A Noble Quarrel, The Intenian Conflict

Which side will you support?

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The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Up North in that Minnesota place
You are walking about when you feel a gust of wind breeze through your hair, and with it a piece of parchment blows to your feet. You pick up the weathered document and it reads:


A horde of militants have been found in your region and could be closing in on you!!! Reports have come from several factions that the vile and repugnant Thurindir(WTTN2c) and cantfxawesome have been committing violent acts of terrorism in attempts to get innocent civilians to flee their homelands. The holy and glorious Kingdom of Steadfast is doing their very best to fight them off, but we need your support in this ongoing conflict. Please attend our peace accords in a few days time to discuss our future actions against the dishonorable and mean spirited Intenians.

In the bustling city streets, you hear murmurs of sieges and battles. A Unionist kingdom called Steadfast was besieged by soldiers from Intenius and Dauntless. You hear of bloody stalemates, and many soldiers being buried in the woods of Essalonia. Alas not all is bleak many are talking about the nation of Montfort calling for world leaders to join together at a summit to discuss bring peace to the unrest that is happening across the continent of Essalonia. Someone comes up to you and hands you an Azurian healing salve and says "Peace and Healing to Essalonia" In this moment you realize, despite the news of Babylonians getting murdered in mass, crawling supremacy of Powerful legions of soliders from Arthas and Magnanums, and assaults between Dauntless, Steadfast, Vorst, and Inteniuse, that there is still peace in this world and it can be cultivated.

Event Summary:
Intenius and Steadfast very much believe that factions has been lacking the flavor it used to have. There are no major dramas or conflicts which has lead us to engineer conflict ourselves... This event will be the first of many(We hope), to spark politics and dramas in the factions world and provide a template for resolving those conflicts.

Event Details:
Time: 9pm GMT
Location: Montfort
There will be an RP interaction at the start of the event between various faction leaders/representatives, and other notable characters
Following the RP there will be a PvP event.
Please respond to the poll below which side you will support.

RP Rules:
No powergaming
No Metagaming
Please come with a character...
Don't be lazy

PvP Rules
- Only items allowed, Iron Armor, Iron Sword, and Food
- No traits (Staff will be checking for traits)
- Please no MCMMO active abilities (Keep food or another item in your left hand to prevent active from proccing)
- Basically no buffs or debuffs of any kind just everyone on an equal level field(other than mcmmo)
- You get 5 respawns
- No pushing spawns
- A speed2 regen beacon will be put up at the war grounds
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Would people be able to more peacefully observe? Also must you be like ur fav leader char if you have one or would any form of char work?
Would people be able to more peacefully observe? Also must you be like ur fav leader char if you have one or would any form of char work?

We'd like everyone attending to RP and PvP... the PvP will not affect character status... We'll mainly assume that everyone fighting are just soldiers... Unless people want to PvP as their character which would also be cool

If you want to participate as a representative of your faction you should probably have a character that holds a positions of power in your faction... You don't have to play as your leader... You could make an "ambassador" character if you don't want to play as your fac leader character
I know when I initially spoke with you, I said I was uninterested. After reading this forum thread, I am very interested and would be willing to host if needed.
I somehow feel that the which side will you support poll is very rigged
I somehow feel that the which side will you support poll is very rigged
I mean it's not to vote who wins... Just to manage interests and get things balanced.

Also wttn can you please reply to this with an RP flyer like mine except pro Intenius and anti Steadfast
Was just working on that
I got to sleep now so I'll do it tomorrow sorry :(
We'd like everyone attending to RP and PvP... the PvP will not affect character status... We'll mainly assume that everyone fighting are just soldiers... Unless people want to PvP as their character which would also be cool

If you want to participate as a representative of your faction you should probably have a character that holds a positions of power in your faction... You don't have to play as your leader... You could make an "ambassador" character if you don't want to play as your fac leader character

Would one be able to not indulge in PVP? I'm inept at it..
You have been travelling for many days. You finally see your respite; Fort Pressford. As you walk through the gates, you see a scrap of paper on the ground, which has blown from the nearby signboard. It reads:

A Letter from Thurindir, Leader of Intenius

To whomever may receive this letter,
This is a warning. A great house known as Steadfast has recently been attacking smaller houses, which can do little to defend themselves. They are gathering strength to wage a war on the world. The faction of Intenius is determined to stop their quest for ultimate power. War may be coming to your doorstep soon; I am simply asking you to be prepared for the evils of Steadfast to find their way to you. Peace accords will occur in a few days. The location is at the bottom of the letter. If you wish to attend, all will be welcome.
Would one be able to not indulge in PVP? I'm inept at it..

Yea what @Made_By said... We are trying to both encourage people who don't normally RP to RP, and people who don't normally PvP to PvP... Which is why we are promising very light versions of each to encourage everyone to join in :)

However we do understand that some people may still not be confident to join in the festivities, so it is fine if you don't want to do one or the other.
Yea what @Made_By said... We are trying to both encourage people who don't normally RP to RP, and people who don't normally PvP to PvP... Which is why we are promising very light versions of each to encourage everyone to join in :)

However we do understand that some people may still not be confident to join in the festivities, so it is fine if you don't want to do one or the other.
Thanks for the response!