Preserved Sheet Czylle Ravenstad Née D'vaud

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Jun 21, 2017
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York, UK

Czylle Ravenstad née d'Vaud

"There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of humans, are created, strengthened and maintained."



Full Name: Czylle Marie Ravenstad née d'Vaud
Maiden Name: d'Vaud
Nickname(s): Czys

Age: 22~
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor - Leutz-vixe upbringing

Main Ambition:

◦ To excel within the military.
"All I ever wanted was to fight. Now I have the skills, I need to make a name for myself."
◦ Lieutenant of Cadar's Wing,
◦ Sentinel of the Azure Order.

Known Languages:

◦ Common - 10/10,
◦ Alt-Regalian - <A-R> - 5/10,

"Accents are a difficult thing. I can understand the language, but pronunciation can be difficult."

◦ Leutz-Vixe - <L-V> - 7/10,

"I was tutored in Leutz from an early age, but it was not on I fully learned."

◦ Anglian - <Ang> - 10/10,

"I was raised in this language. My first words, or so I am told, was in Anglian."
Describe your character's position in Regalia..
From Anglia she came some years ago now, shipped over by her brother after he had settled within the capital. He wanted to make a name for their family again and had chosen Czylle to be the first to accompany him. She currently is employed within the military, acting as her brothers aide and Lieutenant, and resides between several different locations; a personal house which she keeps unknown, and the Milias estate of the d'Vauds.

Describe your character's upbringing..
Raised on one of the many farms within the empires grain-barn, Czys resided in Anglia for the majority of her life. Seperated from her brother due to her families downfall, she was aware of the several siblings she had as well as cousins, extended family and what not, but had very little contact and instead sought family in her "adoptive" parents and her caretakers. Those she resided with had been named friends of her family, and did their best to provide the young woman with what comforts she needed, as well as offering her the strict teachings for farm work.

◌ Secondary Ambition(s):
◦To grow her own family with her lover,
"I never wanted children. Now my mind has changed, I would love to raise my own."

◦To further promote her name within the social world,

"As long as I have a good reputation, I would like to be well-known by those whose opinions matter."


◦ Combat; Griffer
"I want to fight for my emperor and my family. It is in my blood, and I would happily die on the field."
◦ Intellect; Visual Arts - Weaving
"Culture is fascinating, and using the skills I already have, I'd like to show off my interpretation."


◦ Warrior (7 years)
◦ Learned (2 years)


◦ Attended the Griffer Akademie of Achtermeer. Graduated after five years total tutoring.
◦ Regalian Academy of Arts.




Artwork: [Link]
Eye Color: Azure Blue,
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde,
Hair Style: Long and often braided in some style. Usually, it was secured around her head,
Skin Color: Pale Pink and blemish free,
Clothing: Varying. From sparring gear to gowns,
Height: 5 foot 7 inches,
Body Build: Athletic,
Weapon of Choice: Griff Blade,

Describe the Character's facial features..
Her hair was at least waist length and well looked after though it was difficult to tell, given it was either braided or clipped on or around her head. It was rarely decorated, left plain to draw the least attention to herself as possible. The colour was strawberry blonde that bordered a honey yellow in certain lights, and on days of war or on returning from such, it was not uncommon for her hair to be left untidy; braids having been left in place for weeks at a time.
Her face still retained a fair youthfulness and was without notable scarring. Though her eyes that once glittered with childlike wonder instead were shadowed by dark grey bags brought on by stress.

Describe the Character's body..
The woman stood at a height of five foot and seven inches, and her appearance was nothing if not average. She had the curves of a mother and the build of a soldier. Though it was not one of strength and rather one of agility. She was not overly powerful, but after so many years of griffer training and warring, her thighs and abdomen were toned to a degree which allowed for a quicker, more mobile style of fighting.

Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories..
There were three common styles of clothing the woman wore.
Outfits of military influence. Leathers, smart jackerts, boots and gloves. These were usually worn day to day when she intended on sparring or training.
Simple dresses were the second. More commonly now red of colour though previously she had sported the d'Vaud blue, white and black.
Elaborate gowns were the last. She saved these for formal events.
To accompany these she had began to wear simple silver ear studs; one in each lobe. This joined a silver hair piece used to secure her hair in place and, finally, they had been made to match a necklace of silver and blue, given to her by her husband.

Describe the character's voice..
The once sweet sounding young woman now spoke with a distasteful tone of voice. One which suggested she took a dislike in just about everything and anyone. She was stern sounding, like a teacher whom was not pleased with their student.

First Paragraph..
She was.... hostile
Her demeanor was stoic and she offered nothing in the form of friendly greetings. To a stranger Czylle was like the enemy. When alone she came across as unapproachable, with no smile or kind words to offer to put them at ease. She was very formal, though she was also very direct. A speak when spoken to sort of person who was more than content in staying silent unless prompted or, until she found a subject that was worth her blunt comments. To those not Ailor, or to those who did not appear Ailor, she was even more hostile. She had been encouraged to work on this, and to attempt on being more accepting. But it did not suit her one bit.

Second Paragraph..
She was.... happy
Absolutely content with life, Czylle was in a good place. She had her son, her work, her husband and her family. For once she felt entirely at ease and comfortable. She was proud of what she had personally achieved and could look back with a sense of pride. She could also look back at what her loved ones had achieved, and felt the same. She is confident that she can continue to grow and better herself, and had no doubts what so ever of her abilities.

Third Paragraph..

It would be difficult to explain how the woman acted around those she kept as friends, given that it was not a side of her that was seen very often.She was likely very formal, offering nothing really in the way of friendly, welcoming chatter and rather would treat them like any other. Should she truly hold someone in high regard, then in private would she let down the facade.

To Czylle, her family were some of the most important people in her life. She did however only show a small handful undying love and respect. Those were Hamelin, Agnette and Benedict. Whilst she had her clashes with her brother and cousin, each of the listed had done something or meant something to her that meant the world. Hamelin had brought her to Regalia, believed in her, and supported their family. Agnette had been compaired to her mother, and Czylle wished to keep her close for that reason. Finally, Benedict was a militry man, and she respected that. The others, whilst still kin, were spoke to formally, the younger ones finding themselves often disciplined for their childish behaviour. She had not much love to spare for them.

Her husband has seen sides to her that no one else has. A loving, compassionate side to the woman which she usually keeps hidden away. She is undying loyal to her husband and he sees as much patience as she can offer.

Fourth Paragraph..
Czylle's alignment would be considered: Lawful Good.

There was no doubt about it that Czylle was considered 'good'. But in different context, this meant different things. She was obedient to the law; would never break one she knew existed, and she held a high regard for those who maintain the law, and maintain the peace of Regalia. She would never go out of her way to cause conflict with others, and would rather walk away from an argument than rise to it. On a more personal level, she might be found to be insulting or down right rude. This had the potential to be seen as anything other than good.

Fifth Paragraph..
Czys had never once strayed from her faith. This much remained. Everything else pertaining to her views on the world had altered. She understood now, more about the conflicts and what drives the men and women of the capital, especially nobility. She had grown a general distaste for them, for all she saw was the women gossiping about their love lives and the men fighting between themselves.

Studious/Ability to Learn
◦ Learning has always been something Czylle was good at. She could absorb new information like a sponge and could often recall the most obscure pieces of information at a click of the fingers. This often left her being a character who knew a lot of things about many different subjects, but she never truly excelled in any. To her, this was her greatest talent.

◌ Multi-tasking

◦ Best seen in demonstration at the Azure Premise, Czys could take instruction and key pointers of information from various different sources at once, and could recall them practically perfectly. For example, taking several orders from several customers in quick succession, to deliver them all correctly shortly after.

◌ Agility

◦ From her schooling in the Griffer Akademie and her childhood on a farm, she was quick and light on her feet enabling her to dash around her opponents on the battlefield… and to run away from animals.
◦ Acquired from a mixture of schooling and personal development, Czylle has acquired the talent of being able to stitch, weave and sew. The combined years of various types of stitching meant she could work alongside others to create larger pieces, or use her embroidery skills to create smaller, intricate pieces.

◌ Callous
◦ Those who knew Czylle were no strangers to the hostility of the woman. She rarely smiled in public, often spoke to strangers and family with a tone which suggested she was not overly too pleased and, overall she came across as stoic. Stood straight, with a neutral look about her face. It usually meant she came across as unwelcoming.

◌ Bigoted

◦ Her beliefs were hers and she made it known that if you did not follow the same, that she thought you wrong. Whilst she might not be so direct about it, if she found for example, someone following another faith, she would be likely to make subtle comments about their choices mid conversation.

◌ Stubborn

◦ Following this, if she did not wish to do something, she would do her best to not do it. If she disagreed, you would know about it. It was a childish trait she should have grown out of but unfortunately, it stuck around.
◌ Quick to Anger
◦ With age and work came a change in personality. Gone was the patient, gentle Czylle and in came the hot headed, fierce one. She tries hard to offer patience to her husband and child, but likely, every little thing pushes her swiftly to anger. Be it constant interruptions in a social setting, to bad manners, to crimes at war. An angry time bomb waiting to blow in someones face.
Describe any number of character quirks your character has..
It was noted that whilst Czys was idle, or whilst she spoke with people whilst stood up, she swayed idly from side to side. She did not seem aware that she did such a thing until it was pointed out to her. She was also a daydreamer, and would often zone out whilst in a group setting.

Describe your character's skills..
Reading and writing were the most basic skills, yet she was most proud of them. She was fairly decent at shorthand, which helped in taking notes on various other tasks. Schooling had taught her embroidery and stitching, how to play tennis and how to fight some using throwing knives and the griff blade. She could also pour a decent ale.

◌ Family
◦ Despite how the d'Vauds were raised, family was ingrained in their minds as being one of the most important things you could ever have and whilst Czylle might not show the love and care always expected of her, family is deathly important. Be they d'Vaud, Ravenstad or even her own new line of the two, she loves each and every one of them. Her priorities lie with her son and husband first, then the d'Vauds, then the Ravenstads last.

◌ Reading

◦ Ever since she was a child she had been taught to read, and her love for books had not faltered as she arrived in Regalia. It had only grown. There she found books on war, of songs, of history and the world. She loved each and every one of them.

◌ War

◦ With her family being so driven with military, it was to no surprise that Czylle had a love for warfare. Sitting through discussions on military was something she thoroughly enjoyed. She also loved taking part. That was, however, something she was taught to do.

◌ Animals
◦ A fear turned dislike. Despite her being raised on a farm throughout her childhood, an incident involving a work horse and a dog had left her actively avoiding each and every animal, no matter how small. She had found ways to justify this without admitting the real reason. They smelt bad, they were loud, they were too excitable and so on.

◌ Other Races

◦ She did not like anyone Ailor. Half-elves were a tad hit and miss, as she believed that it was not their fault they were born of mixed heritage, but that was as long as they shared the same views as she. There was no real reason for her dislike. Likely due to a mix of lack of interaction, and the belief that in social standing, they were beneath her.

◌ Mages

◦ This came out of fear, primarily. She hated what mages were and what they could do. She thought it unholy, and dangerous. She did not necessarily dislike the caster, but Czylle was hesitant to get to know them.


Spouse: Erwald Charles Ravenstad [Marriage Post]


Azure Line (Main Line)
Stygian Line
◦ Emergart d'Vaud,
Benedictus d'Vaud,
Lena d'Vaud,
Theoderic d'Vaud,
◦ Hesta d'Vaud.

Ivory Line

Seigfried d'Vaud,
◦ Reimund d'Vaud,
◦ Ernesta d'Vaud.

Extended Family

◌ The Ravenstad family via Marriage

Friends/Notable People
@Eronoc / Augustin Reinard - A man who had changed Czylles view of the world. Who had showed her kindness, and friendship, despite her hostility. The two had bonded over alcohol, and over a love of books, and Czylle truly was grateful for his company.

@Battlebrawn / Erwald Ravenstad - A drinking partner turned lover. Czylle and Erwald bonded over a mutual love and appreciation of war and alcohol, but that relationship had simply flourished and grown over a short space of time. With the blessing of their respective patriarchs, the two had began courting and much later on, had married.

@MarquisAlex / Gazini (Garon) Sfiso - A former slave to the house d'Vaud and turned friend of the woman. Garon watched over Czylle as she grew and in turn, she taught him common and of unionism. Arguably, Garon was Czys first 'friend' in the capital.

@Miss_Confined / Elizabeth Black - Czys took Elizabeth for what she was. A kind hearted woman who had more patience than she could ever imagine. Whilst Czylle disliked children, and was not the most charitable person there was, she had to idolize Lizzy for what she did and rather liked her, even if she avoided a tea date with her as best as she could..

@SkullScrub / Barrulf Blackmyre - With a mixture of common interests, polite words, friendly interractins and from working together, Czys was happy to say she had taken a liking to the half sighted man. She thorougly looked forward to their interactions.


◌ Early Childhood
◦ Czylle was born the youngest of four: Hamelin, Ida, Solaine and herself in order to their mother, Catherine and father, Henrique. The siblings lost their mother during the birth of Czylle and not long after, likely due to this, their father turned to a life of drunkenness and whoring. This brought on debt and led to the children facing an uncertain future. Either they would fall into poverty, or be forced to work at a young age. Neither of which would have been what their mother wished for. And so the children were scattered amongst other family and friends who were willing to care for one or the other. Czylle was sent to Anglia, to reside with close friends of the family. Who had known her mother. She was sent with what could be spared of the maids and caretakers, to ensure she remained safe.

◌ Childhood

◦ This was the family she had grown to truly know. A young couple; perhaps of their early thirties, who had been unable to have their own child. They resided on a farm, a quaint little thing which they had to work hard to produce what was needed to support themselves. But they loved that life, nonetheless. The couple raised Czylle as if she were their own, and offered just as much love to the maids, who the took on as siblings almost. Czys was taught how to read and write, and about the culture of her family through these caretakers, and from her adoptive parents she learnt hard work and respect. It was a comfortable set up, and Czylle grew to love it. During this time, she maintained contact with her biological family to a degree. It was her brother she looked forward to hearing from the most, though...

◌ Early Teens

◦ Czylle had been around thirteen when she first heard wind of her brothers intentions to head to Regalia. It was not until she was close to fifteen however, that she received an invite to join him. The two had been particularly close, as far as could be given their lacking communication, but she idolized her brother already, and was quick to accept the invite to the capital. After saying her goodbyes and what not, Czys headed on boat, overseas. It took her some time to settle into city life. Never had she seen such a place. She was quick to enroll within the Griffer Akademie, and was bubbling with excitement at what her new life had to offer for her. Throughout this time, family members began to trickle into the city. Solaine, Ida.. cousins.. One by one an invitation was extended, and each took it firmly.

◌ Late Teens

◦ Things were not always so wonderful for the young woman, however. As she grew older, she began to feel homesick. She realized that the capital was filled with problems far too large for her to even begin to comprehend. All she wanted was to be able to help her brother and her family and yet, when Hamelin offered her tasks, she was unable to complete them. She exhausted herself; with her schooling and these tasks, and the need to form a social life, Czys often found herself tired and falling asleep in the worst of places. She committed herself to her schooling after some discussion with her brother, and returned to Akademie to board for a length of time. That feeling of uselessness lingered though, and through the years that passed it lead her to drink. She had lost that wonder that she brought with her from Anglia, and what was left in its wake was an exhausted young woman with a love for the feeling alcohol gave her.

◌ Adulthood

◦ Everything that happens after this point is current events. Czylle found a lover, who helped her with her emotions and her drinking. She graduated from the Akademie, and she got married.

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A person with little to no patience, Czys was far from a charming woman. Outwardly, she came across as someone stoic and unapproachable, hostile and perhaps rude in some situations. If you were Ailor, you were judged on your first impressions. If you were kind and well-spoken, Czylle had no issues. However, with saying this, such a person might see her as disinterested; it was unlikely she looked enthusiastic about making idle discussion.
Second Paragraph..
Proud, content, happy. These are a few of the feelings which could be used to describe the woman. She had settled nicely into the city and her life now, with support from family; those blood related and those not. Inwardly though, Czys harboured a few emotions shared only to her closest. Fear of the unknown, or of what was to come and anger, with certain ways and certain people which crossed her path. There had been times where Czys had simply wished aloud to return to her home in Anglia, to escape the things that bothered her.

Third Paragraph..
She is very formal around friends and usually stoic in appearance. She has very few people she could consider friends, likely because she has little interest in keeping them.

As though they were strangers. There is one blood related family member Czylle will treat with the most love and respect, and that is Hamelin. Otherwise, she regards the remainder of her siblings and extended family much the same as she would a stranger. Disinterested and somewhat hostile. However, there are two other people within her family she would consider to be close. Agnette, her brothers wife and Valerie, her husbands sister. These two women are graced with a more honest, more friendly side of Czylle.

Her husband has seen sides to her that no one else has. A loving, compassionate side to the woman which she usually keeps hidden away. She is patient with him, cares for him, and is undyingly loyal to him.

Fourth Paragraph..
Czylle's alignment would be considered: Lawful Good.

There was no doubt about it that Czylle was considered 'good'. But in different context, this meant different things. She was obedient to the law; would never break one she knew existed, and she held a high regard for those who maintain the law, and maintain the peace of Regalia. She would never go out of her way to cause conflict with others, and would rather walk away from an argument than rise to it. On a more personal level, she might be found to be insulting or down right rude. This had the potential to be seen as anything other than good.

A lot of these paragraphs are very skimpy. While you hit the three or four sentence cut off in about all of them, you really avoid delving into the character. There's nothing specific to be said here, but consider attempting to buff up these points with some extra detail about who she is. This is mostly optional, but heavily advised.

Please take "Weaknesses" out of a spoiler. Because you are using so many talents, a weakness is not optional, and the section needs to not be hidden away.

◌ Flirt
◦ From the keen age of fifteen, Czys could say she had been one to flirt. Harmless sweet comments she used to get her own way, be it a free drink or to sweeten up a deal. As she grew older, and with her ever growing confidence, this trait was one she often used without thinking anymore and she could sometimes find herself in some awkward situations. There was never a lewd ulterior motive behind her flirtatious comments, but that does not mean everyone took it the same way.
This is not a valid weakness really. Flirtation is taken in so many different ways, and due to being married now and how loyal she is, as you state, it doesn't seem reasonable. I'd argue either this trait no longer fits the character, or if not, doesn't function as an appropriate weakness. Please remove it.

Addictive/Dependant Personality
◦ Czylle had the ability to find herself addicted to one thing or another. She had never found drugs, but instead had found the bottle of several hundred bottles of alcohol over her adult life. This might take the form of work, where she might spend weeks upon weeks without contact to her loved ones, in favour of her career or it might take the form of a consumable. It might also take the form of company. She found herself unwilling to proceed in social situations properly without her brother or her husband by her side.
I don't see why she is dependent, or why it is a weakness. In fact, it seems contradictory. The character has been described thus far as extremely capable, but just a bit of a stoic. Addiction to alcohol also doesn't constitute as a weakness, so it adds nothing to this point in my eyes. The whole weakness seems rather poorly put together, and I'd argue you should remove it.

Make these edits in purple and tag me when done. @SnugglyKittens
I'd argue either this trait no longer fits the character, or if not, doesn't function as an appropriate weakness.

After mulling this over briefly, you're likely right. It was once relevent and now not really any longer. It's a trait that's slowly become more and more irrelevent. Whilst it's still something she does, I'd agree that it doesn't really function as it once did. It's been removed and with it, as has the 'stitching' talent to even things out. I've sneaked it into the 'quirks and skills' section as embroidery was already there, and it doesn't really require a section of its own until she's further along with this new school.

I don't see why she is dependent, or why it is a weakness. In fact, it seems contradictory. The character has been described thus far as extremely capable, but just a bit of a stoic. Addiction to alcohol also doesn't constitute as a weakness, so it adds nothing to this point in my eyes. The whole weakness seems rather poorly put together, and I'd argue you should remove it.

Capable yes, confident yes, but within the right situations. Alone, she barely functions outside of her home. She directly avoids social situations, gatherings, anything really. To be a functioning adult she needs the 'support' of her husband, or her brother or indeed alcohol to get her through that being, she needs one of the three close by. She was once an alcoholic, which is why I left that in the example, as she has every ability to relapse if the situation is deemed right. She will never be able to avoid that.

Social anxiety, maybe, is the phrase I'm looking for?

I've re-written this part to try and get my point across better. Elaborated where it stemmed from, and removed the phrase addictive, as I think dependent suits it better.

but consider attempting to buff up these points with some extra detail about who she is.

As long as it covers the basics and is passable, I am not concerned in elaborating further.

Please take "Weaknesses" out of a spoiler. Because you are using so many talents, a weakness is not optional, and the section needs to not be hidden away.

Aye aye, captain.

Relevent edit has been made in purple.
As a friendly reminder, alcohol addiction is never a suitable weakness and is always a copout. Given you have coupled it underneath a wider weakness that has more weight to it, I'll allow it.

Approved. @SnugglyKittens
Dink. @Mooffins

Two year age up,
◌ Added something to specify occupation but I know that's not an actual part of the app. It's just a bit of misc info,
Subsequent change in level to schooling,
Re-wrote first paragraph, second paragraph, and a section of the fourth.
Changed a talent,
Changed a weakness,
◌ Changed a like and dislike,
◌ Added baby and added a friend.

Basically, we had a personality change.

Changes made in purple.
Despite feeling some talents and weaknesses could be expanded upon more, you do reach the minimum three sentences. We've already been over this point before, however, and I understand you're satisfied as is. This is still approved.