Elitha's New Art Thing!

For your digital art, do you use a wacom tablet? If so, what kind? And also, if you use one, which program do you use?
I use a Wacom Pen and Touch, I think. And I use an outdated version of Paint Tool Sai. I want to learn to start using other programs like photo Shop though. MiningMac5
Whoa indeed. ^

This is so. I want to just. Oh my god. I want to. Just.
I really look up to your art, and aspire to be a good artist like you.
There, I said it.
I... I just can't even... How do you color?
...What is color... whatisahkdsufigy90au-i[,l;dmajvbhfysdt6a789d0w-plkaz
@pwnzownz this is sorta what I imagined Astrid to look like u_u she doesn't look eleven here xD


  • image.jpg
    160.2 KB · Views: 52
I tried more realism. This was meant to be brenna but idk anymore -wheezes-


  • image.jpg
    96.6 KB · Views: 37
I tried more realism. This was meant to be brenna but idk anymore -wheezes-
I love your art. And your personality. You're such an amazing person, and looking at your art only makes me adore you more. (And makes me want to throw my sketchbook out the window...Also makes me terrified of the thought of showing my artwork >////<