyaa has never harbored hatred for other races. She tends to see others in an equal light despite their race. Being a Songaskian in the Holy city exposed Fathiyaa to a loss of hatred toward her own as well as seeing how others were treated her whole life by those in power.
      • Due to multiple encounters with Kathar and Sanguines, Fathiyaa can not help herself but to feel a bit uneasy when in the presence of either people. Often finding herself distrusting and wary of either if she finds herself in their presence.
    • ☼ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • Fathiyaa has always been a rather religious child, often finding herself witnessing some event or another that solidified her belief in the powers of the world that were beyond her understanding. Mainly the young girl found herself caring for the dying and dead versus the living and healing.
      • With the surge of Dragon Worship in Regalia, the Songaski has found herself seeking more and more information about the religion, finding that their beliefs speak deeply to the purposeless but seeming to always be in search of one Songaski. Finally finding something that didn't require her to be anything but herself, Fathiyaa often finds herself in the Dragon Temple oddly..right outside her old home.
    • ☼ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • The Songaskian woman has always been curious about magic. With members of her family active mages she grew up around a silent practice of the magical arts.
      • She is uneasy when it comes to the darker things of the world that seem to come straight from the Void itself. With her having so many encounters both in her past and her life as a Violet she's well aware of the dangers and power that magic and the like can possess.
    • ☼ How does your character feel towards their family?
      • Fathiyaa has spent a long time away from her family members. Since she was nineteen she has been separated from her immediate family but before she left the city her older brother was her closest friend. The two of them spent a lot of time together when they were growing up. When they were growing up, the two of them were nearly inseparable.
      • Only having one surviving child from her life she holds her son near and dear to her heart.
    • ☼ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • Her own strength, the woman often feels that she's physically inept despite her size. Having attended the scholarly type schools rather than anything combat related Fathiyaa focused more on mental presuites over physical ones.
    • ☼ What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • Fathiyaa is most proud of her children first off. They are what she will leave behind long after many of the people on Regalia have died and been forgotten.
      • Second, she is very proud of the fact that she had been accepted into the Violet Order despite being a woman and a Songaskian.
      • Third, Fathiyaa boasts often about the fact that she owns a tavern within the city that is actually quite popular. She's always had a nack as well as an odd love of the hustle and bustle of the tavern owner's life.
    • ☼ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • Fathiyaa wants to simply make herself and her loved ones happy and safe.
    • ☼ What is your character's biggest fear?
      • The Songaskian woman fears being confined. Either unable to escape physically or barely having control of her own mind. The idea of being trapped or controlled against her will terrify her and will send the woman into a panic trying to escape.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality Type : The Consol
Religion: Agnostic

  • ☼ Likes:
    • ☼ Books: Fathiyaa has always loved to read. When she was a girl, the more books she could get her hands on the better no matter what the subject. As she aged she refined her tastes finding her nose in history books covering everything from Wildland to Ailorian history.
    • ☼ Cooking: She enjoys being around the kitchen. The simplicity of cooking eases her worries and fears and also reminds her of her peaceful childhood in Regalia with her parents and grandmother. Her mother, father, and grandmother used to spend hours in the kitchen with Fathiyaa.
    • ☼ The color pink & gold: Fathiyaa loves anything that has a strong pink or gold color to it. Something about those colors makes Fathiyaa think of her mother and of love. She tries to get stuff of that color; this explains why nearly everything in her home is pink and gold.
    • ☼ Fishing: Fathiyaa fished, cleaned them, cooked and sold them in her youth to make her way in the city before she'd gotten a job. And she fell back on this passion of hers to make extra coin whenever she needed it. She knows the techniques, tricks and equipment needed to catch most common fish around the Archipelago.
  • ☼ Dislikes:
    • ☼ Confinement: She cannot be behind bars, in shackles or restricted to any area. If any of these things happen Fathiyaa becomes agitated, nervous and aggressive mostly due to fear. When she begins to become like this she becomes a different person. Fathiyaa changes from a calm, peaceful person into a pushy, loud woman. She talks to avoid the negative feelings that are connected with being confined as well as to distract herself.
    • ☼ Getting Caught in Rain: Being on the tad of the vain side, Fathiyaa hates being caught in the rain. She hates her well kept white hair getting drenched, despite her ability to pull the water from her locks it still upsets her. She tries her best to avoid being caught in the rain unwittingly.
    • ☼ Being Lied to: Fathiyaa is an easy going person. What she'd be accepting of might surprise most if they're just honest with the dragonkin, accepting of nearly everything unless she finds out she's been lied to or misled. The Song. feels it's more of a betrayal to be lied to or have things hidden from her than anything else.
  • ☼-Refers to her draconic form as El-Ahrairah

  • ☼-Childhood
    • Born on June 15th, Fathiyaa grew up with her siblings, learning from tutors her family hired, gaining a comparable education to the Ailor surrounding her.
    • Fathiyaa's grandmother decided that her granddaughters would be sent to Farah'den for a proper education. After much infighting among her family, it was decided that when Fathiyaa was old enough she would be sent to the Masaya Coin Academy while Fathiyaa's sister would be sent off to a dance and music-oriented school and the Regalian Diplomatic Academy when they were old enough.
    • Started spending time at her father's trade house, working there when she wasn't studying, seeming to have an ingrained knack for the trade. Fathiyaa learned that she loved business, learning how money flows in the world and how to make deals and contracts with others.
  • ☼- Early Adult
    • Fathiyaa finally sent off to school after spending almost a decade.
    • Learned to cook alongside several other members of the schools.
    • Finally returned from school, working in her father's trade house.
      • Honed her skills more: More ins & outs of economics
        • Refined her diplomacy skills, making smaller deals here and there with her grandfathers watching eye.
      • Avoided both Songaski wars, living in New Ceardia during the times with a noble family while her family eventually fled.
  • ☼- Adulthood
    • Returned to Regalia with a part of a noble family to establish them within the city again. Helped the family run a bar, helping the business grow and having the fire ignite inside her to own one of her own while watching the Golden Willow flourish. Eventually she left their service, finally opening her own bar after years of saving.
    • She worked there for a while before selling it to go to Essalonia finding herself with another Songaski taking up residence in the village she'd met them in before her world shattered after their death during a Qadir raid.
    • Fathiyaa started researching her peoples ancestors after the death of her love, studying more about how the Songaski were created in the archives of the village only adding to her knowledge from others. Becoming something of a Religious figure, but only to those who had just lost a loved one.
      • The people of the village always sought the kind scarred Songaski woman out to ease the pain in their hearts after they'd lost someone close to them. Reassuring them that the souls of their loved ones were at ease, sometimes offering a shoulder to cry on or a warm cup of tea.
    • Fathiyaa raised her children there, opening an inn before traveling to Regalia frequently, eventually finding herself working for a noble family again, only to find herself in the middle of the Lo Occupation. The family fleeing the city leaving her to run to the sewers, clashing with vampires, werebeasts and others of the undercity.
    • Eventually recollecting her life after Freya fell, joining the Ironspire Regime in the city guard after repeated run-ins with Kathar and receiving an arrow to her leg. Finding herself lost, opening her own bar and nearly working herself to death.
    • The Ironspire disbanded, Sakara the head of her family emerged and shot her bloodline into the aristocracy leaving Fathi with a whole new lifestyle.
    • After Sakara departed, leaving the family in Fathiyaa's hands she soon found herself marrying a fellow aristocrat turned nobled. Ending up suddenly ending the marriage deciding her old life was better suited for her and her family than nobility for the time.
    • Having reopened her beloved Gilded Orchid, losing her cherished daughter to tragedy and now finding herself alone with the rare visit from her oldest Aiden she seems to have found peace in her life for the time being.
    • Reconnecting with her roots and her soul, now thinking back to the village, the things she'd read and learned in her youth in Farah'deen and the old words of those who'd seek her out when their hearts were breaking.

Last edited:
As I can find no problems with this character application, approved.
I removed her currently being infected, she was cured to try and reintegrate into society, re-worded the main paragraphs to reflect past sanguineism instead of current sanguinism. I can go back and highlight it if you need.~ :)
I removed her currently being infected, she was cured to try and reintegrate into society, re-worded the main paragraphs to reflect past sanguineism instead of current sanguinism. I can go back and highlight it if you need.~ :)
My Review:
  • She has not a single Proficiency? I understand that the system has confused some (me included at one point) but I would still ask that you consider giving her some sort of skillset. Namely because it is still part of the new template though I suppose you can just state she has 30 points to spend yet simply don't spend them.
  • Weapon of Choice should be edited to fit with her Proficiencies, if they are added. If not, please limit them down to one or two things, not the short list you present.
  • Talents are no longer part of the character application, please delete that section.
  • Be sure to adjust your life story accordingly if you do add any Proficiencies in this round of edits.
Tag me once all of this has been done in green @Ampers07
There is no language called "Alt-Regalia", did you mean Alt-Regalian? Also, your life story exceeds the maximum 900 words, can you please edit it down appropriately. Tag me once the edit has been done in red @Ampers07
Alrighty :) by bad on the Regalian lol Changed that in red and just deleted some stuff from the life story to shrink it down, not really anything to put in red there. Thank you bunches @HydraLana
@Ampers07 I noticed while looking at your proficiency points that you put "+3 Threads Arts (+4 from Points)." Just wanted to let you know if you cared! <3
My sole point of review is that the Body Build and Weapon of Choice sections of the Visual Information should be removed as they have not been part of the Character Application template for awhile and I do not know how I've been missing them. Please tag me once the edit is complete @Ampers07
My Review:
  • +16 Food & Drink Knowledge (+6 Age, +10 Hobby points)
  • +16 Diplo Case Skill (+15 Age,+2 Points)
  • +13 Blades Combat (+13 Age)
  • +12 Financial Case skill (+10 Age, +1 Point)
  • +8 Sorcery (+8 Age)
    • +4 Spirit Sorcery
      • Overwhelming Force
    • +4 Lightness Sorcery
      • Healing Grace
  • +5 Linguistic Knowledge (+3 Age, +2 Points)
  • There are several errors here, so please correct them and ensure that you have assigned your points how you want.
Tag me once this has been fixed @Ampers07
@HydraLana fixed in green and the backstory is new as well, idfk what happened with my math there.