Religious Guild The Wildblooded - Marken Sanctuary


Phantasmal and Resplendent
Jan 23, 2019
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United States


Halfvel's Grove is a briac, or sanctuary, located in the Gallovian mountains under the guardianship of the Wolfborn priest Rionna Declan, ICly accessed via the Stone Circle in Gloomrot and OOCly through RPInstance 13. It provides a refuge and gathering place for Fornoss-worshippers and Northfolk in general, as well as Marken and Godsrot Undead seeking peace and protection from persecution. The sanctuary includes places to train, relax, worship, and socialize and is freely accessible to any Fornoss worshipper through a ritual at the stone arches. Non-Fornoss visitors are also welcome with an escort or with a special amulet gifted to them, which allows them to travel in and out at will. Marken and Godsrot are explicitly protected within this sanctuary and attempts to attack or forcibly remove them unprovoked will result in immediate expulsion.
Halfvel's Grove is accessible to these characters even if I'm not OOCly present. Feel free to roleplay there and enjoy the space.

The Stone Circle can be found directly north of the Watchman's Tower and south of Isobel's Lake, easily accessible from /tp Repose. This acts as a public shrine to Halfvel and a meeting place for those wishing to join the Wildblooded, as well as a place to worship and socialize. Marken, Godsrot, and other refugees are especially encouraged to meet at this place to seek sanctuary at the Grove. The Circle is freely accessible to all passersby, whether Fornoss or not, though it is considered a sacred space, so violence or disrespect will be met with hostility. If you are interested in speaking to Rionna about the sanctuary, she can often be found at the Stone Circle, other Fornoss holy places, or in Fairbanks. You can also DM me on Discord (@hopeandhistory) to set up a meeting.


Loyalty and Camaraderie - The Wildblooded's defining values are mutual protection and kinship, believing that a community must protect its members when nobody else will. Members of the Wildblooded are expected to stand together against outside threats, regardless of personal differences, but must also hold each other accountable internally for their actions or abuses. The Wildblooded and their allies are expected to protect the identities and locations of those seeking refuge in the Grove, while those seeking sanctuary are expected to behave honorably to not shame their kindred.

Religious and Cultural Freedom - As a Fornoss religious group, members of the Wildblooded are dedicated to preserving their spiritual and cultural identities against colonialism, assimilation, or extinction. This can be done through scholarly research, political activism, social events, or anything that promotes Northern freedoms. Various members are sure to have differing opinions on how to best achieve this, so they are encouraged to discuss it together and create solutions for their shared goals. Members are encouraged, though not required, to preserve and protect other threatened faiths and cultures as well.

Environmental Protection - Operating under the blessing of the Wolf-Father Halfvel, the Wildblooded hold themselves up as protectors of natural spaces and the balance between man and beast. Naturally, this often brings them in contact with the Gloomfolk Order, though they are not beholden to Gloomfolk rules or limited to the Gloomrot region. While they are not required to focus on environmental protection, Wildblooded are at least expected to avoid actively harming it. When hunting monsters or subduing natural threats, they are expected to use only as much force as is necessary and to prioritize rehabilitation and release over immediate killing.


Training/Hunts - One of the many functions of the sanctuary is to provide a secure place for members to train together. While many members can do this freely at any arena in the city, Marken in particular are encouraged to use the Grove to safely hone their skills and gain self-mastery without fear of harming others or being captured. Spars and training sessions taking place within Halfvel's Grove do no lasting harm to the fighters, though serious fights do not benefit from this protection. Varied terrain, a central sparring pit, and training dummies provide a range of training options. Outside of the Grove, members are encouraged to use their skills to protect others through monster hunts, defending Temples, and subduing dangerous enemies.

Social Gatherings - While there is nothing wrong with protecting others simply out of duty, maintaining strong and positive social bonds is sure to make this necessity more enjoyable. Wildblooded are encouraged to use the Grove as a space to relax, socialize, and strengthen relationships that will foster friendship as well as loyalty. This provides a support system for both new members looking for connections and established members looking for assistance. Marken and Godsrot Undead are free to be themselves in these spaces, no longer having to hide their nature to be considered acceptable company.

Diplomacy and Combat - Inevitably, members of the Wildblooded will clash with other factions within Regalia, but also have the opportunity to establish friendships in surprising places. Members with a diplomatic bent are encouraged to seek out strong alliances to protect Northern and Fornoss interests, while those with combative skills are encouraged to fight and defend against their enemies. This can include negotiating or defending during Temple raids, protecting allies, and advocating for political action, among other things.

Lore and World Progressions - More of a scholar than a fighter? Fornoss and the Northfolk have a long history and many cultural connections, which provides opportunities to investigate their history and lore. Whether directly related to the faith or not, members are encouraged to share their knowledge and investigate mysteries together. Who knows what you might discover?

Feel free to suggest other ideas for activities!


Recruitment is handled ICly by approaching Rionna at the Stone Circle, Gloomrot, or elsewhere in the city and asking for a meeting. This interview will establish your background, skills, and what you're looking for from the group. Characters with previous criminal records may still be accepted, but are expected to make efforts to maintain a good reputation in the present. They should note that a number of the Fornoss community are Knights or Knight-adjacent. Similarly, Marken seeking shelter at the Grove are expected to avoid attacking or infecting others. Upon acceptance to the Grove, Marken will be offered a few blessings if they so wish, though they may freely decline them.


  • Rionna Declan (SevenBirds)
  • Seyralt of Hjodri (Social_So_Sus)
  • Nora Waters (MightyElf90)

Group Relations:

If you're interested in setting up a relationship between your group and the Wildblooded, DM me to discuss!

Positive ~ Neutral ~
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