Elitha's New Art Thing!

Reminds me of my poison yanar I had in mind for later use.. Aww well.

Your an idol of mine for art with The-Ez and WildEllie. Love your work.
Why is it, still, that all your characters that I have seen have a sadness about them or a problem that creates an atmosphere for anger, hurt and more or so sadness..?

Still so pretty @.@
idek this just happened it was going to be not sad but the skin colour looked weird so I made it like bruises or whatever and this happened and bam there we go.
I usually make happy characters but then things in roleplay happen as well and woop there goes happy.

thanks. I still need to get better at using that style, it was fun.
okay so i kind of made this comic thing and yeah here it is.


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lots of random creatures and William Coen as an Arcanine @BillyA835


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