Burning Bridges Medical Clinic


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score

Closed by Ana Cervantez as of March 12, 310 AC.
About Us
Established in January 309 AC, the Burning Bridges Medical Clinic is a business organization that provides medical services to city locals. Operating on Main Street, staff come from all walks of life and work together to provide healing through different means. The clinic is owned by Ana Cervantez and managed by Constanzo dei Fierdo, Reynard Benac, Reginald of Calemberg, and Iranela dei Ithania.

This roleplay group has a heavy emphasis on IC relationships and happenings to drive the organization's direction. This means that you can expect more than your average medic/healing roleplay, as it will involve interpersonal moments, engagement with other roleplay groups, and plenty of conflicts beyond and within the clinic.

Applicants are first evaluated OOCly for good community standing and adherence to RP conduct. If this passes, then acceptance to work in the clinic is based solely on IC interaction. It is preferred that you seek us out IC to inquire about jobs. When this is not possible, please submit an IC letter, addressed to Ana Cervantez using Forum Conversations.


  • (January 309 AC) Began operations in Old Town Clinic after annexing the building with the help of the Kreiguard.
  • (February 309 AC) Moved operations to New Town Clinic and publicly opened business.
  • (March 309 AC) Moved operations to Willowshop1, under the Golden Willow. Promoted Ming-Ming L'iang-bae to Manager.
  • (April 309 AC) Contributed to the Blight Relief Association. Promoted Costanzo dei Fierdo to Manager.
  • (May 309 AC) Ana Cervantez becomes new clinic owner. Moved operations to Boulevard5. Hosted medic lessons.
  • (June 309 AC) Expanded clinic space.
  • (July 309 AC) Hosted medicine, alchemy & herbalism lessons. Promoted Reynard Benac to Manager. Provided medical aid in Daenshore. Had Yazzak's Disease epidemic at clinic. Closed by Violet Order due to vampiric infestation.
  • (August 309 AC) Re-opened under strict Violet Order watch. Promoted Reginald of Calemburg to Head of Security.
  • (September 309 AC) Closed due to Regalia's vampire occupation.
  • (October 309 AC) Re-opened.
  • (November 309 AC) Promoted Iranela dei Ithania to Manager. Received clinic expansion from government.
  • (December 309 AC) Hosted alchemy and medical lessons.

Old Events

Our Story About a Pig-Faced Man
Once upon a time, a woman approached Old Town Clinic to consult the medics in its lair, only to find the walls falling apart, the water pipes leaky, and the place left to rot at the neglect of the State. She brought this knowledge to a noble man, who saw fit to annex the building and start anew. With the noble's guardsmen in tow, the building was sieged - unofficially, of course, for there was no one there to conquer. And thus, the clinic business began.

The woman gathered medics across Regalia, not caring for past grievances, so long as they could heal. Together they learned each other's stories, the bonds of medics and healers cemented. Trainees were sought and mentored. The business continued to grow and so did the make-shift group that ran it, operating without an official name.

Then Old Town Clinic was deconstructed. There was no place to work in. For a time, the group dispersed to private business. The woman took time to let go of her devout obsession with Old Town's people and sought other places to operate. New Town Clinic provided. The building was explored and then the woman was approached.

A strange, eccentric man and his goons of six or more made an offer: 'Work with us. Make the clinic our own. Share your numbers.' The woman did not like this man, for his face resembled that of an ugly pig's and his word was good as slop. She deferred her answer to consult her fellows.

A second time, the woman was approached, at a commoner assembly of all appropriate places. A second time, she deferred, for his breath smelled like swine. She deferred to consult her fellows. She said to the man, 'do not come to the meeting,' and trusted his word one last time.

At long last the time arrived. The woman met with her fellows. With wine and good company, they rejoiced to work once more. And then the man broke his word. He arrived a third time. His goons blockaded the hall and claimed to be boss.

But what kind of boss has to tell their people they are one to be one?

The woman told the man: 'My answer is no. We will not work with you.' And she burned the bridge with the man to start anew.

Written by Ana Cervantez.

February 24, 309 AC.
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Staff Roster
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❧ Aire Luven - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aire-luven.96402/
❧ Alice Isolda - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/alice-isolda.92711/
❧ Allynna Marais - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/allynna-marais.88314/
❧ Amaira Sashvani-vaalia - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/amaira-sashvani-vaalia.97462/
❧ Asiroch - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/asïroch.98603/
❧ Avis Cordol - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/avis-cordol.95037/
Azhar Samake - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/azhar-tabib-samake.96938/
❧ Baeldeth Tahlvin - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/baeldeth-feraual-tahlvin.91528/
❧ Connak Fayden - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/connak-fayden.78750/
Dias Zatras - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/dias-the-ice-bard.97585/
❧ Divy Rousseau - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/divy-rousseau.95532/
❧ Einhardt Jäger - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/einhardt-jäger.96694/
❧ Eletha Gilphyra - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eletha-gilphyra.92505/
❧ Fansho/Canzawa Burch - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ahsozhel-the-student.81256/
Fenric Gerard - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/fenric-evanu.92485/
Haedria von Strix - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/haedria-von-strix-character-application.97262/
Hatharal Dragulthar - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/heather-tyr-draghulthar.89402/
❧ Heinrich Ciran - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/heinrich-ciran.92552/
Indigo Verisey - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/indigo-verisey.97672/#post-1026426
❧ Lieven Thorner - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lieven.68588/
Llisska - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/llisska.96892/
Lucian Clemente - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lucian-busra-clemente.97573/
❧ Merrick Felwinter - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/merrick-felwinter.97172/
❧ Mihaela Litvinova - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/camille-das-rosenfeld.77559/
Mori Ga Beg - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mori-ga-beg.95879/
Myantha Leoleth - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/myantha-leoleth.97966/
❧ Reselda de Gonzo - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/zelda-playero.90299/
Revna av Åge-Fjell - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/revna-av-Åge-fjell.90286/
❧ Ryllae - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ryllae.88600/
❧ Sage Marais - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sage-marais.94681/
❧ Srak Kōrinth'raka - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/srak-kōrinth'raka.88047/

Vegara Mai-Zarbo - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vegara.96907/
Viktor Schmidt - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/viktor-schmidt.98408/
Xamanito Juarez - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/xamanito-juarez-the-open-minded-scholar.79848/
Zoratirre Lothamine - https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/zafalsi-llimani.97448/
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Heh the photo of the clinic, I remember when I first joined and Heinrich was carried there after fainting. I remember those rooms T~T