A Second American Revolution: Is It Necessary?

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I actually edited it after your post :P
Again just like they said, the very fact that you are posting with out reading things through doesn't make your arguments look good. I would also like to add that by going back and editing you posts could be construed as trying to make yourself look better.
And you just proved my last point of my last post. It's not as clever as you may think it is. Post what you mean and stick to it.
Some people tend to realize too late that an addition needs to be included, it is a simple quirk that some are forced to cope with.
Also, why focus so much on the little details and instead focus on the bigger picture? Just saying.
33 peeps vote,
much ignorance,
so brainwashed,
such uninformed,
Hold up, the sane government that claims authority to turn America into a battlefield during civil unrest, the same America that claims the authority to detain anyone anywhere in the world permanently, the same America that aid so called "rebel groups" that are Al-Queda affiliate. You think they'll listen to your petition? You think voting tem out will work? Please, come on. If you think that'd work, why don't Ukranians vote out the neo-nazi government set up practically creating another Cold War between the east and west?

Articles of evidence: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-bbc-supports-ukraines-neo-nazis/5383112,






From one of the links you shared:
"President Obama refuses to provide any direct military aid."
So here is my question. How do you in one breath claim that America is aiding rebel groups and provide a link that states otherwise?
Citizens of America do not actually choose the president, they just show who'd they prefer(Social/Popular vote), a group of certain people actually choose the president(Electoral vote)


Electoral College map showing the results of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Incumbent Democratic president Barack Obama won the popular vote in 26 states and Washington, D.C. (denoted in blue) to capture 332 electoral votes.Republican challenger Mitt Romney won the popular vote in 24 states (denoted in red) to capture 206 electoral votes.
Citizens of America do not actually choose the president, they just show who'd they prefer(Social/Popular vote), a group of certain people actually choose the president(Electoral vote)


Electoral College map showing the results of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Incumbent Democratic president Barack Obama won the popular vote in 26 states and Washington, D.C. (denoted in blue) to capture 332 electoral votes.Republican challenger Mitt Romney won the popular vote in 24 states (denoted in red) to capture 206 electoral votes.
That is true however it should be noted that only four Presidents have been elected that have not gotten the popular vote.
From one of the links you shared:
"President Obama refuses to provide any direct military aid."
So here is my question. How do you in one breath claim that America is aiding rebel groups and provide a link that states otherwise?
It's called doing your own research, if you depend on one source you will be misinformed.
It's called doing your own research, if you depend on one source you will be misinformed.
I understand that. However you made an argument, then posted a link that contradicts said argument. The best way to win an argument is to site creditable sources that support it. Let the opposition find creditable sources to refute yours. That is how debate works.
Meh. To follow up above about Obama. Some Soldiers are threatening to leave the military because of Obama's stupid decisions about going to war with Syria. ((Sorry if that's the wrong country.)) Also he is letting Iraq or Afghan. ((forgot which one.)) build a nuke. When that country said they were going to Nuke ISRAEL after they built it. What does Obama say? Go right ahead.
Citizens of America do not actually choose the president, they just show who'd they prefer(Social/Popular vote), a group of certain people actually choose the president(Electoral vote)


Electoral College map showing the results of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Incumbent Democratic president Barack Obama won the popular vote in 26 states and Washington, D.C. (denoted in blue) to capture 332 electoral votes.Republican challenger Mitt Romney won the popular vote in 24 states (denoted in red) to capture 206 electoral votes.

I.. I already said this :(

Meh. To follow up above about Obama. Some Soldiers are threatening to leave the military because of Obama's stupid decisions about going to war with Syria. ((Sorry if that's the wrong country.)) Also he is letting Iraq or Afghan. ((forgot which one.)) build a nuke. When that country said they were going to Nuke ISRAEL after they built it. What does Obama say? Go right ahead.

Why do Americans seem to think that it is their job to police the rest of the world? There seems to be this absurd superiority complex that many Americans possess that causes them believe that their country is some sort of international superhero. Frankly; America has done a lot more harm than good by entering the countries you listed. Events such as 9/11 have been directly attributed to American intervention in Iraq.

I think the US, as a country, needs to learn to sit back and let people get on. If something is bad, the UN as a collective will deal with it. It is not one country's job to safeguard the rest of the planet, and it is incredibly arrogant of the country, or, indeed, any of it's citizens to believe this to be the case.
The reason America is in Iraq and Afghan is because of known Taliban and Al-Qaeda presence. Would you really expect us to just let them get away with bombing the twin towers and kill thousands of people? Pretty sure you wouldn't...
Think about it, someone bombs your country, kills thousands. What would you do? Sit on your arse and pretend it never happened?
Just because Osama is dead doesn't mean they've stopped...They're still going.
The reason America is in Iraq and Afghan is because of known Taliban and Al-Qaeda presence. Would you really expect us to just let them get away with bombing the twin towers and kill thousands of people? Pretty sure you wouldn't...
Think about it, someone bombs your country, kills thousands. What would you do? Sit on your arse and pretend it never happened?
Just because Osama is dead doesn't mean they've stopped...They're still going.

Of course; that completely justifies the killing of thousands of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan right? A small collective of extremists came to America and killed civilians, so America decided to turn around and do the same. How very noble. I've seen videos of American tanks firing in to Mosques during worship. What America did / is doing over there is about oil, not 9/11.
The reason America is in Iraq and Afghan is because of known Taliban and Al-Qaeda presence. Would you really expect us to just let them get away with bombing the twin towers and kill thousands of people? Pretty sure you wouldn't...
Think about it, someone bombs your country, kills thousands. What would you do? Sit on your arse and pretend it never happened?
Just because Osama is dead doesn't mean they've stopped...They're still going.
Hmm, they kill roughly 3,000 people, we kill hundreds of thousands over there, seems about fair. Even though, wiping out an entire mindset, I must yet again add, is impossible.
The reason America is in Iraq and Afghan is because of known Taliban and Al-Qaeda presence. Would you really expect us to just let them get away with bombing the twin towers and kill thousands of people? Pretty sure you wouldn't...
Think about it, someone bombs your country, kills thousands. What would you do? Sit on your arse and pretend it never happened?
Just because Osama is dead doesn't mean they've stopped...They're still going.
The reason given at the time that we invaded Iraq is that they had weapons of mass destruction. They did not. (Just as the U.N. inspectors said.) I'm an American and agree with @Blazara it was about getting control of the oil. And yes the Taliban is still going because they are a gorilla outfit. Do you know when the last time we tried to stop one of those on this scale was? 1955-1975. The Vietnam War. We completely failed at a great cost.
If you want to point guns and shoot at soldiers you better expect to get shot at, they don't take that as a friendly action.
And in case you haven't noticed, they're also shooting each other so they take us a enemy...Currently having a civil war over there. Taliban and Al-Qaeda use people as a weapon too...
You forgot to add get rid a dictator...Saddam Hussein
And it wasn't to get oil only for America, Saddam stopped giving oil to EVERYONE

And yes I know about Vietnam, we used napalm, went in rat holes, Russia was trying to turn Vietnam into a communist country, gorilla warfare, NVA hiding in trees, spider holes, rat holes, and who else knows where.
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From one of the links you shared:
"President Obama refuses to provide any direct military aid."
So here is my question. How do you in one breath claim that America is aiding rebel groups and provide a link that states otherwise?
I am fairly sure military aid and direct military aid have two different meanings in that context.
Many believe that the American government is corrupt, totalitarian, or a even police state. Now, I know what you are thinking, revolution? ARE YOU INSANE?! But allow me to explain myself before you besiege me with insults or other comments. First off, most who have knowledge of a revolution in the United States know of the Revolutionary War, which is one of many examples of the more well known type of revolution, known to many as an armed revolution. However, there is another type of revolution, commonly referred to as a "peaceful revolution" in this type of revolution, protests, boycotts, and even a formal document are created, eventually forcing the government leaders to step down, similar to what occurred in Egypt. Now with the clarification out of the way, I will move on to my reasoning for such a cause.

Now, any Russian immigrant who lived in the Soviet Union can tell you that ObamaCare (Affordable Health Care Act) is Communism(1), think about it, everyone gets equal distribution of health care(2), while not having any effort to show for it. Not only that, but acts which restrict internet freedom, like SOPA or PIPA have also had enactment attempts(3). (That means no MassiveCraft, since they are monetizing off of copyrighted material, Minecraft, just to serve as an example.) Also, get this, Obama, while helping(4) Syrian rebels, is also aiding AL-QAEDA(4), an ENEMY, not only this, but the United States' own forces threatened MUTINY for declaring war on Syria.(5)

Trust me, there are SO MANY more examples I can give, this barely scratches the surface. Whether revolution is just or unjust, however, is up to you.

Also, state your reasoning from the poll.

Ok. I bolded the statement to make things clear.
(1)Communism is good. When people share resources, everybody is equal. Restriction of information in NOT good, like in the Soviet Union.
(2) Equal Distribution of Health care is good. Some people just can't afford health care; calling a system that helps them with their health 'communism' is horrendously wrong.
(3) 'Attempts' means just that. just because is was the idea of ONE Congressman doesn't mean that it was supported my lots of people. it was miserably conceived, since it threatened Freedom of Speech. It was Rejected on the sole grounds that it vehemently violated that amendment.
(4) Check your Facts.
(5) We didn't declare war on them. We only stated that we were determined to help the rebels, in no way intending to directly take action.
Ok. I bolded the statement to make things clear.
(1)Communism is good. When people share resources, everybody is equal. Restriction of information in NOT good, like in the Soviet Union.
(2) Equal Distribution of Health care is good. Some people just can't afford health care; calling a system that helps them with their health 'communism' is horrendously wrong.
(3) 'Attempts' means just that. just because is was the idea of ONE Congressman doesn't mean that it was supported my lots of people. it was miserably conceived, since it threatened Freedom of Speech. It was Rejected on the sole grounds that it vehemently violated that amendment.
(4) Check your Facts.
(5) We didn't declare war on them. We only stated that we were determined to help the rebels, in no way intending to directly take action.
What I don't get with some of you people, is that if your an American citizen, you should need to follow the rules they want to put in. But, if you're an Islamic extremist determined to take down a middle eastern country, by all means, take our semi automatics and RPGs. Check our facts? I am sick and tired of people saying things before they even check to see if they're true.
It's funny how this conversation went from "does the United States need reform?" to "American military kills hundreds of thousands of innocents".

Shouldn't the latter justify the former..?