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The Imperial Master Of Prowess Breothric Decree: A Bit Of Friendly Competition


JayP's buddy
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
The great North

On this day, The 30th of May 309 A.C, The Imperial Master of Prowess Breothric releases this announcement

On The Imperial Betting Society
The Imperial Betting Society will serve as a form of peaceful and healthy competition between houses and individuals.
This society will allow any member of the peerage to issue a challenge to another member, if they have probable cause.
Once such a duel has been issued and accepted, the Imperial Master of Prowess Breothric, The Imperial Mistress of Conduces Grand Duchess Milena Cadieux and the Imperial Master of Celebrations Duke Florian Peirgarten, will oversee a duel between either the parties of the wager, or the champions they choose to elect.

Wagers should also be of note. Issuing a challenge over meek sums of money, or worthless rubble will show that the issuing party is either a cheapskate, or so insecure in their, or their champion's abilities that they do not dare wager properly. Wagering a larger amount of regals is the standard wager, but other wagers might be accepted, including but not exclusive to: Favors, important relics, etc.

The duels will be between mundane fighters, and will be strictly overseen so that the champions fight honorably. There will be no tolerance for vagabonds, smack talking, excessive violence or, under no circumstances, magic.

The proper conduces of the betting system will be overseen personally by the Mistress of Conduces, to ensure that it stays strictly within court protocol.


On the reformation of The Imperial Adventurers League
The Imperial Master of Prowess and the Imperial Master of Celebrations is proud to bring back the Imperial Adventurers League, in all its glory! The league will serve as a platform for noble members of the peerage, as well as their accompanying respected commoner companions to go on grand scale adventures around the archipelago.

This League will function much like any smaller adventurer's notice board would, but at a much grander scale. Requests will be given to the Imperial Master of Prowess Breothric, either for a party of adventurers to survey a peculiar farm, or for groups of people proficient in diplomacy to broker a deal between two warring factions, then those requests will be put out on an official notice board. These notices will contain information regarding the threat-level of the quest, as well as the location, a short explanation, how many are needed, and any information regarding who will receive preference in getting the job.

Once the quest is up, groups of adventurers, usually funded either by an organization, or a noble house head, will then embark on said adventure, and once they return to make a report, will receive whatever rewards await them (usually a hefty dose of prestige, but trophies gathered from the sites, or other such favors are also possible).

The Adventurer's league will not be publishing quests often, so it is important to, if the quests interests you, to sign up for it once it goes up.


Imperial Master of Prowess


Duke of Elane
Imperial Master of Celebrations


Grand Duchess of Vixhall & la Coutance,
Protectress of the Ivrae Crownlands,
Outreach Manager of the Alms Ministry,
Ambassador of the Foreign Ministry.


On the Imperial Betting Society
  • You will be able to legally issue, accept and partake in betting through the Imperial Court.
  • The betting will be over a one on one duel, with strict parameters for legality.
On the Imperial Adventurers League
  • For those hungry for some dm'd quest rp, once or twice a month i will issue a sign up thread for a dm'd event.
  • These will mainly be geared towards nobility, but any respected commoner backed by an organization or house is free to sign up with their own party.
  • Since these will take some time to write up, and will, at the very least, require some decorative work for the venues, these will not be held often, so it is important to sign up if you feel like you'd enjoy them.