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Played Character Alábastor Malkaveau | Vespira de Seigneur

This character is actively played.


A wretched little thing
Jun 23, 2024
Reaction score
1726890025177.webp Alábastor Malkaveau & Vespira de Seigneur
~Character Information~
  • Full Name: Alábastor Marie-Claude Castex Vel-Yvette Malkaveau / Vespira de Seigneur
  • Heritage / Culture: Ithanian Ailor
  • Age: Twenty-Five
  • Gender: Female
  • Religion: Unionism (Major) Syncretized Evolism (Minor)
  • Occult: Void Magic, Greater Vintgast Vampire, Brood
  • Character Occupation: Duelist, aspiring play writer, hopeless romantic, and devout family member
The Gentle Side
The Cruel Side
The Appearance:
To note one's beauty~

The effeminate side, touched both by the apparent grace of a beautiful bloodline, pallid skin, stark blue irises and gentle blonde hair frames a visage of youth and refined Ithanian heritage. Their entire form as been left unblemished by the passing years, perfectly silky smooth skin and modest framed, an delicate balance of one's body. This veil of existance was akin to a relaxed day of summer, perfect to enrapture the delights and hopes of any that would play along with it. Yet, alas, it remains a veil to hide the true horror within, even if the Gentle Side is a half of a whole.


The Magic:
To note one's expertise~
Shimmering white inlayed with sudden streaks of golden hues, these sparkles, streaks and strings of essence form into defenses and offenses alike, akin to a seamstress weaving away with measured grace. Despite it's purpose for combat and sparring, it can't help but hold a presence of peace to it, as if one was never meant to be harmed by such harnessed invocations of the void. This is Celestial Magic, also known as Light Magic.
The Appearance:
To note one's horror~
The absence of veiling magic reveals the existance of the abhorrent and wretched, the cruelty of the Sanguine's Curse placed upon full display for any who dare glance upon the true Alábastor. Deathly pale skin framed by horrid scars of rust coloring, etched upon her bulky frame with no guidance or care for self. Voidic Mutations have brought ruin to any chance she had to being granted an accepted form, and instead wrought the horrors of the void upon flesh and bone. Horn growths sprung from her head, one leg of digitigrade build, blackened veins that hue with void energies, and muscle mass unatural for a woman of her age and birthing. The towering brood's size is only matched by her savagery, disregard given to damage and pain; that is, if such a thing could even feel pain any longer. 1727155879879.webp
The Magic:
To note one's profanity~

Erupting streaks and gushing sanguine, this magic is born from suffering of one's self, to invoke punishment upon those who'd dare strike this horror. The invoker's blood is controlled and manipulated like a puppet, splashed and thrown with purpose, with the following effect of wretched red lighting being summoned forth, the blood acting as conduit to let it travel and bring horrid damage in it's wake, the only thing left lingering is the smell of rust and iron. This is Blood Magic and Lightning Magic.
Plot Hooks

Ithanian Nobility

House Malkaveau is a sophisticated Ithanian family rooted in a hundred-year tradition of silk and fabric trading, renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Now, the family has reached Regalia, she actively seeks to engage with the gentry and enact on political policies that remain unknown to the public.
Malformed Monstrosity
The natural form of Alábastor is not a point of pride for her, yet she uses her natural granted 'gifts' regardless, acting as the brute of the family, instilling fear and pain upon any who'd dare question their rightful place within the pecking order of Sanguine Society. Even with this, the always lingering sense of self-hatred and loathing due to their unsightly appearance lingers in their mind. Could it be mended, or plunged further into this suffering?
Hopelessly Romantic
As many of her age would seek, Alábastor yearns for a chance for a true bond with someone, beyond friendship or bloodline, oft' spending nights reading slightly cheesy romance novels (many of the forbidden love flavoring). Now in Regalia, she seeks courtship with any who'd have her, and who can appeal to her Ithanian snark.
Vampiric Bloodline
Pointbuy Abilities & Mechanics:
Attack Stat: 17
Defense Stat: 15

Proficiency Points:

Constitution: 5
- Shield Cover
- Fortitude
- Rage Counter
- Iron Will
- Breather

Arcane: 10
Arcane Blade
Arcane Apotheosis
Arcane Echostrike
Arcane Snare
Arcane Aura
Arcane Portent
Arcane Cleanse
Arcane Sap
Arcane Warp
Mindcontrol Pack

All Ailor, and Vampire & Brood Mechanics: Vice Master, Universal Speech

OOC Notes:
Please remain respectful and polite with the fact that their vampire status is meant to remain very well hidden for the benefit of everybody's RP.

For stuff like scarring and the like, I usually am 100% consent for scarring and damage, though not the lost of limbs or other important body parts.
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Inventory & Gear
Hellion Dracqus Armor
This Gothic Armor hails as a import from Dorkarth, donned in dark crimson runes upon the dark-steel plates. It has been enchanted to fend off both magic and blade.

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