Character Information- Full Name | Aristide Javienne-Looxois Coeur Pâle Malkaveau Araignée de Velorienne
- Alias | Cygne La Maison de Seigneur
- Heritage | Haute and Burdigala Ithanian Ailor
- Age | Twenty Five
- Gender | Male
- Religion | Unionist, Syncretized Evolist (Juvin, Int, Catheron)
- Sexuality | Fruity?
- Affliction|
Gentle reminder to avoid accidental metagaming when checking sheets. Aristide is a Fledgling Vintgast Vampire, Brood
- Height | 6'1" ft (185.42 cm)
- Weight | 155 lbs
- Eye Colour | Pastel blue
- Skin Colour | Sickly pale
- Hair | Light Blonde
- A young man, but appears a fair bit more aged than his twin
- His posture is tall and strict, but held by a girdle, given his sickly disposition
- Shadows take to his eyes very well, easily clouding blue with black
- He is rare to smile, rarer still for such a thing to meet his eyes
- Public Character Occupation | Superviseur des domestiques et de la production textile interne - Overseer of servants and in house textile production
- Private Character Occupation | Gestionnaire de la distribution du bétail sanguin - Manager of blood cattle and distribution
- Hobbies | The sciences, classical literature, (watching) ballet, and pinning (arthropod taxidermy)
- Common | Native
- D'Ithanie | Native
- Droque | Partial
- Altalar | Fluent
- Pannarokh | Partial
- Calem | Novice
Life & History
Introduction | Personality | Motives |
Born one of a pair of twins, Aristide is far weaker than his other half, having suffered grave injury in his youth, resulting in him depending on a cane for movement. Despite his soft appearance, Aristide is quite cold to those outside his family. Having been born a brood, Aristide has never known life without his vampiric blessing, much less life without his twin, Alábastor. Aristide is deeply devoted to his family and the inner folds of his coven. His uncle, who acts as his cousin in public, Ambroise, is one of his greatest role models, besides the ancient matriarch of his family - Ismèralde - and by proxy her Descprince Masters. These Masters have ruled over the Malkaveau for well over two centuries. | Always a quiet and demure child, Aristide could be mistaken for soft-spoken at a glance, but in truth he is quite the opposite. Always moving with a serene silence, the young man acts almost as a ghost or phantom, his presence always felt but somewhat unobtrusive. This, of course, works in Aristide's favour as a devout observer of the world. Information is key, and Aristide is a passionate scholar, quick to consume any information placed before him, his hunger for knowledge rivalling all of his bodily needs. Yet, with his desire for information comes an eternal wash of boredom in his surroundings. The amount of things that can hold Aristide's attention for long is few, limited mostly to his family, and the few arts he enjoys. Managing to worm your way into the small collection of the young man's interest is no easy feat, yet if achieved, it's guaranteed you will have Aristide's every devotion. Dangerous devotion, but devotion nonetheless. | Aristide's hunger for information compliments his family's hunger for power quite well. Ever his most precious things, the young man is devoted to furthering the goals of his family, amassing wealth and connections. Aristide can set aside his cold disinterest in his peers if only to appease his 'cousin' Ambroise, and his dear twin. Ever the pragmatist, Aristide is prone to taking the most direct and practical route in solving problems, which can lead to great acts of cruelty. An appeal to logic will always serve to catch Aristide's approval, but, if all else fails, one can always look to his family to sway him. |

Plot Hooks
Aristocrat | Vampire |
Expensive Ithanian Silk | L'art et les principes du commerce Characters from regions known for luxury goods or high fashion might have dealt with the Malkaveau family as suppliers, making them potential contacts or even competitors. Characters with a keen interest in fashion or textiles might have studied or collected garments or bedding made from the renowned Ithanian fabrics, possibly tracing their origins back to the Malkaveaus. Artisan may have had dealings with the Malkaveau family, possibly collaborating on special projects or exclusive designs. Ambroise and Aristide are best to be contacted regarding matters such as large purchases. Ithanian Opulence | Le joyau de leur couronne The Malkaveau are sometimes insulted as being mere fabric merchants - it is implied they trade fabrics because they lack the grace to be fashion designers. This is considered a grave insult and the current Malkaveau head in Regalia, Ambroise, maintains that the cultivation, trade and quality assurance of fabrics is an important step in the fashion industry - and that anyone who disagrees "lacks the insight to recognize the finer intricacies of the craft." Aristide much agrees with his cousin, and is on a constant venture for new forms of silk weaving, and breeds of silkworms. The young man himself even studies and cultivates the curious little creatures, and takes a great interest in arthropods, having a whole room dedicated to pinning them. | Vampiric Love | Ma chère perle - Over the decades, Ambroise built the reputation of the Malkaveau family as a generous benefactor to their fellow vampires. They offer discreet safehouses, help fund their ventures, and even offers to - where they can - cover up missteps with human authorities or local nobility. Ambroise actively wants his kin to succeed, so long as they're respectful and 'have class'. Aristide is of a similar mindset, but finds that class is not enough, and desires only the cream of the cream of the crop to ever come so close as to touching his family. However, Artistide is more open to offering the gift of vampirsm to those he deems worthy, thanks to that fact. The Malkaveau's have hosted many lavish gatherings in Ithania, where vampires can network, form alliances, and indulge their desires. Though unlike the rest of his family Aristide is not as quick to help his fellows, and if one should fall he believes it should be done so with grace. - At a Cost. | Restez sur mon cou The Malkaveau are thus a valuable ally—but also a dangerous enemy. Vampires who have passed through Ithania or who have taken advantage of the Malkaveau's hospitality may find themselves indebted to them and their head, Ambroise, whether they like it or not. Ambroise never forgets a debt, and he's known to call in favours at unexpected times. Aristide is Ambroise's most enthusiastic enforcer, and the young man takes a slight glee in observing those under Ambroise's thumb squirm about in the face of power. |

Proficiency Information
Combat | Mechanics | The Invocation |
Dextarity Attack 2 | Magic Defence 5
| General Vampire Mechanics
| Le timon de la moelle The great tragedy of Aristide's youth marked him in many ways, one of which being the curse laid upon his soul by his father, to keep his soul bound to this plane more than it already was through vampirism. Deep within the heart of the Malkaveau estate is the skull of the poor red blood whose rifle landed a fatal shot on the young Aristide. Upon the young Malkaveau's last hours, his prospective killer's flesh was ripped from his muscles, tendons torn from bone, and skull severed from his neck to create a curse of the most sickening variety. A fragment of Aristide's soul was torn from his dying body and placed within the eyes of the skull, blessing his vision, yet tying his soul to a rather vulnerable position. This invoked object is hidden away, behind guards, traps, and yet more curses, to protect this frail man from greater death. Aristide's thoughts on the matter are unknown, even his twin knows not what he thinks of this cruel mockery of immortality. |

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