Preserved Sheet Theoderic Otello D'vaud

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Resident Foxgirl
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Theoderic Otello d'Vaud
    • Nickname: Theo
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Strength and Wealth and being the world's best explorer
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
  • Hair Style:
  • Skin Color: White
  • Clothing: A white dress shirt under a blue vest.
  • Height: 5'4½"
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon of Choice: A shortsword… Well, in his own words, "I want a custom blade. A rapier-esque blade that is meant for defense, and for cutting through dense shrubbery. I want a holster with it, and maybe a cool design etched into it."
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Theoderic, so far, is seen by many as a troublemaker and a kid in need of discipline. As stated above, the boy asks and expects to receive, expecting everything to come to him by the snap of a finger. If someone was to see Theoderic without really knowing him, they'd probably end up assuming he's just some troubled kid, when in reality, he just wants to have some fun while assuming that, with nobility, he will get what he wants, when he wants it.
  • Second Paragraph: It's a given that Theoderic feels entitled. He finds himself confident in his own skills, providing people with his own version of the truth while believing that they believe him. Though Theoderic is an entitled brat at times, he does see himself as the comic relief to the city of Regalia. Though it might not seem like it, he really thinks people find him funny when he pulls his childish pranks.
  • Third Paragraph: Theoderic's relationship with his friends and family ends up being better than expected. His family expects his troublesome behavior, while his friends have come to (at the very least) tolerate his "funny" practical jokes. Once one gets to know Theoderic, they might understand that he is actually a simple boy who just wants attention (Why else would his friends and family tolerate him?). Since strangers only see the troublesome facade that Theoderic wears, they will never really get to see his kinder, more compassionate and disciplined inner-personality.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Theoderic believes that as long as he is in a world where he has the ability to make himself heard, he will be heard and obeyed. The way this works is very simple; say someone was to commit an act of harassment or assault- either towards him or near him. Theoderic, at this moment, would expect to be heard when he says "Stop now. The General will have you neutered for laying a single hand on me!" Basically, this shows that he prefers to be in his own little bubble, though he is just. To Theoderic, he cannot really judge people fully for being corrupted. In his own world, though he is always right, everyone has their reasons for something.

  • Sneaky - Theoderic is sneaky, which is good for a prankster. Yes, it's true that one would utilize this for a more tactical situation, but in Theoderic's case, he honestly just wants to use his quiet feet to give his sister a good scare. To Theo, it's all fun and games until he gets caught.
  • Quick-Minded - One cannot simply pull off a prank and expect it to go completely as planned! No siree! You've got to plan it out, sure, but you also need to expect the unexpected. In the case that someone could potentially spot him while in the process of pranking someone, he has to think up an excuse. Honestly, it's either that or getting in trouble for the next hundred years…
  • Intelligent - Though ignorant at times, Theo is still fairly intelligent. Mostly homeschooled by an unnamed private tutor, Theo knows the simple things. Math, reading, basic science, how to be the world's best explorer and discover what lies in the Great Unknown-- Oh wait, that wasn't a part of the schooling.
Life Story

Theoderic d'Vaud was born on December 29, 291 AC in Opper Calemburg. Though in a strict household, Theoderic still found his ways to get around the system. In the year of 296 AC (at the age of 9), Theo's father died. This struck not only himself, but his sister with depression in some way, shape or form. Theo's always blamed himself for his father's death, believing that his recklessness caused the man to have a heart attack. The thing that haunts him the most is that he never got to say goodbye. From that day forward, Theo has since done foolish things such as pranks to attempt drawing his mind away from the guilt, as he held the strongest bond with his father, who was the one to inspire the young boy to want to become an explorer. Though it's true that he's been interested in being an explorer prior to his father's death, he often believes it to be his father's dying wish that he become an explorer. He refuses to fail his father.

Like his sister, he took piano lessons at one point, in this case, for his 11th birthday (302 AC). Theo practiced the piano daily for one week… He never really got a tutor. He's always looked up to his sister, hoping to follow her lead in more ways than just learning how to play an instrument. Often asking for swords, horses or armor, Theo's always been looking for a way to get to his sister's level. By the year of 304 (after he had read a book: The Great Unknown), Theo had set in stone that he had an ambition- a fire that was raging with passion. He wanted to be an explorer. He wanted to explore the Great Unknown, and be recorded throughout history for it. Since then, he's worked hard trying to get a custom blade. A rapier-esque blade that is meant for defense, and for cutting through dense shrubbery. Theo since then, has recently moved to Regalia to be closer to his sister and the rest of his family, still trying to get that blade. Oh, and a horse named Whinny.
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
@MCMANN32 Sorry for the slight delay!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Rapiers aren't typically used for defense, they are only effective in thrusting. While you mention it as a "rapier-esque blade", for ease of combat rp I'd like you to pick something a little easier to explain. A shortsword or cutlass maybe?
  • Has Theo's father's death altered his personality or ambitions in any way? Does he plays pranks to try and take his mind off his grief? It seems to be a significant part of his life, so I'd like to see this mentioned somewhere.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
I believe what you added to the life story would have been better fitting for one of the personality traits. Nevertheless it does serve its purpose, so I will mark this application...

☼ Approved! ☼