Archived Enabling Invisibility Potions

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The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Up North in that Minnesota place
Roleplay Guilds
Divine Intervention
After discussion with many pvp'ers, we'd like to suggest that invisibility potions be enabled. With right restrictions in place, they could really help improve pvp, as well as compliment the new pots that came with alchemy.

Here are the restrictions:
  • Totally disabled in Regalia to prevent trolling.
  • Effect disabled whenever pacifist is false. You attack, you're visible. Chugging another won't help either, not until pacifist returns to true.
And, since golden carrots are the primary ingredient, this should also help with market demand for gold. With the restrictions in place, trolling can be avoided, the economy improved, and pvp enhanced. Besides, it's good fun and it's an easily acquired tool for those without a high alchemy score and one more way for those without high mcmmo stats to get into pvp.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You do realize that people could just sneak up and attack out of thin air?
You do realize that people could just sneak up and attack out of thin air?

Well, that's the idea. It useful in that sense defensively as well though. When raiders are at the door you can ambush them a bit more easily. Sounds like, with the restrictions, this could lead to some creative play.

I see one flaw in this, if a person were to be sneak attacked and didn't attack back, they could drink an invis pot and run, this would be a tad annoying since people could run away easier.
I'm saying it like this "person A attacks person B, Person B does not attack back, keeping their pacifist, Person B can then drink an invis pot and run"
Ah, that's what you meant. But, if they were wearing armor, they would be easily seen. If they weren't, they would probably have been dead by then.
I'm saying it like this "person A attacks person B, Person B does not attack back, keeping their pacifist, Person B can then drink an invis pot and run"

That sounds like a good use of the pot to me. Might not be the easiest thing to get off on a pinch, but if they're ready with it, more power to them I'd say.

I'm saying it like this "person A attacks person B, Person B does not attack back, keeping their pacifist, Person B can then drink an invis pot and run"
A well placed enderpearl can be just as effective. Not to mention particle effects and running will still kick up dirt, so you are not 100% undetectable, per se.
To go along with this, if you have any particles enabled, you will be able to see the potion effects on the person.

And to top that off, you have to be naked for the potion to make you even the slightest bit invisible. When me and enderdonut agree on something, it must be right, cause we never agree.
And to top that off, you have to be naked for the potion to make you even the slightest bit invisible. When me and enderdonut agree on something, it must be right, cause we never agree.
or something ust be terrible wrong! teh apocalypse is going to start soon! the end is near!
back on topic, i would love to see this happen
Well, my new pvp plan.

1. Has no clothes on, takes invisibility potion-
2. Have full armour in hotbar
3. Sneak up on your attacker
4. Throw splash Night-Vision at them (They receive Night-Vision)
5. Throw splash blindness at them (Glitch with Night-Vision, their whole screen goes completely black, hotbar still shows)
6. [I think it's] Poison splash (Glitch with NV+Blind, removing their hotbar, making their screen appear completely black to them)
7. Scroll up, holding right click (All your armour is equipped)

If you can pull dat off in a second or two, you can take on anyone in a 1v1... Unless they do it to you 1st. Or they have milk, but when they go for milk, just bloody hit them while they chug!
The pots will make you non-pacifist, so this tactic will be shut out rather quickly.
The invis is only for getting the jump. Perhaps I should change the order to Blindess, then Night-Vision.
Even if you lose the invis, the guy's completely blind.

Plus, that tactic can be done with one mouse scroll. Like, seriously, you hold right click, and scroll up with your hotbar like this -

1 - Nothing - 2 - Blindness Pot - 3 - Night-Vision Pot - 4 - Poison II Pot - 5- Slowness Pot - 6 - God Chestplate - 7 - God Legs -
8 - God Booties - 9 - God Helm.

If you've got high unarmed like me, you could probably make the guy drop whatever weapon he has while his screen's black, so I don't think this tactic will shut out quickly.

Hell, you don't even need the God Armour, if you land all the pots, pull out a God Bow and wreck them ^-^
The invis is only for getting the jump. Perhaps I should change the order to Blindess, then Night-Vision.
Even if you lose the invis, the guy's completely blind.

Plus, that tactic can be done with one mouse scroll. Like, seriously, you hold right click, and scroll up with your hotbar like this -

1 - Nothing - 2 - Blindness Pot - 3 - Night-Vision Pot - 4 - Poison II Pot - 5- Slowness Pot - 6 - God Chestplate - 7 - God Legs -
8 - God Booties - 9 - God Helm.

If you've got high unarmed like me, you could probably make the guy drop whatever weapon he has while his screen's black, so I don't think this tactic will shut out quickly.

Hell, you don't even need the God Armour, if you land all the pots, pull out a God Bow and wreck them ^-^

I actually would like to see an attempt to introduce a balanced invisibility potion into Massivecraft, but this raises an interesting point. Should Massivecraft have a short cool down for splash potions?
@Jack The Unseen
If a person is standing completely still, you won't even need invis pots to do so. If they are not standing still, chances are your blindness will not last the full 22 seconds, and then they can have time to run, even mindlessly, enough to stay alive to outlive the blindness and poison.
Splash potions in general. It seems a little ridiculous to be able to throw 8 potions in just a couple seconds. It wouldn't have to be a long cool down, just a second could stop potion spamming.
Well, that would make it MUCH harder to stay alive in PvP, which might prompt a damage nerf. And it's not that OP really, the only time someone would do that is when they're debuffing normally, if they try to do it when they are healing then they will almost certainly waste splash instant health II potions because it only takes about 3 health potions maximum to be at full health from half a heart.
I think it'd be fine even if it didnt get removed when pacifist is false, because particle effects and running particles combined with a god armored dude swinging wildly in a continuous pirouette would be effective to destroy an invisible man, because invis potions are by no means OP. They're pretty well pointless.
Invisibility potions are disabled out of a server security consideration, not because of a gameplay reason.

As such, they will continue to be disabled.
I think they should make it "Spectator Mode" so they are still visible, but barely
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