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A Violet Edict On Aberrations


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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Violet Edict on Aberrations

For some forsaken reason, aberrants crawl the streets of the Holy City. An incredibly shocking and new revelation, I am aware. As the Violet Guard has done in the past, and continues to do now in place of the Azure Order, we keep aberrants under our thumb through registration and marking.

Aberrants are registered through a short and streamlined process that adapts to each of their unique situations. I will preface the details below by saying that, none of these steps apply to Vampires, Werebeasts, Undead or Haat-Maraya. An additional guide on what to do is detailed for you below!


Steps to Registration

Applies to: Broods, Phantasma, Sorcerers, semi-legal Ritualists, Mages and Silven.

The first step is understanding that something is wrong and turning yourself in. You can give yourself to Greygate, or it can be done on the run by a Gilded Templar or Greywitch Guard. For born aberrants, this is a natural step in life. For ones that were transformed later in life, do not be alarmed if your treatment in public suddenly drops in quality significantly. You are strange, either due to glowing eyes or physical mutation. This makes you not nice to look at, alongside usually classifying you as generally unholy. It is the right of normal people to find you reprehensible.

When you have turned yourself in, or met with a guard capable of registering you, you must first give your full legal name, alongside any commonly used aliases. These aliases (unless considered inappropriate) will be made into a Designation, which you will be referred to as in the future. You will also be given two numbers. The first one, your registry number, means nothing. If it DOES mean something, you will be told. The second one, your threat level, does mean something, though it is not pertinent for you to know the exact details.

Furthermore, Sorcerers, Phantasma and Ritualists must give the full details of their abilities so that they may be processed for guard registry in the future. Silven and Mages will be taken for private interviews on their capabilities. If you intend to sign up with the Secretary for the Magi, having a comprehensive file on your unnatural abilities is preferred, and will help boost you on that long path to White Mage status. Broods do not need to do anything, because Brood abilities are uniform, but still disgusting.

The final step comes in the choice of either a necklace, bracelet, or collar. These will be made to fit you in specifics, and cannot be traded out, so choose wisely. Unless given the ability to remove said identification by the Chapters mentioned or the Magi Secretariat, you must wear these whenever you are in public. Criminals will have their bracelet, collar or necklace replaced with the dreaded metal collar, a fat looking thing that is made to resemble the vile soul of its wearer.

(Rettists and Sanktists are not considered aberrations and do not need to be registered.)
(Mundane members of any race regardless of classification do not need to be registered. Kathar may be given the metal collar without being registered.)

  1. Turn yourself in, to either a Gilded Templar or Greywitch Guard.
  2. Give them your full legal name.
  3. Phantasma, Sorcerers and Ritualists give the full summaries of their abilities. Broods do nothing. Mages and Silven are brought in for further interrogation on the exact capabilities of their spells and mutations. Having a condensed list of your abilities and being registerred as a violet is preferred.
  4. You then choose between a custom made collar, necklace or bracelet which must always be worn in public. White Mages and certain Violet Guards are the exception. Criminals who are forcibly registered will be given the metal collar, commonly referred to as the ugly collar.


Steps to Registration, Adjusted

Applies to: Haat-Maraya, Undead, Vampires, Void Ritualists, Werebeasts.

To be forward, you are disgusting. But that is acceptable because we have the answer to so that you may put your best effort towards redemption. First of all, you must turn yourself in at Greygate, and admit that you, yourself, have a problem. The first step to improvement. If you cannot recognize you have a problem, the problem has gone too far, and we will recognize it for you.

After being turned in, the bloodthirsty and beastly among you will be put through an extensive curing process by the brilliant workers down at the Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment (apply here), who will then release you post-curing. If you return to your vile affliction, we will do much more than just cure you, but that is a story for another day.

For those of you who are unfortunately unable to be cured, we have an alternative option for you that will definitely work. Due to unspecified orders from higher-ups, this Edict is not allowed to publicize these methods, but any Haat-Maraya and Undead should visit Greygate as soon as possible for an immediate checkup!

  1. Go to Greygate prison and turn yourself in.
  2. Vampires and Werebeasts will be cured of their affliction and assisted in re-integrating into society. Incurables, Void Ritualists, Undead and Haat-Maraya have a more private process that will be detailed after you turn yourself in. See? That's not so hard.


A Conclusion and Thank You

The Violet Order would like to honestly and earnestly thank every citizen, especially those who file reports, give us tips and support our efforts to protect you. The Violet Order exists to serve and protect the people of the Holy City, and we hope that by protecting you from aberrants and other grisly things that go bump in the night, we can keep you and your loved ones safe and sound.

This Edict is made possible by the continued support of the public, like you.

Spirit bless Regalia,
His Grace the Duke Leufred du BrierĆ¼st
Grand Commander of the Violet Order
Commander of the Greywitches
Commissioner of Old Town and the Sewers
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Azra nodded her head some before stating, "At least he didn't call the mages beastly."
"Hang on, what was that about getting re-infected? Spirit, I better keep myself clean."
Yt'hree frowned, and he adjusted his bowtie with a quiet hum and a bemused murmur "Is he not an abberation himself?.."
Lili looked it over with a slight confusion. "Didn't we already get registered? Do we have to do it again?"
Fen'nan squinted as she read this over before rolling the proclamation into a ball and tossing it over her shoulder as she reclined and crossed her legs on the sofa, "Nope I change my mind," she said dryly, "He's an asshole tooā€”the difference is he's just DISGUSTINGLY obvious about it, isn't he a Witchblood, doesn't that make him a bloody hypocrite? What an arse," she remarked to the Brood, fingering a strand of crimson hair, she smirked in some roguish bemusement, musing;

"I think they'd give me the biggest collar they could find."

Fen'nan squinted as she read this over before rolling the proclamation into a ball and tossing it over her shoulder as she reclined and crossed her legs on the sofa, "Nope I change my mind," she said dryly, "He's an asshole tooā€”the difference is he's just DISGUSTINGLY obvious about it, isn't he a Witchblood, doesn't that make him a bloody hypocrite? What an arse," she remarked to the Brood, fingering a strand of crimson hair, she smirked in some roguish bemusement, musing;

"I think they'd give me the biggest collar they could find."

As the balled up notice was flung, Milo caught it with his right hand, looking at it for a moment before tossing it out the window. "I mean, as long as you don't go about using that magic of yours in public, you should be fine," he responded with a smirk.

"And do believe they probably have such a collar reserved for you just in case."
The ginger peered over to the dark haired nelfin with a risen brow "You think we'd just hand ourselves over voluntarily to be cured? Tssk." She scoffed with a little laugh, stretching her arms behind her head, crossing her legs with a small smirk. "No way in void. Pah!"

To note, this declaration does not mean that already registered characters need to be re-registered. It's just clarification about the existing system which has been adapted for recent events.
The ginger peered over to the dark haired nelfin with a risen brow "You think we'd just hand ourselves over voluntarily to be cured? Tssk." She scoffed with a little laugh, stretching her arms behind her head, crossing her legs with a small smirk. "No way in void. Pah!"


The darkhhaired nelfin sighed at the edict, twirling a lock around her finger as she shook her head. "Don't expect too much from cattle dear. They're obviously delusional, simpleminded creatures" she exhaled, wafting the paper away. "Doesn't help that they're ailor, simply as bland as it gets"
Forcus Ironfist seemed to give a small shrug, sighing a bit as he'd slowly conjure a small storm necklace to pretend that it was around his neck. "Perhaps they would be nice to let a fellow Dwarf make the necklace for them."
"What about me, It isn't faiiir!"
Whined the over-aged Sanguine, draping an arm over his companion as he released a mock sob into their shoulder.
"They see only the mask and not the performer, I've slipped between their cracks and I feel forgotten!"