Corxenshi - First off, f*ck you. Secondly, my thoughts below:
Let us say that you are correct and a revolution is needed. What do you intend to do? Kill everyone in congress? Murder the president? Butcher the Supreme Court? Will you shoot soldiers just doing their jobs and protecting what they believe to be the proper government? Will you kill innocent people because they disagree with your ideal? Are you ready to plunge the US into a long-term civil war with no clear-set sides? Do you even understand the side effects of that?
The world we live in is fragile and barely holding together. The dollar is supported by faith - a revolution would cripple not just the US economy but the GLOBAL economy. The US exports lots of food, but if the dollar is worthless no one will be able to buy or sell that food, causing mass-famine across the globe. US cities will starve for resources while mass migrations occur as people try to escape the growing conflicts. Other nations will suffer and human civilization will start to unravel even before the revolution gets violent.
Now people start shooting each other. In the US loads of people have guns. You'll see mass-murders, military rule in areas that the military can keep control over, militias and minor kings/dictators/nutjobs taking over chunks of the nation, and crime will skyrocket. You can expect at least 1/5th of the population to die and another 3/5ths to be directly affected and harmed. You will watch cities and towns burn while the people living in them starve and flee. And then the war really sets in and all forms of trade that are left are redirected towards the war fronts.
As resources get burned up in fighting, things we take for granted (like electricity, water, food, shelter, internet) will collapse. Getting medical attention will become almost impossible, medicine will be hard to find. Diseases will begin to spread and vast numbers of people who could have been saved will die. As people flee the conflicts they will bring disease with them, and stray animals will be ready to prey on the weak and old and young and sick in equal numbers.
Literally hundreds of millions of people will die in the US alone, across the globe the losses will be in the billions. Are you really willing to go through all that just because you don't like the government? Did you even realize just what a US revolution would cause right now? I doubt it.
So my conclusion is as follows: if change causes the deaths of half the human species
it's not worth the gains we'd make.