Character Information
Appearance Information
Plot Hooks
Proficiency Information
Character Information
- Full Name | Ambroise Obraive-Solarent Vin Coeur Malkaveau Cervidé de Velorienne
- Aliases | "The Antediluvian Lord", "Amaury de Seigneur", "La Lance d'Inthalis"
- Heritage | Haute and Burdigala Ithanian Ailor
- Age | One Hundred and Three
- Gender | Male
- Religion | Unionism (minor) Syncretized Evolism (Major)
- Affliction| Greater Voilenigme Vampire, Brood
- Eye Colour | Hazel
- Skin Colour | Pale White
- Hair | Dark Brown
- Height | 5'8
- Public Character Occupation | Maître des Roses, Seigneur de l'Allure, and Ambassadeur -
Oversees family gardens, represents their house in foreign courts and markets. - Private Character Occupation | Sommelier du Sang; Héraut des Ombres -
Communicates with other vampire families or groups, passing messages and negotiating secret alliances. - Hobbies | Gardening, Napping, Wine 'Connoisseurship', Poetry, Hosting Intimate Gatherings, Hunting.
- Languages | Common, d'Ithanie, Droque, Altalar and Pannarokh, Calem
Born over a century ago, Ambroise has long outlived his expected peers, but thanks to his vampiric nature still maintains the appearance of a man in his mid twenties. Though Ambroise has become disillusioned with grand schemes of domination, he still plays the part of a charming Ithanian Aristocrat, outwardly aloof yet attentive to the power struggles around him
He has never known life without the Vampiric Curse and views it as a gift to be shared with all who are worthy. He works under the ancient matriarch of his family - Ismèralde - and by proxy her DEscprince Masters, who have ruled over the Malkaveau for over two centuries. -
Growing up in the opulent surroundings of the Malkaveau estate, young Ambroise was surrounded by grandeur and indulgence from an early age. The estate, nestled in the picturesque region of Velorienne, was renowned for its lush gardens and lavish silk-draped interior. His early years were marked by a life of privilege, with every whim catered to by a devoted staff.
Until the age of twelve, Ambroise would be educated entirely by family tutors, who were of course trusted Voilenigme Vampires. He learned of his place in the world, and his superiority to regular people. The grandeur of this upbringing instilled in him a sense of entitlement and a desire to expand the family's influence beyond Ithania. He began to entertain plans for the consolidation of the Malkaveau name as a dominant force in the vampiric scene of Ithania. He wanted to break his family free from the control of their Voilenigme masters. -
Despite his ambition, Ambroise's efforts to usurp the Voilenigme masters ultimately proved futile. His schemes were impressive but naive, lacking the necessary subtlety and respect for the intricate balance of power that the Voilenigme had so carefully maintained. When the Desprinces discovered his plot, they were initially inclined to exact severe retribution. However, they found his attempts more amusing than threatening.
Instead of obliterating him as they might have done a more dangerous adversary, the Desprinces chose to make an example of him. They imposed a curse, binding his immortality to a mirror of their own making—should the mirror ever be destroyed, Ambroise would cease to exist. This curse was not just a precaution but a constant reminder of his place within the Voilenigme's domain. The mirror became both his safeguard and his prison. With this binding, the Desprinces had effectively neutered his ambitions, forcing him into a state of subservience and perpetual reminder of his limitations.
Plot Hooks
Expensive Ithanian Silk
Characters from regions known for luxury goods or high fashion might have dealt with Ambroise's family as suppliers, making them potential contacts or even competitors.
Characters with a keen interest in fashion or textiles might have studied or collected garments or bedding made from the renowned Ithanian fabrics, possibly tracing their origins back to Ambroise's family.
Artisan may have had dealings with Ambroise's family, possibly collaborating on special projects or exclusive designs.
Ithanian Opulence
Characters who have mingled with Ithania's elite across the past seventy years might recognize Ambroise's face from social functions or gatherings - 'he looks just like his grandfather...'
There exists old paintings in Ithania portraying Ambroise's "Grandfather" and "Father", figures he heavily resembles.
Characters who have travelled through Ithania or settled there might have encountered Ambroise during their travels or through local connections.
The Malkaveau are sometimes insulted as being mere fabric merchants - it is implied they trade fabrics because they lack the grace to be fashion designers. This is considered a grave insult and Ambroise maintains that the cultivation, trade and quality assurance of fabrics is an important step in the fashion industry - and that anyone who disagrees "lacks the insight to recognize the finer intricacies of the craft." -
Vampiric Adoration -
Over the decades, Ambroise has built a reputation as a generous benefactor to his fellow vampires, offering discreet safehouses, help funding their ventures, and even offering to - where he can - cover up missteps with human authorities or local nobility. Ambroise actively wants his kin to succeed, so long as they're respectful and 'have class'.
He's hosted many lavish gatherings in Ithania, where vampires can network, form alliances, and indulge their desires.
He's often the mediator between feuding vampiric factions, using his silver tongue and considerable wealth to resolve disputes before they spiral into conflict. Vampires passing through Ithania in the past have known they could approach him for guidance, often receiving it in exchange for minor favours or information.
- At a Cost.
Ambroise thus is a valuable ally—but also a dangerous enemy. Vampires who have passed through Ithania or who have taken advantage of his hospitality may find themselves indebted to him, whether they like it or not. Ambroise never forgets a debt, and he's known to call in favours at unexpected times.
Proficiency Information
General Vampire Mechanics
- Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
- Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting Magic, can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
- Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
- Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
- Vampires, when applying Curses via Advanced Roleplay Mechanics can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.
- All Vampires are capable of transforming into what is called a Vampiric Form, which is a Disguise Transformation (and Monstrous Transformation) that makes them appear more monster-like with more creative design freedom outside of the range of limitations imposed on their Race or gender appearance.
- All Vampires also have the Weapon Summon Ability to draw a weapon to their hand in an instant, either made of their own blood, or magically summoned, and capable of changing weapon type.
- Voilenigme Vampires can use a Guild Glamor, that allows them to participate in any Guild Meeting and fake their membership for those meetings only (should still not draw too much attention).
- Voilenigme Vampires are able to apply a Party Glamor onto any number of non-Vampire allies or collaborators when they use a Party Glamor themselves, following the common Rules for Party Glamor.
- Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.
Dex Attack 7 | Magic Defence 5
Dexterity: 7Deadeye Point Buy Overwatch
LuckshotRoguery Point BuyFate's Wheel
Nimble Bola
Escape Artist (Free: Ailor)Magic: 7Adapt Point BuyShapeshift
WardrobeMagic Point BuyMagic Resist
Magic Shove
Magic Snare
Magic Isolate
Magic CleanseConstitution: 0Mounted Point BuyMounted Evasion (Free: Ailor)
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