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Emperor's Proclamation On Evolution Of The Violet Order


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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A copy of this letter is delivered to /all/ Noble Estates, The Regalian Palace, All Vassal Houses, Inside the locker of every Guardsman, and a public letter is also pinned to all public boards across the city and ESPECIALLY Crookback. This letter is partially dictated from the Emperor's words, partially composed by the College of Princes and the Grand Ekhein of the Imperial Palace.
For some time now, the Crown has been the pleasant receiver of excellent communications and desire for cooperation from the institution of the Violet Order. It is as such that this communique must be prefaced with a request from the Lord Commander. A request which rung the first bells to the end of violence, undue violence among the guard, and undue damage inflicted. Naturally, it is the right of the guard to inflict harm on those who seek to inflict harm on others or the state or all that it holds holy and righteous. However, the Lord Commander also appraised us of the fact that some Guards, perhaps, take glee in this situation beyond what one can reasonably expect. Too often does the Lord Commander find himself in the position to handle public relation matters beyond the scope of law enforcement, and too often do crimes go unpunished or reduced in efficient punishment due to a certain amount of pre-applied extrajudicial damage to the subject or illegal material. Note, it is not with certainty that we cast all of the Guard as violence crazed maniacs. Rather:

The Crown proposes, that even if truth and perception are not one and the same, optics matter when it comes to how effective the Guard can perform its crucial duties to the state.
Add onto this, certain legal realities have been made apparent to the Crown. The days where one simple vagrant or bouillon thief would yield at the sight of mere sharpened metal, have long passed into history books. While the ex-Chancellor and her Minister for the Occult has worked hard to make the public understand that not every Occult is a Criminal. It remains inversely true that every criminal is an Occult. Even the simple pickpockets rely on Magical gimmicks and tricks, while the grand thieves do not even attempt to compete with the lords of the slums, for when one does not have a veritable stocked Wirtem equivalent arsenal in Magical Abilities, why even bother to compete? We have heard plenty of story of downtrodden mundane criminal, resorting to social welfare or labor jobs to make ends meet, for they dare not compete with the Occult. Far from heralding yet a new age of Occult oppression:

The Crown proposes, that because Magic nullifies the deterring effects of Armor and Weapons, that the Regalian Guard much change its approach to would be criminals and offenses.
Indeed, for many years now, reports have been on the increase, detailing the lack of effectiveness of standard steel and armor against even the simplest of Magic wielders that nullify our once glorious and prestigious city-defense armor to mere aesthetics. Unfortunately, the city Guard lacks the certain sizeable and rigorous qualities of the Tyrian Order, and as such, their magic nullifying armor that weighs in several bouillon, is not practical for the every day guardsman. Nay, rather than adding more bandages to an open wound that refuses to close, the Crown shall opt to stop pretending like closing it helps at all. Armor shall forever more be a matter of slowness, a sluggish deterrent that prevents long chases in the winding alleys of Old Town:

The Crown Proposes, that much like New Town changes day by day with new architecture, and the criminal world has long changed for the magical, so too must the guard embrace a modern age.
A simple re-facing and reconstruction through reform of the Guard shall not suffice. Indeed, problems or reputational issues with the Guard have haunted it for decades, if not hundreds of years, and certainly depositing a new Lord Commander onto the situation would only mend surface issues, beyond endangering the positive rapport that exists between Command and Crown. As such, The Crown shall move forward the abolishment of the Violet Order Regiment. The Regalian Guard shall no longer be a branch of the military and be under general military supervision, but rather file under the civil government headed by the Emperor directly. Functionally, this changes nothing. Optically, the Guards transition from a military unit, to a civil security watch, with appropriate conduct. The following changes shall apply:

  • The new force responsible for enforcing the Law in the Capital shall be the State Metropolitan, separating it from the regional Guard forces that still function in the Regalian Archipelago at large, where the need for reform is less, due to less Occult residing there.
  • The current Lord Commander shall become the Commissioner of the Metropolitan (Lord Commissioner). All Noble rights to Officer positions within the Metropolitan will expire, as it is no longer a military unit. The Commissioner of the Metropolitan may appoint his own Officers, which may or may not be Noble. Nobles shall not have their reputation negatively affected for joining the State Metropolitan.
  • All current Violet Order Guards shall be offered a position of Constable in the new State Metropolitan. For those who do not feel inspired by the changes made by the Emperor, may honorably resign, and be afforded two months of wages while they seek other employment.
  • Officer positions with distinction (such as the Archive, Requisitions, etc.) shall keep their occupation unless decided otherwise by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan. All regular members shall henceforth be known as Constable, and all Officers shall henceforth be known as Sergeant.
  • All new outfits shall be issued by the State Metropolitan. Important to note that these outfits will not have noble-distinguished colors or sashes, or any modification. They will also not have any armor or hardened pieces beyond the mere cloth outfit provided by the State.
  • Additional task-groups within the State Metropolitan shall be created. The Metropolitan Arcane Unit, for all those 3rd Altalar Power Index and above called for during Magically sensitive operations, The Metropolitan Heavy Unit, the only unit with assigned armor called for during assaults on fortified positions. Additional options exist for future task-groups. Additional trench coats for bad weather, as well as winter outfits of Anglian wool will be provided by the Palace.
  • To branch the City Metropolitan away from lethal infliction of violence, all weapons shall be outlawed in the City Metropolitan. Each Constable and Sergeant shall be provided with a General Resonant Electrate Nullifying Anglian Tech, in short a G.R.E.N.A.T-Belt, used to nullify Magical effects on the wielder in an emergency. The MAU (Arcane Unit) will be permitted free usage of their Magical Abilities, while the MHU (Heavy Unit) will be partially permitted the usage of weapons in a case-by-case basis.
  • Additionally, each Constable and Sergeant shall be issued a similarly constructed extendable Klokktech baton with stunning application, provided by the Klokktechnicians of Aksenfoort on commission of the Imperial Family. These tools should provide for a calm and reasoned application of the law, in a city with a plummeting crime rate, and to encourage criminals to yield rather than fight to the death in the face of deadly weapons. Our new envisaged approach of non-lethal law enforcement shall hence be tested for several months after which the Reeves shall inspect the crime rate and casualty rate among the Metropolitan for continued field testing.
  • The State Metropolitan may hire additional Detectives in Civilian clothing for investigating purposes, however each Constable should have a basic understanding of investigation, and a booklet of simplified approach to investigation where necessary, at most with a Sergeant present. Knights however remain strictly barred from working for the State Metropolitan, as they impart a more military optic to the State Metropolitan that would harm its reputation.
  • Additional humane housing will be installed into Greygate Castle, to do away with the old Dungeon cells, and replace them with clean and bright interrogation rooms and holding cells with reasonable privacy and comfort while in custody. All changes applied to Greygate and bureaucratic details shall be paid for by the Emperor.
The founding of the State Metropolitan may take several weeks. The Anglian seamstresses are hard at work with the uniforms to ensure they are all of high quality, using Anglian weave and wool, with Wirtem design sensibilities. Production is expected to be completed by the end of the week for the first uniforms. Technological devices shall be rolled out several days later, and the Violet Order shall officially be disbanded in 14 days, while the State Metropolitan shall usurp functions one by one.

While changes take place, the Violet Order will continue with its functions until it is officially disbanded.
"A new pair of dress, how convenient, those older suits were heavy and inconvenient, I do hope their new uniforms will be, visually pleasing."
"And so the march of Empire is ever further toward just law and holy order. Praise be Almar, whose perseverance to true law and Ness who inspires both mercy and repentance in hard hearts. With this we may better bring the lost back to the lawful path.

Or at the least remind them, they are not alone and even the rebellious may find comfort in the Empire's arms. Hopefully it shall be enough to stir more to lawful conduct and rehabilitation," The Celate kneeled before Almar's altar, "Praise be the Everwatcher, and its most glorious vessel Emperor Alexander Kade 1st most Holy Emperor of Aloria."
"I'm rather optimistic about this new form of law enforcement, and the non-lethal approach," the Vassal-Baroness of Sundfjorden hummed, setting the notice down as she went back to tea-drinking. "Thank you, Jarless. This clears up a lot." She spoke to Sivrid.