A Friendly Community

Name: Tucker Dollar-Jones(I go by Jones)
Age: 13 1/2
Country: America (Although i love Germany, as i am half German)
Hobbies: Video Games, Sculpture, Making people feel good about themselves.
Sports: What are sports?
Music: Electro, Heavy Metal, Classical
Special Talents:Clay Sculpture skills and ability to pull stories out of thin air (good for staying out of trouble)
Rosealine Evon [Surname Here]
Fifteen years- almost sixteen. [I refer to myself as a sixteen year old commonly.]
I currently live in the United States- however, my family has many homes within Europe.
Hobbies: Shopping- Fashion Designing- Sewing- & Gaming ofc.

I play tennis with my family- however I participate in cheerleading as an actual sport.
[cuz I'm not basic like @Antoinette]
I like singers like: Lana Del Rey, Stromae, etc... I also enjoy listening to Tribal African- and Traditional Chinese
[because I'm cultured unlike @Antoinette]
Special Talent/s?:
-Intense Eyebrow Wiggle- ... I'm also very proficient at Tennis and Cheerleading alike, and I have a marvelous fashion sense.

[I was also voted top dressed and best hair of freshman year.]
so ratchet my eyes hurt.
BAHAHAHHAHA. abraham lolwhut
-clears throat-

Name: Erin N. V. (I want to marry someone with a last name that starts with a Y so my initials will spell out 'envy'. Cool, right?)
Age: Thirteen years young. Not like old and ratchet @Lady Rose
Country: I've lived in many different countries, but currently in America.
Hobbies: Swimming. Writing. Choir.
Sport?: Swim team. i'd die without swimteam ohboy do i have a tale to tell you about swimteam
Music?: I'm in to vast genres of music.
Special Talent/s?: I'm in the top choir, but I do not like singing online, because I only sing choir songs, and nobody likes those.
Anything extra to share?: I have a lot of medical conditions that are just fancy words for, "we can't make you normal."
Hah! You sing nerdy choiry songs!!! Dddooorrrrrkkkkk!!!! Orchka-Dork!!!

Same here...

I currently live in the United States- however, my family has many homes within Europe.

So you're a noble both in game and IRL?

I discovered this thanks to @Mycin_Alchemist and I thought I would hop in on this.
Name: That guy with the D in his name.
Age: 15-16, I forget, I'm old. Stop judging me... -sniff-
Country/state: That place that went away from England (Cough America) and about a mile or 2 away from @Mycin_Alchemist (Aka America's Canada)
Stuff I like to do: Massivecraft (Uhduh) playing other video games (Ps3 for the win) and reading. (Favorite book series would probably be the Harry Dresden files, Harry potter + modern day Chicago + mystery/thriller=Awesome.)
Sports: Hating on sports.
Fave musics: This is all.
Special talents: Having none. But some people say I'm funny. And also I read fast. (As in "Hugo Cabret" in half an hour, BTW that's 500 pages worth of book.)
Name: Thomas (I go by Tom) Hart
Age: 16
Country: United States
Hobbies: Playing piano, Minecraft, Archery.
Sport?: Archery.
Music?: Basically all genres, excluding country and heavy rock/metal.
Special Talent/s?: Yelling at people.
Anything extra to share?: I very dislike Salmon, the only thing they are good for is eating and they should all be violently killed.
I discovered this thanks to @Mycin_Alchemist and I thought I would hop in on this.
Name: That guy with the D in his name.
Age: 15-16, I forget, I'm old. Stop judging me... -sniff-
Country/state: That place that went away from England (Cough America) and about a mile or 2 away from @Mycin_Alchemist (Aka America's Canada)
Stuff I like to do: Massivecraft (Uhduh) playing other video games (Ps3 for the win) and reading. (Favorite book series would probably be the Harry Dresden files, Harry potter + modern day Chicago + mystery/thriller=Awesome.)
Sports: Hating on sports.
Fave musics: This is all.
Special talents: Having none. But some people say I'm funny. And also I read fast. (As in "Hugo Cabret" in half an hour, BTW that's 500 pages worth of book.)
You forgot your age..?
Name: Arthur
Age: 16
Country: Belgium
Hobbies: vidogaming/reading
Sport?: currently? none but i did judo
Music?: nothing realy specific
Special Talent/s?: i have a logic that doesn't follow the normall way of logic but is still logical
Anything extra to share?: 1+1=3
Name: That "N" One

Age: 14~15 in 3 months

Country: America's Canada

Hobbies: Gaming, Singing, Playing Cello-Piano-Violin-Clarinet, Watching Anime, Reading,
Drawing, Scaring people, Scaring myself, Scaring myself with how I scare other people, Writing music, Staying inside for extensive periods of time, Science, Fire, Speaking/Learning 5 Languages, Making friends in different countries

Sports: Mediocre Parkour, Biking, Downhill/Cross country Skiing, Camping, Hiking

Music: Beethoven, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Anime OST's, Area 11, S3RL, WWII Marching Songs, Rock/Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Nightcore, Nerdy Music, (Just about anything but Country and Rap)

Special Talent: Ability to sing Basso Profundo (Take a Piano, go all the way to the Left, count up 5 keys, That's my lowest note. Low E in Bass Clef)

Anything Extra To Share: Real life friends with, @Tra_kad and @lilystone21
((Now People can stalk me, Call of the Homies! @ASimpleShadow @Nolanryan1235 @PandaSkies/Alea @AnyoneElseIForgot))
Oh! Oh! I also hold the highest camper score for archery at my summer camp! 238/300 Points (10 Points For A Bullseye, we get 30 shots)
Name: Noah
Age: 16
Country: USA
Hobbies: If reading at night is a hobby. Then reading is one of my hobbies. And video games. Nintendo was my childhood. Though harvest moon is best game around. Farming ftw.
Sport?: Soccer. Though I haven't played it in a while due to NJ weather.
Music?: Dan bull and ERB. Also ERB Parodies and a side of 99 seconds music. Also pop music.
Special Talent/s?: Ability to pick good hats. Reading. If you count reading well over 200 or 150 books a reading talent.
Anything extra to share?: I am not the athletic type. Though I can still play Soccer. It's probably just the Winter Blues that's making me un-athletic due to being lazy.
Name: CAN_Archer
Country CANada
Hobbies: Drawing, gaming, playing bad guitar, and foruming.
Sport: Karate, I'm currently a green belt.
Music: The Front Bottoms, Sonic Youth, Yes, The Police, CAN, Modern Baseball, Courage My Love, and Rush. Pink Floyd Fans CAN go cry.
Special Talents: Drawing, preferably traditionally. Also presenting poetry.
Anything else: I like posting in Tahoma. I also originate from the Minecraft Forums and various splinter forums from it, in which I've began decreasing my presence there as their topics and userbase has become much more juvenile and subjective. Also I emphasize my "CANs" whenever possible, it's just a phase habit, I'm sure everyone hates it.
Name: Megan Elizabeth (can't state my surname hehe)
Age: I'm almost 13
Country: The land of beavers and snow, Canada!
Hobbies: uh, I have a lot like singing, writing, acting, being anti social. You know, typical things.
Sport?: don't judge me, but I do Synchronized Swimming. I also play soccer, basketball, volleyball, hockey and I do track and field along with normal swimming.
Music?: oh gosh. My music taste is a large variety so let me just list a few groups. 5 Seconds of Summer, U2, Mathew West, like, 1 song by Ed Sheeran (Thanks aus)
Special Talent/s?: Uhm no. I'm a very un talented person, unless that is, I do have talents that I don't realize or I forget at the moment?
Anything extra to share?: I'm a very clumsy Canadian. I almost always have some sort of injury. I really enjoy talking to know people, when I get past their intimidation. I'm easily frightend and I'm scared of a lot of people hehe. People describe me as sassy when they actually get to know me, hence the name sassmaster01. I love to learn new things and travel the world. I'm actually writing this while sitting on a hotel floor because I just got back from the eastern carribian and New York :)
Name: Lucas D.

Age: 17, 18 this coming May.

Country: Wales, even though it's not a country...

Hobbies: Reading, doing science, working (it's in physics, which I love), massive, pokemon... Lots and lots of pokemon...

Sport: Swimming, squash and downhill MTB.

Music: Bloody everything. AC/DC, Led Zep, Bob Marley, Charlie Simpson, Pendulum, Willie Nelson, Ray Charles. Literally, everything.

Special talent(s): I'm stupidly good at maths, like... Seriously... Studying Physics with Astrophysics next year, and have been sitting in on maths lectures in Cardiff uni for the past year. So yeah... Maths and stuff, yo...
Age: 23
Country: United States Maryland
Hobbies: MC, Video Games, Cars
Sport?: Never really got attached to one. Played em all when I was younger though
Music?: Top pop
Special Talent/s?: Shapeshifting master of evil?
Anything extra to share?: My most prized possession is my big black police car <3
Name: Alex
Age: 15
Country: U.S
Hobbies: Video games, tripping people, cuddling, swimming, reading
Sport?: Baseball
Music: Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Daughtry, some classical
Special Talent/s?: I can eat tons of candy bars without getting fat :P
Anything extra to share?: Don't ever call me Josh
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@XxAusFuryxX That's why Wales is so good. All them hills with them downhill tracks :3
But aye. Well met brother
Name: Sam, Just Sam. (or refer to me as my full name, Samantha. i prefer sam because its cooler.)
Age: About 14.
Hobbies: Welp, i enjoy drawing my silly little cartoons you call art, i write stories every now and then, and i act a bit, too.
Sport?: BWAHAHAHAA if only.
Music?: ANYTHING. And i mean, ANYTHING. I dont know what my tastes are, I JUST LIKE THE SONGS I LIKE.
Special Talent: I CAN ART GOOD.
Name: Era Mag, take and give some
Age: Twice your age
Country: Sweden
Hobbies: It is funny how i am reluctant to consider MC a hobby ;) Other than that i enjoy casual day trading and European history
Sport?: Cross country running, solo trekking
Music?: Everything but schlager!
Special Talent/s?: I travel the world and coach geeks to be better geeks
Anything extra to share?: I have not watched broadcasted TV for the past 5 years or so
Name: James (shock horror!)
Age: 23, my birthday being in July
Country: The land of Rain, otherwise known as England
Hobbies: as side from gaming I have little hobbies aside from those listed in the sports section
Sport?: I play football on a weekly bases and I am a keen snowboarder having raced for my university for around 2 years or so
Music?: to list but a couple I like, my music is very varied; Parkway Drive, Lamb of God, Soulfly, Rise Against, Four Year Strong, Coldplay, Article Monkeys, Scouting For Girls, Flobots.. Like I said I like a lot of stuff!
Special Talent/s?: I don't really have anything to put here, aside from the fact both my wrists are double jointed and I can dislocate both my thumbs.
Anything extra to share?: nahh, if anyone wants to know something I can tell them :p
Name: lel. nope.

Age: 868, duh. timelord yo.

Country: Does Galifrey count?

Hobbies: Minecraft, Arty stuffs, Minecraft.. eh.. Singing?

Sport?: ... Does playing Minecraft count as a sport? Typing? Clicking? Breathing..?

Music?: Honestly, anything fast beat that I can go and dance around to.

Special Talent/s?:

I can.. ugh.. er.. breath?

Anything extra to share?:

Welp. I like rainbows.
Name: Alex
Age: 15
Country: U.S
Hobbies: Video games, tripping people, cuddling, swimming, reading
Sport?: Baseball
Music: Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Daughtry, some classical
Special Talent/s?: I can eat tons of candy bars without getting fat :P
Anything extra to share?: Don't ever call me Josh
but josh be smexier ;(
((Fixed all the stuffs))

Name? William
(not telling) but my friends call me Will

Age? Sure why not 13 turning 14

Country: Canada eh

Hobbies: video games, art (I suck,) and I play tuba and trombone

Sports I have a green belt in K.U (( karate))

Music? Psh I play music I really don't know

Anything extra to add? I guess I have a somewhat high pain tolorence oh and I have crohns so yeah that's a me
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Name: Jacob (Yes, just Jacob)
Age: 14
Country: America, home of the hamburger
Hobbies: Drawing, pacing around my couch, procrastination, Reading
Sport?: Taekwondo / boxing
Music?: Anything, I guess
Special Talent/s?: I can knock someone out cold in a single, well placed, punch
Anything extra to share?: As an American, I believe that the humble pineapple should be weaponized, and used as a weapon of mass destruction that will strike fear into everyone. All hail the almighty pineapple!
Name: James
Age: I am 16 going on 17....
Country: USA
Hobbies: Drawing occasionally, hunting, camping, gaming, singing (I'm a base in my high school concert chior) airsoft, archery, sports, reading, I think thats all.
Sport?: I play varsity American football and track.
Music?: hmmmm..... 30 seconds to mars, disturbed , linkin park, Coldplay, Gorillaz, Mumford and sons, all American rejects, there's a lot.
Special Talent/s?: I seem to be exceptionally good with accuracy, I'm an excellent shot with both guns and bows...or so I've been told.
Anything extra to share?: My current last name can't seem to be found in any name databases in America..... So that's always nice I guess.
Name: Senne
Age: 15
Country: Belgium
Hobbies: MineCraft, Working in the garden, maybe Fishing, haven't tried it out yet, but it looks fun.
Sport?: Uhhmmm, none... XD
Music?: Metal
Special Talent/s?: I forgive people quiet fast, maybe too fast in some cases. And if I'm very pissed and I find some place where I can be alone, I get very quickly calm.
Anything extra to share?: Schnitzle
Name: Phon(Pon, mind you)
Age: 17
Country: Thailand
Hobbies: Gaming
Sport?: If yes it's football and badminton
Music?: Any
Special Talent/s?: Yeeahhh nothing. But fluent at english
Anything extra to share?: T'is a gay bar gay bar gay gar!
Name: Owen (not disclosing surname)
Age: 12
Country: Australia
Hobbies: Acting, Gaming, Soccer, Basketball and hanging out with friends
Sport?: Soccer and Basketball
Music?: Dubstep and Rap
Special Talent/s?: Acting is the 1# thing in life that I am superior for my age in. I have been acting since I was 5
Name: Jared Ma- nope...
Age: 13
Country: 'Murica! (party)
Hobbies: Minecraft, Xbox, hanging out with friends
Sport?: Football Nah I'm terrible at sports (shake)
Music?: Pretty much everything except rap xD
Special Talents?: Acting, singing (kinda), etc.
Anything extra to share?: Not really :^)

The necro on this thread tho...
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*update* I tend to babble and ramble and many of the things I do, i regret 24 hours later