Archived Changing Rp Raid Reasons

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Hey guys,
I think most dedicated PvPers (Like myself) consider MassiveCraft PvP some of the best PvP in Minecraft. In fact, I know many people like me only actually play Minecraft because of MassiveCraft. In a recent post about "The Scariest Faction", I've seen a few posts from some PvPers about how factions themselves really aren't scary, and one post (I forget who by at the moment), made the point that factions, all factions, even those who make themselves "evil" are not, and basically, cannot be "scary" or feared. It was said that factions were only made scary when there was no RP reason needed to raid, and that there were factions that you just didn't mess with, because if you made a mistake, you were going to get slaughtered. After talking on skype, I came up with an idea.

I believe that this time in MassiveCraft can be restored, with a balance. My proposed idea is that we remove the whole idea of needing an RP reason to raid completely, but also add support for the newer factions it was intended to help by giving at least a 2 week grace period to new factions (Faction age can be seen with /f f). New factions within it's first 2 weeks will not be able to be enemied by other factions. However, the 2 week grace period can be broken, if the new faction attacks or enemies another faction. By adding this to MassiveCraft, war, and not just PvP, but possibly RP, could be enhanced (in my opinion), as new wars would be breaking out, and there would never be a dull moment, all the while new factions will be protected, and be given a fighting chance to build, recruit and strengthen overall.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully you can share your opinion with me down in the comments below.
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Now, on to the next topic, which is "everyone should make secure bases" you need to realize that not everyone has hours and hours on their hands to waste building a base just to not get killed. Some people just come on for a little bit everyday to catch up with friends and Role-play. Think of it like this, if MassiveCraft's Role-players were angry about a problem and they wanted to make all PVPers and other people who don't like to Roleplay, roleplay everyday, what would you do? I sure wouldn't stay very long. We are lucky that Role-players are generally very peaceful and quiet people and it doesn't take much to keep them happy and they don't run around trying to find problems to complain about. They are just here for the community, and most of all, have fun.
Every faction's first two priorities should be:
  1. Find a place to make the faction based on how you envisioned the final build
  2. Build a safe /f home there (can be an ugly cobblestone square with an iron door temporarily, since building a good looking /f home can take a while, I'll give you that, but the cobblestone square idea is such an easy remedy :P)
This is possibly my favourite PVPer ever. A Pvper with a rational perspective. Humanity is SAVED!
Now how about you look at it from a pvpers perspective. Has anyone done that yet who disagreed with this? No. We literally cannot pvp anyone other than a subject group of about 20 people. Sure it is fun for awhile, but after a few months it get old. Not only that, but now when two tiny scrub factions go to war, god pvpers all jump in because that is the only way to pvp now. Then there are the more ignorant folk saying "Go pvp at the minigames". Sure they can be fun with large groups, but that would be like me telling you to go roleplay with an NPC.

You need to keep in mind, as I have stated already, this is NOT the harassment rule. I feel that if you want to step foot out of Regalia, there should be some risk to it, not just calling in the staff to end pvp. That being said, I do fully support the harassment rule so that small factions cannot be abused as I have personally experienced.
If there was no dynmap and the maps were larger, it wouldn't be such a big deal but people can find your base very easily as it is now.
The facti
My point was that you were comparing it to something realistic and portals aren't realistic. Especially hiding one underground outside of a base instead of setting a camp or something near bye. Also an impenetrable base? That dosnt fit everyone's RP style. Some people just wish for a simple village or maybe some hidden place in the mountains. Someplace that would be hidden. Using real wars for an example of how things should be ran is a dysfunctional argument, for this isn't real life, for example, real life dosnt have a map that shows everything on the planet for anyone to find or portals that can lead entire armies to a single village. If they removed things like this, honestly I wouldn't mind the no RP reason to raid.

Oh talking about portals not being rp'ish....
Be creative and it will be.
In our faction we have portals on boats and stables. So people will come only by with boat, horse or walking. It's that easy.
Same goes for portals on battlefields; they came with horses!

And yes... Pearls are harder to merge in rp.
Now how about you look at it from a pvpers perspective. Has anyone done that yet who disagreed with this? No. We literally cannot pvp anyone other than a subject group of about 20 people. Sure it is fun for awhile, but after a few months it get old. Not only that, but now when two tiny scrub factions go to war, god pvpers all jump in because that is the only way to pvp now. Then there are the more ignorant folk saying "Go pvp at the minigames". Sure they can be fun with large groups, but that would be like me telling you to go roleplay with an NPC.

You need to keep in mind, as I have stated already, this is NOT the harassment rule. I feel that if you want to step foot out of Regalia, there should be some risk to it, not just calling in the staff to end pvp. That being said, I do fully support the harassment rule so that small factions cannot be abused as I have personally experienced.
It's fine looking at it as a PVP perspective.
That's fine, but how about instead of raiding smaller factions who don't WANT to be bothered. Organise Role-play wars. Role-plays are then allowed to Role-play, whether as whiney peasants, or warriors, and you get the satisfaction of PVP.
I'm looking at the people who aren't fully equiped with God armor, lots of regals, high stats, or a large faction.

The factions that are small, and are weak, and are basically collecting resources at the same rate they are building. They don't NEED or WANT to be raided.
Every faction's first two priorities should be:
  1. Find a place to make the faction based on how you envisioned the final build
  2. Build a safe /f home there (can be an ugly cobblestone square with an iron door temporarily, since building a good looking /f home can take a while, I'll give you that, but the cobblestone square idea is such an easy remedy :P)
That's your perspective. Not mine.
I'm on Massivecraft prioritized to BUILD. I think it's pre-mature to expect everyone to have your views on what's prioritized, it's not a fact, it's a preference. For a builder like myself, this is how I like to build.
1. Find a place to make the faction based on how you envisioned the final build.
2. Plan how how you will design your build and where.
3. Get resources for the build.
4. Begin to build, possibly one building a day.
5. Meanwhile, recruit for people who want to Role-play.

Safety and security isn't something I focus on, because at the moment, I don't have a need to. I don't need to worry about random raiders who have no respect for someone's construction, and instead just want to raid me for resources hopelessly. I would DREAD those days.
That's your perspective. Not mine.
I'm on Massivecraft prioritized to BUILD. I think it's pre-mature to expect everyone to have your views on what's prioritized, it's not a fact, it's a preference. For a builder like myself, this is how I like to build.
1. Find a place to make the faction based on how you envisioned the final build.
2. Plan how how you will design your build and where.
3. Get resources for the build.
4. Begin to build, possibly one building a day.
5. Meanwhile, recruit for people who want to Role-play.

Safety and security isn't something I focus on, because at the moment, I don't have a need to. I don't need to worry about random raiders who have no respect for someone's construction, and instead just want to raid me for resources hopelessly. I would DREAD those days.
Remember the part where I said you could even make a cobblestone cube /f home, though? It just seems like you're not planning on being raided, which is not a good way to lead a faction. You should design your faction to be aesthetic AND practical. This step can be easily put in your plan, it's not that hard, it's not really a major step, it's just a small/minor precaution.
It's fine looking at it as a PVP perspective.
That's fine, but how about instead of raiding smaller factions who don't WANT to be bothered. Organise Role-play wars. Role-plays are then allowed to Role-play, whether as whiney peasants, or warriors, and you get the satisfaction of PVP.
I'm looking at the people who aren't fully equiped with God armor, lots of regals, high stats, or a large faction.

The factions that are small, and are weak, and are basically collecting resources at the same rate they are building. They don't NEED or WANT to be raided.
You act is if he has personally attacked you. And PvP factions, from my experience, don't raid small factions a lot only because they don't get good loot or the members of the small faction don't ever come out to fight, which causes the PvPers to be bored. Also, expecting PvP factions to start organizing RP wars is forcing RP upon them.
The facti

Oh talking about portals not being rp'ish....
Be creative and it will be.
In our faction we have portals on boats and stables. So people will come only by with boat, horse or walking. It's that easy.
Same goes for portals on battlefields; they came with horses!

And yes... Pearls are harder to merge in rp.
That's actually not the point im making, its pretty convient getting to an enemy faction in the blink of an eye, while that would be understandable in a war RP/PvP scenario, Ive seen people come to a random faction they've found on dynmap, make a portal, then raid them senseless and without cause. I cant really call it PvP because it truly isn't, its a group of people attacking someone who isn't even fighting back or showing no desire to fight back. If you want to focus on something like this, show some freaking sportsmanship. Make a camp to keep /home to get back to the action, don't make it impossible to find so that the weaker players have a chance. For example when my faction used to raid (when it wasn't personal) We would go with no armor or weapons, and if we lost, then we lost, we wouldn't return, our victims deserved that respect. People need to be more respectful when PvPing, not some dick who is attacking a weaker faction for the simple fact that he can. Its not enjoyable, and certainly not honorable.
I think something like this is fair: there may be such peaceful factions, they will have a peaceful flag. They may not enemy anyone, or they will lose this flag, rp factions can have what they want as long as they follow the terms, in return the reasons for raid would be trimmed down a bit, you still need a logical or rp reason so people just can't go lul raiding. There would be a place to apply for campaigns such as evil campaigns (like valyrias) these would have to be very well though out and have propoganda included, and would be veryyyy hard to get approved to the point where you can enemy the whole server, and almost all lore compliant. The next would be the classic "raiding for recourses" these would be maxed at only taking over 1/4 of a continent, and would also be considerably tough to get approved. Also if you say this would be more work for the staff, I've counted over 5 rp staff who have not done any lore writing or character apps in the past week. Thanks for reading my opinion.
It's against the rules to be Spawn killing someone at /f home anyway.
It's also irrational to be expecting someone to stay at their /f home for a couple of hours purely because some "guy" won't allow you to continue building your city.
Lmao no it isn't it's the factions choice to do fhome. They can stay at spawn or log out or /home. Seeing as they don't immediately spawn back at their fhome
I have actually raided a lot in my time. I don't harass the same faction for more than a couple of hours unless I completely hate them (rare). If the leader messaged me saying 'hey, dude my faction is bein completely wrecked. Please halt the raids until I get some stuff fixed please man.' I would leave em alone. Plus it depends on why I'm actually enemied to em. Then you get the average asshole RP'r who when you kill a few members of theirs goes crazy RageMode on ya. ' get the hell outa ma frection or il get al te adminz 2 ban u' when people say that, I'm afraid you have angered most people and they will spam raid you till you surrender. ( when I say average rp asshole I don't mean everyone that rp's is an asshole I mean the newbs that say you will be banned)
The facti

Oh talking about portals not being rp'ish....
Be creative and it will be.
In our faction we have portals on boats and stables. So people will come only by with boat, horse or walking. It's that easy.
Same goes for portals on battlefields; they came with horses!

And yes... Pearls are harder to merge in rp.
Fun fact, pearls are thought of as tools of demons in rp.
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