Age:23 ( Olllllld D: )
Country:United States
Hobbies:Singing, drawing, writing, snowboarding, video games, and sleeping <3
Sport?:Bah, not really talented at them, but I love to play softball/baseball and volleyball
Music?:80's metal, all the way! I also love Avenged Sevenfold, Halestorm, and pretty much any classic rock. Oldies are great too :3
Special Talent/s?:I can lick my elbow, but really only my left Hrm... I can also pick up nearly anything with my toes.
Anything extra to share?:I'm a waitress at Applebee's and I work at the local ski resort during the winter season; I'm also going to accompany my brother and his band this summer when they leave to go on tour (I'm da merch gurl). I don't have any tattoos, but I want to eventually give tattooing a shot-- I feel like I may be artistic enough to be good at it