Blue Blood Noble Family House Malkaveau


Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
- Music Link -

Basic Information
  • Matriarch| Ismèralde Vrillaie-Solarent Paix Coeur Malkaveau Colombe de Vantelière
  • Sigil | Silk Moth
  • Heritage | Haute and Burdigala Ithanian

  • Family Theme
    House Malkaveau is a sophisticated Ithanian family rooted in a hundred-year tradition of silk and fabric trading, renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Their origins lie in Vantelière, Ithania, where they quietly grew their expertise and reputation. Unable to compete with the Ithanian titans of fashion design, the Malkaveau instead cemented themselves as luxury suppliers through various deals with famous couturieres. Whilst Ismèralde sees to the far more complex political landscape at home in Ithania, her favourite grandchild, Ambroise, acts as the de-facto family head in The Crown Isle, overseeing the estate and land on the Île de Suvere - an island in the Ithanian speaking region of the western Archipelago, Pays-Sud.

    The family is regarded as a classic representation of Ithanian tradition—overall pleasant and friendly, yet often perceived as pretentious and opulent. While they are somewhat out of touch with commoners, the Malkaveau genuinely wish to foster goodwill, even if their attempts occasionally miss the mark due to their genteel mannerisms and pompous nature.

    True Family Theme
    The Île-de-Suvere, their estate in the western Archipelago, is famed among Ithanians as a lavish party island, where the rich and powerful are always welcome for an extravagant ball or celebration. The picturesque cliffs, shimmering waters, and exclusive events create an allure for those seeking a luxurious getaway. However, within the vampire community, Île-de-Suvere is infamous for far more sinister gatherings. Under the guise of opulent galas, the island hosts "blood-parties"—dances and feasts where the participants are all vampires, and the prey, carefully chosen, are unaware of the danger around them.

    Yes, The Malkaveau - known among kin as La Maison de Seigneur - are secretly a coven of Vampires planted by the most powerful Voilenigme Desprinces in Ithania!
  • Family Tree

    The Malkaveau family tree is a large and complicated mess, with fake names and people who are actually the same person.
    It isn't public knowledge that the family tree is essentially fake, but below is a record of members who are important.​

    Title Record
    Agnès Ismèralde Malkaveau, 167 - 192 AC | First Baroness of Île-de-Suvere, 180 - 192 AC

    Born in 167 AC, became Baroness 180 AC at the age of 13 and ruled until her death in 190 AC.
    Adélaïde Ismèralde Malkaveau, 171 - 240 AC | Second Baroness of Île-de-Suvere, 192 - 240 AC
    Inherited the island in 190 AC at the age of 19 and ruled until 240 AC, maintaining her position for 50 years.
    Amédée Ambroise Malkaveau, 220 - 284 | First Baron of Île-de-Suvere from 240 - 284
    Inherited the island after Adélaïde's passing. Died in a duel, having ruled until his death in 284.
    Ismèralde Malkaveau, 252 - Current | Third Baroness of Île-de-Suvere from 284 - 307, Currently Duchesse de Vantelière (Foreign, Ithanian Title: not recognised in Regalia)
    Inherited the island and gave the land to her grandson Ambroise so she could focus on Ithanian politics.
    Ambroise Malkaveau, 285 - Current | First Count of Île-de-Suvere from 307 - Current
    The First Comte de l'Île-de-Suvere, who often visits his holiday home in Regalia and is known for treating the ile as a grandiose 'party island'.

    Alábastor Malkaveau, 290 - Current | Viscountess of Île-de-Suvere from 307 - Current
    One of 'The Twins', Ambroise's younger siblings. Those 'in the know' reckon Ambroise is actually their great uncle.
    Aristide Malkaveau, 290 - Current | Viscount of Île-de-Suvere from 307 - Current
    One of 'The Twins', Ambroise's younger siblings.Ambroise is related to them, but he's certainly not their sibling.
  • Vampirism
    • Voilenigme: The core and most respected bloodline within the family. Seen as the epitome of grace and elegance.
    • Nerocanto: Allowed in the family due to their expertise in secrecy and plotting.
    • Vintgast: Fully welcomed due to their refined tastes and skills as blood vintners.
    • Torrghlas: Not allowed as family members, but serve as secret vampire bodyguards and house guards. Their vampirism is concealed to maintain the family's image.
    • Dymolov: Not family members, but secretly utilized as assassins and bodyguards. The family feigns ignorance of their involvement while taking advantage of their powerful abilities.
    • Bremnevel: Not allowed in the family due to their swamp witch aesthetic, which clashes with the family's focus on refinement and grace. Still welcome as staff - especially as gardeners.
    • Silberfeder: Sworn enemies of the Voilenigme and the Malkaveau family. Completely forbidden from being involved with the family.
    • Valhersir: Not allowed as family members, but they can serve in the coven as valued seers. Their vampirism must be kept hidden to avoid conflict with the family's image.
    • Aullavientos: Usually not allowed due to their apprehensiveness to hide their vampirism. However, if one can be convinced to conceal their nature, they may serve as a hound master in the family's employ.

Player Characters
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    Ambroise is the current de-facto head of the family, at least in The Crown Ilse, where the true Matriarch of the Malkaveau has placed him. He is generally thought of as polite, aloof, and eccentric even by Ithanian standards.

    Ambroise doubles as Antediluvian, a vampire as classy as he is cruel. As the ambition he held in youth has passed, Ambroise now only wishes to ensure his family remain safe and wealthy.

    "So many flowers in the garden, my lord. All wanting to grow the tallest, bloom the brightest. Sooner or later, they all get plucked. I don't want to be the tallest, nor the brightest. I simply wish to remain in the garden."

    He is played by @Gwyndo
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    Alábastor has been trained in duelling, dress design, play-writing, and the general socialite practices expected of an Ithanian woman. Her loyalty to her family is unmatched, and she dedications herself to trying to forward their ambitions the best she can, even if she can dolt and become unfocused from what matters at times. Rumour has it, in the duelling yards, she has a 39 - 1 record against her Aunt Véronique.

    She is played by @Snapped_Fingers (QT)
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    He is played by @MasqueOfMelody
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    She is played by @Vampyrenees

House Malkaveau is recruiting House Staff such as Butlers, Gardeners, Bodyguards, Advisors, etc. All members of trusted staff are vampires, and the positions are only open to players willing to play Loyalist Vampires (plots are fun but spawning into being a character with knowledge on the family's secrets and then immediately revealing those secrets is not something I wish to have happen, at least this early into our existence.) --- Non-trusted staff members are all NPCs and likely not even vampires (and probably die a lot in tragic fall-down-the-stairs-with-two-holes-in-their-necks accidents. Very tragic.)

Family Member recruitment is technically open but may require a period of time spent playing as House Staff so we can get know each other OOCly, especially if neither me nor QT are familiar with you.

If you are still interested and wish to apply, please do not post family applications on this thread.
Instead, send any family member or house staff applications to @Gwyndot or @thoornsQT on Discord using the template below:

**Family or House Staff? |**
**Character Pitch |**
**Past Experience |**
**References |**
**Minecraft Name |**