Archived Better Raiding Power Depleted Factions [ Pvp ]

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
O sorry the thread seems to be broken...

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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Don't you think its kind of weak how the PVP system is now? theirs no benifit or obvious pickture that your team is winning.

Was thinking that since its already able to be set this way (no trouble at all to do this)

Have it so when a factions power is lower than its land claim that the factions buttons, levers, doors can be accessed by enemy players.

this would boost moral for the winning faction during war, keep faction claims in somewhat of a check, as well as define a clear winner to a war and make it less difficult to get tribute pay.

Wouldn't that ruin PvP because then you could camp their f home freely for as long as you wanted and steal all their portal combos. Even with minor alterations I can almost guarantee that this will never be implemented.
their is a 1 hour limit to raiding once a week.

+ during war time factions should not get breaks anyway, that was the point of the idea.

2 hour a week actually but I'm with ben. Small factions would be majorly disadvantaged vs pvp factions. So no.
Sorry Dworvin, it's good in concept but in reality it would just cause people to build piston doors everywhere and wouldn't actually change the results lol
Wouldn't that ruin PvP because then you could camp their f home freely for as long as you wanted and steal all their portal combos. Even with minor alterations I can almost guarantee that this will never be implemented.
That is why I never really use portals. I only have one now, at it's locked up in my faction's mine. One person stole my codes, so I broke my portals. Plain and simple. At least every raider I've ever had has showed me how they got in and told me how I could fix it. Now I truly think my faction is unraidable. Hu. Rah.