Archived Changing Rp Raid Reasons

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Hey guys,
I think most dedicated PvPers (Like myself) consider MassiveCraft PvP some of the best PvP in Minecraft. In fact, I know many people like me only actually play Minecraft because of MassiveCraft. In a recent post about "The Scariest Faction", I've seen a few posts from some PvPers about how factions themselves really aren't scary, and one post (I forget who by at the moment), made the point that factions, all factions, even those who make themselves "evil" are not, and basically, cannot be "scary" or feared. It was said that factions were only made scary when there was no RP reason needed to raid, and that there were factions that you just didn't mess with, because if you made a mistake, you were going to get slaughtered. After talking on skype, I came up with an idea.

I believe that this time in MassiveCraft can be restored, with a balance. My proposed idea is that we remove the whole idea of needing an RP reason to raid completely, but also add support for the newer factions it was intended to help by giving at least a 2 week grace period to new factions (Faction age can be seen with /f f). New factions within it's first 2 weeks will not be able to be enemied by other factions. However, the 2 week grace period can be broken, if the new faction attacks or enemies another faction. By adding this to MassiveCraft, war, and not just PvP, but possibly RP, could be enhanced (in my opinion), as new wars would be breaking out, and there would never be a dull moment, all the while new factions will be protected, and be given a fighting chance to build, recruit and strengthen overall.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully you can share your opinion with me down in the comments below.
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1. I never screamed at you. Looking at someone's faction titles, having never roleplayed with them, you'd have no idea that they were vampires. In roleplay, they hide their vampirism and are not open about it. The fact you're 'looking for someone to raid' based on their faction titles basically implies you were looking for someone to 'lolraid' regardless. It is metagaming to automatically 'know' they're vampires.
2. Your 'expanding empire' reason is also basically ridiculous. No rightful empire would start with (cough, weaker factions with no prems online vs prems only cough) factions that a world away from them. They would start with ones on their own continent rather than going half way across the world just to raid one or two people who they've never met before, in roleplay or otherwise.

Instead of playing yourself up to be the victim (once again, not once did I yell at you, you're being rather melodramatic there aren't you?), try raiding factions in your surrounding area for your 'expanding empire' excuse.

I think the rp rules should stand, because as is, it is a roleplay server. I'd rather not see smaller, weaker, more non-prem and non-PVP based factions raided into the dust for no reason just because a few premium PVPers get bored one day and the lolsraiding resumes.
Well, Yes, I do look for people to raid, because that is how I gain enjoyment on this server. And as Gridiron explained this is an Rp AND PvP server, not just RP.
Well, Yes, I do look for people to raid, because that is how I gain enjoyment on this server. And as Gridiron explained this is an Rp AND PvP server, not just RP.
Actually its an RP server with PvP elements, what they mean by this is that people shouldn't come to this server for one or the other because both are supposed to come hand in hand on this server, however whether players choose to implement this is over all their choice, the staff wont force it upon you.
I guess I have to emphasize this point again since people seem to misunderstand what exactly the RP raid reason is. This is different than the harassment rule! It's not like /if/ this gets removed hundreds of god armoured un-stoppable pvpers are going to pop out of nowhere and beat down every faction in existence. Not to mention not all pvpers are assholes who are looking to ruin peoples faction for fun. Some of us still have honour from way back when that actually meant something.

If you are a weak faction who is worried about this rule going, just keep in mind there is more you can do than unarmored noob rushes when you get raided. Just make friends with a Pvper. 1 pvper. Chances are if you call him to help, he brings his friends and suddenly there is an army helping you. Also, just be create with your tactics. Back when small factions did get hammered by big factions, all it would take is a well devised plan and a few create traps and bam suddenly you just killed the raiders. Although this is not the thread to teach everyone how to defend their base, it really is not that hard if you spend a bit of time coming up with some creative tactics.
Of course, most rp factions have not the best defence. That's why they are afraid to get raided.
Wasn't this in the Middle Ages as well? Weak villages/castles/ towns or civilizations got defeated or raided by the stronger ones?
Isn't that real roleplay? :)
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Of course, most rp factions have not the best defence. That's why they are afraid to get raided.
Wasn't this in the Middle Ages as well? Weak villages/castles/ town or civilizations got defeated or raided by the stronger ones?
Isn't that real roleplay? :)
This guy makes a good point.
Of course, most rp factions have not the best defence. That's why they are afraid to get raided.
Wasn't this in the Middle Ages as well? Weak villages/castles/ town or civilizations got defeated or raided by the stronger ones?
Isn't that real roleplay? :)
Yea but they also didn't have to contend with portals that can take one person from their base and put them in the battlefield at any given moment.
Yea but they also didn't have to contend with portals that can take one person from their base and put them in the battlefield at any given moment.

I just want to say that people against PVP seem to be RP'ers only. It appears that they own the weaker factions. Perhaps their quality lay more at RP'ing. That's a good thing, but when I started to play first on this server I was shivering to get along other factions. Isn't that more fun? To have the excitement and sensation in this game/server.

Your point of the portals just confirms my idea. If you have a good faction build, no one will be able to get inside, so wherefore are you afraid? Not even with those portals. They will just appear on the battlefield, so? If they can't enter your faction you're fine.
RP-wise this would be the richer factions or the factions that found a better spot to build on, will be safer.

The weaker factions have bad defenses (perhaps not even a wall?). Thus the less they invested in their faction, the better raidable. It's more than logic that factions without proper defenses are fragile.

PVP should become again without a RP-reason. Too many rules, don't work. Just do it in a decent and fair way.
As if a lord or king was thinking to give a reason before raiding, in the Middle Ages. Wealth it is!
not everyone want's to build a 60 block high wall around their faction. i can imagine such a wall around my faction and that wouyld just ruin the whole thing
I just want to say that people against PVP seem to be RP'ers only. It appears that they own the weaker factions. Perhaps their quality lay more at RP'ing. That's a good thing, but when I started to play first on this server I was shivering to get along other factions. Isn't that more fun? To have the excitement and sensation in this game/server.

Your point of the portals just confirms my idea. If you have a good faction build, no one will be able to get inside, so wherefore are you afraid? Not even with those portals. They will just appear on the battlefield, so? If they can't enter your faction you're fine.
RP-wise this would be the richer factions or the factions that found a better spot to build on, will be safer.

The weaker factions have bad defenses (perhaps not even a wall?). Thus the less they invested in their faction, the better raidable. It's more than logic that factions without proper defenses are fragile.

PVP should become again without a RP-reason. Too many rules, don't work. Just do it in a decent and fair way.
As if a lord or king was thinking to give a reason before raiding, in the Middle Ages. Wealth it is!
My point was that you were comparing it to something realistic and portals aren't realistic. Especially hiding one underground outside of a base instead of setting a camp or something near bye. Also an impenetrable base? That dosnt fit everyone's RP style. Some people just wish for a simple village or maybe some hidden place in the mountains. Someplace that would be hidden. Using real wars for an example of how things should be ran is a dysfunctional argument, for this isn't real life, for example, real life dosnt have a map that shows everything on the planet for anyone to find or portals that can lead entire armies to a single village. If they removed things like this, honestly I wouldn't mind the no RP reason to raid.
Yes, PVP might have become dull, but what a lot of people need to understand is, no pvper is being forced to run around Regalia roleplaying, so Roleplayers cant be forced to PVP. If Ben's idea gets implemented, it will be greatly unfair to Roleplayers and other people who dont like pvping. The real reason behind this problem is that MassiveCraft simply doesnt have enough pvpers to have big wars anymore. And most of the pvpers joining a big faction like Mag or Alamut or Valyria doesnt help the situation at all in my opinion.. If there were more, smaller factions I thinkn pvp would have more "flavour". Because everyone would be on different sides and it wouldn't be all proxy wars. So to sum it all up, in my opinion pvpers need to stop focusing on roleplay and roleplayers and start looking at themselves and what they can do better.
Yes, PVP might have become dull, but what a lot of people need to understand is, no pvper is being forced to run around Regalia roleplaying, so Roleplayers cant be forced to PVP. If Ben's idea gets implemented, it will be greatly unfair to Roleplayers and other people who dont like pvping. The real reason behind this problem is that MassiveCraft simply doesnt have enough pvpers to have big wars anymore. And most of the pvpers joining a big faction like Mag or Alamut or Valyria doesnt help the situation at all in my opinion.. If there were more, smaller factions I thinkn pvp would have more "flavour". Because everyone would be on different sides and it wouldn't be all proxy wars. So to sum it all up, in my opinion pvpers need to stop focusing on roleplay and roleplayers and start looking at themselves and what they can do better.
That's probably the best damn logic ive seen on this thread.
Yes, PVP might have become dull, but what a lot of people need to understand is, no pvper is being forced to run around Regalia roleplaying, so Roleplayers cant be forced to PVP. If Ben's idea gets implemented, it will be greatly unfair to Roleplayers and other people who dont like pvping. The real reason behind this problem is that MassiveCraft simply doesnt have enough pvpers to have big wars anymore. And most of the pvpers joining a big faction like Mag or Alamut or Valyria doesnt help the situation at all in my opinion.. If there were more, smaller factions I thinkn pvp would have more "flavour". Because everyone would be on different sides and it wouldn't be all proxy wars. So to sum it all up, in my opinion pvpers need to stop focusing on roleplay and roleplayers and start looking at themselves and what they can do better.
I disagree with a majority of this post. On the first part of pvpers not being forced to RP... I don't even... did you read the thread title? To pvp you have to have a decent RP. Now don't get me wrong I don't have to much of a problem with that, however, the rule has blocked pvpers enough to the point of people getting banned for raiding. Obviously it would be an adjustment that maybe the server is not ready for, but is it really that hard to befriend a pvper to do the fighting for you?

Also, as for splitting in factions, some of us have loyalty. If we split up that would make pvp much worse, as the goal here is for bigger wars not small little 3v3s.

On the point of "focusing roleplayers" you need to keep in mind this is just one thread. The way I see it, this is just one step in the direction of fixing a broken pvp system. Read some other threads such as joshy's or my own regarding the harassment rule, even if you do it just to relise that apart from some flamers, this thread just happens to involve changing an RP rule, it is not us out to shut down RP. Our goal is to make pvp better, and hopefully get back to the point where wars and daily pvp exist.
I can just tell this is going to get so much hate and disagreement but oh well.Massive-craft is a Great server obviously. People now just use the role play reason tactic only to get the raider to leave them alone. Do you honestly think they give half a shit about the raider invading them? No they don't. Massivecraft is where it is because of pvp. Back when the imperials where around they didn't give a damn about 'new' factions and such. I know it sounds like I'm desiring the past but I do believe that role players who just want to role play in their faction bases should honestly suck it up and deal with it. ( I sound like an asshole :P ). The server is a pvp/rp based server. So they should learn to protect their bases and have some basic defence systems. Then on the flip side pvp'rs do rp occasionally, take valyria for example. They wrote a whole script just so they could freely pillage. Sounds like rp to me ;). So Rp'rs should essentially grow a pair and accept they will always some asshole inside your town killing your members. Sorry, needed to get it out :3.
I have seen no other reason to keep this rule besides "Its a RP server, deal with it." Which is no reason at all practically. If you were to take out all aspects of PVP so that massive was purely rp, the server would crumble quickly, considering a vast majority of people won't play (forget about donate) on massive craft. Though you may think that the majority of people are here for RP, Thats because you are here, on the forums. The forums can't necessarily give accurate data about this issue. When I recruit for the faction I'm in, 90% of the people I recruit don't care AT ALL for role-play.
IMO factions who just rp and don't pvp, are just shooting themselves in the foot by trying to keep this rule. Why you ask? Well, you think you are safer when people need an RP reason to raid you right? Nope. Here's why. You see this trend that has started recently in factions, like Valyria, Ridenval, LuxAueterna, and Magnanimus (Old one)? They made up a role-play reason that allows them to freely go around killing whomever they please, and now they are enemies to…. (drumroll please) YOUR FACTION. I mean, do you really think the people from Valyria were solely trying to start some interesting rp? I mean, that was maybe part of it, but the main reason was for PVP. Don't agree? Every member in Valyria is a Pvper. I push the rule be lifted.
I'll admit, I'm working on making Brimstone an almost pure RP faction. But don't get me wrong, every single one of us will know how to fight for all those IC wars we are bound to have.

So, my opinion is that I think this rule is pretty stupid, despite my goals for Brimstone.
So, what you're saying, is that if they change this rule, I'll have this happen, but the zombies are god armored players?

(Remember this is sarcasm :P)
Everyone says, "Oh noes they slaughter my n00bs when dey raidz /repoted hahah", but in reality you should just learn to build secure structures.
  1. Put your /f home inside
  2. Magma cream portals
  3. Use iron doors on portals
  4. MAKE SURE there are no wholes at all in the buildings that you want to be secure
Honestly, safety is as easy as hiding, just because the PvPers are outside raiding you doesn't mean you necessarily need to fight them, you could just hide and they will eventually grow bored.
Yea but they also didn't have to contend with portals that can take one person from their base and put them in the battlefield at any given moment.

Of all the things that are unrealistic, you point out this? Role play has vampires, dwarves, elves, etc. Not to mention you can /msg and use commands to teleport.
There will always be role players who haven't a slight interest in PvP, that's fact. But the way the server has headed with role players continuously reporting raiders and generally being annoying something has to be changed. Il be honest, their is more rp staff than their is pvp staff. So it's either no role play reason to raid, or: pvprs will not be allowed to raid peaceful rp only factions. I know which one I'd prefer, the rest is generally up to what the staff want to do. :p
You all need to just take yourselves out of the equation and look at this situation from a neutral point of view for once. This is what I am doing as I have been away from MassiveCraft for nearly 4 months. We all know I am a PVPer and never really Role-played during my time on Massive, gave it a go but didn't like it. As most of you say, this IS an Rp/PvP server. However, this doesn't mean that one side needs to be superior. You all talk about the Imperial times, which were great fun. Some of the most fun times I had in my whole life (sadly?). BUT, they were fun for us PVPers. There were a lot of factions who just wanted to socialize and Role-play who didn't want to deal with testosterone-filled warmongers. All these people could do was stay in Regalia, think thats fair? I sure don't.
As I said, PVP-ers aren't forced to Role-play, just as Role=players shouldn't be forced to PVP Now, I don't really think making up an Role-play reason to raid is Role-playing. And one of you mentioned Valyria's script, that is just to make the admins leave them alone so they could raid people they want. Mag did the same, Chron did the same (with even less effort), so on so forth. Lets not lie to ourselves.
Now, on to the next topic, which is "everyone should make secure bases" you need to realize that not everyone has hours and hours on their hands to waste building a base just to not get killed. Some people just come on for a little bit everyday to catch up with friends and Role-play. Think of it like this, if MassiveCraft's Role-players were angry about a problem and they wanted to make all PVPers and other people who don't like to Roleplay, roleplay everyday, what would you do? I sure wouldn't stay very long. We are lucky that Role-players are generally very peaceful and quiet people and it doesn't take much to keep them happy and they don't run around trying to find problems to complain about. They are just here for the community, and most of all, have fun.
To Grid - As a response to my last post you said that Role-players could easily make friends with a PVPer, who would bring his friends to defend him. Isn't this just another proxy war? Is it needed? If you think about it you will be fighting the same people anyway, might as well go to their base and directly raid them. And about the 3v3, what I meant wasn't to have 3v3 wars. Just smaller teams all fighting each other as like a free for all. Imagine a big war, where there are 7 different sides fighting each other, and occasionally teaming up. You don't need to betray your faction to leave, you can still be loyal to your friends, still be on good terms with them but have your own side in a war. Its a game after all, its not worth it to get mad at each other. And yes, I have read all other threads concerning PVP.
It is very late and I am very tired when writing this. I hope no one gets offended. I tried to write in the softest tone I could. I am just trying to share my neutral point of view on this matter and hopefully shed some light.
@gridiron1024 @Joshy54100 @BenAlex144 @TheBatman1016 @EveryoneIThoughtWouldBeInterested.
Try to RP instead or at least stop being lazy.
I think what Dworvin is saying here is, @BenAlex144 the first thing you ever see on this server is a Role-play city. The server really at least unofficially focuses on role-play and many PVPers have put the effort into merging into this community and still keep the fun of PVP.
What you're expecting people to do is be "forced to PVP", be "forced to be good at PVP" and just basically "Deal with people raiding your faction". I agree with Dworvin in the sense that, instead of expecting a lot of the server to "deal", you should put in that minority effort, that's the requirements for raiding factions, respect that a lot of the server is for RP purposes, and then enjoy PVP once you've done that.

Oh and on the note with time frame for building a faction, I must admit, you're nuts.
Since when should it be a requirement to waste half your weeks away just to build a faction that is un-raidable. I personally wouldn't want to see people building cobble stone boxes with cities inside, just so they are protected. I actually like exploring and seeing different architecture and building styles that are beautiful and unique. As a person who spends about 90% of his time on the server building, expecting me to build even a village in two weeks is appalling. I spend 2 weeks creating my building team and recruiting, and possibly the next two MONTHS designing the damn thing. I couldn't possibly cramp that into two weeks unless I called in sick.
Lastly, not everyone chooses to spend hours on here. I would like to think that a large proportion of us have a "healthy" life-style of Moderate leisure time.
I think what Dworvin is saying here is, @BenAlex144 the first thing you ever see on this server is a Role-play city. The server really at least unofficially focuses on role-play and many PVPers have put the effort into merging into this community and still keep the fun of PVP.
What you're expecting people to do is be "forced to PVP", be "forced to be good at PVP" and just basically "Deal with people raiding your faction". I agree with Dworvin in the sense that, instead of expecting a lot of the server to "deal", you should put in that minority effort, that's the requirements for raiding factions, respect that a lot of the server is for RP purposes, and then enjoy PVP once you've done that.

Oh and on the note with time frame for building a faction, I must admit, you're nuts.
Since when should it be a requirement to waste half your weeks away just to build a faction that is un-raidable. I personally wouldn't want to see people building cobble stone boxes with cities inside, just so they are protected. I actually like exploring and seeing different architecture and building styles that are beautiful and unique. As a person who spends about 90% of his time on the server building, expecting me to build even a village in two weeks is appalling. I spend 2 weeks creating my building team and recruiting, and possibly the next two MONTHS designing the damn thing. I couldn't possibly cramp that into two weeks unless I called in sick.
Lastly, not everyone chooses to spend hours on here. I would like to think that a large proportion of us have a "healthy" life-style of Moderate leisure time.
Ehm unreadable factions need not be ugly or take ages to build. A few houses with no holes in and then no one can get in. Maybe an f home again with no holes in. Essentially your faction is unraidable as soon as you shut the door to your house.
Now look at it from a pvpers point of view. Pvp is dying. Pvpers are leaving, and there is minimal fighting at the moment. Is it 100% because of this rule and removing it will save us all? No. Of course not. Although this rule is just a small fraction of the pvp issue, the way I see it is this is what is stopping any major wars from happening. The second you raid anyone, even some pvpers at this point, they start crying aboose and no RP reason then the staff get involved and you get sent home. There cannot be fun pvp when everybody can hide behind the rules.

I know this server is heavily roleplay but it is also the factions server. I feel that factions should be one of the main features, where as now it seems factions are used for a way to make a nice little storage area or place to hang out, as opposed to the pvp they are normally marketed for. I think if factions pvp was given more support, and even marketed more, it would make the pvp community come back to life.
I think what Dworvin is saying here is, @BenAlex144 the first thing you ever see on this server is a Role-play city. The server really at least unofficially focuses on role-play and many PVPers have put the effort into merging into this community and still keep the fun of PVP.
What you're expecting people to do is be "forced to PVP", be "forced to be good at PVP" and just basically "Deal with people raiding your faction". I agree with Dworvin in the sense that, instead of expecting a lot of the server to "deal", you should put in that minority effort, that's the requirements for raiding factions, respect that a lot of the server is for RP purposes, and then enjoy PVP once you've done that.

Oh and on the note with time frame for building a faction, I must admit, you're nuts.
Since when should it be a requirement to waste half your weeks away just to build a faction that is un-raidable. I personally wouldn't want to see people building cobble stone boxes with cities inside, just so they are protected. I actually like exploring and seeing different architecture and building styles that are beautiful and unique. As a person who spends about 90% of his time on the server building, expecting me to build even a village in two weeks is appalling. I spend 2 weeks creating my building team and recruiting, and possibly the next two MONTHS designing the damn thing. I couldn't possibly cramp that into two weeks unless I called in sick.
Lastly, not everyone chooses to spend hours on here. I would like to think that a large proportion of us have a "healthy" life-style of Moderate leisure time.

Matt I would expect that most everyone who has played minecraft can make a small, nice looking house in half an hour, that also has no holes in it. Also, when you say roleplayers aren't forced to PvP, if they WERE raided that would actually BE roleplay, as when you think about medieval times, most weak villages with no defenses would probably get destroyed. Also, when you say the were saying people should "deal with people raiding your faction" it's not like the harassment rule is going to go away. Not only that, when I first got on Massive was so boring until I started a war with you and there was actually something to do instead of pointless wonder around and talk to the same people over and over.
everyone who has played minecraft can make a small, nice looking house in half an hour, that also has no holes in it.

I have got to put it to the test from that quote and make the house fit for RP... You go to Mithril, most houses there were built probably over a series of 2-6 hours each including interior.
I have got to put it to the test from that quote and make the house fit for RP... You go to Mithril, most houses there were built probably over a series of 2-6 hours each including interior.
Mithril's houses are a tad more nice than a "nice house"
What ben was saying is that a basic, decent looking house can be 100% raid proof and built in no time at all.
I feel like people are taking the rule of having an RP reason to raid waaaaaay too seriously. I mean honestly, say someone run into a random village, they think, well I could use some things. So they raid them, honestly a reason shouldn't be presented unless asked "Why are you attacking us?!" The proper response should be something along the lines of "Im robbing you!" or something. That's really not that hard.

The real issue why people have issues with pvpers knocking at their door is the fact that it is more times than not, a regular occurance of the same people. Really? You are gonna rob the same defenseless village twice? Honestly the people who do this are the cause of a lot of the strife between pvp and RP in my opinion. If someone is the kind of person to do this without an RP reason, then they are kind of an ass hole. If someone does do this with the reasoning of "Im trying to spread my Empire" Then they are truly doing that for an RP reason. If people want to demolish the RP reason to raid, then they need to start showing some common sense with it.
Now I understand not everyone who has spoken here is the kind of person to do that to a defenseless faction over and over. However I just wanted to state that this is one of the reasons this rule was implemented
I saw a guy get banned because a member of an rp faction left the rp fac, attacked him and then went back to the rp faction 2 hours later, so the banned guy enemied the rp faction and got banned... I'd say make definite rules about what are logical reasons to raid, and what aren't, just my two cents. Also from what I heard Valyria got bored of massive because of all the rules and loopholes they had to go through just to do one campaign to add some fun for pvpers, like who is left, a regrouping Alamut and an inactive mag... Kind of sad to be honest.
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I saw a guy get banned because a member of an rp faction left the rp fac, attacked him and then went back to the rp faction 2 hours later, so the banned guy enemied the rp faction and got banned... I'd say make definite rules about what are logical reasons to raid, and what aren't, just my two cents. Also from what I heard Valyria got bored of massive because of all the rules and loopholes they had to go through just to do one campaign to add some fun for pvpers, like who is left, a regrouping Alamut and an inactive mag... Kind of sad to be honest.
I think I know that guy, He's a cool person ;).
Valued point, but I think the easiest way to solve this, without disturbing people who want to Role-play peacefully is to create "RP war campaigns", Arrange for RP wars with factions, or even create a sign-up post.
You look at is as a way to "relief" the PVP community so they can get more action into their Massivecraft life. I look at it as a excuse for PVPers to go around raiding left right and centre, with no one there to stop them.
Allies only go so far with factions like Mag and such.
Matt I would expect that most everyone who has played minecraft can make a small, nice looking house in half an hour, that also has no holes in it. Also, when you say roleplayers aren't forced to PvP, if they WERE raided that would actually BE roleplay, as when you think about medieval times, most weak villages with no defenses would probably get destroyed. Also, when you say the were saying people should "deal with people raiding your faction" it's not like the harassment rule is going to go away. Not only that, when I first got on Massive was so boring until I started a war with you and there was actually something to do instead of pointless wonder around and talk to the same people over and over.
One house for me, maybe 1 hour. Another house, another hour. Then say one of my new recruits said we needed some places to RP = INCOMING Tavern, 2-3 Hours.
Now, my members have barely anything = INCOMING Markets, 2 hours.
Most new recruits want to role-play with occupations.
Blacksmith, 1 hour. Baker, 1 hour. Brewery, 1 hour.
AND OH, you're a farmer?
Farms 1-2 hours.
That's 10 hours minimum, and that's not taking into account getting supplies, or all those little faction leading problems you need to deal with in between.
I would be perfectly happy to spend 30 minutes watching you make a good house in Massivecraft. I don't call a good house something I'm "okay with". I never do things half- well. They get done to close to perfection in my eyes.
A lot of people are like this when making factions.

As with the relation to MEDIEVAL TIMES, fair statement, I use it quite a lot. However, when reading history books, I don't remember coming across people walking around in Diamond armor that Zeus could barely break through, raiding small little peasant towns several worlds away just because they forgot to /dynmap hide.

And the harassment rule, you probably should of stated that would still stay. But that doesn't fix anything.
I would still find it EXTREMELY difficult that once a week or so while I was building, some guy would come over raid me for all my supplies and then leave and come back the next week. Be realistic here Benalex.

That's fine for you, but to me. I was in the middle of building my town - and I lost a lot of good supplies. You basically jsut made my case for me.
People should be able be involved in wars and such when they are good and ready, not when someone gets bored with shining their god armor and high stats.
Matt I would expect that most everyone who has played minecraft can make a small, nice looking house in half an hour, that also has no holes in it.
One more thing, you shouldn't be restricted with time.
A lot of what's great about the server is all the majestic builds that are around. I don't want to see factions creating average buildings solely because they have limited time.
Some people make factions to create Temples, some libraries, some taverns, and some ships.
Now tell me GOOD builds like that can be done with two weeks.
Try a month, or maybe two, or three - Who knows, depends on their build.
One house for me, maybe 1 hour. Another house, another hour. Then say one of my new recruits said we needed some places to RP = INCOMING Tavern, 2-3 Hours.
Now, my members have barely anything = INCOMING Markets, 2 hours.
Most new recruits want to role-play with occupations.
Blacksmith, 1 hour. Baker, 1 hour. Brewery, 1 hour.
AND OH, you're a farmer?
Farms 1-2 hours.
That's 10 hours minimum, and that's not taking into account getting supplies, or all those little faction leading problems you need to deal with in between.
I would be perfectly happy to spend 30 minutes watching you make a good house in Massivecraft. I don't call a good house something I'm "okay with". I never do things half- well. They get done to close to perfection in my eyes.
A lot of people are like this when making factions.

As with the relation to MEDIEVAL TIMES, fair statement, I use it quite a lot. However, when reading history books, I don't remember coming across people walking around in Diamond armor that Zeus could barely break through, raiding small little peasant towns several worlds away just because they forgot to /dynmap hide.

And the harassment rule, you probably should of stated that would still stay. But that doesn't fix anything.
I would still find it EXTREMELY difficult that once a week or so while I was building, some guy would come over raid me for all my supplies and then leave and come back the next week. Be realistic here Benalex.

That's fine for you, but to me. I was in the middle of building my town - and I lost a lot of good supplies. You basically jsut made my case for me.
People should be able be involved in wars and such when they are good and ready, not when someone gets bored with shining their god armor and high stats.
You only need a safe /f home to be secure, you don't necessarily need a fully equipped city.
You only need a safe /f home to be secure, you don't necessarily need a fully equipped city.
It's against the rules to be Spawn killing someone at /f home anyway.
It's also irrational to be expecting someone to stay at their /f home for a couple of hours purely because some "guy" won't allow you to continue building your city.
It's against the rules to be Spawn killing someone at /f home anyway.
It's also irrational to be expecting someone to stay at their /f home for a couple of hours purely because some "guy" won't allow you to continue building your city.
Then you find a way to get rid of them. Realistically, if you have a small faction (<10 members) you could even surrender for extremely cheap and then not be raided for a while by them. You could also try to fight them, get allies (this is so easy now, most PvPers are looking for any fighting at all there is so little so if you're an ally they will generally defend you for no cost), make a trap, go to Regalia and RP (since you're an RPer), or try to make peace with them in some other way (Tell them you'd really appreciate it if they'd leave because your members want to do stuff or you want to continue your activity that was interrupted (This strategy works a lot, just guilt trip them in a nonoffensive way)).
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